PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEB, 23, 1945 Jobless Benefits Changes Sought By Oregon Solons Salem, Ore., Feb. 23 HP) Com promise legislation to liberalize Oregon's jobless benefits law went to the floor of the senate today with approval of the labor and Industries committee. Main points in the compromise (SB78) were raising the maxi mum benefits from $15 to $18 weekly, extending the benefit per iod from 16 to 20 weeks, raising the percentage of the base period to be paid weekly from G to 7 per cent, ana increasing tne toiai 10 be paid from one-sixth the base period earnings ( 13 weeks) to one fifth. Labor groups sought even greater benefits, including $25 weekly, 26 weeks duration, 10 per cent per week, and one-third the total base period. Minimum Unchanged The $10 weekly minimum re mains unchanged and committee men felt employment was not ex pected to sag enough In the next two years to have much effect on Oregon's $67,000,000 reserve. The committee also tabled In definitely a proposed little Wag ner act for Oregon (SB179). Ap proved was a bill guaranteeing paual rights for women workers (SB239) for performing an equal omount and quality of labor under like circumstances for a private employer. The senate was expected to con firm minor amendments to the fish commission bill passed yes terday In the house. The commis sion would be placed on an appro priation basis under the bill (SB S9.) A bill to build a psvehiatric hos pital in Multnomah county, de feated Wednesday, was reconsid ered by the senate and sent back to committee for amendment to Include the estimated cost. Would Iteneal Law A resolution went to senate committee repealing the constltu ' tional provision preventing Chi nese from holding land or mining claims in Oregon. The people would vote In 1946 on the chance to a provision in the original 1859 constitution. . Both houses speeded up as the final payday Monday drew near. Another two weeks of free serv ice appeared inevitable to adjourn the session. Committees began killing or passing bottled-up bills and calen ders mushroomed for the first time this session. Major issues still In committee, however, in cluded Honor, dairying, the budg et, school taxes, veterans admin istration, and reapportionment of the senate if moves are carried out as expected. One educational bill sent out of committee today was the house approved measure raising the compulsory school attendance age to 16 years or graduation from high school. It carried "do pass" action of the senate education committee. , jBDTmiuiiniuuiifmuiuuJuiii'iiniiniaitiiiui Mrs. America Meets the War iiiHiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnn. Bride or Brig, Says Flier Electronic power heating and some of the new adheslves will be applied to glued wood construc tion after the war and will make household furniture stronger, more durable and less costly. Have you written down the ex piration dates on the backs of the red and blue stamps in y.our ra tion books? You'd be surprised how much it will simplify your point BUUgeiing, ana mariwuiiR, Vmi Lrnnur ,r mnrsp. thnt all food stamps now are good for only a limited penoa. wnen wit? nnnMinmmnnt ic mflp ftf the Vali dation of new stamps, the expira tions dates are aiso given, ome stamps, good for buying proc essed foods, and red stamps, for meats and fats, are good for four months. The new sugar stamp No. 35 is also good for four months. For the winter sports-loving family there is the promise of lower-priced fall and winter util ity outerwear in a few months. A new regulation now governs maniirnhirnrc1 nrires of leather coats, jackets, ski and skating suits, hunting ana iisning ciouit-a, wool mackinaws and other sports tnna Hnctfiniwl 1lV tllP PrPflt OUt- iu63 o- doors. By late spring, more lower priced garments should be avail able in the stores, and OPA plans to pass price rcuuciiuns uh vj you. Now's the time to visit the shoe store if you're looking for a pair of shoes to buy without spending a shoe stamp. Starting February 19, a certain percentage of a deal er's stock mav be sold ration-free. This "holiday" will give the shoe merchant an opportunity to ciear his shelves of odds and ends and broken sizes. And, it will give Mr. and Mrs. America some extra