PAGE TWO -THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2 1", 1945 Oregon Hoopmen Regain Lead in Basketball Race Eugene, Feb. 21 (titThe Uni versity of Oregon basketeers ram- bled to a 56-45 victory over the University .of Idaho yandals here Jaat flight and by virtue rf the triumph Regained ;the (top -berth in the northern division stand The Ducks now lead Oregon State .Beavers .by a half-game margin and itop the Washington State third-place team ;by a full game. Another victory .over the iVandals In a second .battle here tonight would hoist the Oregon crew another half -game over their Idle rivals. ... Umt flight's battle was a tight affair for .exactly eignt minutes but after .that the Ducks hit their stride and roiled to an easy vie tnrv. . iQregon took an opening 7-2 lead but the Vandals .came .-back .with three rapid-fire field goals y Tyne, Carbaugh and Overholfer to grac- an-e-,1 margin. -Oregon fukett Lead Captain iBob Hamilton of the Ducks then uncorked a long push shot to make it 9-8 for Oregon but Overholfer scored from the gift line a minute .latqr to knot the count at 9-9. When Hays .scored jfor Oregon to make it 11-9, that was the end of any tightness to the ball game as the Ducks threw their mile-a- minute offense into high gear and rolled up a 34-jz lead witn two minutes to go In the first half. Idaho counted seven in those two minutes and the midpoint count was 34-19. The closest the visiting Vandals got In the second half was 50-42 near tne end or me game as me Oregon team, using resorves free ly held their opponents at safe distance throuehout. The chances for Oregon's Dick Wllklns to crack the northern di vision scoring record virtually vanished as the rangy Duck for ward was held to five points. Hamilton Big Gun Captain Bob Hamilton was the big gun in the important Oregon victory with 17 points while Tyne led Idaho with 14. The Score Idaho i'O FT PF TP O'Connor, f 13 4 5 Overholfer. t - 3 2 1 8 Taylor, c ,. 2 Carbaugh, ,g 2 Out Our Way ByJ.R.WWiams ,gf MISTL5H WES, Y.METPal'U-K&EP YfsjarpM i.lF 1 W I'SE TAKIM TEN) WES OUT A f IVE- l CAME TO TOWN TOf ! 3 BUCKS OUTER. U L MO, A 730" J HAVE AGCDTIMALL I J MAH PAY--WILL. TdOM'TGIVE AWO.A TOO, AMP A GOPHER , J VOU KEEP DE ME A PENM" ) TWENTY XCOULPM'T "HIDE , 'f REST TILL WE GIT I O" WHUT J. MEE,WES, UT iFROMI VOL) BACK. HOME? YOU LEAVE WITH PONT GIVE GUYS IM NEW - V KNOWS HOW AH IS ) YUH, WES" ME EVEK1 "OR-K. CITY.' I TLWHEW AH RUM( WOT ONE a NICKEL WOULDN'T KEEP ; ,4emmL INTER. A ICNT,'y-r-r irTrfA T EVEN IF 1 HAP A J CQPft. iWS BV HtK SERVICf, tWC. T. M. REG. U. 8. PAT, QfF. Coasting Along in the Sport World Tyne, g . Shiferd, f can, f w.,..,.: Brown, .,,.... Forse, g 1 Shull, g ...... 6 :. 2 .... i .... 0 ... 0 . 0 By Buford Summers (United Praw Staff Correvponiltnt) - Portland. Ore.. Feb. 21 U1 'Boy, how she rolls 'em!" Thoy were speaking of Miss Mary Jean Malott of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and thoy weren't speaking of her clgarcts or her nylons. They were speaking ox her logs. The pretty, 24-ycar-oid Mary Jean .does 'her log rolling In a mill pond, and lor that reason some editors may -care to regard It as an Industrial enterprise and put her story on the business page. But in the wire service. whenever a shapely girl like Mary Jean wears a bathing suit it's a sports item. They call Miss Malott's type of log rolling birling, to differentiate itjtrorri what goes on in congress. So-then, Miss Malott Is the world champion in birling, won in 1938 when she defeated Olivia Winers' Total Oregon Wllklns, f ... Smith, f 0 Hays, c 6 Hamilton, g ...a 8 Bartelp, g 2 Allen, f .. 0 Berg, f 3 Stamper, .c 0 Wright, g . 0 Hoffine, g ..... 2 .17 11 13 45 FG FT PF TP .. 1 11 5 0 2 1 4 .0 2 0 .0 0 Total 23 10 16 56 Free throws missed: Idaho Overholfer, 2; Carbaugh, 3; Tyne, 1; Oregon Wllklns, 2; Hays, 3; Hamilton, 1. Officials Emll Piluso and Paul Warren. EUGENE WINS AGAIN Eugene, Feb. 21 Mi The Eu gene high school basketball squad extended one of the longest win streaks In Oregon hoop history last night by scoring an easy 48-33 Victory over Cottage Grove.-, Buy National War Bonds Now! HEALTH TO YOUI Correct JUctof, Cpoit AllwnH Hemorrhoids (PiUa) , FU- aura. tutuia, tUnitci (Hup lur) dtroy hath-owr to arn-abllfty to noy lit. Our mthod oi lratnnt without haiDllal o rotation uccOHhillf tnploytxi lor 83 ymait. liberal er41t tm- Call lor xamlnation c sand lot FREE booUat. Opi vingi, Mtm., W., hi, 7 lo 8.30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PfcyiJcfoa ami Sttrgttm M. . Cor. C. Burnild and Grand Rva. Talapbona EAat 3918. Portland 14, OraoA of Astoria, Ore. (They say she "threw" Miss Winers, to make It sound like wrestling.) Again in 1941 she defeated Bette Berkley of Longview, Wash., to retain the title. , Aside from her championship, Miss Malott has an accomplish ment she believes no one else has performed. Without use of a pole, she balances herself Jn a .chair athwart a log. Miss Mallot achieves 'her -victories in contests by the stop and go method. She -either spins -the log so fust the other contestant cannot tag .along, or she leaps into the air and comes down upon the rotating log, her .calked shoes stopping It. dead. And whut's Miss Malott going to be when she grows up, a lum berjack? No, sir. -She's going to be an evangelist, for which she is study ing here at the .Pacific JBittle cql-. lege. . ' Names Ring Stars Font Lewis, Wash., Feb. 20 IIR The all-star basketball teams for the ninth snrvicc command, north ern district, were announced to day by officials of the division tournament .held last week. The entire Fort Lewis Warrior team, which captured the tourna ment crown, was included in tne first and second all-star rosters. The first tqam: Pfe. Gall UlshoD, Jit, .r.'ort wwis, formqr' Washington State college star and all-Amorican in 1933-34. Set. Cliff Hcskett, Lf. Ephratn, Wash., - army air ,base, lormer all-Ohio conference Mar. .8 USC Gridmen Get Commissions Los Angeles, Feb. 21 llPi Eight University of Southern California football players, including stars of the Trojans' 25 to a Rose bowl victory over Tennessee, .today held naval -and marine corps commis sions. ' The players, all of whom are due to report for active duty with in a few days, are Capt. Jim Hardy, Don Hardy, John Ferraro, Wlllard Wall, George Callahan, Ben' Schlegel and Ernie Wilson, all commissioned 4s ensigns, and Russ Antics, commissioned a marine lieutenant. FIGHT RESULTS (By United Prow) Los Angeles Hindu Fleet, 196, Watts, Cal., Decisioned Johnny Haynes, 220, Buffalo, N. Y. (6). SSgt..John GuJJekson, C. Ftftj Lewis, formerly of Virginia Jun ior college. , Sgt. Wendell Christensen, Rg, MoCaw general hospital, Walla Walla, Wash., all state in Utah high schools. Pfc. Ken Suesens, Lg, Fort Lewis, former all-pro star of the Sheboygan, Wise, Redskins. Teams participating in the di vision tournament were Fort Lewis, Ephrata, McCaw, Barnes hospital In Vancouver, Wash.; 29th engineers, Portland, Ore.; Mulligan general hospital, Ta coma, Wash., and Camp Jordan, Seattle. New York (Broadway Arena) nFreddle Archer, 147 Newark, N. J outpointed Sidney Miller, 155, Detroit (8). ; :( Hartford, Conn. Johnhy Ces- ario, 138, Hartford, Conn., stopped Baby .Sims, 141, New York ,(1), : New Bedford, Mass. Johnhy Cool, 136, -Worcester, Mass., out pointed Benny Singleton, 137, Waterbury, Conn. (10). Common salt is used in large quantities in rolling mills in the rolling of steel plates, to help break the scales from the surface of the steel slab. m t ... r. Jersey City, N. J.-Joe Curcio, 141, Newark, N. J., outpointed Joey Haddad, 144, Patcrson, N. J. (10). Shrimp, as -taken from the wa ter, look like small lobsters, but unlike lobsters have edible meat only in tail and abdomen; their tiny .