?:':", ;' ",. : , ' " I ";-r a Want A THE BEND BULLETIN;' BEND, 4feG0N, SATURDAY, FEB.. 1 7, 1 945 PAGE EIGHT Stocks Irregular, Volume Is Lower i By Elmer C. Walzer . (UMUnl Prnu Financial Editor) ' New York, Feb. 17 UP Stocks : moved Irregularly on contracted volume in the short session today. Major groups (ailed to develop a definite trend because of realizing selling in individual issues. In vestment demand continued in a number of selected issues which showed gains up to a point. Albany & Susquehanna, inactive . railroad issue, soared 9 points to a new high at 210. Leading active rails were narrowly mixed. Santa , Fe rose nearly a point and small gains were noted in Chesapeake & : Ohio. Minor losses appeared in New York Central, Pennsylvania and Union Pacific. Bethlehem Steel and' Youngs town Sheet & Tube eased while U. S. Steel firmed and Republic held at the previous close. In the motors, Chrysler was up nearly a point while Packard was unchang ed and Hudson lost a fraction. In the chemicals Dupont rose a point while Allied Chemical eased. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Ore.. Feb. 17 ui Livestock for week: Cattle 2840, calves 300. Compared week ago, steers steady to weak, other class es strong to 25c higher, lower grade cows up most. Week's top led steers $16.10, other good grades largely $15.25 to $16.00. Common-medium steers $11.00 14.50. Similar heifers $9.50-13.50, .. -Good fed heifers $14.25-15.25; good Beef cows $12.00-12.75: common- medium $9.00-11.50. Canners and cutters $6.50-9.00. Shells down to $5.00; medium -good bulls $10.00- 12.50. Odd head $12.75, cutters down to $8.00. Good-choice vealers $14.00-15.00; few $15.50. Hogs 1550. Butcher hogs un changed, largely at celling, sows 25c higher, feeder pigs 25-50c up. Good-choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75. Heavier and lighter weights $14.50-15.00; good sows $14.00- 14.50. Lightweights to $14.75. Good-choice feeder pigs $15.50- ' 16.25; good stags $11.00-12.00 with usual 70 lb. dock. Sheep, 1350. Generally to steady but top 25c below weeK ago on quality. Good - choice- trucked - In lambs $15.00, few lots and one load taggy lambs $15.25, two loads medium-good $14.50. Common lambs down to $11.00. Culls down to $10.00; good yearling $12.00. Few good -choice $12.50; good ewes $7.00-7.50. Culls down to $4.00. . VETERAN OF S AIR FORCES Fort Wayne, Ind. W Sgt. George A. Furste, who recently returned home with his English - wife, has been in the service for three years and in that time has been a soldier for three different nations. In -1941, Sgt. Furste joined the Royal Canadian air force, and 10 months later asked to be transferred to the British royal air force. In June, 1943, he donned the A.A.F. uniform. Buy National War Bonds Nowl Senate-Bound ; Adml. Thomns C. Hnrt, above, U. S. N Ret., a Republican, is slated for appointment as U. S. Senator from Connecticut, to serve out the unexpired term of the late Sen. Francis Maloney, Democrat. Adml. Hart former ly was naval C'ommnnder-in-Chlef In the Far East. fwmmmwmmmmamm Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 135 Oregon r W: m I I v .- -I. - ; i ' i V ' Js, ..ft DIAMONDS KEEP FAITH ! 0 Buy Bonds for KEEPS g A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler . Ntt t CnpitM Thttt Phm Ul-R WATCHES Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time ..: .....85o 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times S1.85 All r VJrttoM On moth run, mmt p, H I", M lain am chaw, 14c LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o CUtaUMd AdvtrtUlng. win IB lw Dnll CjMlng TuM 11 if P. M. BKND LODGE, NO. 128 1. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller.Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB 8 ALL 3 ROOMS with sink and water, electric lights, garage and 3 large lots. Needs some lixing up; u you are handy with tools and want a bargain, see Johnson, Bend Real ty. 957 Wall St. 12 HEAVY HENS, Rhode Island Reds, one 90 lb. pig, one 3 months old calf. 1619 West 12th. WELL IMPROVED eighty acres C.O.I, water right. This place free from rock and has acres new seeding Alslke clover, 2U acres alfalfa, balance good potato ground. $7,800. Machinery can be obtained. If you want a good ranch see this one. Frank McGar vey, 118 Oregon St. VERY NICE 4 bedroom home, e-insp In naved street, wired for electric range, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors. $7suu, loan avail able. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SOAP FLAKES Soap granules, while supply lasts. Pre-war glyc erine content soap, top quality. Case of 24 packages granules (24 oit. pkgs.) $5.95 Flakes (1214 oz.) S5.45. Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. BOY'S PRE-WAR bike, new bal loon tires, In good shape. 1444 Hartford. OWN YOUR own home and have good side Income. I have a duplex and small house close In and com pletely furnished In good condi tion for only $5,500. See Frank McGarvey for further details. 118 Oregon St. OWNER LEAVING for service, will sacrifice 80 acres, 40 acres Arnold, 2 bedroom house, well built barn, outbuildings, 2 cis terns. Only $3500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. - ELECTRESTEEM VAPORIZ ERS, for medicinal vapors, heat ing baby's bottles, sterilizing nip ples, warming baby foods, boiling eggs and other uses, only $2.25. Bend Electric Co., 644 Franklin. ABOUT 6 TONS nice smooth clean seed potatoes at $2.50 hun dred in your sacks. H. E. Young, nine miles out on Burns highway. ROOM home, furnished or un furnished, chicken house, out buildings, 2 lots fenced, drilled hole, large garden spot, on paved street. Close to mill. $1200 unfur nished or $1400 furnished. 238 Riverside. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. SMALL TRAILER house. Newly painted, 3 burner stove with pres sure tank, and cross cut saw. 1625 Galveston. CHEAP. One-room house, partly furnished, nice built-ins and lino leums on floor, Flrtex walls. Large lot. Call after 5 p. m. or Sunday. 1453 Elgin Ave. 2 WORK HORSES, 4 and 6 years old, gentle. Harness and halters. Will furnish pasture til May 1. For sale cheap. Pholie 10-F-1S. Rt. 1, Box 311-B. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance, Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern natcnery Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 9 ROOM HOME on Congress. One of Bend's fine homes, base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, lovely grounds with large garage. Must sell at once, $7500. Gilberts Real Lstate. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard lerti-1 ll.er, $4 per yard. Also top soil. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St. - WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Llchtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. i"HE TIME of year to plan for ; that garden. Fine large modern -home with city water and two nuva Kiwiiuvi. vii i www, good cnicKen nuuM noimie ga raRe. A fine home in Rood neiRh- bnrhood. $5.3(X). Frank McGarv 118 Orejion St. . ON ROOSEVELT, Immediate oos- I session, 2 bedroom house, sdme iurnnvri.', snuwer, uiuuy porcn, large R'arnge. $1730, $300 down, $30 month, Anne Forbes, 3U Oiv roil Phone 3t -W. LATE MODEL Montag range I with coils. Call at 334 Lee lane or I phone 747-J. FOR SALE LARGE SETTING hens and Rhode Island Red setting eggs. Also pre-war baby stroller and slightly used lady's dresses, size 14. Call 147 E. Olney. TWO BEDROOM modern house, Monarch range, woodshed ana ga- rage. Can be seen on aunaays or week days. 1084 Federal. WEST SIDE modern house, 2 bedrooms, kitchen range, circulat ing huior vpnpft.in blinds, cabin. garage, woodshed, immediate pos session. uuu, ouu uown, ou month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 17 JEWEL Illinois man's wrist watch. Just overhauled, in good condltlon.-See chef at Allen's Cafe. LARGE MONT AG circulating heater and one wood range with copper coll. 26 Revere. Telephone 716-R. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. WEST SIDE, immediate posses sion, attractive new modern house, 2 bc!droomdownstalrs, un finished upstairs, large basement, automatic sprinkling system. $4000,, $1500 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. FAT HEAVY hens dressed on or der. Also boy's all-wool coat. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. 1 (i blocks east of Standard Oil tanks. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. YOUNG MILK COW, reasonable price. 