The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 20, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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fMaximum yesterday 45 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p, m, 25 tie-
.t in a. m ST ueerees. Velo-
fciiy f wind: 10 p. ni, calm; 10 a.
siu, 11 "
J C. Cecil ol Burns, was a busi
ness visitor here today.
A V. Meyers and Harold Bow-
r nf the state game commission.
were in Bend today from Port
A daughter was corn at the St.
Charles hospital yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Lewis ol Sisters.
Mrs. Winston Ebmeier of Port
land arrived last night to visit rel
atives here.
Ronald B. Ballantyhe, seaman
pc, injured aooara snip m tne
South Pacific In early November,
is now hospitalized at Farragut,
Ida. According to information re
cently received by his mother,
Mrs. Norman B. Ballantyne, he Is
slowly regaining the use of his
paralyzed ngnt arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Claypool
and son. Dale, have left for San
Francisco, Calif., on a buying trip.
F. F. Whitley, agriculture de
velopment agent for the Great
Northern rauway, was a tsena ous
iness visitor toaay.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Noonchester
of Burns, last night were guests
at the Pilot Butte inn.
William Rose and J. T. Craine,
of the S. P. & S. railway, were
Bend visitors today from Wish
ram, Wash. i
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Stadter of
Oregon City, were here today.
Stadter, tormer tseno city attor-
ney, transacted legal business
while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Miles
were Bend callers today from Sil
ver Lake.
Glenn Stockton, representative
of the Standard Oil company at
Prineville, was here today on busi
ness. '. '
August Lindstroth, representing
the Western Pine association, was
pi Bend today from Portland.
A. C. Wright, Mrs. Fannie
Wright and Ward MacRostie, all
of Tulelake, Calif., spent the;
week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Entrikih. Mrs. Wright is
Mrs. Entrikin's mother while Mac
Rostie is her brother-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lferman of
Madras spent yesterday in Bend
on business.
William Hannan and James
Kerr Were in Bend yesterday from
Lt. A. C. Heatherington of the
Redmond army air field was in
Bend on business yesterday.
Mrs. E. A. iterndbh of Prine
ville shopped in Bend yesterday.
Mrs. William Thomas Was in
Bend yesterday from Madras. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chester left
for Klamath Falls today where
they will meet their son, Dick
Chester, seaman 2c, who will
spend a short leave in Bend. Dick,
who enlisted in December, recent
ly completed boot training at the
San Diego, Calif., naval base.
Frank McDonald of Redmond
transacted business in Bend yes
terday. Alfred Swift and son were In
Bend yesterday on business from
Ends Tonight
Dorothy Lamour
Robert Preston
Preston Foster
Plus 2nd Full Length Feature
- vl
R. R. Thompson of Cloverdale
was In Bend yesterday oa busi
ness. .
A. B. Davenport was in Bend on
business yesterday from. . Red
mond. , - .. -
Friends here have learned of
the Dirth oi a oaughter to Mr. and
Mrs. WUiiara A. King, in Portland.
Tne baoy, which weighed two
pounds at birth in November, has
oeen named Dorothy Louise, and
she now weighs live pounds. Mrs.
King is the iormer Vaions Mc
Donald, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs.
Byron McDonald, former Bend
residents who nnw Uva in u-.
land. Dorothy Louise is a grand-
uaugmer oi sirs, iconise King, of
Canyon City.
MSeri. John W .tnhnsfm ! ut.-
iting at the home of his brother)
amory r.. jonnston, after 29
montns in the Mediterranean the
ater where he served as r-htat
ground crews responsible'for the
was reported today. Johnston Was
in Bend last on ciiriMma Hau nf
1941. He enlisted to the air force
tne following day. Reared in Mad
ras, he is a son ol Mr. and Mrs.
Georee Johnston vtthn
in Moscow, Ida.
Mr. and Mr, Hwirpd Rnwn-nft
26 Revere street, have announced
thd hil-th nf a riaiiektac raalnhUn
seven pounds, yesterday at the
mayne nurserynome.
Introducing a new. sreatly im
proved Cold Wave the Royette
Roil Super-Test! The ereme lo
tion actually reconditions and
strengthens all types of hair in
the permanent process. Special in
troductory offer at $20,00. Costs
mucn more in larger cities. Pow
der. Puff Beauty Shoppe. . Adv.
farm Goals
(Continued from Page One)
26, lp.d, Ttamald grange hall;
fen. a, 10 a. m., Cloverdale com
munity hall; Feb, 2T, 7p, m, Al
falfa grange hail, and Feb. 28,
7 p. m.. Alfalfa grange hall.
community committeemen who
will be present to assist in pre
paring the farm plans are: Alvtn
J. Phillips, chairman; O. F. Wal
lenberg, and Harold Eby, Terre
bonne; Jim Underwood, chair
man; E. B. Adams, and E. E. Bur
gess, Redmond; Geo. T. Murphy,
chairman; Ray Davidson, and R.
