The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 22, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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Ex-Medico Gets
"Artion on B-29
Japanese Raids
By McQuown Wright
(UntUd Proa SUtf CoeraUHjndent)
Twentieth Bomber Command
Headquarters. Somewhere In In
dia (UV-AIter giving up a com'
mission as a surgeon in the army
medical corps, MaJ. James W.
Schonlau, 20th bomber command
pilot, and his B-29 crew already
have performed 10 major and five
minor operations on me juiHuirac.
Called to active duty in June,
1941. from a residency in surgery
at the Shreveport (La.) Charity
hosDltal. the 30-year-old medico
was commissioned a first lieuten
ant in the medical corps and as-
siKned to McDul field, j-ionaa,
with the air corps.
"There was too much paper
work which anybody can do," MaJ.
Schonlau explained, "and no
, Becomes Air Cadet
' By what the major called "a bit
of luck" as at that time medical
corps officers supposedly could
not transfer, he enlisted as an avi
ation cadet and was graduated
from Kelly Field in February,
1942. However, the shift meant a
drop to rank of second lieutenant.
The net result of this change of
. "professions" is that MaJ. feciion
lau his last promotion came in
'' June has bombed the Japanese
' 10 times, four of which have been
over their homeland. And his ship
has been officially credited with
destroying five Japanese fighters
on the Yawata mission and all
without a scratch to the crew, wis
record of ships shot down Is only
equaled by one other B-29 at pres
ent writing.
By leaving the medical Corps
; MaJ. Schonlau becomes one of the
: few medical men who are pilots,
Even after he had been com
; missioned as a pilot and under-
; gone Flying Fortress training It
innknn like it would ds tne same
old story much paper work, lit
tle flvinc and no surcerv. The
major also was engaged In the
extensive tests which were made
before the big planes were sent
Into combat
Asks for Combat Duty
He asked for assignment to a
squadron and was assigned In No
vember, 1943. He came overseas
lh April. -
, 1 ill. me yVODtUW
the Yawata raid Ma, Schonlau
rrmpmhers nnp trio np&r Atlanta.
Ga., as the most hectic. Flying a
B-17 wth two passengers his en
gines caught fire. In fact one of
ihnm dronnprl off. Rut the nassen-
gers refused to jump, o, lacking
the engine, he brought the plane
down safely.
"T hnvp n slight nrpiurlice
against passengers," he reported.
Mnl. Srhnnlmi said that after
his present tour of duty ho be
lieved that ho might get an as
signment to a hospital as a sur
geon which he would welcomo.
japs Massacre Defenseless Filipinos
.11 Mijrr ' i A
iNEA Teltphcf)
Here are the brutally butchered of 80 to
men. women ana cnnaren woo wu - -- - -r,
men, wuui "-". . ., tn -fiftth h- madly-savaire japa.
SSTrnKSTtafalS SlmnKCOunUess.defenseless Filipino, and
ju? turned into a "giant funeral pyre.- Bignal Corp. photo.
After the war he plans to take
another vear's residency In a hos
pital ot continue his profession.
His mother, Mrs. W. J. Farber,
lives at 1522 Second street, New
Powell Butte
Powell Butte, Feb. 22 (Special)
Set. Virgil C. Stlllwell of the
Redmond air base was a dinner
guest Sunday, Feb. 11 at the Harry
Hudson home.
Relatives here have learned that
Corporal Harry Hudson and Pfc.
Raymond Moffltt recently met
somewhere In the South Pacific
area. The boys were school mates
here when Raymond formerly
lived at Powell Butte with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman
Tho Howard Ecner family
moved back to -their homo In Leb
anon. Wednesday. They have beon
here "-with her father, George
Joe Post was an overnight
guest Thursday with his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Post.
Ronnie, small son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Klsslnr. was suf
fering last week 'from an car in
. In
Wllma Sleasman of Portland
spent two days last week with her
aunt, Mrs. T. C. Hayncs and family.
