The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 16, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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1.1 .
Improved Gardens
In '45 Sought in .
Victory Campaign
- Oregon's 1945 victory garden
program calls for the -continued
effort of all gardeners In the pro
ductlon of gardens that are even
better planned, says W. L.
.Teutsch, assistant director of the
extension-service at Oregon State
college, In announcing plans for
the third straight year of all-out
victory garden effort.
. The extension service both na
tionally and in the states, has
again been requested to take the
leadership In initiating state and
county victory garcien programs,
says Teutsch. As in the past,
nearly the entire extension staff
Will participate in some capacity.
Approximately 100 members of
the state victory garden commit
tee replied to a query from Chair
man William A. Schoerifeld, dean
and director of agriculture, say
ing they favored a continuation
of the Oregon program and that
a state conference is not needed
this year. County victory garden
committees will be called together
where necessary, however, to de
velop plans In which all agencies
and organizations can operate,
Teutsch added.
MeWhorter State Leader
O. T. McWhorter, extension
horticulturist, will continue to be
state leader of the victory garden
program for the extension serv-
I ice, with Robert E. Reider, assist
ant extension entomologist and
plant pathologist, as assistant
state leader, and A. G. B. Bou
quet, professor of vegetable crops,
assisting In many phases of the
The number of gardens grown
on farms in Oregon has been es
timated at 55,000 for 1944, the
same as the estimate for 1943,
Rleder reports. This means there
were gardens on about 90 per
cent vS all Oregon farms. The
number of gardens planted in
' cities and towns In 1944 is estl
ft.uted at about 120,000 a reduc
- tion of 25,000 from the 1943 esti
mate, Fully as many are needed
again this year, agricultural of
ficials agree.
Marvin Jones, war food admin
istrator, has said that home gar
deners produced more than 40 per
cent of the fresh vegetables In
1944 and that they are asked to
equal that record In 1945.
They Planned for World Peace
j. . , ,;--:'.',-.y JCr--,x ..m.. ,.---' 'iht-ni!f-mii ' "' ' t ' ,
rt-kv'i..'.l a Li2mM
Above Is first photo of President Roosevelt and Marshal Stalin as they discussed plans for world peace and terms of surrender for
Germany. The conference was held at Yalta, Crimea, Russia, lasting for eight days, and resulted, according to an official communique,
In "continuing and growing cooperation and understanding among our im-ee coumnes unu uuiuug u mc i"-"-'"""g
Lee B. Ellington, Bend, today
faced appearance In municipal
court as a result of his arrest last coat of paint: - Mrs,
night In a Bond street establish
ment on a charge of Intoxication.
Powell Butfe i
Powell Butte, Feb. 15 (Special)
Powell Butte grange met in reg
ular session Friday night with
about 150 people Including 59 can
didates, who were given the first
and second degrees by the Look
out mountain grange team. Music
for the Initiation was furnished by
Mrs. Bud Hams of Powell Butte.
Following the business meeting,
UK T niita Clrwilr Mrs A wpr V
iTlia. uwmu a ..... -- .
taincd with some musical num
bers after which potluck supper
and dancing was enjoyed until a
late hour.
On Feb. 23, the degree team of
Terrebonne will exemplify the
third and fourth degrees and any
grange is invited to bring its
candidates and Join the group
here. Ladles are asked to bring
potluck. .
Mrs, Verl Rldgeway and son
Dick, of Agency Plains, were
overnight guests last Monday of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rldgeway.
Last Tuesday the following
ladles met at the hall to clean up
the kitchen and give It a fresh
Ora, Foster,
Filipinos Clear Way for Advancing Yanks
Tajt 4: ,".ry-'
Mrs. Howard Calkins, Mrs. D. F.
Ross, Mrs. John Bozarth, Mrs.
(NF.A Teleoholo)
After U. S. Army engineers had removed fuses, Filipinos help dig out artillery shells Japs had laid as land
mines In the path of advancing Yanks. Note burned ruins of Manila buildings In background. Photo by.
Stanley Trouurmn, Acme Newspictures' photographer, (or War Picture Pool.
land Thursday to see her sister
who is ill, and returned Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmarr Wenner
strom and two children of Bend,
were Saturday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Mlnson. Mr
Wennerstrom is home on leav?
from the seabees in the south
Pacific. . , .
Mrs. C. C. Vice returned last
Thursday from Long Beach, Cal.,
where she had gone to see her
hmthpr who was ill.
, Mrs. Miriam Webb of Prineville,
was confined to her bed at the
home of her parents, Mr. and:
Mrs. C. C. Vice last week, due to
illness. ..
