local News jlaximum yesterday, 38 degrees, jjuuiuum Mat XI .(iCj;re. Temperatureti: 10 p. m., 24 do 3tty of wind: IV p. m., 3 miles; John H. Brown, aviation .cadet now training near Big Springs, 'lexas, was married thure recent ly to Miss Le May Vanaerholf of jormation received by his aunt, Mrs. W. C. isurrell, t&ss West Seventh street. John is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Brown, former Bend residents now living in Klamath falls. Lee VV. Karr, assistant manager tOl the Western t'ounory company, a Portland shipbuilding concern, arrived last night tor a brief visit with Dr. and Mrs. Paul Woerner. Mary K. Tierney, ship's cook 3c, Waves, has been transferred from Palm Beach, Ha., to Seattle, Wash., her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tierney, have learned. A second daughter In the navy, fcileen, seaman 1c, is now in Washington, D. C' Cpl. Patrick Tierney, stationed at Camp Abbot with the engineers lor some time Is now in l exas. Helen G. Kobertson, recruiter for the Wacs, who spent a con siderable portion of last year re cruiting in Central Oregon, has been promoted to the rank of first lieutenant and is now stationed in France, friends here learned to day. Lt. Robertson wrote that she is a telephone traffic officer ind has 60 Wacs working under wr. Mis. John Student was here tiday from Lapine shopping and vsiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Brookhart 0j Burns, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Lt Vernon L. Boudhcim, sta tioned at the Redmond army air jjild, visited Bend friends today. . John B. Woods, Jr., of the state forestry department, was here to day from Salem. i William Hash of Chemult, was Bargain Night LAST CHANCE TONIGHT DOROTHY LAMOUR in "Moon Over Burma" PLUS Now! r in Bend today -on business. J. E. Hlnton. Shaiko stockman, was a Bend business caller tods Mr. and Mrs. riii o. 7 "HCoast Fish Bill v. oarers, Riyerside boulevard, .today received word that his brother. Virgil Sauers, boatswain lc and a member oi we avy for 10 years. Is i""" a me japs in liokyo. oauers was taken unsonor at th tail of Corregmor and had been held in Camp 11 in the Philip pines, before oeine transferred in oayau - several months ago," the war department aoviseo. Boat swain baurei-s' home was in Walla nana, Dut he was a frequent Miss Marie Doern and Miss Anne staatz nave returned to tnelr foruana homes alter visiting menus here. . lea stanglarid of Redmond spent yesteruay in Bend. Wiluam m. jjuic anu his son, Pvt. ixiwara Lane, leit for Port land yesterday to spend a few aays with Mis. Lane. Edward, who has been here on furlough, win report back to Camp Carson, Coio. James O'Neil left for Portland yesterday. Mrs. k. S. Johnson and daugh ter, Diane, arrived yesterday from Santa Cruz, Calif., where they visited Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. H. Keis, to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson before returning to their Spokane, Wash., home. Lt. Johnson is now stationed at an army air field iu me Hawaiian islands. E. R. Crowley of Madras spent yesterday in Bend on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little,: former Bend residents, are now operating a tavern in Waisenburg, Colo., friends here have learned. Rumors current in Bend the .past week that Mrs. Little, who for merly operated Poliy's restaurant in Bcna, was recently involved in an accident are without founda tion, friends add. Mrs. Ida Rines received a letter from Mrs. Little this week. The Fidelis class of the West minister Presbyterian churcch will meet at 8 p. m. tomorrow at the home of Virginia -Cloer, 805 West Fourteenth street, it was an nounced today. ; Lt. and Mrs. Robert O. Hudson have returned from a honeymoon spent in Walla Walla, Wash., and i in Portland. I Marion E. Holmes of Lapine' ;Was in Bend yesterday on busl i ness. Ralph Steele of Portland tran sacted business here ,today. 1 L. W. Gearhaot of the Timbers was a Bend visitor yesterday. Mr.- and Mrs. Lloyd Parker of the Grange hall, district, are In Bend today on business. Capt. John A. Runge of 'the, army air force has arrived from the South Pacific to spend leave with his mother, Mrs. Stella Pearl Runge. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. All this week $5.00 for a $7.50 permanent. Thursday and Friday 3 BIG DAYS STARTING TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY YOU'VE SEEN THEM ALL!1. "San Franciscp" "Captains Courageous" "Test Pilot" "Boys Town" "A Guy Named Joe" "Boom Town" See This Great Performance! 