Mr. ana Mrs. .emu neea, me
new janitor ana bus drivers,
moved last week to the janitors
house formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Stewart. .
The local volley and basketball
teams both suffered a defeat In
Prlneville Wednesday evening.
During the basketball game, Ray
mond Ayres' suffered an Injured
leg and will be around with his
leg in a cast for about ten days.
Lloyd Lewis took a car load of
clothing for the Russian relief to
Prlneville last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Warner and
family moved to Redmond last
week where he has employment
with the North Unit construction
Pfc. Jean Oake of San Fran
cisco was an overnight guest
Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Spillman. Miss Oake was formerly
a teacher In the local school and
Is now clerk typist of the ordnance
department of the women's e-
serve Marine corps. She visited the
school Friday afternoon and re
newed old acquaintances.
Saturday ended the fourth thirty-six
hour course of the farm re
pair school at the Pauls black
smith shop. During these courses,
two hundred sixty-two man hours
were completed and many useful
articles made as well as farm ma
chinery repaired.
Vickct Rldgcway was an over
night guest Saturday at the Wil
liam Horscll home at Alfalfa.
John Kirk made a business trip
to Portland Wednesday and re
turned the same day.
Beginning next Sunday, there
will be evening services as well
as those In the morning held at
i he local church, announces D. L.
Penhollow. The topic In the morn
ing will bo "Heaven" and for the
evening service will be "Hell."
Everyone Is csrdlally Invited. The
evonlna service win he at 8 o clock
following the Christian Endeavor
meeting at seven.
Ebon Ray of Wlllamlna was a
business visitor In the community
over tho week-end. He is the new
numer of the M. P. Nolan place.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Nolan have
announced that they will hold an
auction sale at their place on Fri
day, March 2. Auctioneer Glaze
brook of Terrebonne will cry the
William Peterson moved from
Prlneville last week and is making
his home with his son, Edgar and
family. ,
John Nolan of Portland is visit
ing his brothers Leonard and
The Sorosls club met Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Nellie
Sears In Bend- Mrs. Orissa Abbott
of Behd and Mrs. Hans Kjar of
Redmond were guests. Members
from Powell Butte attending were,
Mrs. A. V. Stevens, Mrs. Loyd Wy
att, Mrs. C. W. Iverson, Mrs. Roy
Roberts, Mrs. E. N. Hall, and Mrs.
Fred McDonald. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. E. H. Stewart in
Redmond on Feb. 28.
Sixteen members of the Garden
club met Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Neva McCaffery and worked
on the Red Cross patch quilt. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. E.
N. Hall on March l
The 4-H clubs met at the school
house Friday afternoon and Mrs.
Coolcy was chosen as leader of the
first year sewing club.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson
entertained at dinner Saturday
evening. Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Weigarid, Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl Weigand and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Mollman, all of Terre inmu.wi in iiviriwiiiiiiimiiiimiiHuiwi rmmm m
fresh end full flavored a'
wonderful treot became
they are Sabiniz'ed the
reojorkabU new method
thai mom better, frether
potato chtpt at leading
'grocert'Atk for Blue Be"
jvbea yoo wont thai grand
Potato Chips
bone, Mr and Mrs. Norman Wei
gand, Mr. and Mrs. koiio wei
gand, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stevens,
Mrs. Neva McCaffery, William Pe
terson, and Nancy and Joe Bill
Peterson. Following the dinner,
they all attended the basketball
game in Prlneville and then the
Policeman Ball in Redmond.
Mrs. Neva McCaffery and Mrs.
Edgar Peterson left Sunday for
Portland to spend a few days.
They were accompanied by Frank
McCaffery of Redmond.