Robert Balfour played a- violin i
solo, "Dala Laika," Friday eve
ning at the meeting of the Ninety I
ailU lllllt? AICII VI V- Lllto v.
Christ in Central Oregon, at the
Redmond 'church Friday evening.
He was acepmpanied by Rev. D.
L. Pennollow ol.Kedmono,
Mrs. Bruce Balfour was an
overnight guest Wednesday of
Mrs. Wesley Newton In Redmond.
Miss Helen Rickman of Prine
ville, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rick
man. . : .
Lt. Jesse A: Wilson of Red
mond, who is home on furlough
from Marfa, Texas, was a supper
guest Monday evening at the
Luke Reif home. ' ?. "
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sohm of
Redmond, spent Sunday evening
at the home of his aunt, Mrs.
Bruce Balfour and family.
The Parent-Teacher club will
sponsor a pie social Thursday
evening, Feb. 22, at 8 o'clock in
the gymnasium. Ladies are asked
to bring pies and the PTC will
serve coffee. Clubs of the com
munity and the school will fur
nish entertainment. Everyone is
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nolan
and family of Bend, have moved
to their new home, and Alta Lee
entered Redmond high school
Monday. .... . . ..... , ..
On Friday, Feb. 23,. from 10
a. m., until 3 p. m., Miss Lucy
Case of the Oregon State college
will demonstrate methods of cook
ing lamb and pork in the kitchen
of the school house. Luncheon
will be served at noon and all
ladies of the community are
urged to attend. This is the first
of a series of food meetings to
be held. -
A large crowd of parents at
tended the regular monthly meet
ing of the Parent-Teacher club
Monday rfternoon when the sev
enth and eighth grade room won
the prize for the largest number
of parents present. Final plans
were made for the pie social to
be held next week. The next meet
ing will be on March 12.
Pacific company employees now
in the services is being advised of
this decision by N. R. P.owley,
president, In an Individual letter,
according to word received by
H. C. Kerron, manager here.
Madras. February 16 (Special)
Countyx Treasurer Elizabeth
Green has received $4,139.46 of
the 25 per cent allotment from the
aiaic mi me lurauy rentals and
sales in Jefferson countv. ThJ: ,
fourths of this amount goes into
the general road fund and th
other quarter In the county school
-. OA AAA -
have been harvested in California
in its new cork growing industry-
1 to on rrsvnrl In I
ii jo oo B"wv in quality US
953 Wall St.
Allen Young, Proprietor
Phone A
f mO I Choice of Colors and Sizes
I 8-inch Candle, 2 for 15c
-fl - 15-Inch-1 8-inch
II fcj Candle 2 for 25c
11 f, Endo-Creme $3.50
Jm p I 1'ref vrreil by Women
I m , Basis SoaP - 30c
f '"'Wi. t A SiiMr-fntted Soup
r""- p.Tips... .25c
' J 75c Llsterine 59c
v For quick pnloH$tJ relief from
over acidity of the stomach, rely
4V4 oz sizi
a nooucr
THE jteg&
in Portland.
Mr. .and Mrs. Sam Freedman
went to Portland Wednesday
where he will receive medical
care. i
Mrs. Alta Young, who is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. E. A. Bussett,
went to Bend Wednesday for a
few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey Shobert.
Mrs. E. A. Bussett spent the
Mabel Bozarth, Mrs. Glen Rldge
way and Mrs. Luke Reif.
D. F. Ross returned Tuesday
night from Portland, where he
had undergone a major operation.
Edith Reif was an overnight
guest last Tuesday of Bonnie Wil
son in Redmond, after attending
the basketball game In Bend.
Miss Fay Foster and Virginia
Strand returned to Portland Sun
day after snending the week end
Here witn ivu ana Mrs. ura
Eugene Butler went to Env
mett, Idaho, Thursday to visit rcl
atlves. lie returned early this
Monday night the girls' volley
ball team and the boys' basket
ball team of the local school went
to Prineville, where both teams
were aeieaicci uy ine i-rinev me The D Salma church ,n
students. On Wednesday evening ,prneville, was a caller Sunday
the girls defeated the Terrebonne evcnlng at the nome oI Mr- ana
gins 11 iu win mi- """Ulrs. M. D. Butler.
neir game 1010 13 on uie icrre- Mr and Mre Louls FIoek
bonne 1 oor. un inurscmy aiier- turned Wednesday Irom a trip lo
h Xf. , n 4ii .n!?'uReno w,u,e tney attended to
"" , , ,. ' uusinrss interests.
sl'iiuui uuimei a iu ju, ruiu ine
"Wash., for a few days' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo- Weigand
went to Portland Sunday and re
turned Monday. ...-.!.