1 WSl SIGNEHISSO I ft HUME CR0NYN V I hPffStltfmm hU f ighting Front J iZZ Salem. Ore., Feb. ;21 HB Joint fish and ame,cpnui)itteB of the Oregon bouse .of -representatives today took under advisement con flicting views of .commercial fish erman, sportsmen and state of ficials on a bill (HB37a .which would restrict fishing tor salmon and other fish on coastal streams. Rep. William fJlskanen, Bend, game committee chairman, auth ored the bill on .the basis of a com promise survey and recommenda tions signed by Chris J. Kowitz, of the Isaac Walton league; W. J. smith, Oregon wlldllte federa tion; C F. Henne, commercial salmon fisherman and W. W. Puustinen, Astoria, of the fisher men's union (CIO).-, There was little agreement after a -three hour hearing last night .on 'the bill, which would remove all setnets and fixed gear from all coastal streams and bays except Tillamook bay; cut down the fishing days in many other streams; permit taking of shad in all streams, and close to all commercial fishing Salmon river, Nestucca .river, Hunter's creek. Flora's creek, Euchre creek, Pistol river. Sand lake and Netartes bay. It would be .effective next Jan. 1. Bend Committee Attends Hearing . Meeting today in saiem witn the senate fish and game com mittee to protest the passage of house bill il13, which would re strict South 'Twin and Sparks lakes to fly fishing, were Ken Moody, Wilfred Jossy and W. J. Baer. While an unofficial committee, the trio presented to the senate committee .the stand of Central Oregon sportsmen on the ques tion of further legislation against forms of fishing other than fly fishing. Both the Deschutes Coun ty Sportsmen's association and the chamber of commerce fish and game committee had previ ously gone on record as opposing the bill. Hitler End Wish Of Nazi Captive With U. S. 9th Division in Ger many, Feb. 21 ilPi A sullen Gep man prisoner declared today it was a ".shame Hitler was not kill ,ed in the July 20th putsch." ''If he was dead and the gen erals assumed power, the war would be kaput," said the Ger man, one of more than 1,000 pris oners captured oy tne smn divi. sion in the last 18 hours. Through the interpretation of Staff Sgt. Alfred Sukey of Ann Arbor, Mich., it appeared that Ger man morale was' at the lowest ebb of the war, chiefly because of the Russian advance on the eastern front. $3.50 for a $5.00 permanent. Jo Ann Thomas Beauty Quest. Tele phone 170. Adv. THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21. $creen Actress HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured . Actress, .am is Operatic solo 14 Verbal 15 Nothing 16 Mollusk 18 Kentucky Cab.) 19 Resin yarj 20 Southeast (ab.) 21 Plot of land 22 Auricle 23 Egypt (b.) 24 Nail 25 Seine VERTICAL 1 Low singing voice 2 Sea eade 3 Narrow Inlet 4 Hammered 5 Accomplish 7 Negative vote Measure of doth Atlantic Islands 10 Affirmative 11 Great Lake 12 Melody 17 Shlp'4 bcok record 19 Raced 2 Checked cloth 27 Hairless 29 Seeks damages 32 Age ' S3 Born 34 Neat 38 Evaporate 37 Touch 39 Possesses .40 Exclamation 42 Bite 43 Evergreen 44 Spain ab.) 46 Relaxes 48 Tantalum (symbol) SO Ray 92 Indian 53 Faro term 55 Ardor 66 She is one of the ;newer Youth Club Notes Bare Facta from the Bears' Den By JButh Ann Terllsner Come on to the Bear's Den, all you youth Club members, for a very Important meeting. .Let's crowd the Den with at least 200 members on Thursday, March 8, at 7;30. .How about It? If you find yourself standing in a line so long you're almost ready for another milkshake be fore the first one comes, just ibe patient. The girls in the snack bar are handicapped by having only one mixer, as no others are available. Members of the Torch Honor have contributed part of their new bulletin board to the club, so that we may post announcements at the high school. The snack bar will be closed 15 minutes before closing time every night so that the girls will have time to prepare for the next day. John Paul Aiken and June AI frey -have been invited as guests to attend the council meeting Monday night. ' One member of the council will be on duty every night the club is open. His responsibility is to take complete charge to see that everything is running right. A list will be posted on the bulletin board ol the names. Freshman sub debs are on the job again. This time they are hemming and initialing now dish towels for the snack bar. Several rumors have been float ing around that there will bo a