Pleasant Ridge
Pleasant Ridge, Feb. 22 (Spe
cial) The Deschutes Pleasant
Ridge Extension unit met on
Thursday. Feb. 15. at the home of
Mrs. Sine Mlkkelsen. The project
was Main Dish Meals, led by Ruby
Davis and Mary Frakes. Ruby Da
vis was honored with a shower
also. Twenty members were pres
ent. The next meeting will be held
on March IS, at the Home ot Mrs
Gordon Wilcox.
Melvln Cyrus of Redmond was
a dinner guest at the Rasmus Pe
tersen home on Sunday.
Mrs. Don Kisslcr and daughter
were Sunday visitors of Minnie
Mr. and Mrs. W. R.-Mauscll and
daughter, of Eugene, wore week
end visitors at the Shorty Wilcox
Mrs. Sid Conklln had for Thurs
day evening visitors Mrs. C. C. Gil-
lenwater, Mrs. Loyd Petersen and
Mrs. Shorty Wilcox.
Carolln Lane of Redmond, was
a week-end guest at the Sid Cbnk
lln home.
Francis Kriger, Alfred Mlkkel
sen and Oswald Pedersen repaired
the telephone line on Monday.
Mrs. Idona Fix and Mrs. ueny
Farsvedt and children of Bend,
were Sunday visitors at the G. A.
Kriger home.
Mrs. Sine Mlkkelsen ana Aurea,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted f ovey ot uescnutes.
. Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Johnson
of Bend, called at the Mikkelsen
home on Sunday.
Mr. McPheters and family of
Redmond, were Sunday dinner
guests at the Charles Schliekel
man home.
Howard G r 1 ms bo called on
friends in this community last
Mr. Roberts was a Sunday call
er at the Ahlstrom home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith were
Friday evening callers at the Ahl
strom home.
Mrs. Loyd Petersen and daugh
ter, Mrs. Alfred Pedersen, Mrs.
Shorty Wilcox and Mrs. A. Ahl
strom visited Mrs. C. C. Gillenwa
ter on Monday afternoon.
John Petersen of Redmond,
helphed at the Pleasant Ridge
Dairy on Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week.
Mrs. Archie Davis called on Mrs,
A. Ahlstrom on Friday afternoon.
Fall River. Mast. OPi After
flooring his opponent 17 times in
eight rounds, lightweight Danny
Pptrn of Waahlneton cot tired.
and finally settled for a technical
knockout victory over Henry
Davis of New Haven, Conn.
Seattle IB Out of 29 frwn..
players who earned their 19m
letters at the University of Wash,
ington In Seattle, not one is
pected to return for play next
year, dde to Selective Service and
naval and marine V-12 demands;
-.f o - 1 "
Desert ( 'em
dean, gddffl skins..
packs a primary supply
of vitamin C in
Foil flavor andzeatful Juice
are packed into this golden
fruit from the Arizona
California deierV Plus
plenty of vitamin C I
Half a Desert Grapefruit
gives you a primary supply
of this needed vitamin.
Spoon Into a stmshine
rlch Desert Grapefruit to
morrow. Taste the natural
colored golden segments,
the fresh, tangy Jniee. And
discover the heiJthf nl good
eating stored for you is
Desert Grapefruit.
- r ...
for yourself1 .T. the amazing values at Safeway. Buy all
your foods at Safeway . . . carefully note what you pay,
and youll discover unexpected reward in how much
you Save, Discover all your favorite brands,' farm
fresh produce and A money back guarantee on every'
thing yon buy at
Better tasting meats ... tender, Juicy,
flavorful. Guaranteed to please you re
gardless of cut or price ... or your money
Beefi HoasB:
Low in points
and price. High
in food value I
Arm and
Blade Cot
3 Points a lb.
Grade A
Prime Rib Roast . . . lb. 32c
Grade A Standing Rib, 7-lnch cut, 7 points per pound.
Ground Beef lb. 28c
Grade A Freshly Ground 4 points per pound
Round Steak ..... lb. 38c
Grade A Guaranteed Tender 13 points per pound
T-Bone Steak .... .lb. 48c
Grade A Tender as Butter 13 points per pound
Sirloin Steak lb. 46c
111 '
23c, 1 45c
' 20c L5Qc
WJ Mill Whole Bau l-lb.
