. niCb I MIC EC . THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. IS. 1945 PAGE NINE Bowling Notes U. S. Diplomat qtilwell's lunch took top hon- fcecreation alleys, winning three ames ironi utn vb ir F". f 07m nio Ait he victors took high senes score, ollow; StillwaU's Minoft fc Fields SMj Jia U3M fimmerman ,. 87 139 JoMiW r. euro r.arlineton.. 93 153 157-403 Ait 145 2X9 237601 r:r,'- ia7 is7 isn ski Total ...759 954 BS8 870? ii Werner ..,u to' Myers 107 98 93298 R Ellison ......125- 120 150-395 U Christy ...... 83 111 , IW-rJM a, Hooeris ia i , 3M1 . 10fl 1QO SCO ECU iif.Cp. ...... iw xwkwi Total .......757 765 832 2354 Coca Cola ill Keith 154 137 130421 Webster ....103 91 132326 foLeverenz 112 H3 111336 SY .idv ...112 130 -115-367 Anderson ..137 187 137-461 Or1 m (i nin n-t n !, Hdcp ...cus xs jsxat wo Total 830 870 837 2537 Bend Recreation -i. Brown ...123 107 J47 377 5 E McKay 1U3 iju humo F B Loree 112 136 132380 S Jm. Blucher ......110 99 107316 j Rice -,..108 137 115361 Hdcp. ... 200 200 200600 Total ...... .757 809 803 2369 Grace's Banner Bakery JL. Ferguson ..150 142 , 163455 L. McKenae iaa sua W. McCann ....104 135 117356 H. Sternes ......137 114 117368 E. Roats 172 129 114-413 Hdcp. ,. ...,:KJ Wf jan-HOd ROUZONTAI. VERTICAL 1,8 Pictured U. 1 Among wioasssaor 2 Description WlxpungW II Wther J Immene lWr god IT Journey lrlw god 30 Permit Him 4 Russian mountain . 9 Uncommon SUont Scout rtiss anna sign .: - fcigl STEN SBSEl IslgHsl pVias IT Year between (symbol) 12 and 20 36 Peruvian II Division . . Indian T Scandinavian MTowsrd 37 Defeated Si Qjri'i nam .? ii"? symbol for 41 Lampreys j Rodent II Matched luthenium 42 Her F'w-cf jcd tnuiviauai uiua course 12 Essencea (ab.) 8 Employ ' circuit 11 lie Jf one oj 92 Having a 44 On top - the- ap, handle 45 Prohibit pointed by 33 Seines 47Ti care of President 34 Symbol for 52 From JRoseeyelt selenium S3 Sine loco JJLath 3S Tellurium (ab.) r 34 Hawaiian wreath 29 Game T Not cut W Upon aoYes (Sp.) 91 Intends M Chines. dependency MBom S Compass point 40 Examination 42 Native of Slovakia 48 Roman philosopher 48 Oceans 49 Detest 50 Solar disk 51 Lieutenant (ab.) 62 Stations 84 Half-em 55 Sudanese Negroid St He is embas sador to the government jn-exlle of 3 r yirrjryi8i 3ZOI"jElII ZJ3 ; Elks . L, Sanders ......146 146 117409 D. Appleg&te ,.148 143 155446 V, Qaino ,..,. 94 139 116349 L, Brant .......... 97 89 100286 Total ........888 871 855 2614 E. Scholl 144 129 103376 Hdcp. ... .226 226 226-678 Total ......855 872 817 2544 Buy National War Bonds Now! psl JcfndcEUYl J 917 Wall N Savings Fri. Sat. TOMATO , SOUP Fs 3 cons 29c MILK Morning, Tsll 3 cans 29c i Beets cans 25c Dundee No. 2 Cans Tomato Sauce .3 cans 17c Hunt's Cake Flour .pkg. 25c : Swans Down K Pancake Flour ..... .10 lb. bag 69c ' - Sperry's Sanka . . ... ..... ... .1 lb. can 39c Marmalade .2 lb. jar 29c Tropical Liquid Veneer . .pt. 39c qt. 69c . Self Shine Ws-r-J4 Gal. $1.25 Rinso .Ige. pkg. 23c WHEAT rLAKcb Carnation 2', I B, PKG. 25c 0L TOMATOES Standby, Vi' can 15c COFFEE W Empress !."