THE MNP BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEB.,16, 194S PAGE SEVEN f, . J.- A J. - mocks MUYdnce For 5th Session By Elmer C. Walzer (United i'reaa Financial Editor) New York, Feb. 16 U Stocks advanced today lor the fifth con sneutive session. The general 'average reached a new high since i Gains exienaea la more man t rwiints with rails leading. The ijail average set a new top since August 25, 1937; industrial, high isince November 12, 1938 and utility, high, since August la, ;i937. Improvement developed " in ctnrks around mid-session after f some profit-taking in the morning. Chrysler lea me way ana at us flp 01 1UJ was "P puuus. IteelS piCKeu up uiiuex- uie leau f U. S. steel. New highs were noted in A. -M. Byers, crucible sieel, and Youngston Sheet .& Tube. now Chemical with a gain of ,nt-o than 2 nnints led its section higher. Rails featured In volume with gains running iu murc mau a point in Norfolk & Western. Rail equipments touched new hiehs. Utilities produced con siderable activity, notably the low- priced issues. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK ' Portland, Ore., Feb, 16 IP Livestock: cattle 25, calves 10. cleanup sales about steady. Few cutter-common steers and heifers S7.25-9.50. Week's top fed steers S16.10. Best heifers $15.25. Can- ner-common cows (.du-.du. man ners down to $7.00 and below. Common-medium bulls $8.50-10.50. Good heavy beef bulls quotable to S12.50. Good-choice vealers salable $14.00-15.00. Hogs 150. Active, steaay. uooa lioice 170-270 lbs. 15.75. Good ows S14.00-14.50: few 255 lbs. $15.00; one lot choice 62 ib. feeder pigs $16.25. - Sheep none. Quotable steady. Good-choice wooled lambs salable $15.00-15.25. Good ewes salable $7.00-7.50. William C. Evans Funeral Arranged Funeral services for William Chester Evans, 60, who died at his home east of Bend on Wednes day morning, will be held at 2:30 p. m. Sunday at the Prineville funeral home with the Rev. D. L. Penhollow officiating. Mr. Evans, who was born in Prineville on May 7, 1886, had re sided in Bend for the past eight years. He is survived by his wite, Mrs. Julia A. Evans, Bend; Jte .mittticM XAr-o Tana Hjfr'v Wiarrxi Bend; a daughter, Mrs. Iris- M. Fenley, Guerneville, Calif.; a son, Howard U. Evans, u. a. navy; three sisters, Mrs. W. F. Mason, Bend; Mrs. Leona Johnson, Bend; Mrs. Lillian Campbell, Bend; two brothers, Harvey Evans, Canada, and Otis Evans of Bend. Bill Southworth Listed Missing - New York. Feb. 16 IP) Maj. Billy Southworth, Jr., son of the manager of the St. Louis Cardin als, was pilot of the B-29 Super fortress which crashed at La Guardia field yesterday afternoon. He was one of five crew members listed as missing by the army to day. His father is William H. South worth of Sunbury, Ohio. Ihe huge plane, bound for Florida from Mitchell field, at tempted to land at La Guardia airport when one of its engines went dead. The pilot apparently overshrrt the field, and as he bank ed the ship one wing dipped into the bay. ACTRESS IS INJURED Hollywood, Feb. 16 lPi Mar jorie Rambeau, veteran screen actress, was seriously injured early today when her car, which she was driving went out of con trol and crashed Into a parked car and a tree, police reported. Fif-O-Maffc Cbrtrs STANDAKD BATTERY Gives loos economical service. Wall-built nd dependable. POLONIUM 59c Edi. In St of 4 or Mora With Your Old ftuge Guaranteed to start your Tn ntir nnirVo anil mttVAk smoother operation, or money back, Houk-Van Allen Tinstone Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. Phone 860 r Spare Articles Classified Rates Local Paid in Advtnc 25 Words One Time , , Ifa 25 Words Three Times ...toe 23 Words SU Times $1.35 All mi mt n It kc waca 1mm uaBti mt inMruou OM mania rua. aa cap;, to aaj rata iniiBi iaiaa, aaa ISSS BATE lOo CAPITALS 20o CUaaifiaa AaYaruun Caaa la jUtim UUi Uaala Iu UiM r. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night - FiO.E.Hall , W.M.Loy.W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Daily Store - fOB SALE 3 ROOMS with sink and water, electric lights, garage and 3 large lots. Neeus some fixing up; if you are handy with tools ana want a bargain, see Johnson, Bend Real-' ty. 57 Wall St. - , : WELL IMPROVED eighty acres C.O.L water right. This place free from rock ana has 25 acres new seeding Alsike clover, 2Q ; acres alfalfa, - balance . good potato ground. $7,800. Machinery can be obtained. If you -want a good ranch see this one. Frank McGar vey, 118 Oregon St, :: OWNER LEAVING, must seU im mediately at sacrifice jirice, 80 acre ranch, 15 miles from Bend, 69 acres : CX.I. - Good 4 toom house, gravity flow water, elec tricity, large barn, completely fenced with woven wire. Only $5500, $1500 down, ; $600 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. : ' , 9 MONTHS OLD pullets, laying fine. Girl's bicycle, and lawn mow er. Also one doe with 4 small and 1 buck. 238 Riverside. SOAP FLAKES Soap granules, while supply lasts. Pre-war glyc erine content soap, top quality. Case of 24 packages granules (24 oz. pkgs.) $5.95 Flakes (124 oz.) $5.45. Houk-Van. Allen Home and Auto Supply. . . OWN YOUR own home and have good side income: I have a duplex and small house close in and com pletely furnished in good condi tion tor only $5,500. See Frank McGarvey for further details. 118 Oregon St. . -, -: ELECTRESTEEM VAPORIZ ERS, for medicinal vapors, heat ing baby's bottles, sterilizing nip ples, warming baby foods, boiling eggs and other uses, only Benft Iflertric Co., 644 Franklin, 'TROOM home, furnished of un furnished, chicken house, out buildings, 2 lots fenced, drilled hole, large garden spot, on paved street. Close to mill. $1200 unfur nished or $1400 furnished. 2& Riverside. : . $2700 BUYS forty acres, fair house and barn, 22 acres culti vated. 5 miles from Bend. Posses sion soon. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. CHICK BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 chick size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin . PRE-WAR TAYLOR TOT, high chair with aluminum tray, child's airplane rocker, large lawn play pen, 8 tube Sparton radio, dresses size 14. 726 Harriman. SMALL TRAILER house. Newly painted, 3 burner stove with pres sure tank, and cross cut saw. 1Q25 Galveston. CHEAP. One-room house, partly furnished, nice built-ins and lino leums on floor, Firtex walls. Large lot. Call after 5 p. m. or Sunday. 1453 Elgin Ave. TEAM OF HORSES and '31 Ford truck. L. R. Rouse, Rt. 1, Box 269. 2 WORK HORSES, 4 and 6 years old, gentle. Harness and halters. Will furnish pasture til May 1. For sale cheap. Phone 10-F-13. Rt. 1, Box 311-B. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 9 ROOM HOME on Congress. One of Bend's fine homes, base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, lovely grounds with large garage. Must sell at once, $7500. Gilberts Real Estate. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti lizer, $4 per yard. Also top soil. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St. MODERN 4 ROOM: with base i ment, 2 bedrooms, 3 lots, good place to raise chickens. A good buy at $32.t0. $1450 down. Gil belts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. . WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigates, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. LichtenwalteV, 2354 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, : Wash THE TIME of year to plan for that garnrn. rine larue iimui-i n homo with city wator and two' acres ground. On paved road, good chicken house, double ga-i rage. A fine home in good neigh-; borhood. $5,300. Frank McGarvey, : 118 Oregon St. I f DAVENPORT and chair fully: i springed. See at 434 Kansas. I FOB SALE SEMI MODERN: 2 bedrooms on pavement on west side. Owner leaving town. Priced reasonable $1155. CUberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. : TWO BEDROOM modern house. Monarch range, woodshed and ga rage. Can be seen on Sundays or week days. 1084 Federal. CABINET RADIO. 1518 Newport. 17. JEWEL Illinois man's wrist watch, Just overhauled, in good condition. See chef at Allen's Cafe. 5 ROOM MODERN: 2 bedrooms on edge of town, city lights and water. 4 lots, 2 chicken houses, good place lor cow or horses, friced . for quick sale $2700. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. . , , ... BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Tanks, Redmond. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co.. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. PRE-WAR EARLY American style red maple dining room set, 8 pieces, periect condition, zzo. w C. Mayo, 255 E. Elm or 246 N. 6th, Redmond, Oregon. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, ou, briquet. BaKer t eea co., pnone iss-x. rtedmona, ure BLACK DRESS COAT and re versible coat. Also dreses, size 14. 2 sheepskin leather jackets, size 12 and 36. Pre-war stroller, 1 boy's all wool topcoat, size 10. Call at 153 E. uiney. $2500 BUYS 4 room modern fur nlshed house. West side. $3200 bugs large modern home. Close in. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FOB SALE OB TRADE 1 '29 FORDSON tractor on steel, complete new motor, 1 Chester White boar three years. Trade for cattle no Jerseys considered. John D. Martin, , Gateway, Ore gon. SMALL ENAMEL- range. Trade for two wheel trailer. Call at 108 Cascade after 4:30. FOB BENT FURNISHED APARTMENT, 715 Lava road. Alcove bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen, bath. Wood and lights furnished. Call A. D. Lewis, 1503 Awbrey road. Phone 684 for appointment. . 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. . BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, . Mgr. Phone 31-W. ROOM in private home, kitchen privileges if desired. 1305 King ston. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for late model 3 or 4 burner electric range, 36 inch length. Call at office Jo-Ann Motor Lodge, 161 E. Franklin. YOUNG BUSINESS woman wants warm housekeeping room, or small apartment. Write No. 686 in care of The Bulletin. FEDERAL AND STATE income tax returns prepared.. Twenty years experience. Five years audi tor for Oregon State Corporation Department. Ten years auditor Oregon State Tax Commission. Henry Kiessenbeck, 1107 E. Green wood Ave., near Pilot Butte. INCOME PROPERTY, good con dition, no realtors. Write Bulletin No. 694. GOOD USED cook stove with coils. Mary Haynle. Phone 1050-M. WANTED TO BUY good used car. Phone 171 Redmond, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. John Reinar. TO RENT 4 or 5 room furnished house. Call at Pilot Butte Auto Court, Mrs. B. L. Smith. , WANTED TO BUY wetner pigs and cull potatoes, or will trade radio and used furniture. Ed Losch, Rt 1, Box 156. Phone 488WX. HELP WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL to help with general housework for a few days. Telephone 928-J. INVIS1MI Mt CttTiriCATf S. IHIB ONI fnm ttimipal VmdtrwriUr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Loral Representative 217 Oregon Phone 523 r-&r Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad HELP WANTED . uniiairifFS'PSTl fnr motherless Rnnrrt, room and waees. Write No. 645 care of Bulletin or phone 815-R after 5 p. m. WOMEN'S SPECIALTY store wants saleslady with "ready-to-wear" exDerience. State age and references. Permanent position. Write No. 568 in care ol me buiio- tia WOMAN FRY COOK wanted at the Pilot Butte Inn. USED CABS 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe, 90 rub ber. See it at Depot Service Sta tion. 1QU VOT? r V-fi muiru, mnlnr ilist completely overhauled. Heater ana gooa tires. isu moaei a coupe. 1935 V-8 coupe, radio and heater. Have model A parts and auto make parts for sale. 136 Greenwood. LOST BRINDLE AND WHITE female bulldog. Answers to name of Peg gy. Return to K. c. uuiick, cniei of police. BLACK PATENT leather purse between south Hi-Way Tavern and bus depot. Contained keys and important papers. Please re turn purse and Keep money, rte- turn to 324 E.Thlrd. STERLING SILVER Navy brace let. U. S. N. links, souvenir from my husband overseas. Lost in vicinity of Columbia Mercantile. 612 Federal. Phone 749-M. BROWN BILLFOLD lost down, town Saturday. -Contained identi fication cards and papers. Return to Bulletin. 1945 BEND HIGH class ring, gold and rose gold. Initials P. C. inside, Please return to 1405 Lexington avenue. Reward. 