THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. FRIDAY. FEB. 23.; 1945 PAGE SEVEN b 'Market Steadier Tone By Elmer O. Walter (United rra t'iluuwiu fcrtiwc) New York, Feb. 23 P The stock market developed a steadier tone In the late trading today alter the leading groups had registered declines ranging . to more than a point. Volume, dwindling in the early recession and this Indication that traders were- in no hurry to un load, plus favorable dividend and corporation report Items, aided the the recovery from the lows. General Electrio turned active and moved up to a new high for the year when the. directors moved the annual dividend pay ment to 1.60 a share from 1.40 4 share paid since 1940. Metal ' shares continued to attract at tention. And good buying came into many special issues. Norfolk & Western lost nearly 3 points, a factor that pulled the railroad average down despite gains in many of the leading is sues. Chrysler at its low of 101, ex-dividend, was, off 214 points. It regained, nearly half the toss; Utilities lost slightly on average. Oils held better than other groups and several made new highs on gains ranging to 2 points in Superior Oil of , California. '- PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 23 IIP) Livestock:, cattle is, caives iu. Mnstlv a cleanup market, scat- tered sales steady. Common light steers 10150. Week's top fed steers 16.25. Top heifers 15.65. Best cows 1.1.00. Few cutter cows 8.00-9.50. .Medium-good bulls salable 10.50 ' 13.00; week's extreme top 13.50. Good-choice vealers salable 14.00 , 15.50. Hogs 50. Steady. Few" 200-275 1 lbs. 15.75. Good sows 14.75: light weights 15.00; Good-choice, feeder pigs salable around 16.50; week's extreme top xi.uu. Sheep none. Nominal; Good- choice wooled lambs salable 15,00- 15.50. Good-choice ewes quotable 7.50-8.00. PINE ORDERS GAIN Portland, Ore., Feb: 23 HP Orders for western pine lumber for the week ended Feb. 17 . to taled 57.468.000 feet as compared with 55,173,000 feet for the previ ous week, according to a report today by the Western fine as inflation. . - Shipments totaled 58,239,000 for Rie week as compared with 58,433,- D00 feet for the week beiore. Pro duction was uo to 55,996,000 feet as compared with 52,733,000 for the week previous. f PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 23 ni'i Butter and egg prices were un chanced todav. Butter Cube. 93 score, 42c; 92 score, 42!4c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41Vsc pound. Eees Price to retailers: A A large, 45c; A large, 43c; medium A, 40c; small 36c dozen. A Swedish engineer, using a new harmless method of his own invention which consists of mix ing hydrogen and oxygen, re mained submerged in water for two and a hall hours and reacnea a depth of approximately 360 feet DID YOU EVER SEE SO MANY SUITS? Our Spring catalog is brimful of theml Suits- with the. new feminine details! Classic tailored suits! All priced so reasonably for such high quality and fine tailor ing! Like the Shetland type all wool two-piece outfit for $14.98 with matching coat also at $14.98.' If, you don't have a Montgomery Ward Spring catalog, please ask for one today, see for yourself nj why we're J 71 called. MONTGOMERY WARD fatalnc Office a i i y 11T 1L ferr VIA 5W . rAV ) Spate Classified Rates ' Local Paid in Advanca 28 Words One Time SBc 28 Words Three Ttritea 75o 28 WordsSix Times -.M.8S lute mt ' Om awath ran, MM mn, V i LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c CIWUM jUrenlUnf, tM la Anatm Mil CImIbc TIM UiM f. at. FOB BALL. TWO LADY'S slack suits, 2 piece wool black suit, black dress, small check suit, gold wool dress with pleated skirt, excellent qual ity and condition. Sizes 12 to 16. 1425 E. 3rd. Phone 745J. BROODER STOVES and parts Electrio. oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone lss-x. Redmond, ure. ONE LARGE span of mules well broke and gentle. Phone 34-F-J or see Everett Donahue, Carroll Acres. TWO THREE YEAR old heifers. $150' takes both. Glen Pangburn, Route 1, Box 393. 3 miles south east Bradetich Dairy. $3000 BUYS 4 room modern fur nished home on Riverside. $2500 buys 4 rpom modern furnished nome on west siue. v-. v. ouvis, 118 Oregon. 2 BEDROOM house and 2 large lots, furnished or -unfurnished. 402 Buena Vista, Redmond, Ore gon. ; A NICE HOME: Modern; close to business district, oil heat, 7 nice bedrooms, arranged to rent. This is a nice income property. Priced to sell at $10,000. Terms can be arranged. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St - . CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps, 100 chick size $ complete, uena niiec trie Co., 644 Franklin; CURRY COUNTY dairy ranch, 157 acres good-soil, 19 good grade cows all fresh soon, net about $400- month, two sets buildings, creek, some bottom, 101 highway through place. $7000 down, bal ance easy terms. Write P.O. Box 159, Port Orford, Ore. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write- today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. MODERN 2 bedroom home, west flidoj hardwood floors, new fur nace, fine location. $3400. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Lichtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. ELECTRIC RADIO, dresser, doll trunk, rockers, baby basinette, baby buggy, office chairs, 3 sec tion screen, large mirrors, crutch es, stand tables, ball and socket trailer hitches,, bumper hitches, single cots, gas heater, gas hot plates, gas restaurant griddle, bed steads, kitchen cabinet bases, hot water car heaters, saw vice, 2 kitchen ranges choice $5.00, wood heaters $3.00 to $7.50. leather 'couch, 350 Division. YOUNG HEAVY fat hens dressed on order. Also fresh eggs. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney, 1 blocks east of Standard Oil tanks. BRIGGS-STRATTON gas motor in good condition. Also Jersey cow, will freshen about March 15. Rt. 2, Box 170, North Tumalo road. S. L. Hall. COMFORTABLE 4 room plaster ed home, close in, paved street, city sower. Automatic heat, elec tric water tank, wired for electris range. Basement, garage and some furniture. Call 634-J. $2300 BUYS 4 room modern house, north- side on pavement. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FACTORY BUILT home trailer, 21 foot. Needs new plywood in side, have plywood ordered. Any one handy with tools can- make this a nice house. See at 123 First St., Redmond, between 5 and 8 p.m. Xi- rfl. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Wiring IJgh, Power Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and' Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend. Ore. Articles Can FOR SALE 9 ROOM MODERN: Basement, furnace, laundry trays, large grounds, everything you wouia aesire, including a den. Located in Bend's best residential district. Priced $7350. $1000 cash, balance terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. GRAIN FED wethers and lambs. Elder ranch, siven miles north on old Dalles-California highway. NEW 22 AUTOMATIC pistol; Hfr Standard model B. holster, 500 rounds Super X ammunition. Cabin 1, Gateway Motel. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X. Re mond, Ore. TWO-MAN shearing plant, comt plete. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. m. Phone 112. 4 ROOM MODERN: Utility room Land garage. Immediate posses sion. S21UO lor this newiy decorat ed home. Terms. See Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St.: 16 FT. HOUSE trailer. Lots of built-ins including sink and ice box. Needs repair but handy man can, do it. Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto Court. . . GUERNSEY COW and calf, $100. Also Kolsteln heifer, $50. 1 bed, 1 cot, 1 cook stove. Pine Tree Auto Court, cabin l. 2 BEDROOM modern house with good range stove, garage and woodshed. Two blocks from school on west side. Terms or cash. 1084 Federal St. 4 ROOM modern house. 2 bed rooms, with kitchen range and cir culating heater. Inquire George's Radio Service or call 900. ONE WADE drag saw in good condition. Ready to work. Des chutes, near school house. Harvey W. Ridgeway, Route 2, Box 233, Bend. FOR TRADE IEfAHO FARM TO EXCHANGE Located in the Boise Valley, 14 miles from Boise, 80 A all irri gated, good 8 room brick house, out buildings, barn for 12 cows, we will exchange this farm for a ranch In Central Oregon. Shelley Real Estate, The Dirt Merchant, Redmond, Oregon. FOR RENT 3: ROOM furnished apartments with lights, water and wood fur nished. $25 month. Call at 945 East Second. 4 ROOM unfurnished House, close to' mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Call at 141 Georgia. Phone 766. 3 ROOM modern furnished house. No children. 875 Roosevelt. WANTED CLEAN COTTON rags at The Bulletin office. WANTED TO BUV. good two wheeled trailer. Shady Nook Auto Court, Cabin No. 3. GOOD SMALL rubber-tired tri cycle. Contact the Capitol Shine Parlor. WANTED TO BUY used gas range. Call at 34 Lafayette. FEDERAL AND STATE income tax returns prepared. Twenty years experience. Five years audi tor for Oregon State Corporation Dept. Ten years auditor Oregon State Tax Commission. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E. Greenwood Ave., near Pilot Butte. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St. Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for electric range, 36" length, electric water heater with capacity of 40 gallons or less, and good vacuum cleaner. Please call at office of Jo Ann Motor Lodge, 161 E. Franklin, or phone 827-W. WILL PAY CASH for 300 or 30-30 Savage rifle. Must be in good con dition. Prefer 300 with shells. Call after 5 p. m. Jesse Smith, 421 E. Seward St. TWO-WHEEL TRAILER, daveno and chair, other furniture. Phone 623-R. WANTED CATTLE RANCH near Bend. R. M Crawford, Downing Hotel. HELP WANTED WOMAN FRY COOK at Pilot Butte Inn. dfiw&JtM Syndicate imviumint cemriCATU. suits oni fnm Frhuipml Vmdtnriltr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Loral Representative 217 Oregon Phone 523 Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad THIS CURIOUS WORLD fcgT S ESTIMATE THAT ONLY. M$Sft i ABOUT CWe- JRMVv M4rt B X f OF ALL THE PECIES OF Yfiv 7 f INSECTS IN THE. PACIFIC XLiKTIXU r ft ISLANDSARE KNOWN IFT .''. J ifpU jjfyfa ,-- - Send us an odo to quote S &iiafX(-C2-) f "WHEN YOU TOUCH FIRE A SE30ND, I (, , YOU FEEL IT FOR DAYS," Sspr ytf NIC CONSTANTINO, IT'S AN OFFENSE TO THROW TICKET STUBS ON THE STREET SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN wants work. Just discharged from service. Good worker. Contact Gene Logan, Westonia Apts. I.AMRINf; JOB.'exnerienced. Call or write 727 Lava Road. USED CARS 1940 FORD pickup. Call at D-D Club after 3 p. .m. Phone 112. LEAVING for Hawaii, must sell at once, 1936 seven passenger De Soto, 1933 Ford cbupe $150, all good rubber. Call after 7:00 p. m. 228 Florida, all day Sunday at King's Market. LOST VICINITY of Pilot Butte Inn, black zipper notebook containing papers valuable to owner. Return papers to Pilot Butte Inn or High School and keep notebook. WOULD ANYBODY who found a pair of white nurse's oxfords in the business district last Wednes-' day please call 639-R or leave at Bulletin? SMALL BROWN slcather coin purse, initials 'J. C.'G. Contained small change. Please return purse and keep money. Call 941-J. ONE DUMP BODY tail gatd be tween Tumalo and Chemult. No tify Bend Bulletin No. 757. , MISCELLANEOUS CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. MRS. A. BALLANTYNE will open up a millinery shoppe Saturuay, Feb. 24, In her home at 447 New port Avenue. Hours 9:30 a. m. to b p. m. She has a complete line ol stock, smart, exclusive, and will cost you less. Will be glad to serve all my old friends and meet new ones. HOOVER VACUUM cleaner serv ice. Complete stock of parts. Sole agents. Bend Furniture Company. MAYTAG REPAIR service Gen uine parts. Factory trained. Elmer ; Hudson, formerly at Bend Furni-' turc. Phono 274. 431 Kansas. NOTICE: We have buyers for : town and urban property. List 1 your property with us for quick ; sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wail. i SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of- personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Stcidl, Bend. Phone 591 RED RYDER BB THUNDER NO, LITTLE BEAVER A 1' I- NOT FOR IOH&' WHEN 1 fv ' BETCHLV AUfYVY ( GOOD OL' VoOM'T QOOTW mcI TTTTn Vj I MX6tESS HER HEART .V- 0&X& I -i i M 7 J 1 . I I ' MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg;, or Box 164, Bend. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave, Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. FOR REFRIGERATOR service and repair mall card to 435 Colum bia or call Sundays or evenings. Jack Donnelly. - . INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays: for your convenience. Hi. T. Merrltt, 202 Thurston. . JUST ARRIVED! HARDY EVERGREEN SHRUBS. 10 Varieties AT.WOOLWORTH'S ...., PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS- can be made any size you desire,, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 'CHUTIST' JUST HELICOPTER . Gary, Ind. Ui A- five-hour search for a mysterious para chutist who might be a saboteur in Gary's steel industry ended when authorities found that a woman crane operator had seen a low-flying helicopter against a cloudy sky. ftobm Hood Up-To-Datml Complete) AIM IIIvHV SET 4.95 Good aqnipmant Is half tha - game I Bat contains bow, - fonr arrows, arm guard, finger tab, target and book. Houk-Van Allen Tit st on Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. . Phone 860 Women Injured InCar Crackup '. Salem, Ore., Feb. 23 uR Two women were in Salem hospitals today following a two-car crackup on the Pacific highway just north of Salem last night. They were Mrs. - C. E. Harrison, Oswego, and Mrs, Edith Kiecker, Portland. The two women were riding In the same car, when it struck a car driven by Vernon Clementson, Portland. Both cars were badly damaged. Both women suffered leg in juries, but Clementson escaped