general clean up night soon, we hope that all members will be prepared to come. "Do you wish to volunteer or be drafted?" is Barney O'Doherty's famous question. It seems to work, for Barney and his help have been doing a marvelous job cleaning up after every dance. i Anyone who can sing and is interested in starting the glee club again is asked to sign up on iho bulletin board . Practices will be every week and we hope our director will be Miss Elizabeth Boeckli. The council has worked out rlMlEOOs) Do You Hate HOT FLASHES? If you vuffer from hot flMhes, feel weak, nervous, bit blue t tlmn U due to the functional "middle age" period mcullar to women try Lydla E. Flnkb&ma Vegetable Com pound to relieve ucn eymptoma. Made especially for women it hclpt nature Follow label direct lone. LYDLA L PiNKHAM'Sivou!w ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Thonc I88X Bedtnond, Ore. 13je 3TE YBTijg agfeBisa 26 Airs 81 Wager 40 Architectural unit 28 Arrival (ab.) 41 Honored 30 Long fish soldier 31 Matched pieces 35 Fireplace shell 44 Stellar body 45 Writing tools 47 Selection (ab.) 48 Also 49 Excitement 51 Winglike part 53 Compass point 64 Paid notice 36 Store 38 Twice 39 Belongs to him Hi 15 If I 5 lb IT 18 I It I'O II 12 " Si "4 w W n sji8 5T si 5T' "53 54 55 I III I I I II I I I I l tentative monthly budget in order to plan the lowering of dues. Why not be helpful and show the senior hostess or door checker your membership card and regis ter without having to be asked? If your dues aren't paid up by the 10th of every month, you will not be admitted until 'they are paid. There old rules have been over looked somewhat in the past, but are now being strict ly enforced. Let's see if we can't all help keep the Den spick and span from now on. Three large waste pap er baskets have been placed in strategic positions for all the waste that used to be thrown on the floor or left on the table. Beverly Ellis did a super job of introducing and making the Albany boys feel at home in the Bears Den on Friday and Satur day night. It seems Albany was her home town. Friday and Saturday were gala evenings for fellow youth club members. One hundred .- and fourty members and guests regis tered each night. The dance floor was kept crowded, and there were other groups eating, play ing ping pong and some .were just relaxing after the excitement of the Albany games. Official Records KKI'ORT IS FILED Report of the appraisers of the estate ol Clarence L. Mannhelmer, recently filed, sets total value at $88,300.09. Stocks and bonds, to the value of more than $51,000, were the leading classification. Real estate was listed at $19,500. Dr. D. M. Field, B. A. Stover and Ward H. Coble are the ap- praisers. Aid Is Offered In Filing Returns ij Persons wishing assistance In , filing their income tax returns may receive it by calling at the internal ruvenue office In the ; courthouse, Arthur E. Hill, deputy collector of internal revenue, said today. Hill will bp in his office i from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Mon-1 days through Saturdays until the! end of the filing period on March 15. VHY QUINTUPLETS use this great rub for SORE THROAT COUGHS; COLDS Wonderful for Crown-Ups, Too! Evrr since thry vote tiny tot when ever the QulniupleOi ratrh raid thir Chest, throat and barks are immediately ruhU-d with Musterole. Musterole gives aurh Wsed prompt rHiff becauM it's more than junt an ordinary "salvp." It'a what o many Doctors and N urww calla modern enunttr irritant. It not only relieved cougha, iwra throat, aching cbt muscles due to cold, make breathing easier but ilartvnUu btr brink vp tovqtttion in upper bron chial trart, nemo and throat. And Muslernln ia ao muh easier to apply than mtutard nlaiter. Whit", BtainJew. Jut nib it onl "No . A"i muMM with MuMtrrntr!" IN 3 STRENGTHS: Children's Mild Musterole, Regular, and Kxtra .tron?. I 1945 Clothing Drive Is Big Success Prlnevllle. Feb. 21 (Snecian Under the sponsorship of the American Legion, Junior cham ber of commerce, and Legion aux iliary, the caniDalen to collect clothing for the relief of Russian civilians met with a fine response, repons rraiiK eurr, cnairman oi the city collection committee. At the official closing Saturday, there were 1(54 bundles weighing 2,725 pounds which were sent to Portland Monday. The collection consisted of clothing of all sorts including shoes and some bed- ding, such as comforters and blaiv kets. Legion Commander M. D. Barn ey and School Superintendent