The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 22, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
' Maximum yesterday, 60 degrees.
1 illniniuui test night, 87 degrees.
if I Temperature: 10 p. m., 84 de-
" jrrees; 10 a. m., 40 degrees. Veloc-
i jty of wind: 10 p. n, 4 miles; 10
f p. m., 8 miles. .
I E. C. Shaler, former resident
l the Arnold district, who under-
lient an operation in the Silver-
, Jton, Ore, hospital Feb. 7, is re-
ftovering and has left the hospital,
. Recording to word received here
' i Charles H. Overbay, assistant
u toribster in the staff of the Des-
" ..chutes national forest, today was
i ?in Sisters on business.
I Cpl. John J. Thorp, stationed at
s "the Redmond army air field, vis-
i 'iited Bend friends today.
i J Visiting in Bend today from the
SvfRedmond army air field were the
t 'following lieutenants, Andrew C.
; 'Estes, jr., Lee Calcote, W. A.
i Jcrisp, W, H. Cring, J. E. Demeules
5 land D. L. Dengis. ;
S I r. H. McCormick, representing
, f the federal farm . security, has
' jbeen transferred to Central Ore-
. Igon from Toledo, Ore.,-arriving
i here today. He was accompanied
1 4 by Mrs. McCormick and two chll-
i dren. .
f I Mrs. George Nelson and Mrs.
s f Robert Pittman spent yesterday
in Redmond on business.
Mrs. Carl Young, of Anchorage,
Alaska, was a dinner guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Einar
Meistad on Tuesday. Mrs. Young
is the; former Gladys; Strom.
Miss 'Lorraine Botons under
went a minor operation at the
St. . Charles hospital yesterday
'John Coleman, radio technician
3c, now attached to a landing
craft tanks- vessel, is home on
Daringly DEAL...
Stdrtlingly FCAMK!
The revealing
novel or a
Plus 2nd. Full
Li -
at fr mm.' . t
leave after training at Houston,
Tex., and Treasure Island, Calif.
He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man H. Coleman. His brother,
Pfc. Norman David Coleman,
Who was fitronriinc r-t..
-.vj mtcEC
in Los Angeles under the army
ojjcv-uu umiung program, was re
cently transferred to an infantry
unit and is now in France.
Bruce Palmer of Burney, Calif.,
is in Bend visitlno hio mi.j..u
er, Mrs. Edward Glabo, and his
aunt, Mrs. Floyd Abbott Bruce
left Bend IX years ago, and is
now attending high school in
Cpl. Verl Beougher of the sig
nal COmS. arrivori hon, .rotA...4....
c ' -- ..ww jMLjiuajr
to spend a 21-day furlough after
ueuig iwo years ana seven months
overseas. Cpl. Beougher, son of
Llovd Kpnnphpr nf Uont
- O CllUillCU
from Sisters and has been sta-
tioned in India.
A special initiation of 23 can
didates Will Hf hplr) f 9 n m Cm.
day by the Loyal Order of Moose,
ui iviuose nau, a was announced
today by Fred Carter, secretary.
All members Of th nrrlpi- nram
urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson F. Stock
well, former Rpnri roslHonte nmu
living in Eugene, have purchased
a house at 604 Harriman street,
which they once owned, and plan
to occupy it about April 1. The
house was purchased from Myrl
P. Hoover.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Augee of
Chehalis, Wash., who have been
visiting in Madras with Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Gibson, spent yester
day in Bend looking up old
friends. They were accompanied
by the Gibsons. Mr. and Mrs.
Augee are Mrs. Gibson's parents.
Kuzenna L. Stewart, seaman
1c, is at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stewart, on
leave from Farragut, Idaho, where
she is stationed with a Wave de
tachment. - Dance , at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladles free.
Notice I.W.A. Members. There
will be a social in the I. W. A.
C. I. O. hall for members and their
families, Saturday, February 24,
1945. There will be dancing for
those who care to dance and card
playing for those who don't. La
dies, please bring either sandwich
es, caKes or salads. Adv.
" Dance every eFriday night at
Carroll Acres. Music by the Night
Owls. City bus will leave hall last
time at 12 midnight. Adv.
Introducing a new, greatly im
proved Cold Wave the Royette
ttoil Super-Test! The creme lo
tWK!awually conditions and
strengthens all types of hair in
the permanent process. Special
introductory offer at $20.00. Costs
much more in' larger cities. Pow
der Puff Beauty Shoppe. Adv.
All this week $5.00 for a $7.50
permanent. Thursday and Friday
$3.50 for a $5.00 permanent. Jo
Ann Thomas Beauty Quest. Tele
phone 170. Adv.