shoe mileage. Remember, though, that the celling prices for these shoes is 25 per cent less than the "regular" price, If they are from the store's own stock. Shoes bought ration-free from another dealer can be priced only one third more than the price paid him. Advertisements of these ra tion-free shoes will carry the no tation. "OPA odd lot release . . . Ration-free from February 19, 1945, to March 3, 1945, Inclusive." www Car owners, take note. ... In order to get supplemental gaso line, you must have your mileage rationing record. It was given to you when you got your new "A" book. If you've lost or destroyed it, go to your local board right away and get a new one. Remem ber, no "B" or "C" rations can be Issued to you without this record. And while you're thinking about gasoline rations, check to see it all your coupons are endorsed. If you haven t written your automo bile license number across the face- of the coupons, do It right away, uont oc a party to tne black market. Here's a case where being smaller-than-average size has Its advantages for Mrs. America and Junior. The army is turning over to civilians 75,000 pairs of winter- weight flannelette pajamas In small sizes only, aacn pair win have a tag with the celling price right on It. This price will be either $2.80 or $3, depending on whether the store bought them direct from treasury procurement or through their wholesaler. Army needs for canned chicken and turkey for use In hospitals, I...I..U H...H. I. .. R"mHCTniiiiMi PENTECOSTAL MISSION (21S Ulnttlt atreet) Harriet B. Marliar- Paslor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morn- Bible ctudy, Wednesday evening, 7:45. rmmc.w r,F riTRIST iMorwr haii. Gaiwton and Columbia) inff worship. 11 a. m. Broadcast, D. E..swtt, Minister I5a5 p. m. over KBND. Young Sunday services: Bible study, people's service, 7 p. m. Evange- 10-00 a. m.; Preaching, ll:oo a. llstlc service, 8 p.m. xoung peouira m : Young Peoples meeting, 7:00 1 meeting Tuesday night. Wednes p m.; Preaching, 8:00 p. m. day, 8 p. m., prayer meeting. Frl- uay, evHiijgtMioiiu kitivc, o t. .... Saturday, children's church, 10 a. m. at 1414 rresno. aaturaay, street service, 7:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST (Irvine; and Cretan streets) Rer. Kenneth A. Tobias Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11 o'clock (broadcast over KBND). B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Wednesday prayer service at 7:30. FIRST CHRISTIAN Fourth street at Newport avenue) W. I. Palmer. Pastar Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Prayer service, 7:45 Wednesday, followed by choir re hearsal at 8:30. fNRA Teleahoto) i iputonant Clvde Monaghan, 30-year-old Navy pilot, pictured with hta HLfcJSS" bride! Nancy. In a divorce suit filed In San Francisco, the Navy flyer says wife of his commanding officer at Georgia airfield offered him Choice of marrying Nancy or lacing courtmartlaL Now Je wants his freedom. , army field rations and for ship ment overseas is tne reason De hind the war food administration order requiring all poultry canned after Feb. 14 to De set asiae ior the armed forces. This means no more canned turkey or chicken- Including chicken soup, cnicnen a la king, etc. for Mrs. America until the order is mieu. Potato Growers To Enforce Ban Potato growers of Central Ore gon are firm in their determina tion to enforce the quarantine against ring rot, it developed to day following a meeting of grow ers in Redmond. The sessions were conducted by Frank MqKin non, chief of the division of plant. Industry, department of agricul ture, and Ben Davidson, federal state shipping point inspector. The growers decreed that no outside potatoes could come into the district unless tney are eye indexed or tuber-united seed of foundation type slock. Specifica tions for such seed potatoes must meet the Oregon state require ments, it was said.. Church Announcements ASSEMBLY OF GOD (2nd and Greenwood) Rer. L. H. Sheet!. Mlnliler Sunday Services: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Devotional service 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Mid-week Service Friday, 7:45 p. m.t regular preaching ser vice. Radio broadcast, Thursdays 1 to 1:30 p. m. over KBND. Rev. Sheets and his eight year old daughter, Roma Jeanne, will be in charge of the broacasts. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE (620 Lava Road) , .William Schwab, Pallor Sunday school, 9:45; mom Ing worship, 11 o clock; young people's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evan gelistic, service, 7:30 p. m.; Bible study and prayer, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST (1661 West Firat atreet) Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Sunday service, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting, 8 o'clock. Reading room in room 3, McKay Bldg., open to public from 1:30 p. m. to 4 p. m., daily except Sundays and holi days. An analysis of the air ship ments shows that machinery and hardware comprise 23 per cent of per cent, store merchandise 13 pep cent, valuables 8 per cent, motor parts 4 per cent, films 4 per cent all shipments, printed matter 15 and Jewelry 9 per cent. PRESBYTERIAN (Westminster Orthodox) (Newport avenue and Drake road) Robert B. Nicholas, Minister Bible school. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Intermediate and senior Machen league 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.. prayer meeting nd Bible study. PILGRIM Geerte Banka. Paitor (1316 Albany) - Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Young peo ple's hour, 6:30 p. m. Evangelist service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. FIRST LUTHERAN (St. Helena place and Idaho) Horrla A. Thompson. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45. Worship service. 11 a. m. Luther league meets second and fourth Sundays at 5 p. m. Ladies aid, first and third Thursdays, 2:30 o'clock. L D. R., third Wednesday, 7:30, In homes. FIRST METHODIST (Bond and Louisiana) Rer. Robert Mcllfenna, Pastor Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Church school and fel lowship, 9:45 a. m., and 6:30 p. m. Mid-week services, 7:30 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (Corner Harriman and Franklin) R. H. Prentice, Minister Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Youth meeting at 6. Tuesday poetry and organ medt tation broadcast at 1. Bible study Wednesday at 10 a. m. at the Lin ton home. Youtn cnoir practice Saturday morning at 10. Services at Redmond at 9 Sunday morning and at Tumalo 2:30 each Sunday afternoon. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (HoVriman and Franklin) Warns Serlben, Pastor - Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Pray er meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Head of Wall street) Rev. Georfa R. V. Bolster, Heeler Holv Communion each Sunday at 8 a. m., except first Sunday at 11 a. m. onlv. and each Wednes day, with Intercession for Allied forces at 10 a. m. Morning prayer each Sunday at ll a. m. cnurcn school each Sunday, Senior, 10 a. m.; Junior, 10:45 a. m. Young People's Fellowship each Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bap tlsms, weddings and other ser vices by arrangement with the rector. TRINITY LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) (Galveston and Federal) Donald W. Hlnricha. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wor ship, 11 a. m. .JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Kingdom hall, south of Bend, near canal) Watchtower study Sunday 8 p. m.; Bible book study Wednesday, 8 p. m.; service meeting Friday, 7:45. . . , J PHONE 466 Saturday and Monday Feb. 24 26 Eggs, grade A large ..... .doz. 35c Tomato Soup (Campbells) 3 for 27c Kraut, good quality quart 15c Marmalade. S&W 2 lb. jar 39c Wax Paper ...125 ft. roll 19c SPRY Shortening 1 lb. jar 26c LUX Flukes Ige. pkg. 25c Rinso Ige. pkg. 23c Swan Soap 4 med. bars 25c Lifebuoy or Lux Soap . . . .3 bars 20c Post Toasties 3 pkgs. 17c Rome Beauty Apples 3 lbs. 29c Carrots 2 bunches 19c jSr5Plii1 . Swam Down !,. '. W I Bisquick Cake g I, Si (1m nfcn 33e Flour Jl'Hl I M P q Pkg. 25c Red Cross Plans Portland Session A next-of-kin meeting will be hel at the civic auditorium In Port land at 2 p.m. Monday by 12 for mer prisoners of the Japanese and Germans, accompanied by army officers. The meeting is under the auspices of the Red Cross and ull next-of-kin, are invited to attend. The meeting is also open to the public, Mrs. R. -W. Heming way, executive secretary, of the Deschutes chapter of the Hed Cross, has been informed. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE (1745 East First street) Raymond B. Kiel, Pastor Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Wor ship service, 11 o'clock. Junior church, 11 o'clock. Y. P. meeting, 6:45. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30. Pentachlorphenol is a compara tively new wood preservative and is used lnstend of creosote in solu tion in petroleum; it is practically insoluble in water and leaves the surface of the wood clean. CATHOLIC (Franklin and Lava) Rev. Edmund Hrland, Rector Sunday services, 7:30, 9 and 11 a. m. Masses on week days, 8 a. m. LATTER DAY SAINTS (Corner Hill and Irvine it reels) Carl Powell, President Sunday school, Sunday, 10 a. it. Sacrament meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Fireside chat, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Relief society, Tuesday, 2 p. m. primary, mursaay, p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST (East Greenwood) Elder L. U. Boswell Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening message. 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 7:45 p. m. Radio sermon, KBND, Sunday, 12:30 to 1 p. m, Genuine Personal Interest in time of bereavement. Turn to us for understand ing advice and help. The last thing you want is responsi bility and we assume it with your best interests always in mind. ft FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118 Niswonger and . Winslow Morticians CHURCH OF GOD Corner W. Twelfth street and Fresno Ave. Rev. Fred R. Decker, Minister Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting and Wolverine fur Is highly prized in Alaska, not alone because of, its scarcity, but because It will not ice up from the breath as other furs do, and therefore is used to line parka hoods next to thr face. Tune in Sundays the Old Fashioned Revival Hour KBND 10-11 p.m. Inlernsllonsl Gospel Uroadcast Charles E. Fuller, Director SUGAR AND SPfCE AND EVERYTHNG NCE THAT 'S WHAT MV MEAT SAUCE is-smade or: SHAKE WELL a difference! CIMCCT HUNT FOR THE I IliLu I and you can find the F I N E S T at your grocer's it's Keef's 5-Star Bale Rite Loaf. 4W xc-.."fir FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS FROM CENTRAL OREGON'S MOST MODERN BAKERY "THE MAN WHO RODE TO HELL ON A MULE" ' Arcusing Interesting Awakening "You will net soon forget It." Sunday Night 7:45 Assembly of God Church 2nd at Greenwood . li. H. Sheets . "The gilt-edge cost will . 1 . ' probably collect an Oscar . M'vS' 1 or two for some first-rate ivie Jr 1 performances..." ' tiffi I I soy David O. SEizNia prtienti Mi flrtt production tlnct "GONE WITH THE WIND" ond "REBECCA" "SinceYou Went Away" i( tlonlna the grsolott oll-itor colt on Ids tereen 1c GLAUDETTE COLBERT JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN SKY WIE MQHTY WOOLLEY LIONEL BAMIORE ROBERT WALKER ,DIECTEO BY JOHN CHOMWIU- lhWod m IMMd Anim CAPITOL Cont. Sunday from 12:15' Wed. SUN. Mon. Tue.- Feb. 25-6-7-8 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. 6 p. m. 9 p. Here's Where to Go for fun--for entertainment to sootne war- weary nerves for fine foods and needed relaxation. Dine and Dance 9 Fried Chicken Dinners Sandwiches Glen Vista Club 3'2 Miles North on Bend-McKenzie Highway Phone 777-W DANCING NIGHTLY Orchestra Saturdays POLLY'S CAFE Open All Nite Breakfast Orders Served 24 Hours a Day Good Coffee Fine Foods Good Service FOUNTAIN Luncheons Sandwiches Home Made Pies OPEN EVERY DAY ' "Til 10 p. m. The Dairy Store 135 Minnesota LYDICK'S RECREATION Geo. E. Lydiclc, Prop. Formerly Leedy's Recreation REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks Candies Beer Newspapers Magazines Cigers Pipes Tobaccos BILLIARDS Newly Refinished Tables Good Equipment Pocket Billiards Snooker Try pur Merchants Lunch 50c Hot Meals. Lunches, Sandwiches, I- ountaln Dallv. excent ' , Sunday s kuncn Dorothy Hyaft, Gail Wilson, Mgrs. 1 BOWLING New AJO! . Pins jp Perfect Alleys Dally 6 p. m. lo Midnight Sat. and Sun. I p. m. to Midnight CAPITOL "THE BEST IN ENTERTAIN MENT AL WAYS!" Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. I TOWER ALWAYS 2 HITS Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. Is, "