INOD mil corns bat
AivUMu "Hole Bulk
way corns
Canterbury Tea Bags 22c
Raisin' Bread wCK' &b 12c
Rirx CrackerswS'S U.23c
Pancake Flour, Sperry V' 73c
Pancake Flour, Suzanna 9c
Ivory Soap, medium size tS' 6c
Grape Preserves, Libby's 52 25c
Veal Loaf, Libby's (JTMu,17c
Rippled Wheat
Kellogg's All Bran
.Pumpkin njfor
?: 18c
fC Kraft lUHtb. PhMnto. Onrt PI-
Wneeie mudxnami (2redfU.)S-oi. I'S
Kraft Miracle Whip qatrt Jar 40c
Chopped Olives, Libby's Nti 13c
Sandwich Bags pkg. of 40 10c
Whole Apricots VA 21c
Tomatoes, Highway "WbJH 17e
Pears, Silver Grille M 24c
Strictly Fresh
doz. 35c
Grade A, large
Grade A, Boneless
Every aleak must please you, or money back-
-13 pis.
Leg of Lamb . . . .lb. 38c
Orado A Grade B, lh. Sic
Shanks cut oft before welching 7 points per pound
Shoulder Lamb Roast aTb lb. 34c
(4 point per pound)
T - Country Style Typ
rorK oausatjes 2 points) pound
Link Sausages
Rib Lamb Chops a
lb. 41c
(2 points)
Crndo yt O Grade OQr
lb. ttn. B. lb. tMV.
XI- points per pound)
Point-Free Hems
Turkeys I Fresh Oysters
51c 1 rmi 65c
Ynen Hon!
OtlU A, lb.
Sliced Halibut
Bed, a ma 11 white and
Blue Rose '
Strained Honey !
CHEESE, Dutch Mill 7Cc,
American 2-lb. pkg. w
(MR. pts.)
Ripe Tomatoes 14-oz. bnt.
(SO B. pts.)
Ripe Tomatoes. 13V4-or. lu
(SO B. pts.)
Extra Fancy
end Fancy
2 lbs. 23c
Box $4.39
Extra Fancy
and Fancy '
2 lbs. 21c
Box $4.29
DISCOVER . . . Naturally fresh produce... rushed
from farm to store. -Guaranteed to please you and priced by
weight to save you money.
'.' '
Tomatoes lb. 20c
Sweet Potatoes lb. 10c
California Try Them Candied
Radishes ... ...... 2 bunches 15c
California Delicious!? Tender
Green Onions ... .2 bunches 15c
The Dulles Tender and Mild
Broccoli lb. 19c
California Full Flavored
Carrots 6c
California New Crop Tops Off
Cabbage 5c
Arianna Solid Fine for Slaw
Pears.... lb. 15c
Hood River D'anjou Tre-Bipened
Lemons 10c
Bursting With Juice
Desert White, lb. 7c
Texas Pink.. lb. 10c
-Sweet and JuicyBuy
. . Them by this Crate
5 lbs I.. 49c
Crate ...I $3.19
Crate .....L $6.2?
HotwatauNimuD I eo you euy rVJtM-wtSH urrj u
io Austral kmmpuss or J nowcnaua.:.maow 1 1
Mixed Vecetaltle
Garden Frefch
cello pkg. 12c
oo you suy a fooe . .MnotMuy
wtnstp u uxtuy khum
BMr..riow ivnooty mess?)
I myouwtttsrermceesriF
' Oat mn fw , Kiryl
You'll ke Knpriwd at hmr moth jroit '
save when you thop nirulrry at Safe
way. You're assured of quality every
time you buy becauM everything yea
buy it covafrd by Safeway ' iruarantaa
you must be pleased or your momyj
cheerfully refunded.