1945 PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, 9REGQH, TUESPAY, FEB. 2Q, Profit Taking Unsettles Mart By T. V. Klenlon (United PrcM Staff Corrwponiknt) New York, Feb. 20 U Profit taking unsettled the stock market after a firm openlnr; today but strength in steels and selected Is sues left the main list higher pn balance. The Dow-Jones average of C5 stocks at Its best level was at a new high since Aug. 31, 1937 and the industrial average made a new top since Sept. 17, 1937. Rails and utilities, as measured by the Dow Jones averages, slipped lower. , Steels were uided by disclosure that present annual capacity is 94,505,280 net tons, a gain of 1,500,000 in 1944 and 14,000,000 tons above mid-1940. The group had gains ranging to more than a point In Youngstown Sheet & Tube. Chrysler equalled Its high at 10471, up 'A, but slipped back to 104 as motor shares sottoneu. Nickel Plato preferred countered the trend In rails with a rise of 1 '4 points to a new high. FOHTf.AlS'D IJVKSTOCK Portland. Ore.. Keb. 20 UJ- Livestock: cattle 150, calves 35 duality plan. Early sales steady. Lieht stocker steers 11.75. Best fed steers Monday 16.25. Cutter- common heifers 8.0011.00. Can ner-cutler cows 6.50-9.00. Fat dairy type cows $9.50-10.50. Oood beef cows quotable to 13.00. Med ium eood bulls 10.00-12.50. Good choice vealers 14.00-15.00. Hogs 200. Active, fully steady, nood-choice 170-270 lbs. 15.75; heavier and lighter weights 15.00. Good sows 14.50-14.75. Choice 80 lb. feeder pigs 16-50. Sheep 150. Active, steady. Good choice wooled lambs 15.00-15.50. Medium grades down to 13.00. Good ewes 7.50. SPEED CIIABGE FACED Accused of driving an automo- mobile on Wall strept between Franklin avenue and Kansas ave nue, In excess of 35 miles an hour, B. J. Nabors, Bend, today was at . liberty on $10 bond pending his appearance In municipal court. Officers Robert Houtchens and Walt Grelsslnger said that they "clocked" the asserted excessive speed before halting Nabors as he entered St. Helens place. A new1 chemical mixture has been developed which when ap plied tor glass surfaces causes the shedding of all water during storms. IKS Millions Say When with ' William Perm i I m mm m. f r m a-" r-M tm Oil; lite R I Blended Whiskey, 86 proof, the scene 0"--.,ajn ,ulro ,plrirs Btructure M WORTS IT0. Kiatai-t.' Arri.K minors. Homer. 1 'A J i 1 .i- UI30 --- Harris community he with one of them. A on his farm piwh.ee lru.it last June as exf Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rafes Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 23 Words Six Times $1.35 All wwdt It aM 1 V Umo nombcr ml InMrtloM Oot month run. Mm copy, Vt w M Minimum Chrc, H LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c ClxulfM Adtwtblni-. Csik In AJ.ne D.llr Cloilna Tim UiU P. FOB 8AL1. 12 HEAVY HENS, Rhode Island Reds, one 90 lb. pig, one 3 months old calf. 1619 West 12th. 160 ACRES with 55 acres Swalley. water with good house and barn. Five miles north Benu on nign way. Eight acres in alfalfa, bal ance good grain and potato ground. $4,200. F. S. McGarvey, 118 Oregon. 5 ROOM modern house, almost new, close In. Furnished or un furnished. $3000, unfurnished. Phone 62G M after 3 p. m. for ap pointment. UPRIGHT PIANO and bench $150.00. Two-wheel trailer with large bed $15.00. 354 Florida. LARGE, well built saddle horse, saddle, and bridle. Inquire Apt. No. 3, Irving Apts. very NICE 4 bedroom home, close In. Daved street, wired for olpptrle ranee, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors. $7500, loan avail able. Anne Forbes, 3b Oregon, Phone 36-W. NEW FIRE PLACE screen, never been used. 3r& Delaware. taii al terations only. STRAWBERRIES ARE SCARCE! Sensational new Brightmore va riety Ideal for home gardens ana commercial planting. Write, Cen tralla Fruit Farms, Centralla, Wash. OWNER LEAVING for service, will sacrifice 80 acres, 4U acres Arnold, 2 bedroom house, well built . barn, outbuildings, 2 cis terns. Only $3500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ELECTR ESTEEM VAPORIZ ERS, for medicinal vapors, heat ing baby's bottles, sterilizing nip ples, warming baby foods, boiling eggs and other uses, only $2.25. Bend Electric i;o., hi iranKiin. ABOUT 6 TONS nice smooth clean seed potatoes at $2.50 hun dred In your sacks. H. E. Young, nine mnes oui on Burns nignwuy. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti lizer. $4 per yard. Also top son. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to n. Llcmenwaiter 235-1 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma Wash. $5000 BUYS 8 room modern fur nished home, large lot, pavement, close In. Possession 10 days, u. v. Sllvis, 118 Oregon. LARGE MONTAG circulating heater and one wood range with copper coil. 2G Revere. Telephone 716-K. IN GLEN VISTA tracts, excellent buy, 40 acres, 6 acres Swalley, 4 room house, outbuildings. $2650, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phono 36-W. Quickly Relieves Distress of Sr.cszaSfafn A little Va-tro-nol up each nostril effective!? SMtlll tlltll lit Sum cm rm ifkt Wlati ttsilii III end promptly relieve distress of head colds makes breathing easier . . . also helos Drevent many colds from devel oping u used In time. Trylll You'll llkeltlFol low directions In folder. VICKSYATROrJOl Place Your Order Now for QUALITY POULTS Baker Feed Co. Kedmond, OrvRon FOB SALE WEST SIDE modem house, 2 bedrooms, kitchen range, circulat ing heater, Venetian blinds, cabin, garage, woodshed. Immediate pos session. $2600. $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36 W. 40 ACRES with ten acres C.O.I, water, new three room house, also chicken house and garage. Immediate possession. Six miles from Bend. $2,000. Terms can be arranged. F. S. McGarvey, 118 Oregon. ON ROOSEVELT, Immediate pos session, 2 bedroom house, some furniture, shower, utility porch, large garage. $1750, $300 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. OWNER IN SERVICE, will sacri fice 40 acres, located 3 miles from Bend, 35 acres C.O.I. Fenced with woven wire, good 4 room house, grnvitv flow water, electricity, outbuildings. $2500, $1000 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. WEST SIDE, immediate posses sion, attractive new modern house. 2 bedrooms downstairs, un finished upstairs, larce basement, automatic sprinkling system. $4000,, $1500 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $10,000 BUYS 160 acres, 113 acres C.O.I., 90 acres cultivated, 34 acres alfalfa, 12 acres clover, 6 room house, good barn and other out buildings. Electricity, phone, 7 miles from Bend. Stock and enulnment can bo purchased. $6000 cash handles. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. QUALITY CHICKS and Doults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil. hrlouet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. TOY, all black Pomeranian dog, age 4 vears. weight a lbs. very loveable pet for grown ups. West Side Grocery and Station, McKen- zle highway, Redmond. 80 ACRES deeded land with 63 acres C.O.I, water, seven room modern house and good barn. Also 200 acres prazine land all fenced. Six miles from Bend. Has twenty acres in alfalfa, balance good soud ground. Stock and equipment may bp bought separatelv. S6.500 with $3000 down, balance $500 per year. F. S. McGarvey, 118 Oregon. LATE MODEL Montag range with colls. Call at 334 Lee lane or phone 747-J. - ' MANIKINS 3 complete with hair, $35.00: 2 plaster manikins complete, $25.00: 7 active forms; 4 regular forms, $5.00; Sizes 14-16. Not perfect, but in good condition. Manikins not crated, you pay ship ping expenses, write or call Mr. B. A. Newman, Bedell Store, 6th and Alder, Portland. Phone At. 9311. FACTORY BUILT home trailer, 21 foot. Needs new plywood In side, have plywood ordered. Any one handy with tools can make this a nice house. See at 123 First St., Redmond, between 5 and 8 p.m. FOR SALE OK TRADE FOR SMALL Central Oregon ranch, 2 210 acres, new four room house, new barn, other out buildings, on highway and river. Full plumbing, electricity. Lo cated in Mareola, Oregon, J. L. Kecler, Mareola, Oregon. MAN'S 17 JEWEL wrist watch, excellent condition, $45 or trade for sewing machine. 401 River front. FOR RENT 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. 3 ROOM modern house. No chil dren. 875 Roosevelt. UNFURNISHED modern 3 room house, breakfast nook, basement. lautulrv tubs, garage, nice yard Two blocks from Bank of Bend. Adults, no dogs. 744 Hill St. NICELY FURNISHED furnace heated rooms with some kitchen privileges. 1 block from Bank of Bend. 18 Oregon. Phone 771-W. 2 ROOM modern furnished clean cabin with utilities. Also furnish ed upstalra housekeeping room, access to shower bnth. Phono 1083 or call at 623 Hill St. WANTED WILL PAY CASH for usod polf bass, balls, and clubs. Call 'J0-F11. Smart' I'vrtmlti StwivMltorte bttna M quk-k, wlrom relief. Ineir orand medi- f otion mflni real comfort, mluca trim, hrlpt tighten rcUxrd mrmbnntft, tent! j lubrieitrt and aoftent. iYotectiv and M ami -chairing, m aivto UM. It genuine F ' Stuart'a iSrramld Suppoairoriea at your drug ttore without delajr and on maker's mony-back guaranlco. A rkMaarBaaraaa Charles E. Boardman ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bank of Bend Blilg. Bend. Oregon Ph. J8-J. Western Governor HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured governor 12 On the shel- S Democratic (ab.) 9 oio in Guido' scale 7 Mnnufarturxt tered fide 13 Click beetles 8 Chief god of - Memphis (Symbol for 14 Also 15 Fleet 17 Lamprey 19 Myself 20 Attempt 21 Exclamations 23 Universal language 24 Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 25 Exists 27 Form selenium 10 Before 11 Belgian river 14 Part of "be" 18 Railway (ab.) 18 Behold! 