. ! IOC
lL. ( Vv-
SMi? t
v 'P J 1 )
Length Feature
(All. society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
' Saturdays.) - . -,
Wed Saturday
In Redmond I
Powell Putte, Feb. 22 (Special) clear, gnj west 14th.
With the house appropriately! . Friday
decorated with yellow daffodils' 8 p. m. Women of Moose meet-
and yellow acacia. Miss Jo$e m l"!" ilJ foo F
Steele, youngest daughter of Jo- J m.-Rebekahs In I.O.O.F.
seph E. Steele of Redmond, be- nau' ,......
came the bride of Charles Arthur , - ' ' . K ot ...
Pauls at 10:30 a. m. Saturday at : . 3 m.-Emera club at Ma
the home of the groom. I so? &,t?mpJe-' wJ WmM' with
The bride was given in mar-LP;".-Wee W0men with
riage by her father and Rev. D. lM"-Hu 2,et!' h rm.ntrv
L. PenhoUow of Redmond officl- . 8. P-m- " SSSL
ate(j . . . club card party at Harry Drake
The bride wore a navy blue bome 1128 Lexington,
street-length frock, a veiled hat . Q ' v""a3' .,.,
and blue and white accessories. I nnttn Ji itMA
Miss Jean Steele, maid of honor, communion at St Francis dAs-
wore a cerise colored wool dress ,
with a white carnation corsage.
Bill Pauls, brother of the groom,
was best man.
Preceding the ceremony, Donna
n i.r i ,, v
Truly," accompanied by her moth-1
Following the ceremony, brunch MQfllvn BfIQQS
was served by the groom's sisters. '
Mrs. Otto Pauls poured and Mrs. Ra rr4 hnl Tnlrl
WiU McFarland of PrinevUle ,uvl ' WfIOI I Of w
served the wedding cake. . The engagement of Miss Mari-
The newly-married couple left!iyn Jane Briggs, daughter of Mr.
immediately amid a shower of ; j m fittnA n Dio
rice and old shoes, for a brief ; nl MJ8' Gi"ord M' Bt. t0
honeymoon iaPortland. The bride Richard E. Lee, warrant officer
wore a going-away suit of tomato : stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash.,
red with white accessories.
They will live in a newly fur
nished home on the Pauls Broth
ers ranch.
The couple received many gifts,
among them a 50-year-old heir
loom coffee pot from Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Worrell.
Guests present included Mrs.
M. F. Jackson, Mrs. Quentin
Owens and son, Jack; Joe E.
Steele and daughter, Jean, all of
Redmond; Mrs. Nellie sears oi
Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Steele
and sons, Julius and Winfred; Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Worrell, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Pauls and Donna Mae;
Grace, Gladys and Bill Pauls all
of Powell Butte, and Mrs. Will
McFarland of PrinevUle.
Juveniles Meet Tuesday The
Degree of Honor Juveniles will
meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Norway
Emera Club To Meet . wThe
Emera club will meet at the Ma
sonic temple at 1:30 p.m. Satur
day. Mrs. H. M. Thomas and Mrs.
Charles Monahan wil act as hos
tesses. Veteran of Air Force
Injured Operating Car
Fort Monmouth, N.J. 1PI-SSgt.
Warren Mitchell of Morristown,
N. X, considered himself the luck
iest man in the world after he had
spent 14 months as an engineer
and gunner with the 9th air force
and completed 73 missions over
Germany without a scratch.
Then he came home, went for a
spin in the family car, skidded on
the wet pavement, struck a tree
and ended up in the army hospital
here with a 'split kneecap and
other injuries.
Kansas City, Kan. (Ui The
Kansas City fire department
spent a busy afternoon here re
cently fighting two fires in the
same home. Mrs. Lillie Hodges
discovered the first fire in the
basement of her home at 3:45
d. m. and called the fire depart-
! ment. Firemen extinguished the
blaze and lelt, but at s:43 re
1 turned to fight a fire which had
l broken out in the bedroom.
Muncie, Ind. iui Pvt. Denzil M.
Edwards wrote to his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, that
he returned from a field trip in
Belgium one night more tired
than ho. had ever been while on
duty, only, much to his disgust,
to find someone in his bunk. Too
tired and weak to argue with the
"intruder," Denzil said ho found
himself an empty bunk. When he
awakened the next morning, he
went over to his own bunk to
check on the "intruder." It was
his own brother, Gale, whom he
hadn't seen for 16 months.
Kansas City, Kan. Mi Samuel
McLean, machinist's mate, stood
leaning over the rail of his ship
in a British Isles harbor, watching
1 American soldiers disembark
. from another vessel and thinking
how nice it was to be going home
after 22 months overseas duty.