unhurt. . Nevin Alderman Buys Into Paper Nevin Alderman, tormer mem ber of The Bulletin's mechanical force, is one of the new owners of the Milton Eagle, published at Milton-Freewater,. it . has been learned here. Alderman -and Charles Wheeler have purchased the papec from Ifrank Wheeler, editor of the Eagle for many years and' father of one of the new owners; Alderman has been associated with a motor company in Milton Freewater. Frank Wheeler will continue with the Eagle for a time, but plans to retire soon. Five Day Forecast lilNUMRI Five-day forecast ending Tues day night: Oregon and Washington west of Cascades:- Intermittent light rain. Normal temperatures. Idaho, Oregon and Washington east of Cascades: Intermittent light rains or snow, except south east Idaho, first of week, and throughout district tnereatter. Temperatures slightly above nor mal or at normal. QUICK ON THE TRIGGER Marion, Ind. R The drastic bacon shortage recently even bothered nurses, as was Indicated when the technician was taking down the usual case history of Mrs. Leighton Leapley. After Mrs. Leapley answered ail tne Questions, such as age, birth place, parents' names, etc., she .was asked "Husband's occupa tion." The patient answerea "grocer," and the nurse immedi ately asked, "Has he got any bacon?" Largely because of fuel short- Lages several European countries are developing tneir natural gas deposits; these include-Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy, and to a lesser extent, France, the low countries and Switzerland. Certain quantities of war-essential nltro-cellulose were obtained by Germany from a neutral coun try that was importing huge quantities of a manicuring- prep aration containing this material from the allies. Many people urgently need dependable wartime transportation. If your car is not vital to you now, sell it for a good cash price, put the money into bonds for a new car later. WE WANT 20 CARS Drive in for an appraisal no obligation. W. B. 1173 Wall Street Soviet Officer Talks fo Mayor's Secretary i Moscow. Feb. 23 (IB The gov ernment newspaper Izvestia swears it actually nappenea a German-speaking Russian officer talked with the secretary of the mayor of Berlin by telephone. The Russian end of the conver sation took place in the telephone exchange of a town captured in tact by the red army. The Soviets had entered the town before dawn and when the people awakened they were bewlluered by the sight of Russian troops. Walking into the telephone ex change, Russian officers found efficient girl telephone operators still at work, unaware the Soviets were in town. One of the officers, a Major Sereeyev, spoke excel lent German. He ordered one of the girls to place a call to the mayor of Berlin. "Berlin speaking," said the op erator at the other end of the line. "What number do you yant?" . "Connect me with the mayor.' "Just a second." "Hello, this is the mayor's sec retary, zatzbacn speaKing. : "Herr Burgomeister, please,' the Russian officer said. "Herr Burgomeister Is absent," Announcing THE APPOINTMENT OF EUGENE W. BUCKNUM 1054 Bond St. as District Manager fer the FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTER INSURANCE EXCHANGE '. ... . .') TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE He It prepared1 to furnish complete information' about our ' "Continuing Form," ' National Standard Non-assettabla ' Automobile and Truck Insurance policies. ' v5 MMm ill m y Write, Anderson Nash Co. Calls Berlin, : the secretary replied. "What can I do for you?" - "Okay, riispeak to you," saia i Sergeyev. "How are things?" "wnos speakingT" "The mayor of town 'N.' " "Well, things are so so. r think " they are quite near. How are things in N'?" "t ine. The Soviets captured the ' town an hour ago." . . , "That's a stupid' joke. I am go ing to complain to the burgo-: meister." . , "You complain to Hitler." "Who is speaking?" "A soviet officer. See you soon. A We will continue the conversation i in person. See you soon, Herr Zalzbach." EVERY MINUTE HAPPY '; Sweetwater, Tex. nw Chief ' Commissary Steward Brooks, sta tioned with the navy overseas ; had a lot to tell his wife in Sweet- water. He must have had' a lot to tell her, because it took him' four , feet ot paper to get down what . he wanted to say and it took her three hours and 10' minutes to, read the tome. i Fire Insurance Exchange writes a Stand ord Form Fire Insurance policy tor dwel lings, household furniture and' personal: effects. telephone or call in person for compters imormaTion. Complete Auto REPAIR Service Lubrication Tire Service Tires - Batteries Towing Phone 700 By FRED HARMAN 812 Wall Phone 970 - i .. .. I.