THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OgON.: SATURDAY; EEB. 241945 PAGE EIGHT - " , - 1 "V 1 ' , VA Trading Lightens; Stocks Irregular By Elmer O. Walzer - - (United Pre Finariial Editor) New York, Feb. 24 (IP) Trading lightened and prices moved irreff ularly in the short session on the stock market today. Most Issues moved narrowly around the previous close while selective operations in a handful of shares brought gains of as much as 5 points in Wright Aero and losses running to 4 points in Penn Dixie Cement preferred which made a new low nt 64. There was little In the news to affect prices. Market operators moved cautiously in view of the uncertainties over the week-end and most of them conducted noth ing more than routine operations. . Leading steel issues eased frac tionally. A. M. Byers preferred made a new high at 99'4, up 1V4 points. Profit-taking came into the non-ferrous metals that re cently had wide gains. American Smelting, one of these, lost more thaYi a point. Calluhan Zinc equalled its high. Calumet & Ilncla lost a full point on action of directors in halving the, divi dend. ' Missouri -Kansa s-Texas pre ferred gained more than a point to a new high and Norfolk & Western rose a point in an other wise narrowly Irregular railroad section. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 24 UP Livestock for week: cattle 240, , calves 275. Compared to week ago, market strong to 25c higher, many dairy type cows 50c up. Bulls and vealers fully 50c higher; good fed steers $15.00-16.25. Common to medium $11.00 14.50; heifers $10.- 00-13.50. Good fed heifers $14.25- 15.15. Few head $15.50 and load $15.65; cannercutter cows largely $7.00-9.50. Shells down to $6.00 and under: fat dairy typo $10.00-11.00, few above; medium -good beef cows $10.50-13.00; bulls $10.50- 12.50, few to $13.00. One head to $13.50. Good-choice venters $14.00 15.50. Few $16.00. Heifers, bulls and vealers at new high for sea son. Hogs 1180. Unchanged on 170 to 270 lbs at $15.75, the celling. Other weights and sows 25c and more higher; light lights and above 270 lbs. largely $15.00; good sows $15.50-15.00; good -choice feeder pigs largely $16.25-16.50, extreme top $17.00. New high. Good stags $12.00-12.50, few $13.00. Sheep 425. Top 25c hlghqr on fat lambs and 50c up on ewes but quality Improved. Good-choice wooled lambs $15.00-15.50, No. 1 pelt shorn lambs to $14.75; com mon down to $11.00, culls down to $9.00. Good ewes $7.50, one good to choice 180 lb. lot $8.00, new re cent high. Cull ewes down to $4.00. BOSTON WOOL Boston, Feb. 24 (IB Activity in domestic wools continued slow this week, the war food adminis tration reported today In its weekly wool review. Fleece Hth comprised the bulk of activity. Heavy deliveries con tinued to be asked for purchases made last December. Foreign wools also were slow because of the lack of spot offerings. Prices on South American wools with definite delivery dates were slightly higher while prices In the primary markets eased According to the United States department of agriculture, es tlmiitos of the 1944-45 Australian department of agriculture, esti mates of the 1944-45 Australian wool clip may have to be further revised downward beyond the 10 per cent decrease over the clip of the previous year, if the serious drought in Australia continues. Buy National- War Bonds Nowt iiiinnaiiiiBiiiiiiiiaBBiiaini Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 135 Oregon mm Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Ught Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Elecfric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. Scare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Adf jl . . Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85o 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All winta Tr It mii It f ' Ui On month run. Mi eopr, ft day nt Minimum IMWi M LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o ClualfM vU..rIUInl, Cu In Advau Hall ClMtn TUaa llilO F. at. BEND IXDGE, NO. 128 1. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALL TWO LADY'S slack suits, 2 piece wool black suit, black dress, small check suit, gold wool dress with pleated skirt, excellent qual ity and condition. Sizes 12 to 16. 1425 E. 3rd. Phone 745-J. BROODER STOVES and parts- Electric, oil, briquet. Baker ieea Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 20 19 C.O.I.. large house, cis. ipi-n outbuildings, good garaen spot, pasture, fenced. $2300, $1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE LARGE span of mules well broke and gentle, i-none M-r -o or see Everett Donahue, Carroll Acres. TWO THREE YEAR old heifers. $150 takes both. Glen Pangburn, Route 1, Box 393. 3 miles Bbuth east Bradetlch Dairy. $3000 BUYS 4 room modern fur nished home on Riverside. $2500 buys 4 room modern furnished home on west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. A NICE HOME: Modern, close to business district, oil heat, 7 nice bedrooms, arranged to rent. This Is a nice Income property. Priced to sell at $10,000. Terms can be arranged. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. CHICK BROODERS, Infra red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. CURRY COUNTY dairy ranch, 157 acres good soil, 19 good grade cows all fresh soon,, net about $400 month, two sets buildings, creek, some bottom, 101 highway through place. $70uo down, bal ance easy terms. Write P.O. Box 159, Port Orford, Ore. NOW YOU can buy fine chlckf within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon s newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath f ans, uregon. MODERN 2 bedroom home, west side, hardwood floors, new fur nace, line location. $3400. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. YOUNG HEAVY fat hens dressed on order. Also fresh eggs. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney, 1W blocks cast of Standard OH tanks. BRIGGSSTRATTON gas motor in good condition. Also Jersey cow, will freshen about March 15. Rt. 2, Box 170, North Tumalo road. S. L. Hon. COMFORTABLE 4 room plaster ed home, close in. paved street. city sewer. Automatic heat, elec tric water tank, wired for clcctrls range. Basement, garage and some furniture. Call 634-J. FACTORY BUILT home trailer, root. iNeerts new plywood in side, have plywood ordered. Any one handy with tools can make this a nice house. See at 123 First St., Redmond, between 5 and 8 p.m. MODERN HOUSES. 3 lots, 2 bed room plastered, large chicken house. $3000, some terms. West side, 2 bedroom, 3 lots, some fur niture, shower, $1300, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36 VV. Special Choice of POTTED TULIPS Unusually lovely his year! Other Plants Violets Axaleas Cyclamen Begonias Primroses PICKETT Flower Shop & Gardens Phone 530 629 Quimby we teiejrrapn timvers anywhere. If ' : ; - - -- FOB SALE 9 ROOM MODERN: Basement, furnace, laundry trays, large grounds, everything you would desire, including a den. Located in Bend's best residential district. Priced reasonable at $7350. $1000 cash, balance terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 wan St. BABY CHICKS! A few on hand at the store at all time (we hope). Watch them grow! Selling Ma quire's Super-Quality Chicks at no higher prices. New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, ' etc. Place orders for immediate or fu ture delivery. Straight run, Sexed Pullets, also cockerels when avail able. DAY-OLDS, and started chicks up to three weeks of age. Buy with commence, ureen- wood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division. Phone 78 J. GRAIN FED wethers and lambs. Elder ranch, slven miles north on old Dalles-California highway. NEW 22 AUTOMATIC pistol, Hi Standard model B. holster, 500 r6unds Super X ammunition. Cabin 1, Gateway Motel. 2 WHEEL TRAILER, new 600x16 tires and tubes, overload springs, all steel frame, one of the best. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, 8 miles southeast Bend in Arnold District. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, com plete. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. 4 ROOM MODERN: Utility room and garage. Immediate posses sion. $2100 for this newly decorat ed home. Terms. See Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. SEMI-MODERN HOUSES. 3 room near Kenwood school, $900, $300 down, $20 month. On paved street, clean a room, nice yard, $1000, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LLOYD LOOM pre-war baby bug gy. Inquire 1378 Federal. 16 FT. HOUSE trailer. Lots of built-ins Including sink end ice box. Needs repair but handy man can do It. Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto court. GUERNSEY COW and calf, $100. Also Holsteln heifer, $50. l'bed, 1 cot, 1 cook stove. Pine Tree Auto Court, Cabin 1. 2 BEDROOM modern house with good range stove, garage and woodshed. Two blocks from school on west side. Term or cash. 1084 Federal St. 4 ROOM modern house. 2 bed rooms, with kitchen range and cir culating heater. Inquire George's Radio Service or call 900. ONE WADE drag saw in good' condition. Ready to work. Des chutes, near school house. Harvey W. Ridgeway, Route 2, Box 233, Bend. BEDROOM modern houses. West side, only $3500, $1000 down. $40 month. East side, 3 lots, fur nace, paved, $4000, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W.. FOR TRADE IDAHO FARM TO EXCHANGE Located in the Boise Valley, 14 miles Horn Boise, 80 A all irri gated, good 8 room brick house, out buildings, barn for 12 cows, we will exchange this farm for a ranch In Central Oregon. Shelley Real Estate, The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. . FOR RENT 3 ROOM furnished apartments with lights, water and wood fur nished. $25 month. Call at 945 East Second. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or can oiKi-j , 3 ROOM modern furnished house. No children. 875 Roosevelt. 3 ROOM modern house, close In, Inquire Hall's Rudlo Service. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. 'Call at 141 Georgia. Phone fee ' 3 ROOM semi-modern house on Newport. Call at 464 E. Olney. FURNISHED ROOM in private home, good bed, with all home privileges. Suitable for soldier and wife, adults, no pets, tele phone service. Apply 412 River- iront. uiNt;, twu, and three room houses, furnished'wlth water and lights. Close in. not modern. $8.00 $10.00 and $15.00 iior month. Pull i its e.. Irving, rnone 834-W. 2 ROOM furnished house. Garaee I u desired. Knsy distance to mills Apply SJ7 Kivortront. WANTED ' WANT TO BUY one or two fresh mllK goats. Phone 3S4-W after 6 p. m. , FEDERAL AND STATE Income ; tax returns prepared. Twenty years experience. Five years audi tor for Oregon State Corooration Dept. Ten years auditor Oregon i ;mmiu jhx v.ommission. nenry Klcssenbeek, 1107 K. Greenwood Ave., new Pilot Hutte. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios, i George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANTED WANTED TO BUY used range. Call at 34 Lafayette. . gas WILL PAY CASH for electric range, 36" length, electric water heater with capacity of 40 gallons or less, and good vacuum cleaner. Please call at office of Jo Ann Motor Lodge, 161 E. Franklin, or phone 827-W. ; . s CATTLE RANCH near Bend. R. M. Crawford, Downing Hotel. HELP WANTED WOMAN FRY COOK at Pilot Butte Inn. SITUATION WANTED LAMBING JOB, experienced. Call or write 727 Lava Road. USED CARS 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. ,. LEAVING for Hawaii, must sell at once, 1936 seven passenger De Soto, 1933 Ford coupe $150, all good rubber. Call after 7:00 p. m.' 228 Florida, all day Sunday at King's Market. 1930 CHRYSLER 66 sedan, 'good rubber, fine condition. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, 8 miles southeast Bend In Arnold District. LOST WOULD ANYBODY who found a pair of white nurse's oxfords in the business district last Wednes day please call 639-R or leave at Bulletin? SMALL BROWN leather coin purse, Initials J. C. G. Contained small change. Please return purse and keep money. Call 941-J. ONE TRUCK WHEEL with tire, between Deschutes and Redmond. Notify Henry Strixner, Redmond. Phone 3-R-35. Reward. FOUND GOLDEN COCKER Spaniel, fe male with white face. Call 940 or 119. Sawyer-Steiwer Ranch. MISCELLANEOUS CHARIS FOUNDATION and glr dies $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. -Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. - j. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni ture. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner. waxes and polishes. Many styles oi personal Drushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Steldl, Bend. Phone 594. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS farmers. Victory Gardeners want. ing to rent a refrigerated food locker in Bend, write Box 824 care of Bulletin immediately. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bond, Oregon. i-'iione643.- FOR REFRIGERATOR service and repair mall card to 435 Colum-! oia or call bundays or evenings. Jack Donnelly. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with i any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. NA2l TARGETS BOMBED London, Feb. 24 ilP More than 1,600 American warplanes bomb ed oil, rail, and shipping targets across a wide area of northwest ern Germany today. RED RYDER f THAT VOASAGOODV-tv gfi. I ( I OVERFED HlMSELFJtf VVfrSssiiA r . , t i r tt - , - ; : At theTower Sunday You'll get many Laughs m Joan Davis euros detective in the finest murder comedy ever . . . "She Gets Her Man. ' Survivor of Pacific Typhoon Visits in Bend, Tells o f Sform Telling a harrowing tale of the death-dealing typhoon which on December 18 claimed the lives of 813 men and sank three navy de stroyers 200 miles off Luzon in the Philippines, Cornelius Smit, seaman 2c, a surVivor, arrived in Bend today. Smit, whose home is in Vale, was accompanied by fiis father, Gerrit Smith, and is here to visit his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Smit, 408 Georgia avenue. The sailor, who recently arrived in the states, is on a 30-day leave. Prefacing his story with a re mark that "it was a hard way to get a 30-day leave," Smit told how the disastrous blow was pre ceded the day before by a mild, yet quickening wind. He was on the destroyer huh. "In the morning we were lashed to the U.S.S. South Da- kota delivering mail," Smit said. "The gale began to increase. Con-1 stantly the lines between us and the South Dakota were snapped. Orders were given to cast off, .and to head into the storm at iflank speed. At times we were listing from 75 to 80 degrees, and the thing happened when we tolled over in a 90-degree list. ; "I was inside a 40-mlllimeter gun shield on the boat deck, amid ships. The wind was blowing 135 jniles an hour and we couldn't see 10 feet ahead of us. Waves seemed mountain high and the vessel rolled slckeningly. Suddenly a Wave 80 feet high struck us on the 'A-lnch HAND DRILL 2.39 Throe-Jaw. Two pinions. Finest Quality con struction Hat Removofcfa Troy 4.29 BOX TOOL Made of 18 gauge steel. Oreen baked enamol finish. 