20 Diminished 22 Localize -24 Orchestra, leader's stick 30 Fixed look 28 Type of cloth 33 Carries (coll.) 27 Streets (ab.) 34 External 28 Jump on one 35 Play 36 Dress clothes (coll.) 37 Compass point 38 Symbol for thoron 39 Near 41 Obscure 44 High card 46 Toward 48,50 He is gov ernor of 53 Cured hog thigh 54 Despondency 56 Couple 68 Chancel seats 9 Gaelic VERTICAL 1 Girl's name 2 Aged 3 Him 4 Close by WANTED USED RADIOS WU! pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANTED TO RENT by March 15, modern 2 bedroom house un furnished, east of the river. Rob ert Mcllvenna, 304 Hunter Place. Phone 186-W. WANT TO BUY 2 or 3 bedroom house. Up to $2,000. Inquire at 1635 Awbrey road. Call after 6:00. WANT TO RENT 2 bedroom un furnished modern house or apart ment. No children. Write No. 701 care of The Bulletin or phone 753-W. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond, or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT about 40 acres or more suitable for turkeys or Deel cattle, w. K. Larson, Route 2, Corvallls, Oregon. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for motherless home. Board, room and wages. Write No. 645 care of Bulletin or phone 815-R after 5 p. m. SOMEONE to care for two pre- scnooi cnuuren during office hours. Room and board if desired. Call at 27 Mueller or phone 859-W after 6:00 p.m. Keep Your Car Running! With a completely equipped and enlarged shop and experienced repairmen, George Kruger, Leonard Ross and Al Cantrell, we're cooperating. with you in every effort to keep your car in tip-top condition. Drive in for a check-up don't wait until something goes wrong . . . preventative care can avoid costly repairs. CAR WASHING and POLISHING REMEMBER EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN jl inm PntUi Vault n fgti foot ' 46 Weight 29 Is (Latin) deduction" 30 Drunkard 47 Mystic ' 31 Relative tab.) Byname 32 Bitter vetch 49 Tiny 39 Any 5112 (Roman) 52 Man's name 63 Belongs to . him 55 South Dakota (ab $7 Measure of 40 Scatters 42 Kaffir warriors 43 Repast 44 Symbol for actinium 45 Contend I 12 13 W I 15 lb 17 18 II 110 II iF : i3 ' iT "I1I6 fl7 iff ii"f I1EE?1F ii 1 nsl - - -m 27 28 21 fVi". 30 31 31 48 -hi f5r 51 M" I53 - 5al 1 Mil hi 1 L HELP WANTED MAN for work in garage. Apply Bend Garage Company. LOST STRAYED or stolen, black Ger man police dog, about 6 months old. Answers to name "Gippy." Rt. 1, Box 452 or phone 31-F-5. Reward. BETWEEN HORSE Ridge and Jones Ranch, two white face range cows from Stapleton ranch, Brothers. Notfy H. E. Windom, Rt. 2, Bend. IDENTIFICATION bracelet en graved with Ruth Malmstrom lost at the ball game Friday night. Reward for return to Bend Bulle tin office or Ruth Malmstrom, 125 Revere. USED CARS 1936 TERREPLANE, fordor se dan. Recently overhauled, excel lent rubber. Will take older car in trade. Call afternoons at 136 Greenwood. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S Phone 64 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired; nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. LET US MAKE YOUR OLD WASHER NEW AGAIN. New complete wringer frame for your old washer. Automatic release and water return. Agitator replace ment for most makes of washers. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared In my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. . SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 1714 Steldl, Bend. Phone 594. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Chamber Groups Start Activities . " Several committees of the Bend chamber of commerce, recently appointed, are already "in gear" and are working diligently upon their assignments, it was reveal ed today in the chamber's "Re view", issued to the membership. Other committees are in the pro cess of laying preliminary plans, and consistent activity through out the year is assured, the body's publication stated. committees whicn already are coping with their -problems are the industries, roads and high ways, irrigation, postwar plann ing, fish and game, membership, forum, aviation and legislation and. taxation, the "Review" re ported. Members were again warned to safeguard against "rackets", many of which have a fake ap peal to patriotism, according to the "Review." " Though there has been found no relationship between one's in telligence quotient and basal me tabolic rate, the low metabolic group has a tendency towards food allergies and intoxications, fftfCE PW i ' i kw i & ii 1 1 1 Many people urgently need dependable wartime transportation. If your car is not vital to you now, sell it for a good cash price, put the money into bonds for a new car later. WE WANT 20 CARS Drive in for an appraisal no obligation. W. B. 1173 Wall Street Training Film Viewed by CAP A special class in CAA regula tions was conducted last night at Civil Air patrol headquarters by Lt. Larry Lermo, commanding of ficer, for those cadets and regular members who are not enrolled in the first aid class. A training film on aerodynamics was also shown to this class as a follow-up for last week's film on the same sub ject. The cadets in the first aid class then reported to headauarters and a film on the Bell helicopter, de picting its development, use and importance in postwar flying, was shown. The cadets were then given 10 minutes of indoor drill and dismissed for the evening. Seabees Return Home on Leaves After spending 23 months serv ing with the navy's Seabees in the south Pacific, two Central Oregon men have returned to the states on leave, the navy department an nounced today. They were expect ed to visit their respective homes soon. ', The midstate Seabees are Sims Holliquilla. 22, shlpfitter 3c, of Warm Springs, and William C. Herns, 39, shipfitter 3c, of Terre bonne. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 20tlP A slight increase in butter produc tion was reported today through out the nation, although it was considerably less than that of a year ago. The Portland market reflected this shortage. A slow increase continued iin the egg supply, with demand good and wants of tne trade being filled. Limited movements of stock into coolers was noted. . " Butter and egg prices were un changed. Butter cube 93 score 423Jc: 92 score 4214c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41V4c pound. Eggs price to retailers:' A A large 46c; A large 44c; medium A 41c; small 37c dozen. I LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of John A. Periman, admin istrator of the estate of William M. Henson, deceased, filed herein, will be held in the Courthouse in the County courtroom in Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 1st da bf Mnrph 1Q4F5 nnrt nil nersnne Intpr. ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place' and j show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be! approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator dis charged. 1 DATED at Bend, Oregon, this 30th dav of January, 1945. JOHN A. PERIMAN, Adm. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attys. 47-53-59-65C IH2IGHES1T tPEROCEFS Anderson Nash Co. I wo Landings (Continued from Page One) mortar fire fell on the lm,.l beaches. But the American was secure and broad enough 2 permit the unloading of suddC which poured Into Iwo unZ cover of darkness splashed JS the ragged patches of eunfim American battleships, cruises and destroyers hurled shells taio tlic uajjancac iivaiiiuiia UU night, U. S. night raiders drove oil several Japanese planes wiJk firm was the aerial screen ovh the invasion forces that the ene.' my never icuuhcu iwu. Tokyo Gives News Radio Tokyo said a second American assault group stormed ashore at an unspecified point on the rocky east coast north of the 2lk mile long original beachhMj under cover of darkness to night. The troops went ashore at i point where the cliffs were 30 to 45 feet high and very bad for land, ing operations, Tokyo said. Jam. nese garrison forces intercepted the invaders at the water's edgt and "furious fighting is at present in progress," the broadcast sail Nlmitz's communique reported that the northern sector of tht original beachhead was extended 250 yards inland yesterday desoite intense mortar and artillery fire. Equipment and supplies were b ing unloaded on the southern beaches. . . Factory-Controlled RECAPPING Wit trad 7k CaaMlbflck! 6.0W6 7.00 Only the finest materials and the best workmanship go into Firestone re cape. Houk-Yan Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St ' Phone 860 0DSEL1D Complete Auto REPAIR Service Lubrication Tire Service Tires - Batteries Towing Phone 700