Mr. and Mrs. Raynes, Of Ore
gon City, who recently purchased
the Warner place, were guests of
.the Merton Basey family Thurs
Neal Winkle went to Prineville
of all our big selection of white
brilliant rhinestone pins.
ctm only
many to go at
Here's a real opportunity your choice of any of
our huge selection of white brilliant, rhinestone
set costume jewelry lapel pins, dress decorations
etc. to close out this month at JUST HALF
PRICE! Remember, they all must go this month
and next month we couldn't sell you one at any
price. Stop in and see. these wonderful values
today! -
Buy Now!
Symons Bros.
"The House of Beauty" . ; . ,
947 Wall Street . Phone 175
week-end in Prineville with her Sunday and got his wife and new
sister, Mrs. Harriett Shobert. son, Ronald Neal, and took them
Roy Roberts went to Portland to the home of her parents, Mr.
last week where he will receiye and Mrs. Bert Demaris, at Sisters,
medical care. I for a few days.
Mrs. John Kirk and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houston
Hudson returned Thursday eve- of Bear Creek were overnight
ning from Portland after spend- guests last Monday of his sister,
ing several days there. j Mrs. Herman Meder and family,
Floyd Jones, vice-president of and on Tuesday . night were
guests 01 Mr. anu Mrs. m. .
Mrs. J. C. Minson went to Port-
Folks in Service
To Get Benefits
Mates of payof employes of the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company no& on leave in thej
armed services or the merchant
marine will Include, when they I
return to work, all increases they
would have received If they had 1
stayed on their telephone jobs.
The entire period of their leave
also will be counted as Bell
System service under the comp
any's benefit and pension plan
length of service being an im
portant factor in determining pen
sions and benefits for sickness,
accident and death.
Each of the more than 5,000
ight Coughs
ue to colds . . . eased
without "dosing".
Kenwood quintet 5 to 10 in a
Following the game In Prine
ville Monday evening, the girls
held a pajama party In the school
gymnasium with Helen Ayres as
The furniture belonging to Mr.
and Mrs. Boyd Stewart went by
moving van Saturday to Tule
lake, and the Stewarts plan to
leave Tuesday to make their
home there where they will en
gage in the farming business.
Grace and Gladys Pauls and
Mrs. Julian Steele attended a
bridal shower In Redmond Satur
day afternoon, honoring Miss
Joyce Steele.
Lt. Dale MoKonzIo arrived
Thursday from Florida to spend
a two-weeks' furlough with his
(wife and other relatives.
I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rilter were
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. l.len Rldge
way. Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Penhollow
and four sons were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mis." Luke
Reif and family.
Lorraine and Bill Ayres and
Fred Stevens, spent the week-end
How To Relieve I
Creomulslon relieves promptly be
cause lt goes right to tho sent of the
troublo to help loosen Slid expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw. tender, ln
. flamed bronchial mucous mein
: brnnes. Tell your druggist to sell you
bottle of Creomulslon with the un
demanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your monev back.
; for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Mrs. Frank Foster was hostess
to the Alpha Contract Bridge club
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Neva
McCaffory and Mrs. A. C. Heston
were substitutes, and honors were
won by Mrs. McCaffery and Mrs. j
Mrs. R. N. Elliott went to Bend
Friday where she joined a group
and went to Portland to donate
blood to the Red Cross. !
Bill Maxwell of Camp Pendle-'
ton, arrived Thursday to visit his
brother, Arthur Maxwell, and his
sister, Mrs. Homer Jones. He left
Friday for Mitchell where he will
visit his parents. ,4
Mrs. Herman Hapgood and two
sons, and Miss Pearl Hapgood
left Saturday for Golclendule,
in time of crisis. We offer
special assistance when you
need it most . . . and take
complete charge. Every de
tail is planned thoughtfully.
We will pay you
CASH for your
car. Drive in for
an estimate no
Bend Garage Co.
South of Postoffice
Phone 193
.1945 Seniors, stop in for a
FREE 3'2x5 glossy print suitable for publication In high school
No Cost No Obligation to buy anything!
Just stop in for a sitting, and you'll receive FREE this print,
made from your choice of 8 proofs, without further obligation.
Then if you wish to order other prints from the same nega
tives, you may have them at 25 less than our regular list price.
906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend
Open Weekdays Closed Sundays
9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Studios also in Klamath Falls, Medford, Albany, Portland.
Shevlin Quality
Lumber and Box Shooks