3rd place on left hand side Alfalfa Market road. TOY, all black Pomeranian dog, age 4 years, weight 9 lbs. Very loveable pet for grown ups. West Side Grocery and Station, McKen zie highway, Redmond. . FOR SALE OR TRADE SMALL ENAMEL range. Trade for two wheel trailer. Call at 108 Cascade after 4:30. FOR SMALL Central Oregon ranch, 2 210 acres, new four room house, new barn, other out buildings, on highway and river. Full plumbing, electricity. Lo cated in Marcola, Oregon. J. L. Keeler, Marla, Oregon, f FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT, 715 Lava road. Alcove bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen, bath. Wood and lights furnished. Call A. D. Lewis, 1503 Awbrey road. Phone 684 for .appointment. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. BOARD AND ROOM $45.. Home cooked meals. ' Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel. Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. TWO ROOM semi-modern fur nished cabin with utilities, clean and comfortable, access to shower bath. Also unfurnished upstairs room, equipped for light house keeping. Phone lUtu, or call at t23 Hill street. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 room apartment. 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. 3 ROOM modern house. No chil dren. 875 Roosevelt. NICELY FURNISHED furnace heated rooms with some kitchen privileges. 1 block from Bank of Bend. 18 Oregon. Phone 771-W. WANTED GOOD USED cook stove with colls. Mary Haynle. Phone 1050-M. rouft for moving STORAGE L0CAI CAnrr PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend 1 WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top 1 STERLING SILVER Navy brace prices for good used radios, j let. U. S. N. links. Souvenir from George's Radio Service. New loca- my husband overseas. Lost in tlon 838 Wall St. Phone 900. ., vicinity of Columbia Mercantile. t retu , : - years exper.ence. r e ?mu- tor for Oregon State Corporation Department. Ten years auditor Oregon State Tax Commission. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E.Green wood Ave., near Pilot Butte. INCOME PROPERTY, good con dition, no realtors. Write Bulletin No. 694. WANTED TO BUY weiner pigs and cull potatoes, or will trade radio and used furniture. Ed Losch, Rt 1, Box 156.. Phone 488WX. ... WANTED TO RENT by March 15, modern 2 bedroom house un furnished, east of the river. Rob ert Mcllvenna, 304 Hunter Place. Phone 186-W. WANT TO BUY 2 or 3 bedroom house. Up to $2,000. Inquire at 1635 Awbrey road. Call after 6:00. WANT TO RENT 2 bedroom un. furnished modern house or apart ment. No children. Write No. 701 care of The Bulletin or phone 753-W. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEERER for motherless home. Board, room and wages. Write No. 645 care of Bulletin or phone 815-R after 5 p.m. WOMAN" FRY COOK wanted at the Pilot Butte Inn. COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS II and III: permanent positions with I'UDiic weiiare in Oregon. Apply by Feb. 24, 1945 to Merit System Council, 616 Mead Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. WOOD CUTTERS, excellent pay. War essential work. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. USED CARS 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe, 90 rub ber. See It at Depot Service Sta tion. LOST BRINDLE AND WHITE female bulldog. Answers to name of Peg gy. Return to K. C. Gullck, chief of police. BETWEEN HORSE Ridge and Jones Ranch, two white face range cows from Stapleton ranch, Brothers. Notfy H. E. Windom, Kt. 2, Bend. IDENTIFICATION bracelet en graved with Ruth Malmstrom lost at the ball game Friday night. Reward for return to Bend Bulle tin office or Ruth Malmstrom, 125 Kevere. BLACK PATENT leather purse between south Hi-Way Tavern and bus depot. Contained keys and important papers. Please re turn purse and keep money. Re turn to 324 E. Third. "BOY5 DRESS, BUT THEY DOHT WE.4R DRESSES, TOW MMTK SEORSIE HEFFELFINeER.HI RED RYDER I THIS CURIOUS WORLD TJT mT III ifVm "TxiiuKSi "ill vii-- frr 1 vv lv once swamack&s the An.AArcm A-iAii-r OCfAV, FROM THE NORTH SEA (I Tir54 (V t NEW FOUNDLAND M H-r-J IK TsL. ) IT TRAILED BEHIND A PAPTLV DIS- V'- Wl W 1L iX ) A BLED NORWEGIAN SAILING VESSEL, yd I V I lln I EATIKI& FOOD TOSSED OVERBOARD M l Lm w TKtEDETci.TRp I ITT I FT VVP" SHDT AY OWN) V I l&EAVER f ) LITTLE FRIEND iJA V LOST lost down- ... town 2aiuraav. Contained idonti -- parri.-and DaDers. Return to Bulletin. 