On arrival at his home here, he
learned that among the disem
barking soldiers was his brother
Sgt Howard Milburn McLean,
whom he had not seen in almost
two years.
r z &ft ruaia
7 p. m. P.E.O. dinner meeting
with Mrs. H. H. DeArmond, 373
E. Greenwood. 1
7:30 p. m. Young Ladles So
dality. 8 p. m. Westminster Presby-
torlnn Slriollii nlnQ.q with Virginia
4 p. m. Degree of Honor Ju
veniles, Norway hall.
8 p. m. Degree oi Honor cam
party social iur memDers ana
, . . , .
friends. Norway haU.
has been announced. The date of
the wedding has not yet been set
Miss Briggs graduated 'from
Bend high school in 1941 and was
employed at the local Western
Union office until last spring
when she was transferred to Fort
Lewis. .
Lee, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Lee, Ventura, Calif-
! is a graduate of University of
California at Los Angeles and a
memrjer oi iammia urn Aipna.
He was stationed at Camp Abbot
for some time, where he was at
tached to the payroll department.
He is now stationed at Fort Lewis.
Molds Auction
Gilchrist, Feb. 22 The Gil
christ P.T.A. held a joint basket
social and pie auction in the
school cafeteria at 7:30 p. m. Sat
urday. This social was planned as a
oenent lor tne Red Cross, march
of dimes, and P.T.A.
E. W. Dunn of Crescent was
master of ceremonies and Mrs.
Ray Oehlerich showed a film on
the work of the Tuberculosis so
ciety and the history of "Mr.
The mobile X-ray unit will be
in Klamath county sometime dur
ing June and every man, woman
and child are urged to avail them
selves of the free X-rays offered
by the society,
Rebekahs Meet Tomorrow A
regular meeting of the Rebekahs
will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow In
I.O.O.F. hall with Mrs. Terresa
Rose, noble grand, presiding.
Those on the refreshment com
mittee are Mrs. Alice Dodge, chair
man; Mrs. Olive Cook, Mrs. Em
ory Cooper, Mrs. M. Ray Cooper,
Mrs. Luella Griffin and Mrs.
Gladys Garvick.
rmn post's bran )
A I fRa, cohbVD 1
Milk Discussed '
By Victory 4-H
The Victory 4-H cooking club
of the Grange Hall district met
Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Walter Prichard, The
use of milk in a luncheon menu
was discussed with Mary Lewis
and Leona Haynes as demonstra
tion leaders, making Welsh rare
bit : Plans for a luncheon for
their mothers were made with
Carol Hoyt, president of the
group, acting as general chair
man. Edith Haynes and Dorlis Walk
er: will be the demonstration
leaders at the next meeting on
March 3. with "fruit delicacies,"
the topic of discussion.
Surprise Party
Given Monday
Mrs. Millie Meistad was honored
by a surprise party at her home,
750 Division street, on Monday,
night Cards were played and a'
luncheon was served, following
which Mrs. Meistad was presented
with gifts from those present and
those who were unable to attend.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Harrigan, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Cram, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart
wig, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mo
Fadden, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hart
wig, Ed Mchlhaft Bob Hartwig
and Paula Laliberte. ;
Happy Sewers 4-H
Studies Clothing '
The Happy Sewers 4-H club
met at the Youne school on Tues
day afternoon. The Clothing II
girls learned the use of patterns
and the Clothing I girls learned
how to weave. Two guests were
present," Mrs. J. R. Haynes and
Mrs. Louis Mitchell.
Members present were Edith
Hayes, Dorlis Walker, Irene Bare-!
lay, Roberta Thompson, Thelma;
Walker, Sandra Mitchell, and Lois 1
Jay McLelland.
The next meeting will be held at
the Young school on March 7
after school.
The Post Noble Grand club of
the Rebekahs met Wednesday in
I. O. O. F. hall for a luncheon
with newly-installed officers In
the chairs. Officers are Mrs.
Grant Salisbury, chairman; Elea
nor Van Fleet, vice-chairman;
Stella Nelson, secretary.
Mrs. Harold Rice and Mrs.
Gladys Leaders were new mem
bers initiated. Mrs. R. A,. Hca
cock was a visitor.
The group will hold a card
party on March 10, it was an
nounced. .
. .
Communion On Sunday The
Young Ladles Sodality will re-1
celve communion at the 9 o clock
mass on Sunday In St. Francis
Catholic church.
P.E.O. Sisterhood To Meet A
dinner meeting of the P.E.O. Sis
terhood will be held tonight at 7
o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. H.