D. Stowell, Eastern Star; Fred
Shepard, chairman; Lee Alien and
Tom Fair, Tumalo; R. R. Thomp
son, chairman; Ellis Jfidgtngton,
and Homer F, Brown, Cloverdale;
Carl B. Livesley, chairman; Al
bert Shults and E. E. Pickett, Al
falfa. Sgt. Fox Winner
Of New Cluster
KBND's audience, listening to
Glen Hardy's 10 o'clock news this
morning, learned that TSgt. Rob
ert m. t ox, son of postmaster n.
H. Fox, has been- awarded ; an
other oak leaf cluster and cited
for meritorious achievement as a
member of a B-29 crew operating
in the Asiatic theater of war.
Among those listening to the
newscast was Sgt. Fox's father.
Sgt. Fox has been in the Asiatic
theater since last April, and was
a member of a "Fort" crew that
blasted Japan ori June 15. Sgt.
Fox is a radio operator aboard
one of the big sky forts.
Albany, Ore., ' Feb. 20 IP
Damage "in the thousands of
dollars" has resulted from a fire
of undetermined origin In the
Hub City Lumber company plan
ing mill, owner Kenneth Richards
disclosed today.
RPinT-nnwin i -shage R
(All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 Ja. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays ana
Party, Shower
Given By Mrs.
G. Bradetich
An elaborate dinner party, com
bined with a baby shower, Was
given last Thursday by Mr. and
Mrs. George Bradetich . at the
Bradetich Brothers ranch, In
honor of Eleanor Ann Bulyk and
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.,
John Bradetich, Eleanor Ann,
the first grandchild of the John
Bradetichs, was born in Texas to
Lt and Mrs. George H. Bulyk on
Feb. 1L Mrs. Bulyk Is the former
Helen Bradetich of Bend. The
lieutenant is now in the South
Pacific, -t
An array of gifts for Eleanor
Ann were received and will be
forwarded to her mother.
A color scheme of pink and
white was used throughout and
the dining table was centered
with a great pink and white cake,
topped by a bassinette of pink
and white Icing. -.
, Guests Listed
Among those present were Mrs.
joe Hinee, Mrs. Victor Plath, Mrs.
George Nelson, Mrs. E. G. Mc
Cabe, Mrs. Hugh Logan, Mrs. D.
Bozich, Mrs. , George Tomac,
Mrs.- Joe Petranovich, Mrs. Tony
Pastulovich, Mrs. Joe Petrano
vich, Jr, Mrs. Charles Chopp, Mrs.
John. Mihelich, Mrs. Walter Nel
son, Mr, and Mrs. John Grunditz,
Mr. and Mrs, George Rastovtch,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mayne,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradetich, Mr.
and Mrs, Mike Vpdvick, Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. Barnurn, Mr. and Mrs.
Carson Call and daughters, Judy,
Susan and Joart Call; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lowe and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Pete- Wobas and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, Everett LenW and
son, Danny Rastovich, Miss Billie
Mayne, Miss Jean Mayne, Miss
Edith Bradetich and Miss Betty
Bradetich.'- . ; .' .;' ,
, A,A,kJ,W. MEET '
The February meeting of the
A.A.U.W. wag held at the home of
Mrs. if. Allen - Young, 310 Con
gress, Thursday evening with
Miss Zola McDougall and Mrs. A.
W. Westfall as assistant hostesses.
Following a. short business meet
ing", book reviews of "Will the
Better Workf Be New" by Becker,
and "Toward An Abiding Peace"
by Maclver, were reviewed by
Miss MeDoueall and Mrs. Al-
meda Hoist. Refreshments W the
Valentine motif were served by
the hostesses. .
. L.D.R- To EnteHaln At the'
First Lutheran church Lenten
services at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday t
Mrs. isverett Jones, Mrs. ciniora
Davis and Mrs. Howard Korthaus
will sing. The worshippers will be
Invited to be the guests of the
L.D.R. In the parlors after the
, -Wee
Women To Meet The Wee
Women's. 4-H club will meet at
1:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of
Mrs. Hubert Bartlett In Boyd
The Bend high school symposi
um group spoke on, "The Return
ing Veteran," before ihe Junior
Chamber of Commerce Auxiliary
last night in the Sun room of the
Pilot- Butte inn. Speakers were:
June Alfrey, Beverley Baer, Betty j
Jeffrey and Ruth Terlisner. A dis
cussion followed and a business
meeting was held later. Mrs.
Bruno Rath, president, presided.