1945 BEND HIGH class ring, gold and rose gold. Initials P. C. inside. Please return to 1405 Lexington avenue. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS SPRING-CLEANING roubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, lO'Kane Bldg, or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. ma t . cram, ous Broadway. LET US - MAKE YOUR OLD WASHER NEW AGAIN. New complete wringer frame for your old washer. Automatic release and water return. Agitator replace ment for most makes of washers. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood.- Phone 583. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing, on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer service, 1J6 Greenwood. Phone 583. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. . FOR SALE: Pickett fence in 4 sections. Want to buy doll buggy. 726 Harriman. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX and business state-' ments prepared in my home. Also ' open evenings and Sundays for 1 your' convenience. H. T. Merritt, I 202 Thurston. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Since the successful laying of the first Atlantic cable by the! Great Eastern in 1866, messages have been transmitted constantly. COPfi. mi BY NkA SERVICE, INC. I. M. HLQ. u. x PAT. OFF ON TYPE OP OCCURS AS FAR NORTH AS BUT" RED'S' MATGH LIGHT gives the HALFBREEu A TARGET AND" Cash With Hosoital Refuses for- J I (NEA TtUphoto) Dr Sellg A. Shevln (right), staff member of Chicago's Jackson Park Hospital for 17. years, who resigned to protest hospital's refusal to admit Toyoko Murayama, 19-year-old American-born Japanese, an emergency case, maintains a close watch on his patient pending her admittance to another hospital. NOW I FLUORESCENT ' Sold without resrlciion while they last Gves Batter light . . . Costs loss to Us - r ' Streamlined design . . .'and as efficient as It's good looking! Gives correct light without glare or shadows . . . reduces eye strain. Operates on 110-125 volt 60 cyele AO current. Burns -two 20-watt fluorescent bulbs. Length, 25 Inches. H0UK -r VAN ALLEN T.re$tott HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota Phone -960 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners fnone 524 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods Movement Nisei Admittance I .FIXTUR'E? WHO'S WHO in BEND - AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Servic On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stock. Stock sold F.O.B. nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with vall catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone 965 Bend, Ore. U-red" backs cut of ' "''I'tI, y "bullets flying? J'jwfe -red backs out of the cave voith bullets Flying? v OLD MOVIES STUDIED S 1 are being revived at the Uni3 any ui icaas iu aiuuy tneirari A rection and design in drama S es. Rented from a New York cS library, to be shown over rf' week period, are such old-HmS as "Robin Hood," "Beau in,! mel," "What Price Giory" 13 "Maedchen in Uniform." HAND IN HAND I South Warren, Me. (lP)Mr Jf Mrs. Oscar Copcland and Mr IS Mrs. Charles Copeland, who bi! brated their double golden rf uiiig aiiiiivciaaijr un Amiisttt uay, we mtuijvu Dy the 83 minister and have lived next doc trt tonph ntHor clnra fhAn n- . ucuiuo wc nisi tuusms and m wives uiaiaiii wuuauib. Some Like STRIPES .t That's why we have over 340 different wallpaper patterns, shown in our big decorator- size sample books . And quality rang ing from 60 a roll to the best papers Amerioa's largest man ufacturer of wall paper. If you wish, you can re-do your entire home. . .and . pay only 10 down for your wallpaper on our monthly payment ' plan. MONTGOMERY WARD Cataloe Office 812 Wall Phone 970 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 12! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere In tin U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own goods. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your j exaco dealer. , Mission Service Station Bond ft Franklin Phone 340 , LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Past Dally Service Every D Of the Year Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PKlN 1 1Mb . OF QUALITY Photographic Offtet Letterpress rhe Bend Bulletin 0t,oo 56 By FRED HARMAN ' Some Like i Of J'i 1 I I: