WMM MEM BULLETM SPORTS GENERAL NEWS ' SECTION TWO CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER Volume LIU THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1945 NO. 67 Combine Quintet Is Again Victor In League Action Church League Standings uTeam W L Pet. 'combine 8 0 1000 .750 .750 .625 .625 Episcopal 6 2 Methodist 6 Nazarene Christian ...... Catholic Lutheran Baptist First Preby.. West. .. 5 .. 5 .4 .3 .. 3 .1 . 1 .500 .375 ..375 .125 .125 TUESDAY SCORES At AUen Cathollcc 19, Lutheran 17. Christian 38, West. Presby. 18. At High School Combine 43, Episcopal 8. Nazarene 30, Baptist 10. Methodist 23, First Presby. 14 The eagle-eyed Combine quin tet of the Bend Church . league won its eighth straight game in circuit action this week, at -the expense this time of the Episco pal boys. The final score was Combine 44, Episcopal 8. Shef. fold of the winners scored 20 points. Second higest score of the eve . ning was made by the Christian ' team, which won from the West minster Presbyterian boys 38 to 18. Results of the various games follow: . Summary of Games I.uthern (17) (19 Catholic Selkin. (1) F.. Cunningham Adams F. (2) Stenkamp Borgstralh (10) C (2) Eagan Winans (1) G...(3) Stenkamp Dover (5) G.-.(IO) Thatcher Lutheran subs Grunchetz, P. Bergsralh, Benson. Catholicc sub McGahan (2). Christian (38) (18) West Presby. Halligan (6) F (4) Boyd Winters (4) F Henderson B. Sutton (4) ....C.. (2) Cox R. Sutton (16) G... (12) Mowery Moore (4) .G....t Brown Christian subs Nichols, Jef fries, Reinhart (4). West Presby. subs Carroll. 1 Kiel, R (9) F (2) Hocker -nrisienson vi) r is; rowier Weisser (4) C (2) Rose Hawes (2) G..... (2) Ogletree Finley (10) G Burden Nazarene subs Kiel, E. (2) Christenson, A. (3). Methodist (23) (14) First Presby. Allen (1) F... (2) Hogland Johnston, D F (6) Sullivan Webber C. (4) Longballa Johnston (6) ....G Triplett Daron (7) ..... G (2) Hogland Methodist subs Benson (7), Drake, Nicholson (2). Combine (44) (8) Episcopal Samples (4) F... Symons Bushnell F (2) Lusk Maudlin, R. (4) C... (4) Ogletree Sheffold (20) ....G (2) Gilfillan Maudlin (16) :...G.... Kimseyi Episcopal sub Hall. V This spring combine good bus iness sense with the pleas ure of wearing sharp-looking . clothes, by ordering sure-fit, all wool custom tailored suits, ' sports wear, topcoats. All Wool Suits 42.50 up Order NOW for spring, and you'll have a suit that will really please you tailored by Storrs-Schaefer or Ed. V. Price & Co. See our spring samples tomorrow! Suits, Slacks, Topcoats for Women, Too! moody's men s wear 811 Wall Out Our Way r- WHAT ? DON'T VES, I-UH-KNOW, V MY RABBITS. V ' YOU LIKE THAT BUT I FEEL LIKE TOO "YOU rrr-J LETTUCE AND U A GLUTTON) EAT- I KNOW, LIKE Tfn CABBAGE SALAD 7 ING ALL THIS WE LEAVE m I WENT TP ALLTHE A BEAUTIFUL GREEN AJ-ITTLE i tM TROUBLE TO MAKE? STUFF WHEN THE I MEAT ON TH &0 'W "WHY, IT'S eoOP J HORSE HASN'T J BONES FER. J 'jgj ! i' : FOR, YOU - YOU ( HADA BIT OF V TH' DOG A c Jpg V- NEED IT yT'S V GREEN FOOD ALL V ' Iffig ' -' BORN THIRTY YEARS TOO SOOM Z&y-Jffn J Coasting Along in By Hal Wood (United FraM Staff Comapondent) San Francisco, Feb. 22 (U1) Athletes rejected lor. military service can do their country no better service than by participat ing in sports events to build morale for men overseas, Cmdr. Jack Dempsey of the U. S. coast guard declared today. Dempsey, stopping here en- route to an overseas assignment in the Pacific war zones, looked fit as a fiddle and still able to go 20 rounds. Xhe former; world's heavyweight champion said he was unable to divulge his Pacific destination but it was believed he ultimately would like to meet up with an old friend of his Gen. Douglas MacArthur, in the Philip pines. ."I'm a firm believer in continu ing sports in every ' possible phase." Dempsey said. -. I want to see all sports kept going that are possible without hurting the war effort. Use all the 4-F's possible in baseball and other games. I don't like to see an able-bodied man who could be sholdering i a gun playing games . 