1 ZIPPER type man's overshoe, size 10 or 10 In. Contact Earl Lang at Metropolitan Barber Shop. FOUND MEDIUM SIZE black dog, white tip on tail, paws and chest. Phone ZT2-K. MISCELLANEOUS SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. FOR SALE: Pickett fence in 4 sections. Want to buy doll buggy. 726 Harriman. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. K. Gllhert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F, Cram, 608 Broadway. LET US MAKE YOUR OLD WASHER NEW AGAIN. New complete wringer frame for your old washer. Automatic release and water return. Agitator replace ment for most makes of washers. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. . INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merrltt, 202 Thurston.' RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk ; Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer ; and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. ' Phone 643. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can- be1 made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Most pythons feed on small mammals and birds. RED RYDER If IF fE COULD WVS GOT lfMt f XSOMEONE NEAR ( F&IJT 1 RED RYDER, NO WrE rtSJ t BUT rAE NOTSATCjl .V0T Y fflv'J ; rut half- cRAvourV jfcSL- "rYET nu5T -ff?' lo hoot W Vj myMwtfo&fim. BREED THEN LuPTOGET ?W Mc CRAJJkE. W ttlT I WCiwM " : "WRovo-in -iH ejja WCy farther. jfj h ! WlM'3rIvl-iX get y0 iNVAw wffi&t, 'ir! THIS CURIOUS WORLD yjgy If VJ iii IPWBBVERDOSUCCEBDINFLYINa l .-S fO BOTH AOr AND GCK.O WEATHER, ! f ;( ONTHB MOON'SSUNNYSIDS, WE'LL. t i;A "'. FIND TEMPERATURES AROUND ' I "E4AWW7:...WMILE I : 'Vft . . S ON THE SHADY SIDE IT WILL, BE .:,' ."; ) Jiso eetowzMGo CAN A PERSON BE POISONED j6L BY POISON IVY WITHOUT O fiV ; , ACTUALLY TOUCHIN& IT --. . OTyN i ANSWER: ' Yes. Smoke sensitive skim. , Growers to Hear Redmond, Feb. 16 Provisions of the bacterial ring rot quaran tine now In effect in Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson county, will be discussed at a meeting of po tato growers set1 for 2 p. m. Tues day, Feb. 20, it was announced here today. ' The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Franks building, and all growers are urged to attend. ; The gathering will be addressed by Frank McKinnon of Salem, chief of the division of plant in dustry, state department of agri culture, it was announced. It was expected that he would ex plain the requirements of the .quarantine. ., Whether White Rose certified seed potatoes will be permitted in this area is expected to be settled at this meeting, according to Ben Davidson, federal-state shipping point inspector for this district. Army Wireless Handles Messages Central Oregon relatives and friends of prisoners of war in tne Philippines may send a 25-word message to them via Ihe Western Union, it was announced at the local Red Cross headquarters to day. The telegrams should he ad dressed to Ihe Adjutant General,! Attention Casualty branch, Room 300, Munitions building, Washing- j ton, D. C, It was stated. The mes sages are then forwarded to the Philippines by army wireless. . Messages to liberated civilians should be addressed as follows: i name of person, American Red j Cross Civilian War Relief section, j A.P.O. 412, Postmaster, San Fran cisco, Calif. ' Ranchers Seeking Six Day Service Madras, Feb. 16 (Special) Through the combined efforts of Ihe Mud Springs grange, A. I). Anderson, master and residents of Ashwood, the Madras-Ashwood Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE m y 5 i I i 135 Oregorv Of Ring Rot Ban INtMf Panama Canal ZoneTv ALAR&I INDUSTRY HAS BEEN . BUILT ABOUND THE GROWIN6 OP' MOST OP WHICH ARE SHIPPED,' TO THE UNITED STATES. Amr Sr. BIY, an raJUlciicS, cauK, 2-15 from burning poison Ivy Irritates ' mail route has been rcadvertiscd on a six day basis instead of the three day week as originally advertised several weeks ago after Ray Cunningham, the pres ent mall carrier, turned In his resignation. A telegram from Guy Cordon, U. S. 'senator from Oregon in Washington, D. C. last Friday confirmed the change. RedCoss Plans Sew, Save Week Beginning tomorrow, a "sew and save week," inaugurated by the National Needlccraft bureau, will be launched here, with women through the community being asked to make garments for for eign war relief, it was announced at the Red Cross headquarters here. Besides sewing for needy Allies, the women are also asked to prepare clothing for disaster relief and other local needs, turn ing their work into the Red Cross. Owing to the demand upon the Red Cross and Its materials, wom en participating In the "sew week" are requested to furnish their own material of any type suitable for making of wearing apparel. ; The M-3fi, the army's new heavy tank already In use on the west ern front, weighs 31 tons, mounts a 75-mllllmetor gun and can travel at 30 miles an hour. nrmnfrnrar?! Many people urgently need dependable wartime transportation. If your car is not vital to you now, sell it for a good cash price, put the money into bonds for a new car later. WE WANT 20 CARS . Drive' in for an appraisal no obligation. W. B. '1173 Wall Street Veterans Support Armory Measure The bill how pending in the Ore gon legislature, proposing the erection of armories throughout the state, was approved by Percy A. Stevens post No. 4, American Legion, at a regular bi-monthly meeting last night In the Des chutes county court. Al Ryman, adjutant, was directed to draw up a resolution to .that effect and to send copies to Central Oregon representatives now in Salem. . The bill provides lor tne erec tion of an armory in Bend. A committee consisting of A. T. Niebergall, C. A. Boyd and Craig Coyner was appointed to assist in establishing a new organization, the Sons of the Legion, In Bend. Adjutant Ryman was instructed to secure a charter loritne new group, which must have 10 mem bers to organize. D. Ray Milter, commander, pre sided at last night s meeting. I LEGAL NOTICES CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon lor the county of Deschutes - In the Matter of the Adoption of ALVIN LEE PURCELL, a minor child. The people of the State of Ore gon to ineima crawiora greet ings: You are hereby cited to do and appear in the County Court Room in the City of Bend, Deschutes County, State of Oregon on the 4 By 90 voluntary contributions Bend's Industrial, fund is over, 75 completed. The full $10,000 should be raised in the next few days and Bend's Industrial Coun cil set-up made ready to function. As opportunities present themselves or are discovered for post-war industrial devel opment,' Bend will be in a unique position to benefit. If you haven't subscribed, do it now become a member of the Bend Industrial Council. Space courtesy Consumers Gas Anderson Nash Co. 26th day of February, 1945 at two o'clock P. M. Said day then and there to show cause, If any, why r the petition of. C. C. Rees and Joann Rees for the adoption of Alvin Lee Purcell should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal ' of the County Court of the Des- . chutes County, State of Oregon 1 this 2bth day of January, 1945. - (Seal) HELEN DACEY. Coun ' ty Clerk. By Opal Sprague, Depty. . 44-OU-Ob-bC ' - NOTICE ' Notice Is hereby given, that the . undersigned has taken up the fol- lowing described horses, found running at Large on his property, ' and unless these horses are re- -deemed on or before the time of 2:00 O'clock P. M. on the date of February 26th, 1945, The said horses will be sold at that time. at the ranch of C. F. WILLIAM SON on the Butler Market road,' uescnutes county uregon. to sat- -lsfy the damages, costs of picking up, advertisement and keep of the said horses. These horses are described as follows: 1 Buckskin horse, white legs, white face, dark mane and tall, 19 or 20 years old, approximately 1400 pounds In weight. No Brands. 1 Buckskin horse, black legs, white spot on forehead, 19 or 20 years old, weight about 1400 pounds. No brands. These horses have been taken up under provisions of Deschutes -County livestock District Number 2. Signed: C. F. WILLIAMSON . 56-62C TO GO! ' v. , Complete Auto REPAIR Service ' Lubrication Tire Service Tires - Batteries Towing Phone 700 By FRED HARMAN