page twelve THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1945 SWEET CHOCOLATE Guittard Mb. PKG. pkg. 24c POTATO CHIPS pkg. 15c BREAKFAST CEREAL pkg. 21c 1-lb. l-oi. SOYA PANCAKE MIX pkg. 19c 1-lb. 8-01. (ABO SVBUP White or Dark bottle 18c PINT BOTTLE SAXON'S All ARflflALADE 2 ib. iar 34c SLICED BEETS Mb. 4-oi. cans can 13c VIENNA SAUSAGE 1 Red Point can 14c FRENCH'S DRESSING 8 or. b.uie 17c FLOUR 49 b. sack $1.98 PIGGLY WIGGLY ALL PURPOSE BLEND EVERY SACK GUARANTEED WHOLE KERNEL CORN can 18c PICTSWEET 12-ox. cans 20 Points PICTSWEET PEAS can 18c LARGE SEIVE No. 2 can 20 Points Fruits and Vegetables Apples ........ .box 3.19 Roman Beauties Grapefruit .... .3 for 25c Parsnips 2 lbs. 15c Fresh Dates . .lb. 65c Lettuce 2 for 25c ST' , SUPER PALMOLIVE CRYSTAL WHITE SUDS SOAP SOAP (Suds krAfcS ImsmzS SjSSSml 3 bars 20c 6 bars pkg. 23c 2 bars 19c 7 PEET'S SOAP Q33E LsoapJI targe 26c Giant 51c Boneless Beef Roast lb. 35c Frankfurters and Kraut both for 39c 1 found Franks and 1 Pint Kraut Cheese ................ 43c Kraft American Ground Beef 28c 100 Pure Beef Beef Liver 2 lbs. 29c Grade A Steer Beef Short Ribs of Beef lb. 19c Stwr Beef ; Pork Chops ...... lb. 37c Lean tain Chop Leg o'Lamb 39c Grade A Dill Pickles .....3 for 10c Jumbo Size Sisters Sisters, Feb. 22 (Special) Maurice Hitchcock took liis father, C. G. Hitchcock to his doctor in Portland one day last week by plane. Mrs. Sterling May and her fath er Lloyd Bcougher were dinner guests at the V. H. May home last Thursday evening. Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Chandler and daughter, Betty, of' Ralem were week-end guests at their son's home, Mr. and Mrs. James Chandler. I.ois Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford of Spray is visiting at her grandpar ents home, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hitchcock. Mrs. Dollv Cammon of Montana and Mrs. Art Templeton of Port land are visiting friends and rela tives at Sisters. The Sisters Townsond club held I Ha wonldi- unnklv mnpfina HVhril. I arv 17 at the Copeland building with 14 members and four visitors present. After the regular busi ness meeting was held games were played. Martha Wolfe and Helen Coon went to Portland for a few days. Darlene Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner, has been ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Doolin, ; brother of Bill Doolin, spent a few days in Sisters. Mrs. Doolin is a niece of Mrs. Joe Dempsey. Several Sisters residents 'at tended the dance Saturday at Cloverdale. Jerrv Benson went to Portland Monday. George, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boardrow, is ill and unable to attend school. Miss Clcona Awbery of Cres well was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Potter. Mrs. Ettio Brockett returned from Bremerton, Wash., last week. Mrs. Lloyd Hewitt was taken to the Redmond Dental hospital Sat urday night and to St. Vincents hospital in Portland Monday. Fred Norris, .Junior Birdsong, and Ike Freeman from Mitchell at tended the Cloverdale dance Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dobklns celebrated their 24th wedding an niversary Feb. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ireland and family and Roy Branton from Redmond were guests. It also was Dobklns birth day. ' Mrs. L. B.-Naff and children went back to Alder Creek, Mt. Hood, Friday after visiting for some time at her sister's home, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Day. . Mrs. Jack Nunnellee and Mrs. Doris Perry went to San- Francis co to see their husbands. Cheryl Day is expected home from the hospital Tuesday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Day. Miss Margaret Adams is leav ing Tuesday for John Day where she will be employed in a box factory. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aiken of Red mond purchased the home that Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scott formerly rented and will move in In the near future. Mrs. John Piert and daughter, Sandy, are visiting relatives at Camath, Wash., for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker and Sandra were Sunday dinner guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farleigh. The Sisters correspondent made an error she wishes to correct. The sum collected in the "March of Dimes" was 101.93 as stated but the $41.46 which Mrs. Baker col lected was taken in at the Cas cade theater which is owned and operated by her husband Lloyd Baker after a film was presented on the screen for the benefit of the infantile paralysis fund. $3.00 was the sum collected from the school. The F. L. girls gave a Valentine party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach r"jM0 When you need I !&B8r niiirlf rnlinf frnm pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset Btomach? If so, JWII th'3 new medi- SUPERIN, is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superln It aspirin plus contains the same pure, s-.ife aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. This now kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the nspirin get right; at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear Ihli out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain now line you feel after gJ2S& j gist's, 15(1 and 39,. -IN LONG-WEARING, WELL-FITTING WORK CLOTHING FROM CASHMAN'S WORK PANTS In variety of materials and weights. Keep warm and dry in these pants. SHIRTS Chambray, coverts and twills in a good selection of sizes. fBV i 1.14 to 2.95 1.85 to 3.95 SOCKS Cotton Work So, pr. 19c Pert-Wool Sox .29c -39c -59c Cotton Flannel Shirts rey flann r work. 1.45 "Frost Proof" grey flannel shirts. Heavy weight ideal for work. i ALL WOOL 2 PIECE UNDERWEAR Heavy Weight Drawers . . . .......... .4.95 Shirts................. 4.95 Army "OD" Shirts .. With the popular 2-way color. A warm durable shirt. 6.95 All Wool Shirt All wool Buffalo plaid shirt. It's a bear for wear. ' . 6.95 Shoes for Working Men Lace-to-Toe Regular height, leather upper with heavy cord sole. . 6.95 Plain Toe Made by Endicott-Johnson, heavy cord sole. 4.95 Weyenberg Work Shoe . . . . .5.95 Famous Arch-Support 8" Logger 7.95 Regular Style, Heavy Tap Sole ' LACE-TO-TOE LOGGER . ...... .9.95 103 Oregon Phone 190 Clarence Bennett for their hus bands. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nichols, Mr. and Mrs; Willard Cyrus, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Reddick, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Crawford. Games were played and a midnight lunch was served by the F. L. girls. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dunn and son, Ernest were dinner guests Sunday at the William McGregor home. Kay Cress who "resided on the Rim Rock Ranch Is now a Wac stationed at Mt. Home, Ida., air base. Her brothers. Jack and Don are in service in the South Pacific. John Wilson has purchased the Ray Hiene property. Cpl. Guy L. Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Patterson, is now stationed at Gruber, Okla. Eugene Huffman and wife vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murrell last week. He is sta tioned at Camp McCoy, Wis. Mrs. William Thomas of Madras 1 visited her daughter, Mrs. George ' Myers, Monday. Word has been received by Mr. : and Mrs. Ed Murrell, foster par-; ents of Pfc. John Long, that he I was killed in action In Italy, Sep-j tember 28, 1944. Jeanne Jackson drove the mail stage for Mrs. Mary Jackson Sat urday, i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and son from Mossy Rock, Wash.J stopped in Sisters for a couple of days enroute to Circlesville W. : Va. j to appeal for vblunters to serce on the grand jury. His list of 25 ceniremen dwindled to five wom en and three men because of war work. He needed 15 candidates. School to Get Bulk of Estate Salem, Ore., Feb. 22 IIP) The bulk of the estate of Alfred L. Seaquest, Portland hardware man, will go to Willamette university because of his interest in young men, a reading of the will revealed today. Prsident G. Herbert Smith of; the university said about $200,000 ! would be realized from the estate, which will be put into the endow-1 ment fund and the interest used. Seaquest was a bachelor and! from a Swedish family. h ni 1 Bl mm aViTil Thousand, of nen tad women bit. (wind that um.-lie Stuart Tablet, bring .nick. happy relief to eleep-rooinng Tinptoma of add inaigcnwo. end unset etom- .cb. Teste delicious, eesy to nn hattl.. Try them bar. a good sight', deep and wak. op la the manual feeling like a 11,000,000. Got genoln. Btuart Tablet, at roar druggist only 25c, 60c, Of 11.20 under mek r's poattir. guarantee. ASKS JURY VOLUNTEERS Toledo, O. IP The manpower, shortage Is so acute that Common ! Pleas Judge John M. McCabe hadi Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy Tox t Eliminator Diagnosis, X Ray and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 si Special Choice of POTTED ffc TULIPS Unusually lovely this year! y Other Plants Violets Azaleas Cyclamen Begonias Primroses PICKETT Rower Shop & Gardens Phone 530 629 Quimby We telegraph flowers anywhere.