THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 22, 1945 PAGE ELEVEN US. Reach 800,000 Washington, Feb. 22 OPV Ameri can combat casualties announced here passed the 800,000 mark to day. - Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson also announced that al lied armies have captured more than 900,000 Germans In western Europe since D-day. These are in addition to the 100,692 German nrisoners taken in Sicily and Italy and 134,300 taken in North Africa.- This manes a rana total oi 1,134,992 German prisoners since November, 1942. Stimson said U. S. army casual ties on all fronts compiled through Feb. 14 were 711,497. This figure Vreflected actual events through the middle of January. Navy, marine corps, and coast guard casualties to date have to taled 89,665. The grand total of 801,162 was an increase of 18,982 over last week's total. The army casualties included 138,723 dead; 420,465 wounded, of whom nearly half have returned to duty1; 60,086 prisoners of war and 92,223 missing in action. The navy total included 33,862 dead, 407,783 wounded, 10,546 missing and 4,474 prisoners of war. N. W. Redmond Northwest Redmond, Feb. 22 (Special) Mrs. Lulu Brown of SbearfiKh. Kniifh rinkit. 1. trott ing at the home of her father, P. j. iJiuerune, ana ner sister, Mrs. E. E. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. E. R Adams nr. a business trip and vacation to men- uiu nome near L.oay, wyo. Adrian Ruth visited at the James Underwood home Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow and sons, Mike and Bill, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. George FairffplH. marlo n Huclnoco tflr. , Portland and Eugene this past weeK. Estell Holdaway was a Sunday dinner suest at the H. w Himhitt home. Mrs. E. E. Burgess entertained at dinner Saturday evening for her sinter. Wrc T.nlu Kviwn Guests included Mrs. Clyde. Bur gess, Mrs. purl Arnsmeier, Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow and sons, and Mrs. Velma Holdawav and son. Rev. E. J. Howekl and daughter Eleanor, and Rev. Elvin A. Fast were dinner guests at the D. L. Penhollow home Monday and Tuesday evening, respectively. The Redmond ministers' wives are out of town visiting relatives. Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence Killing beck were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Underwood Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Fraley and Y IFOR LENT Fri. Sat. Payday Specials frii7frif"'T iTOMATOl I soup J SOUP 8 CANS 29c Krispy Crackers 2 lb. box 31c Birdseye Frozen , Chicken a la King ........ .pkg. 69c Creamed Tuna or Salmon pkg. 45c Frozen Codfish .pkg. 25c Crab Meat pkg. $1.15 Birdseyf Jeas . . . . pkg. 25c Golden Sweet Corn.... pkg. 23c Boysenberries pkg. 39c 2 lb. jar 63c Kraft Dinner, 3 pkgs. 25c Igc pkg. rrfA 3 bars 20c attWiA A). f'lTTll'ii 1 Bath Size C "pp 2 bars 19c Drifted Snow Flour 50 lb. 2.29 TUNA 'Alaska Pink Salmon can 25c Fancy while (Oval Sardines can 1 5c shredded Merrimac Salmon ..... -can 45c Can 31C Minced Clams .... can 35c SHRIMP Wh'te Beans, 2 lbs. 19c Burge8sWet Fresh Rhubarb . lb. 29c Can 39c .Prune Juice qt. 29c Egg Noodles... pkg. 23c Leg o'Lamb (7) 39c sunrise Rib Steak (8) . . .lb. 37c Rice,. . . . .2 lb. pkg. 22c T.Bone Steakl 121 lb. 47c Tomato Sauce 4 cans 25c Sho?in2": K Hunt's 9r- Kraut, lb. Franks, 49c New Blouses Cottons Rayons 1.95 to 2.98 A grand selection dainty sheers in white with ornamenial trim on round neck lines or in small floral prints printed rayons and cottons, too, in florals or stripes. Dressy and tailored styles and a few luxurious satini in solid colors. Sites 32 to 44. PLAID SKIRTS TRICK SKIRTS Pari Wool Sport Skirls 4.45 Mam Colors Easy to fare 1 or 4.95 iG33Beei FOOD MARKET I I 210 Congress OM iou daughters Phyllis and Diane, of Portland visited at the nome oi Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow three days last week. Fraley was agent of the Consolidated Freight ways in Redmond. Mrs. P. G. Ditterllne, Mrs. E. E, Burgess and Mrs. Lulu Brown made a business trip to Bend Mon day. - G. z. Peden attended the Baotlst laymen's dinner and business ses sion in Bend Monday evening. truest Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Adams, is staying at the home of his parents while thev are visiting in Wyoming. Mrs. D. Penhollow enter tained a number of guests at din ner Tuesday evening, honoring her aunt, Mrs. Lulu Brown. E. E. Burgess and D. L. Pen hollow were Monday dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs. James Under wood. Tony Zomnrelll assisted Jlmmle Domoro in moving last week. Rev. E. J. Howell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Moore Sunday. Linton winishut and wife of Warm Springs, were Saturday visitors at tne home or D. L. Penhollow. Mrs. P. G. Ditterllne was an afternoon visitor at Mrs. C. Z. Pedens' Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore, John ny Smith and Robert Hill were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Ditterllne last Sunday. Rev. E. E. Fitch called at the Dittirline home Saturday evening. Edwin P.- Dewees, state secre tary of the men's 99 brotherhood, was a dinner guest of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow Saturday evening. Dewees spoke at the Madras Church of Christ Sunday. Guinn Peden was confined to his home last week, suffering from'mumps. Guinn is the young est son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Peden. NATIONAL LEAGUE HOCKEY (By United Pre..) Goalie Mike Karakjts of the! Chicago mackhawKs pressed Frank McCool of Toronto for de fensive honors among the nation al league net minders, with his second shutout in as many games. Karakas blanked the Boston Bruins at Chicago 5 to 0 last night after holding the league leading Montreal Canadiens in a score less tie Sunday. Earlier in the season McCool scored shutouts on successive nights. McCool has four blankings to his credit for the season while Karakas is next with three. The victory enabled the Chi cagoans to keep within mathe matical range of a Stanley cup playoff berth. They are within one game of the fifth place New York Rangers and only three behind Boston in fourth place. War Briefs - - - (Br United Pn) . Western Front Third army cracks into Sanr basin in sweep through Saar-Moselle triangle. Eastern Front First Ukrainian army battles - for Nelsse river crossing southeast of Berlin. Paciflo Marines slash within 200 yards of Iwo's central air drome; battle for Manila nears end. Italy Americans strengthen ; positions on newly-won mount Belvedere and mount Gorgolesco. A Farmers' museum, recently opened in Cooperstown, N. Jf., is first of all a depository for early farm implements used or patent ed by farmers in the eastern Unit ed States: Mams x 7 8i scom y PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADDS TO ITS GOODNESS Chest Colds Act promptly, Mother, to help relieve muscular soreness or tightness, conges tion and irritation In upper breathing passages, fits of coughing due to colds. Rub on Vicks VapoRub ... it PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes wit h its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone i Remember ONLY VAPORUB Grres Yon this spe cial double action. It's time-tested, home -proved.. .the best-known home remedy lor reliev ing miseries of children's colds. is, w vasobu SPECIALS PAYDAY AND SATURDAY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No. 5 can 31c CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 3 - 25c BROWN SUGAR 2 13c MIRACLE WHIP pint jar 25c Swans Down Cake Flour Lge. pkg. 25c Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 lb. pkg. 31c JWheaties ROT fr I PAW. IW PORK ROAST Choice Loin Cuts 4 Pts. lb. 33c Beef Short Ribs ... .... .lb. 21c Economical, Yet Delicious -1 Point Veal Steak .......... 29c Choice Shoulder Chops 4 Points Breast o( Lamb ... . . . . . .lb. 19c Point Free. I ill the Pocket With Dressing. . Frankfurters .... .. .... .lb. 33c Tender, Juicy, Mildly Seasoned 3 Points Summer Sausage ..... .lb. 67c ' Swift's Premium Uoteborg 4 Points Sea Foods, Rabbits, Poultry Prune Juke .... . .quart 25c Sunsweet Grape Preserves . . . . jar 29c J-l A Concord 21 Oz. .far Apple Butter . .No. 6 jar 69c Kerr's Vuna, i's ......... . .can 23c ,i Grated Oval Sardines .....can 15c Tomato Sauce Rolled Oats ... . . . .bag 49c No. 10 Bag Corn Meal . .No. 10 bag 48c Yellow Shrimp .....can 37c Largo Wet Pak " Grade A Large semi 2S COFFEE 1 lb. pkg. 29c WESSON OIL i i il lit. 29c qt. .....51c rUL.Anl 0 h-O-i H Swans Down FLOUR 49 lb. bag 2.29 Kraft Dinner ..................2 pkgs. 17c Spaghetti Dinner, Chef Boyardee....pkg. 8c Hood River Apple Juice ..........quart 25c Church's Grape Juice .............pint 17c Twistie Noodles ....jar 14c Chicken Noodle Soup Mix, Liptons. .3 pkg. 23c Devil Meat, large can 3 cans 29c Wh. Kern. Corn . .2 cans 29c Three Sinters No. 2 String Beans ....2 cans 27c Blue Lake Green Tag No. 2 Sweet Peas . . . No. 2 can 16c Hi D 8 Sieve Pork & Beans ... .2 cans 29c Van Camp's Jumbo Size Kidney Beans ... .2 cans 25c . No. 8 Chili Con Came . . .can 23c Dennison's - Tomatoes ........ .can 19c H-D Solid Pack 2','s Bartlett Pears . . . . .can 25c Silver Grille Apricots .... No. 21 can 29c II&D Fancy Peaches'. . . .No. 1 can 29c Del Monte Fancy Spinach No. 21 can ......19c GINGER BREAD MIX,r, pkg. 19c FRESH ASPARAGUS . . ,lb. 39c Tender, Green Spears ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT . . dozen 55c CALAYOS, large size . . . . . each 19c TEXAS PINK GRAPEFRUIT ........each 9c ROME or WINESAP APPLES box 2.98 PARSNIPS, sweet and firm .2 lbs. 15c BROCCOLI, large bunches each 25c Tjlmolive . 3 bars 19c Peets Washing Machine Lge. pkg. 26c Super Suds Lge. pkg. 23c Peets Mechanic bar 7c DUZ lge. pkg. 23c OXYDOL lge. pkg. 23c CAMAY P.&G. 3 bars 14c Boraxo pkg. 14c Aerowax ..pint 25c Parson's Ammonia, qt. 23c Guest 3 for 14c Sunbrite 3 cans 14c Med. 3 for 18c Calo Dog Food, 2 cans 1 9c Lar9e 3 ,or 29c I ALLEY OOP r 3vVT HAMLIN eADFRVGUZ.t WIShV-",BSI Mti&K-r fci WHAT DO jfcS C'S. " " AOPL. ) COULD SEE VOU OH,BOV,7? WMAt'O ilW aWV' L I THINK? Jl VTA Ur , -l ' fejJlAto5? AMAZON QUEEN'S FABULOUS RS tlW J-A JoW h-L V. M& ?i f.: GIRDLE WHICH GRANTS ITS ,W D!Ll l" A Yt :M gso , WEARER'S EVERV SPOKEN fj 'ff, . , f JV j