NEW kind of
ASPIRIN tablet
doesn't upset stomach
When you need
5 quickrelieffrom
f pain, do ydu
hesitate to take
aspirin because!
It leaves you
with an upset.
stomach? If so,
this new medi-,
cal discovery,'
SUPERIN. is "Just what the doc-1
, tor ordered" ior you.
! Superin it oipirin nlu contains
the same pure, safs toplrin you i
I have long known but developed
j by doctors in a special way for
' those upset by aspirin in its ordi-;
) nary form, 1
i This haw kind of aspirin tablet
1 dissolves more quickly lets the
' aspirin get right at the job of re
: lieving pain, reduces the acidity of
ordinary aspirin, and does hot ir
ritate or upset stomach even after
; repeat doses.
Tjr IM ut t remind you to
et Superin today, so you can have ,
it on hand when headaches, tolds,
etc., strike. .See now quickly, it
relieves pam now
r . , , , .
line you ieei aiier Tt.uJl.iHC
laning.Atyouraruf- v"
gist s, lof and Wit.
1 Qfi
Taesday .
pm-ttrcle 1, Cathoiic Altar
society with Mrs. W J. Eagan,
45 Congress, ,
8 p.m. Treaty approval discus
sion, League ol Women Voter,
Pilot Butte inn. ,
8 p.m.r-Fast president ot De
gree of Honor with Mrs, Ovid
Evans, Lee lane.
8 p.m. -!- Queen Esther ghWp
with Miss Alma Jean Ryman, 415
S p,Tn. W.S.CS. group 1 with
Mrs., Harry Drake, 1128 Lexing
ton. Group 2 with Mrs. Ethan In
nis, 344 Delaware. Group 3 with
Mrs. R, E, Johnson, 1728 W. 1st.
7:30 p.m. L.D.R. in First Lu
theran church parlors.
, Thursday , ,
2-4 p.m. l.H.S. tea at Chris
tian church. Friends invited.
FHdiy ,
S pin. Women of Moose theet
ing and Initiation, Moose hall. .
Saturday -
1:30 p.m. Wee Women with
Mrs. Hubert Bartlett.
8 p.m. Town and Country club
card party at Harry Drake home,
1128 texingtoa
b.AM Convention
Delegates Named
Redmond, Feb. 20 Special)
Delegates to the state convention
of the Daughters of the American
Revolution were elected it a meet,
ing fteld at the home of Mrs. J. R,
Roberts, The convention will be
held next month in Portland. Dele
gates elected were Mrs. J, R.
Roberto and Mrs. Charles M.
Mrs. C, W. Helm reviewed Wal
ter Lippman's book. "United
States War Aims." The March
meeting -will be held with Mrs. C,
R. McLallin.
Benefit Group
Honors Member
A wedding cake and coffee table
were presented to Mrs. Olga Clo
ver, a recent bride, at a meeting
tion in Norway hall on February j
Those present were Bea Spcn-
cer, Frieda Pickett, Daisy ffil,
Edtth Holllnshead, Lillian Walker
Mary Allen, Eva Winters, Agnei
Burrows, Florence Nielsen, Edith'
emi n m n i-!ii5,. a
, v.. w
Junior Lraurue Meets The
Junior Civic League met last ;
TTiursday night at the home ofl
Mrs, Gail Pelker, at which time ;
. r-t.- ' i n
rArOTrFed'eWton of
Wometrt club, was guest speaker, each; vaUd through March
Mrs, Chamberlin discussed thoLi,
state club organization, and re
ported on the state board meet
ing held in January.
Mrs. Urcel Sigfrlt was program
Grange Hall Ladle AW The
Grange Hall Ladies Aid will meet
at 2 p.m. Thursday with Mrs. R coupons valid through August 21,
H. Foiey on East 8th street, J Not more than 62 per cent of sea-
, ' i son's rations should have been
Tea Scheduled Members and uned to date in Portland area, 82
friends have been invited to a tea! Jwr cent jn Roseburg area, and
f.ronL2 p rn- on Thursday at 149 per cent in North Head area.
the Christian church, to he given)
by ihe I,H,S. group. Mrs. Wayne
Hamilton is the group leader. I Buy National War Bonds Now!
Feb. 19 fo March 10, inc.
For Men and Women
Symposium Speaks
Before B.&P.W,
Hie high school symposium,
team spoke on "The Returning
Veteran," at a meeting of the'
Bend Business and Professional
Women's club on Wednesday
night in the Pilot Butte inn. A dis-f
cusslon of the subject followed.