-claws hold too little to be worth recovering. ' i KBND Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring ,JbM Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances Gonoril Electric Dealer Slos and Sorvict Phone 159 64 Franklin Bend, pre. life j8i-i!S BEND 9:30 "I'VE PAINTEH OKEiiON BEACHKS" By Hotly Mi-Oiuit Morrison o( Astoria, Oregon "I ACTED IN SOAP Oi'EUAS" Hy Mason Moltznor of Portland, Oregon jyyufiMiiJ.iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiihiHiiiijjiv 1 Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. fOR IXCITINO NIWl SIX DAYS A WIIKI GORDON BURKE 5:45 p.m. Men. thru Set. Redmond Quintet To Battle Bears Redmond find Bend will wind un their xetriilar season's slay In a two-game aeries 4o be played on -the local cAurt Friday and Sat urday nighty ; , ; The Frldajy nlghf game will be considered as Jvedtnond's home game. The .ticket sales, eating and management .will be under Redmond direction. All the north section of seats on the main floor will be reserved for Redmond stu dents and fans that evening. Saturday night's game will be the last home game for the Bears. Regular season tickets will be honored and reserved seat tickets will be on sale. Close Game Expected The two games should be two of the .best to be played on the local floor with the outcome rated a toss-up. Victors over the Bears by a three-point margin in tne two previous games played, the Panthers sunered a setback at the hands of the Prinevllle Cow boys last week-end. The Bears seem -to be recovering from their slump although tney spnt a hard fought series with Albany. The .series -will have an impor tant bearing on -the race for the Central Oregon league title. Red mond seems to be out oi the race on the basis of its two week end losses to Prineville the league leaders. The Bears would have .to .win both games to even tie tne lowoovs. This latter pos sibility seems quite remote since the Panthers already hold two non-league .wins .over the local team. Cougars to Face '. Tough Opposition Seattle, Feb. 21 (IB The Wash ington State Cougars, eager to tie up the lead for the northern division Pacific coast conference title, will find a stumbling block in their series with the University of Washington Huskies this week The Cougars face two games with Washington and another final pair with Idaho before they can fcount their chances for the league crown. The Cougars tnumped over the Huskies in a Pullman, Wash., series, but op position will be stiff er in this week's series. . Coach Hec Edmundson and Bill Vandenberg and Don McMillan may not be in the starting lineup for the Huskies, due to their at tendance at gunnery school. -KBND- .1340 Kilocycles Vote of) Central Oregon ' Affiliated With Mutual Don U Broadcasting System TONIGHTS FEOGBAM . .5:00 Sam Haye. 5:15 Superman '' " ; 5:30 Tom Mix . 5:45 Night Ners Wire 6:00 Gabriel IJeatter . 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 BrowjyStone Theatre JHX)-Al Trace's Orchestra . ' 7:15 Lowell Thomas , , . 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 .Treasury Salute 8:15 Tommy Reynolds' Orchestra "' . :25 Your Navy , -8:30--True Detective Mysteries 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Northwest Neighbors ' 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Sonny Dunham's Orchestra THURSDAY, FEB. 22 7:00 News 7:15 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 7:30 Maxine Keith 7:45 Morning Melodies '. 7:55 News 8:00 Dickson's Harmonic ' ' Cowboys 8:15 News ' . 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Organ Treasures 8:55 Clyde Lucas 9:00 William Lang and the News 9:15 Songs from Morton. . Downey 9:30 Rationing News 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Luncheon With Lopez ' 10:30 Paula Stone and Phil ' Britto ' 10:45 Redmond Victory March 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Lum 'N Abner ' ' 12:00 Foursome . 