'But if a man is unable to be in the service, then athletes are, doing their biggest bit toward the war effort by. keeping sports' alive. O Custom-tailoring Means satisfaction in style, quality and fit! Phone 283 the Sport World "If baseball, boxing, track or any other sport can keep going by using 4-F's and non-essentials more power to them." He said the biggest factor in morale among servicemen aboard ship and on foreign fronts was having a current sports topic to mull over, argue and even bet on. "You would have to see it to believe It," he said, "but the way men in the battle zones or aboard ship crowd around re-broadcasts of baseball games, boxing match' es, big racing events and so forth is really something' that makes my heart swell." Bowling Notes High score in Women's Bowline league competition on the Bend Recreation alleys last night was rolled by Stilwell s lunch in winn- 8 n cr u?Rfiy UAJ. . 1 I .VOUll., V i 111.. matches follow: Stil well's B. Fields 94 Zimmerman ..104 V. Curd 126 J. Gartington 181 O. Alt ...122 Handicap ....174 Lunch 111 138343 91 142337 151392 158513 145424 174522 115 174 157 174 Total .801 822 908 2531 Greggs Banner Bakery , Ferguson ....141 153 119-413 L. McKenzie ....152 97 146 104 149 200 129378 127375 80286 126426 200600 W. McCann ....102 H. Stirnes ....:...102 E. Roats 151 Handicap ....200 Total 848 849 781 2478 The Oafiis E. Monlcal 113 B. Myers 131 M. Ellison 141 M. Christy 129 A. Roberts 149 101 124 140 140 126 199 119333 128383 143464 123392 113388 199597 Handicap ....199 Total 862 830 825 2517 Bend Recreation D. Brown 84 138 113335 E. McKay .....126 156 109391 P. Loree 118 93 93304 M. Blucher .... 92 94 106292 M. Rice 108 171 116395 Handicap ....211 211 211 33 Total .-. 739 863 825 2427 Cbca-Cola M. Keith ...127 120 124371 M. Webster .... 98 118 140356 D. Lewerenz ..127 126 149-402 H. Judy 89 101 105295 L. Anderson ....134 182 15571 Handicap ....211 211 211633 Total 786 838 884 2508 Elks Appelgate 120 140 149409 116308 112363 83278 127394 226678 IGrino 102 90 I Brant 123 128 Scholl 122 73 Sanders -.116 151 Handicap ...226 226 Total 809 808 813 2430 G.I8 GO FOR COOKIES Santa Barbara, Cal. ilP One of the favorite innovation at' the ground and service forces Santa Barbara redistribution center Is the cookie Jar. Well-filled Jars have been placed at strategic spots throughout the former tour ist hotels now occupied by G.I.'s and the soldiers are invited to partake at will. By J. R.Williams Beavers Prepare For Vandal Games Corvallis, Ore., Feb. 22 U1 With their backs once again against the wall In what seems to be their favorite position, the Oregon State Beavers will taper off today in preparations for their oncoming series with the University of Idaho Vandals her$ Friday and Saturday nights. The Beavers were In the same "do or die" position, last weekiprediet the out pome. wiin a pair ox games wiin me University of Oregon in front -of them and came through with a pair of victories over the Ducks that bounced them right back into a tit for the northern divi sion leadership. Now, the Beavers will have to do it all over again after the Ducks moved out in front again with two wins over the Vandals this week. May Prove Vital If Oregon State can bon the in vading Idahoans twice, there is a strong possibility the loop title may hinge on the final Oregon Oregon State fracas. Only Wash ington State still stands in con tention with a record of seven wins and five losses against 8-5 for the Beavers and 10-5 for Ore gon. Coach Slats Gill, who has been drilling his Oregon Staters hard all week in preparation for the Idaho series, states that there will bo no changes in the starting combination for the week-end games. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (By United Prau). The Dalles 44, Hood River 35. Pendleton 43, Hermlston 28. BASKETBALL REDMOND HIGH SCHOOL BEND HIGH SCHOOL Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23 and 24, 8:00 P. M. Preliminaries both nights, 7:00 P. M. REDMOND KITTENS vs. BHS CUBS Note: FrldayV game was scheduled for Redmond hut will 1)0 played In Bend because the Redmond Oym 1h not ready. The North side of Gym will be reserved for Redmond and Red mond's Tickets will be good. All Tickets ismied by Bend High School will not be good for Friday's game. Adm. Inc. Tax 70c WM33 UnEEJJS Ik r . tWMDiD WHISKIV M mrf-tM Bend Bears Hold Final Workout Lava Bear hoopsters engaged In a light shooting drill in their final practice prior to meeting Red mond's Panthers Inl a two game series this week end. Particular stress was laid on foul shooting, one department in which the Bears have a rather spotty record and the players are confident that there will be a decided im provement in their free-throwing. Both games will be played on the local court. Friday night's game was to have been at Red mond but since the Panthers' new gym is not finished it will be played here. Fans are remind ed that the Friday night game will be Redmond's home game. The entire north section of bleach ers has been reserved for Red mond students and fans. Season und reserved seat tickets will not be accepted at this game. Bend students will have to pay a stud ent fee for admission. Saturday night will be the last Bend home game and regular seating ar rangements will again be held to. Redmond will have anly one sec tion of the north side reserved. Redmond fans are particularly urged to attend Friday night's game, as they will find seating space Saturday night at a pre meium. ' i Redmond Strong Redmond's club is expected to be at full strength for the first time in several weeks. Wayne Hagman, experienced floor gener al, who has been out with the mumps, Is ready for action agatn. Hagman got into the game at Prlneville Saturday night for a few moments. The Bears will have only Big Bill Higgins out. He is recuperating from an attack of chicken-pox. Local fans point out, however, that the Bears seem to bo completely recovered from the schedule fatigue that slowed them down for several weeks. The two games this week-end promise to be thrillers from start to finish, as the two teams renew their friendly rivalry in games in which the experts are afraid to The epidemic of mumps which hit Redmond's varsity squad is now sweeping through the Kit tens, so the Cub-Kitten battles which promised to be as thrilling as the varsity contests have been postponed. .Friday night the Bear Jayvee squad, composed largely of Juniors out for basket ball who haven't' been used on the varsity, will tangle with the1 Cubs. This promises to be ai thriller as the two outfits in several scrimages have put on some contest that have been recular donnybrooks. Saturday night's pielimiinary will "feature the two top teams in the city league local grade school league. Novikoff Given Walking Papers Chicago, Feb. 22 mi Lou Novi koff, probably the most publi cized player who never starred in the major leagues, was released outright by the Chicago Cubs to their Los Angeles farm team to-day--his once booming bat just an echo. The other 15 major league teams waived on Novikoff as the Cubs closed the door on the color- Service Men and Students 30c train Mwtral ipMll. X ful, humorous and often tragic saga of the mad Russian. In shipping the big guy back to Los Angeles, the Cubs are send ing a fizzled star back to the jumping off place. For it was from Los Angeles in 1941 that the colorful, pudgy outfielder jumped from a small puddle Into a pond that was far too big. . Colonel MacPhail To Head Yanks New York, Feb. 22 (U) It's of ficial now, Col. Larry MacPhail is the new boss man of the New York Yankees. He was elected president and general manager yesterday In a meeting of the new and old regl- mes in which payment of $2,500, 000 was made to complete trans fer of the club from helrs-of the Jacob Ruppert estate. This amount was in addition to the option which was put up -when Macfnau ana nis two associates made the deal for the franchise a month ago, believed