DeArmond, 373 East Greenwood,
with Mrs. C. J. Branaman as as
sistant hostess. Mrs. Frank H.
Loggan will be in charge of the
Sewing Circle Friday An all
day meeting of the Westminster
Presbyterian sewing circle will be
held at the church tomorrow. A
potluck luncheon will be served at
1 p.m."
These timely values tell the truth about the economy we offer
because they are nationally advertised products, known for quality,
dependability and tatisfaction. Cut down the cost of your daily
health and beauty needs . . , SAVE SAFELY ... by shopping at
BRANDIS first in value, first in service, first In the thoughts
of thrifty people.
Mar-O-Oil Shampoo . .34c
All Weather Lotion . . .69c
Bubble Bath 89c
Amphogel ... ..... .$1.29
$1.40' ,........
Sloan's Liniment . . .$1.16
$1.80 i. ' .
Kolorbak $1.19
A wise man onco sold, "To
see ahead, look backward."
Our Record of Service is an
open book In which every
one may read the promise of
continued devotlun to our
professional duties In Uie fu
ture. The countluMft proiierlp
tions we have filled up to
now ineuk volumos for the
rare and skill we will put
Into the weighing, measur
ing unil dispensing of (ho
prescription you may nrlng
to us tomorrow, next week,
or next year.
Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry
Degree of Honor The Degree
of honor will hold a card purty
and social for members and
friends at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Nor
way hall.
Yes, Post's Raisin Bran Is a sen
sational new flavor idea. A combi
nation of nut-brown, crisp-toasted
Post's 40 Bran Flakes, plus
choice California seedless raisins
.. .right in the same package. Every
mouthful Is sheer eating pleasure!
Try this magic combination for
yourself I Taste its goodness I It's a
new idea in cereals . . . it's dell
clous! What a blend! Golden
flakes of wheat and bran with rai
sins that stag tender, thanks to
Post's Tender-Sured process. It's
right for flavor and right for
nourishment, too. Share the good
news with your friends and neigh
bors. Everybody ought to try
Post's Raisin Bran . . . the wonder
ful new cereal sensation. Look for
the big new blue-and whlto pack
age. Ask your grocer fur Poit'i
Raisin Bran today I
A Post Cereal
50c Kolynos Paste. 39c
60c Pendent....... 49c
40c Colgate Powder 37c
$1 Corega Powder. 79c
Powder ...... $T.19
Sl.OOLytol .89c
$1.00 M. D. Powder, 89c
$1.00 Zonite 79c
75c Doan's Kidney ,
Pill 54
$1.00 DeWitt's
Kidney Pills ..... o9c
$1.25 Carold & Bile
Salts .......... 98c
200 Aspirin Tablets, 31c
to the Music of Web Loy and His
Night Qwls
Place: Carroll Acres
Time: 9:00 to 12:00 p.m.
City Bus will males last trip to town at 12:00 midnight
U. S. Army Leader
49 Man's name
53 Loathe
54 Reluctant
1 Piles
2 Severe trial
3 Drlvely
4 Georgia (ab )
5 Conclusion
6 Plant part
7 Elegant
8 Roads (nb.)
9 One (Scot.)
ID Inhabitant
1 1 Uproar
12 Compound
17 Month (ab.)
ISCpcra (ab.)
I Pictured U.S.
Army leader,
Courtney H.
7 He heads the
U. S. First
Army In
and Belgium
13 Wandering
M Perfections
15 Bustle
ID Devils
IS Make an
22 Be dull and
23 Acid fruit
24 Dish of green
26 Act of
27 Musical
28 Heavy blow
29 Sun god
30 Royal Guard
31 Mast
33 Tuns
36 Cudgels
37 COvtri with
SB Land measure
40 Droop
44 Bay-colored
45 Regret
46 Antenna
48 Malayan tin
' rvtu
PA8f ,
21 Tell - . .
23 Lassitude
25 Darlings
26 Fortified
31 Obtain
32 Mother or
34 One who
35 Gazes fixedly
36 Uncovered
38 Trap
40 Native of
T-atvia I
41 Either '
42 Decigram
43 Molten rock
46 Onager
47 Bulgarian
60 Early English
62 Compass point
1 1 BERNAtWC I g
i t 13 h 5 It, I 7 ja p 10 II 11
n -
i! Hib nfla piT
W ZTfptl 1 1 7?-"
fl 25 .... V
u U ;
LJ-ar- so LJ : 4
3T ?i ho 4 H3 57 """ " ""
ft "bS- 5i!""5if
1 11 11 1 hi 1-1 1 L