PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, FEB. 19. 1945 Portland Opens Polio Quarters A permanent headquarters for the Foundation for National In fantile Paralysis, and hospital facilities, have been established in Portland, according to word received here today by Mrs. J. F. Arnold, president of the Des- thutes county chapter. Mrs. Ar nold was advised by Chairman Aaron M. Frank of the Multno mah county chapter, that the of fices have been established at 1008 S. W. Sixth avenue, and that the temporary hospital, nursing ana physiotherapy staff has been set up in the Hahnemann hos pital. A medical advisory com mittee, headed by Dr. Adolph Woinzirl. also has been created for the purpose of studying cases nnd passing upon their eligibility for treatment under the founda tion fund. The headquarters on Morrison street' are in charge of Anne Kell Robinson, Frank- re ported. Quota Is Near Facilities of the Portland head ciuarters are available to victims from all parts of Oregon, it was unnounceu. Mrs. Arnold reported today that the Deschutes county quota of $4,000 had almost been reached, and that additional contributions are being sent her at 12(i Minneso ta avenue. Nelson Weds lis Former Secretary Redmond '. Redmond, Feb. 19 Mr. nnd QArs. I). L. Penhollow and Mr. and Jvfrs. George Fairfield made a business trip to Portland this Aveek. Orin Fraley ot Portland was Jransacting business in Redmond .this past week. He was a former resident here. V. H. Clark of Vancouver, JWash., was a business caller here .this week In the interest of the Pant and Russell Lumber com pany. I Mrs. WHIInm filnntr nnd Mrs. Nellie Nooe accompanied the high ,'school Pep club drill team to Prlnevllle Friday evening. The team, sponsored by Mrs. Nooe, put on a drill at the basketball game. J. C. Harlan has returned from 1 r rJJw: p if L'V" "j el 1 1 i: 11 ; u Hv. I'M Aft- (NEA Telephoto) Donald M. Nelson, 55, personal representative of President Roosevelt, and his bride, the former Miss Marguerite Coulbourne, 26, pictured after their marriage by U. 8. Court ot Appeals Justice Thurman Arnold In Wash ington, D. O. Before their marriage, Miss Coulbourne was Nelson's sec retary and one-time college beauty queen. Nelson's first wife divorced him a mouth ago. Miss Coulbourne is a widow. GET YOUR REDPOItlTJ BONUS! 2 Red Points for each pound of used fats turned in to your butcher. Keep Saving Used Fats For the Fighting Front I Portland where he was attending to business matters for a few days. Mrs. Harry Klssler's parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Downs, have moved to- Redmond from Rose- burg. Bert Ware, who has been a pa tient in St. Charles hospital, is able to be at his home here again, much Improved. Mrs. John Henderson substi tuted In the seventh grade the past week for Mrs. Leonard Mc Fadden, who was called to Port land. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Vice of Ter rebonne, celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary S u n d a y Feb. 18. They were married in Missouri in 1886. C. C. Vice Is their son. Mr. and Mrs. McKlnley Stock ton of Los Angeles are spending a few days In Redmond, on a bus iness trip. U. il. Smith, of Lebanon, who recently purchased B. L. (Pinkie) Rennold's sales ring, has started construction on the grounds of a pavilion barn, and stalls. Corrals and barns are to be large enough to nanme 2,uuu head ot livestock. KYCKMAN BILL APPROVED Salem, Feb. 19 ill'i The senate today approved and sent to the house a bill (SB204) to pay a $50 monthly pension from state game funds to Mrs. Matt Ryckman, wife of the late state hatchery superintendent who was In state service for 41 years. Treaty Approval To Be Discussed The proposed constitutional change In United States treaty approval by the senate will be discussed at tomorrow night's meeting of the League of Wom en Voters by a Bend high school team directed by Wayne Over- holser. The meeting, open to all interested in the treaty topic, will be held in the Blue room of the Pilot Butte inn, starting a 8 o'clock. Members of the symposium team will be Jackie Hahn, Roselle Knight and Lee Relnhart. The program Is being arranged by Mrs. H. A. Davis, chairman of the League of Women Voters foreign