12:10 Sport Yarns 12:15 Bee Gee Tavern Band 12:30 News " 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Assembly of God Church 1:30 Tommy Harris Time 2:00-JIandy Man 2:15 Melody Time 2:45 Shep Fields 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Service Unlimited 3:30 Musical Matinee 3:45 Johnson Family t , 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. ' 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 Back to the Bible 4:45 Coronet Story Teller 4:50 Musical Interlude 4:55 Central Oregon New? 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman ' 5:30 Tom Mix ' 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Democracy at the Cross Roads 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song 7:00 Grange Reporter 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Bulldog Drummond 8:30 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 9:00-LGlenn Hardy News 9:15--Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over the Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra ; Ralph Lara Beaten By Bobby Jackson Los Angeles, Feb. 21 IIP) Bob by Jackson, a hard-hitting G. I., pounded out a fast 10-round de cision over Ralph Lara, Pasadena, Cal., last night at Olympic audi torium. Jackson, an Inglewood, Cal., boy, won cheers from the crowd with his slugging attack on the bobbing and weaving Mexican fighter. It was Jackson's second trip into a main event after a spectacular rise from the pre liminary ranks. War Briefs . . (By TJpiud p. Eastern Front Russian. J through suburbs of finhrLI hold guarding southern anSS es to Berlin.. ""1 Western Front Third J crushes big section of a Jl line and arivnnrvs miles; wholesale German renders reported. Pacific U. S. marines raid ward second of two mivrl fields in Iwo island: JamJJ sistance Increases in lastT in southern Manila. 1 Air War RAF plans a Dortmund in Ruhr; MosqmtoJ iai.n uci mi iwiutf. : I Italy American troora of J army recapture Mount Belvtd BASKETBALL RESIH. J (By .United Fntt) ?i Texas Tech 53, Hardlii 1 mons 14. . Oregon 56, Idaho 45.. ' I Valparaiso 70, Western fcf Marshal College 83, West glnia Tech 49. Vanderbilt 50, Thayer Gerf nospiiai do. - Atlantic City Naval A)r tion 65, Scranton 36. Iowa Pre-flight 55, Nebratf HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBt lujcuu vui vault o$. ' Eugene 48, Cottage Grove Columbia Prep 48, Sandy University High (Eugene! icoseourg a i. Albany 36, Springfield 29. SPECIALS! FOR THIS WEEK Minute Mop -44c With Wringer . Plafonife Tumblers 3 for 5c a Sturdy Glass Tumblers 645 Wall Phone A Acompanenos . . . Have a (JOIN US) S . ...or how to be hep in Puerto Rico Trust your American soldier to know his way around. In Puerto Rico, as in Punisutawney or Pasadena, Coca-Cola is a friend-maker be can count on. To natives and to his buddies alike, Have a Coke says How ya Join', paL It's a simple gesture of friendly courtesy that's easy to understand. Yes, Coca-Cola is truly an American symbol of a refreshing way to make friends. '. , Oril0 UNDt AlTHOIirV OF THI COCA-COU COMfANV tr ' 1 34 Greenwood COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Phone 49 I. A "CokeVCoca-Cola Yon naturally liear Coc-Col called by its friendly abbreviation "Ccke .Both mean the quality prod uct of TBe Coca-Cola Company. O i4s a. c-c Co.. ALLEY OOP ; r - 3v V T HAKij TSSmmmmJ. SHHHI-EA8W NOW. fJ if BCrV, I'M TELUN' VOU.THERE AIN'T l IklP f MEBBE WE CAM Jk J L A NO SONGS LIKETnESE NEW anf""'" f VI f FOR HEAVENS S. GET IN AN' lj. Yd. WEU-.FOR TWENTIETH CENTUR.V PvTl SAID Vt SAKE, WHAT DO VOU HELP OUT j l MERCV Tj f "V DiTTIES FOR A CUPtl n & fTGUZZV, JSj SUPPOSE THOSE AW- WITH A FEW R V SAKES.1 4 L Sgk 6000RMOV JlTr OC FAL1. fH L