81-iucb, Has 14" Hickory Handle 119 CLAW HAMMER High quality, drop-forged , steel bead. 16-os. Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 0. YEP. RED. HEISKlNDA TUCKERED OUT VOE D BETTER DOVOM TOR. TH' : ; port beam. Over we went on our side. "I clung to an ammunition bucket in the gun shield, and saw the Hull start to go down. It re mained afloat only above five minutes, and I had swung up onto the shell just as the boat disap peared beneath a mountainous wave, sinking stern first. "The terrific wind blew me off the shell, and like Providence was handling the thing, landed me right in the center of a floater life raft. "First the wind snapped the lashings on the raft like strings, hurling the water kegs crazily through the air. Then I .was blown off. I was wearing a' life jacket, but the strong suction dragged me under the water as (deep as 50 feet, and I drank a horrible mixture of sea water and oil. After going down three , times I lost the raft. "On coming up the last time, I found myself near a chief phar- macists mate. His chest was crushed. I managed to get him a life jacket. Our chief cook was bouncing around nearby. He had rigged a rope to some sort of a wheel which kept him afloat. "Then Lt. J. D. Sharpe, son of 'Admiral Sharpe, made his way among us. There were seven-in our party by now. And the lieu tenant ordered us to stay to gether, and sort of tried to lead us out of the mess. Worship God In God's Way CHURCH OF CHRIST Galveston and Columbia KBND Daily 4:30 p. m. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 524 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Applianco Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Long Distance Hauling 3EACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household GrMds Movement AROUSE .' RECKON T0UR5ELF, BED HlsS KID-' ITS NIGHT GETTW LATE" . i "Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that the Hull sank at 10 minutes after 12 o'clock noon. We were in the water all told for 20 hours. All that afternoon we were thrown about like eggs, and with nightfall it began to rain in tor rents. We tried to catch the rain water in our mouths, but each time we had a mouthful a great wave would sweep over and all we got to drink was the brine. I Imagine I didn't get any more than a teaspoonful of the sweet rain water! "Through the night we could see two searchlights playing across the big waves. They would surge close, then vanish. When the dawn came we had lost all trace of the vessels trying to re cue us, and we began to lose hope. "The sun came out with a ter rible brightness. It blistered the bottom of my feet as I tried to keep them out of the water' afraid of sharks. My face was blistered by the glare and I be gan to get delirious. I thought I It's Our Job to Keep Your CM RUNNING Thousands of Chevrolet-Brick dealers are doing it, and right from Decem ber 7 the Bend Garage accepted the ' obligation. Our repair department is completely equipped, our workmen trained to do your job according to factory specifications. This is not the time to neglect your car. Drive in, at your convenience for a check-up. Send Garage Co. South of Postoffica Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 143 Greenwood Phone 217 W MONUMENTS R.C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1SS15 Awhrey Rd. Tel. B29-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond at Minnesota Phone 888 " JL -w . I - . " X i is -v7S3IS2rT fugitive fro, justice K AvS,l RTDE R , ENTERS A HOTS U I ' TU-unNVrrX'J ROOM FAR FROtt RiMROCK- : saw houses pretty homes-M I thought I was marriedTJS "Flnnllv T Rnvt nt cnn... of it, and found myself aboard I destroyer escort vessel. We h5 been rescued! This boat hadhS so hard hit by the storm thatS masthead was gone, and It hart , bad list. But it finally road, port." Coroner to Hold Inquest Into 1 9. Tacoma Deaths, Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 24 iipl Coroner Paul Melllnger will hold an inquest into the death o! u persons who lost their lives in i disastrous M a e f a 1 r apartment . , . - - . way. "Im not at all satisfied with th. uivcaiigaijuii as ii nuw Slajld" Melllnger said.' "I intend to (Sj out what caused the heavy im. of life." Baking soda and water clean grease effectively from a waffle Iron. o 'Phone 193 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dt Of the Year DLaiu KAA r nunc Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stock. Stock sold F.OJI. nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone 963 Bend. Orft INSURANCE COMPLETE COVERAGE Life Auto Fire Public Liability Property Damage STATE FARM MUTUAL Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone 81 By FRED HARMAN fc