R. H. McAtee, general chairman, or ganized the drive and appointed committees from the various or ganizatlons assisting. A salvage depot was kept open in the barracks next to the court house, with the Amertoan Legion auxiliary in charge. Mrs. Percy Smith is auxiliary president. The Lions club auxiliary, Mrs. J. . Adamson, Jr., chairman, also as sisted. The American Legion furnished trucks to collect In the outlying distrlots and the Junior chamber of commerce committee. Frank Burr, chairman, took charge of the city house to house pickup and took qare of the final tying of bun dles and shipping. Atlantic Charter 'Guide, Not Rule' London, Feb. 21 (IP" Prime Min ister Churchill told critics of Rus sia's annexation of eastern Poland and the Baltic states today that the Atlantic charter was "a guide, not a rule." He was replying to Questions In commons whether decisions on the future of the Baltic states and Po land at tills time did not contra dict article two of the Atlantic charter. Churchill refused resolutely to elaborate in any way on the Cri mean conference, during the ques tion period. He is scheduled to make a statement on the confer ence at the opening of a two-day debate In the house next week. ChurchiimidiT His Long Cigars Cairo. Feb. 21 UFiprlme Minis ter Churchill gave way to Arabian customs during his conference with middle eastern rulers. Not once did he smoke his trs-.. dltional cigar at the meetings. ana nis gesture aia not go unno ticed. Smoking Is considered sinful In the Arablun peninsula and King Ibn Saud was said to have greatly appreciated Churchill's tuctful ness. Buy National War Bonds Now! SYNTHETIC SKILL There can be no lubititute for the experiences that com bine to form the quality we term "skill." It la this appre ciation of our skill and our high ethical standards that leads ao many discerning physicians to direct their pa tients to "Prescription Head quarters." Next time, bring your prescription here for safety and satisfying service. I'rcKcriptioii riiannacy Bond's Astringent Antiseptic Pint 59c Mineral Oil and Agar Pint 89c HEMI ajsaaejeSBBaBasaBBBaBBaMssaaaBsBasesssssssBSBiBasBsasaaB; Penslar Mineral Oil Quart 98c $1.25 Citrated Carbonates 69c TEK Tooth Brush togulatr .i0c 2 for 51c Pond's Cold Crm. and New Face Powder Alaska Flu Wave j Claims 17 Lives Point Barrow, Alaska, Feb. 21 (Ui A wave of flu today had taken 17 lives In this northern most village on the rim of the Arctic circle. Volunteer squads of nurses were distributing sulfa drugs to villagers, few pf whom were able to leave their homes to hunt for food. A fuel shortage also was re ported. Deaths occurred mainly among the weak and old, nurses said. A dramatic story was told of three children left homeless by the epidemic. Their father died at a fish camp, and the mother de cided to make the homeward trip. She died en route in the sled. Buy National War .Bonds Nowl YOUR BEST DRESS DESERVES THE BEST DRYCLEANIN6 QUALITY STANDARDS ARE RETURNING, AND ... Consistently good drycleaning at regular intervals will do much to prolong the life and beauty of your f " clothes. Customers hove told vm that you can't beat pur SanUone drycleaning for quality. VouTl agree when you compare for . Phone ui today. Cif y Cleaners & Dyers 1032 Wall Marion Cady 16 SAVE till Priced Below Nationally Advertised Prices! $1 Chamberlain's Lotion, plus tax......... 83c 50c Chamberlain's Lotion, plus tax........ 42c Rebular 60c Drene Shampoo, plus tax...... 49c Regular 60c Siie "PDD" 49c Regular 60c Sal Xepatica 49c Regular 75c Dcxtro Maltose ........... 63c Regular 60c Murine fye Drops 49c Regular $1 Size Agarol ................. 83c Regular 60c Size Zemo ....... ........... 49c Regular $1 Miles Anti-Pain Pills 83c Regular 30c Turns Tablets ......... 25c Regular 25c Feenamint Gum ............. 21c Regular 35c Ingram's Shaving Cream ...;.. 29c Regular 40c Musterole 33c Regular 60c Bromo Seltzer ............... 49c Regular $1 Dr. Miles Nervine 83c Regular $1.20 Size "SSS" . . 99c Regular 60c Omega Oil 49c 60c Won Spi, plus tax 49c' PAGE FIVE Buy National -War -Bonds Now! SMVIMMfNT CinmCAItS, MilH ONf . INVESTORS SYNDICATE U.WNEAFOUS, MINNESOTA Efaner iehnherr Local Representative 211 Oregon Fhone C2S yourself. Rhone 246 Sam Scott MEEDS pi SI??; New Improved Vita Kaps New Low Price on This Qualify Vitamins 100 Capsules ..... . .1.96 Cod Liver Oil .....pint $1.39 Super I) One-a-Day Vitamins 90 $1.17 Bax, all your Vitamins.... 30 $1.39 to 28 ITEMS! J Both l or .. 39'