relations committee. Buy National War Bonds Now! THE STAR OF GREAT PERFORMANCES, GIVES HIS GREATEST SPENCER TRACY in "THE SEVENTH CROSS" CAPITOL WED. THU. FRI. SAT. NOTICE Instructions Relative to Personal Property Assessment Expiration Date March 2, 1945 $10.00 Per Day Penalty For each day of the continuance of refusal or neglect to file return. PRIVATELY OWNED IMPROVEMENTS ON PUBLIC LANDS: Any privately owned structure or Improvement on land owned by the United States is personal property and should be reported as such. Privately owned Improvements situated on land owned by the state or by a county, city or other municipal corporation are real property and should be listed as such. Give the legal subdivision section, township and range, on which such Improve ments are situated; also, the year of construction and the total cost and the true cash value as of January 1 of the current year. MERCHANDISE AND STOCK IN TRADE: The amount listed should agree with the inventory as shown by the books, including shipping and other charges. Take no discount or other deduction. FIXTURES, FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT IN BUSINESS OR COMMER. CIAL USE: The true cash value of all furniture and equipment In auto courts apartments, hotels, offices, and that part of household furniture and equipment used for commercial purposes in rented rooms, etc., should be listed. The value given should correspond to the cost of replacing with like furniture and equipment tnot new), rather than the amount which might be realized from a forcra sale. Household furniture, domestic fixtures, household goods and effects actually in use as such in homes and dwellings, where not used for business or commercla"l purposes, are exempt from taxation and should not be reported on this form Ex emption also applies to wearing apparel, watches, Jewelry, and similar personal effects actually in use. The assessor shall cause blank forms for such returns to be prepared and dis tributed, but failure to receive or secure the form shall not relieve anv such person quired aKi'M '' otfUv1' fl0,n "1P """H1"1'"1 ot making any return herein re- LIVESTOCK: Horses, cattle sheep, goats, hogs, etc. Also poultry, chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese should be listed. Space Is also provided on the form for fur bearing animals, rabbits and bees. All farm Implements and machinery, all Industrial equipment sawmill, log ging and mining equipment, etc. Garage and service station equipment, pumps, tanks, oil storage containers, etc. Motorized equipment not licensed with state. Boats, vessels and other water. , craft, outboard motors. Please read instructions carefully on the back of blank DO NOT FAIL TO SIGN. J. A. FOUNTAIN, COUNTY ASSESSOR Pleasant Ridge , Pleasant Ridge, Feb. 19 (Spe. clal) Last weekend visitors of Frank Conklin were Dick Nooe, Bruce Rogers and Sklpp Hayes, of Redmond. Keith Schlickelman was a Sat urday guest at the Conklin home. Sgt. Lester Nelson of Redmond air field and Tony Ahlstrom were Sunday supper guests at the Mik kelsen home. Eleanor Bechen and Maren Grlbskov of Eend were Sunday dinner guests at the Conklin home. Mrs. Sine Mlk kelsen attended a birthday party on Saturday after. noon at the home of Mrs. Flo Tribo of Redmond. Tony Ahlstrom bought a team of horses from Loyd Smith last week. C. C. Gillenwater made a trip to Lebanon on Tuesday of last week, returning on inursaay. Mrs. M. u. Koblnson or Red mond was a Sunday visitor at the Shorty Wilcox home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Berry, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kriger and Francis visited on bunday with Mrs. Idona Fix and Mrs. Betty Farsvedt of Bend. Mrs. Gordon Wilcox was injur ed Sunday afternoon In an auto mobile accident. Mrs. Betty Farsvedt received word that her husband, Gilbert Farsvedt, of Mare Island, is in a hospital suffering from bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen and sons, Frances and William, were Sunday visitors at the J. W. and Loyd Petersen homes. A community party was held on Saturday night at the Pleasant Kidge hall with a large crowd present . Sholes Gives 'Low Down Cpl ; i ML Si v Marine Corporal Warren A. Sholes, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sholes,. of 481 State street, (left), shows woman marine Second Lieutenant Constance May Berkholtz, of Hazelton, N. D., how toast is made in the marine barracks galley at Pearl Harbor, while the lieutenant was on a recent inspection tour. Putting sliced bread on trays bound for the ovens is Private Victor G. Hughes, of Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slgfrit of Bend called at the Rasmus Peter sen home Saturday evening. Mrs. Don Kissier and daughter, Patsy, and Mrs. Huff of Redmond. were Saturday visitors at Rasmus Petersens. RED CROSS HEAD HERE Miss Grace Jackson, field rep resentative from the area head quarters of the American Red Cross In San Francisco, was here today confering with Deschutes county Red Cross representatives, and Bruce Gilbert, chairman of the war fund committee. DRUNK CHARGE FACED Arrested early yesterday at the corner of Bond street and Frank lin avenue, Keith L. Denny, a rail roadman today faced hearing in municipal court on a charge of intoxication. Ben Garske Here From Pacific Duty Ben Garske, ship's cook 2c, is home on leave following nearly two years of service with the Sea bees in South Pacific Islands, and, he declared, "I am mighty glad to be back." Following his leave he will retur nto duty. While here he will make his home with his broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Garske. Places visited by Garske on his South Pacific stay included the Admiralties and Hebrides, both spots which came in for frequent mention in the news in 1943 when the Americans started their north ward push toward Japan. Kenneth Gales, of Bend, was in Garske's outfit In the South Pa cific, as was Al Minnick. Garske and Minnick enlisted the same day, served together &n came """""it remains 4 in tililm-nia for a chn E relatives before coming to Bend Arnold Ranchers . Select Officers New. officers and members of the advisory board of the Arnold Cattle and Horse association elected at a meeting held late Sat urday In the offices of the D. chutes national forest, were madp known today. Kenneth Slack win head the group as president, and R. D. Stowell was chosen vice president, and Mrs. Charles Grif. flth, secretary. The advisory board is composed of Irvine Morris, Rodney lw brook and Joseph Fales. The Arnold association irf,. stock in the Deschutes national . nn,,,u -e n a M1 Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE f Lumber and Box Shooks xmmmmmmm'v x u wm . i BERLIN IS ONLY A WHISTLE STOP Yeah, that was Berlin we just passed. Seemed like we'd never get there, didn't it? And now that we made it, anybody feel like a stopover? Little celebration or something like that? Forget it, friend. This is a through train we're on. And before we get to where we're going, Berlin will seem like a whistle stop. A dot on the map, once removed.' Tokyo's our destination. Half a world and billions of bucks away and one thing is sure! If you're going our way, you pay your own freight. That means you keep on buying more and more bonds until you've bought every bond you can dig up the dough for. And then you buy another one! Remember, you might be making this trip the hard way. From island to island. Through the jungle. In a B-29. In a submarine. So don't feel too sorry for yourself. Get that first extra bond today . . . right now . . . this minute! KEEP ON BUYING BONDS TILL IT'S OVER, OVER THERE! Thi message presented by the following concerns in the Merest of our All-Out War Effort and in cooperation with the Deschutes Countv War Band &Uc Bank of Bend Bend Garage Company Brooltt-Scar.lon Lumber Company Inc. Cashman's, Bend's Clothier Central Oregon Distributors Gregg's Banner Bakery Lumbermen Insurance Agency The Miller Lumber Company Nlswonger & Winslow J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Deschutes Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Erickson's Food Market Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Bend The First National Bank of Portland, Bend Branch Staple Optical Pacific Trailways The Shevlin-Hixon Company Superior Cafe, 1047 Boii J St. Werle's Tiil it n offieUI V. S. Trtaury irtrtistmnt-prtpmi HnJtr tuspicts of Treasury DtptrtmtiU mi JHrf Advcrlhing Council. i