At the business meeting plans
were made tor a dinner meeting
on March 15 in honor ot Mrs, Con-1
stance Webber, state president off
the B. P. W and Miss Olive j
Huston, head of the national Held j
service of the organization. Missj
Elizabeth Boeckli, program co-
ordination chairman, is in charge)
of plans tor the dinner. I
Redmond, Feb. 20 tSpeelal)
The Juniper Literary society tart
last Wednesday with Mrs. Ray
Rogers. Mrs. C. H. IrvSn read a
short story. Mrs. R. L. Lewis
spoken on "Undulant fever and
Bang's disease." Mrs. George
Brewster brought a guest.
Card Party Winners Prize win-1
ners at the card party held Sat-'
wrday by the Women of the Moose (
were Mrs. P. E. Lyons, Mrs, Jo-j
soph F. Egg, Joseph F. Egg and;
Henry Merritt. 1
Initiation Planned Candidates
will be initiated into the Women,
of the Moose at a regular meeting I
at S p.m, Friday in Moose hall.'
According to an announcement, ol-
liters will wear formal gowns. j
... ,
Card Party Wanned The Town
and Country club will hold a cart !
party on Saturday night at thef
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry!
oraKe, 1128 Lexington. Play will
start at 8 p.m.
P.E.O. Plans Dinner iteetltty
A dinner meeting ot the P.E.O.
Sisterhood will be held Thursday
at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
H. H. DeArmond, 373 East Green-
wood. Mrs. Frank H. Loggan will ;
be In charge of the program, i
Clrde 1 To Meet Tonight at
8 o'clock Circle 1 of the Catholic
Altar society will meet at the
home of Mrs. W, J. Eagan, 545
Congress street.
Ration Calendar
Processed Foods; Book 4 Blue
stamps X5 through B2 valid
through March 31. Blue stamps
C2 through G2 valid through
M valid through jne 2,
5!ca,t' Butt"i ;!,W!SaLBi??k 43
JJf 2tPs ?i Cft V8S
r0UES Irch f
ffiroHfi X,3 valid through April
mtt stamPf through D2
valid through June 2.,
S)Jgar. Book 4-Sugar sssmp 34
(valid through i-ebruary m &ugar
B'raPf "Stitild.
e5 il! . ' fi
kvTA'rp,ane Slatnps 12-3
now valid.
5 Zi
Stoves: Apply local board for
oil, gas stove certificates.
Wood, Coal, Sawiiusl ; Dealer
determines delivery priority front
consumer's written statement of
annual needs and quantity on
M OH: Pnriml 1. 2 3 nnil 4
New for
.100 Wool
New Colors
Smart Sfylet
Big Values
19.75 to 39.50
New arrival, tatad to the times. Colon (t tts
cheerfu! $M, f frfc op war-weary (WW, MalsriaSs
are aH wool, JaiJorsng perfect, and styles ttfcn d
youthful, Prices for every budget and net for
every figure. See tiiml Try iham on!
Mrs. Neal Funeral
To Be In Olympia
Olympia, Wash, Feb. 20 B
Funeral services will be held at
St, John's Episcopal church at 11
a.m. tomorrow for Mrs. Carl B.
Neal, 57, wife of the supervisor of
the Olympia national forest, Mrs.
Neal died Sunday.
Dr. Frederick ScMAk will of
flcate at the rites. The body will
be sent to Portland tor burial in
PJverview Abbey.
While her htwtand was stntion-
ed here as Supervisor of the Dos.
chutes national forest, Mrs. Neal
was active In community and civic
work and served as a member of
the Bend school board. She was
also a member of the Allied Arts
club and other local organizations.
Redmond. Feb. 20 ISnedaU
The Aganning camp fire girl's j
group elected the following offi-j
cers at their meeting; j
Darione Fields, president; Ver-'
lene Winkle, vice-president; Mar
garet Mickrl, swerrtary; CSrolyn
Killlngbeck, treasurer; Arisen
mm to
Loney, sergeant-at-arms; Laura fed. Kline was in a hospital at
Lee Loop, scribe. Leader of the! Florence, A Tirana, but is back at
group Is Mrs, D, C Nooe. .
Kline Is Injured
At Ranch Rodeo
Harold Kline, former owner of
the Palace In Bead, recently suf
fered a broken teg in an accident
at a ranch rodeo near Coolidge,
Arizona, friends here have iearrs-
CAPITOL Tomorrow Triuts, Fri. and Sat.
all ?S SW EL Wirt
Until S teit bntstIS"w4
Theta wrapper witi b empry until further nofke.
w m -
this heme in CooMdge now. Trie
I break was a compound fracsure.
j Providing his k'g heals propet
'ly, Kline expects to return to
Arab soldiers of the feurteefrth
century threw jars of burnltsg
naptha from catapults while
wearing speetally fireprsefed
th fg
C strong
.ices Into a
attacks that points re-
raged along
k Canadian