to be about $300,000. Edward G. Barrow, head of the club under the previous regime, remained as chairman of the board of directors. George Weiss, who Is In charge of the Yankee farm system, was named secre tary. . . Eight of the previous 11 mem bers of the board of directors re signed. Those who remained were Barrow, Weiss, and Byron Clark.Jr., the club attorney. Two Hoop Stars Back in Lineup Seattle, Feb. 22 (IP) Hoop stars 'Don McMillan and Bill Vanden- burgh will be on deck for the Uni versity of Washington Huskies this week-end when they attempt to stop Washington State college from steam-rolling toward the northern division cup, Coach Hoc Edmundsen said today. The mentor previously feared that the pair, tied up with navy trainee gunnery practice, would be absent from the traditional se ries battles Friday and Saturday. Meanwhile, east of the moun tains Jack Frlol's Cougars were reported In top shape and eager to capture the series m a drive to reach the top conference spot. What's a Scarcity? Don't worry, we know a shortage when we teel it. our cheer up summer's coming, and we have a good supply of comfortable clothes you'll need. See us now tor your summer supply of ... . SPORT SHIRTS in cotton, ray on, all wool solid colors, fig ures, plaids. Many with convert ible two-way collars, can be worn with business suits. 2.9S to 8.95. SPORT COATS a summer must, handy all year around. All wool fabrics in good patterns and well tailored. Plaids, figures, solids. 12.95 to 18.95. SLACKS of quality all wool Bedford cord, others in wool and part wool gabardine, all wool twist, etc. $6.95 up. Just in, All Wool Cruiser-Stag Shirt Light all wool stag shirt, zip per fastened, 19 OC black-red plaid. 79 , Now we have 'em Day'. All Wool Whipcord Pants Heavy all wool whip- Q QP cord in tan-tha best! 3 S&N MEN'S SHOP "We Dross the Town" III II Oregon Winner Oyer Idaho Five Eugene, Ore., Feb. 22 (inThe University of Oregon. Ducks ex tended their northern division lead to one full game over Oregon State by scoring their second vic tory In as many nights over the University of Idaho, 67-47, here last night. Once again, It was just a ques tion of getting warmed up for the Oregons as the Vandals held them to a 9-9 deadlock after 5 ',4 minutes of play. From that point on, however, the Ducks grabbed the lead and kept the Idahoans, at safe distance. Paced by Dick . Wilkins. who took the division scoring leader ship by counting 16, the Oregon teums steamrolled to a 34-11 edge at the 18-minute mark, gave way to a valiant Idaho rally and pulled 'I "ir - JJs- CMFPER, CR&FT SPRING SUITS $30 - $35 It's hard to find words to describe -these fine suits. To appreciate them, you have to see the elegant tailoring feel the fine all wool fabrics. Your eye will approve the perfect fit. Clipper Craft Suits are outstanding on every point. Only $30 or $35 thanks to the nation-wide Clipper Craft Plan. 673 stores combine their purchasing power YOU get the, savings. Get YOUR share . . . select a . Oipper Craft Suit today. S & N Men's Shop 945 Wall Street "WtDresi up with a 35-25 margin at the half time. : . . j i 13 Point Scored In a blistering first two minutes of the second half in -which a total of . 13 points were scored, the Vandals cut the lead down to 4033 but that was the closest they got and Oregon won going away. Coach John Warren used his reserves freely In the second half. Bill -Carbaugh, Vandal guard, was a standout in the contest as he dunked 16 counters and play ed a bang-up defensive game. The Idaho team moves over to Corvallis next for a two-game series with the Beavers, Friday and Saturday night.- O.I. 'REGRETS' WOUND Ablline, Tex. tin Pfc. J. T. Flannagan thinks it was "awfully little" on his part to have "gone ' and got shot up alter only 11 days of combat action" after the gov ernment had trained him lor over two years and spent thousands of dollars on him. : . . The smart styling, the superb tailoring, the fine all wool fabric in The Town" , Bend, Or.gon at