! .."8 Drtp or Regular jjJIjjjjPpj lb. jar 33c RIPPLED WHEAT 2 pto 19c V-8 Cocktail Nrt. Can 2 for 25c N 9 each 29c TREE TEA 4 Lb. Pkg. 25c Vhg. 98c S 25 I 1 Lh. V -J 98 SYRUP Staley's Golden 11 lb. bottle 15c A GREEN BEANS OMerbrook, No. 2 Cans 2 cans 25c P&G Soap ....... ... ...bar 5c Lifebuoy Soap.. 3 for 20c Lux Soap ...3 for 20c Toilet Paper ., ...4 rolls 29c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Apples box 3.29 Borne Beauties , Onions 10 lb. bag 27c Green Onions .... .2 bunches 15c Radishes .2 bunches 15c Carrots .2 bunches 15c Snoboy Tomatoes ..1 lb. ctn. 29c Juice Oranges 2 doz. 55c WEEKEND SPECIALS AT ERICKSON'S FRI. SAT. p Schilling S" COFFEE 2 lbs. 61c Campbell's Tomato Soup . . ... .3 cans 24c Grated Tuna can 23c Miracle Whip. .pint 25c Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS 2 lb. box .....31c GRADE A LARGE EGGS dozen ....35c i Prem Luncheon Meat can 35c Cheese- Full Cream .......... lb. 37c I ' e ' in.li i Bisquick Ige. pkg. 34c . HKg SPRY; Shortening l ifs. JAR 25c Kraft Dinner . ....... 12 pkgs. 19c Libby's Apple Putter . . . 2j jar 29c Colo Dog Food, 48 can case 1.75 Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. 10c Libby's Sweet PEAS No. 2 2 cans 29c Diamond A corn6' 2 tans 33C H-D Diced ged 2cans2JC Green Tag J STRING BEANS Ca"S Dennison's concarne 2 cans Rinso .... ..Ige. pkg. 23e Lux Soap ......3 bars 20c Lifebuoy 3 bars 20c Lux Flakes ...reg. pkg. 10c MeOJum Rurs Swan 4 bars 24c Albert QUKA1MS n AIImt ROLLED OATS Willi SaKUie Dish 3 m. PKG. 27c Merrimac Oregon PRUNES, No. 2 2;37c Dodge's Freestone Peaches, No. i 2mA9t H-D APPLE SAUCE No. 2 2 ns 35c Grapefruit . . . ea. 5c doz. 53c ' AKIZONA Fresh Spinach ........ .lb, 5c Calavos ........ each 19c : Medium SUo Oranges 2 doz. 45c , . Medium Size Doz. 25c Apples . . . .... .box 3.35 . flume, Beauty or Wincsap Fancy Grade Radishes ......bunch 5t Large Original BuiK'hes Broccoli bunch 25c California Turnips bunch 10c California Huge lluncliwt ROASTING HENS Meaty, Tender and Delicious lb. 43c Veal Roast ........... ....lb. 29c Choice Hhouldor Crown Pork Steak ........... ...'.lb. 34c Select liean Slices 1 Turkey Tamales ... . ..... 2 for 39c LENTEN SPECIALS Salt Mackerel .......... ..lb. 37c Finest Quality Salt Cod ...... i.... .lb. 29c Whole Flhh Spiced Prawns .... . .12 oz. jar 69c J'lie Batcioiut Kind The Army ncedi your US50 KITCHEN FATS. Pring it in end receive 2 red points end 4c per pound. ALLEY OOP 3y V, ,T. HAMLIN J I'M REACW..BUT PLEASE V S 1 'kDONfT BE IN TOO BIG A VEEK . - . ALUWGHT.OOOLA.TvAHURRV FORMV ( THEN.SO mmaJ- I THE TIME-MACHINE'6 RETURN.-I'D LIKE LONG AND W I REAWT0 6EKJ0V0U A LITTLE TIME l GOOD LUCK! hi : BACK TO MOO.' J TO VISIT SOME OF V "m JSl MV 8TAR9.I MUST BE GETTING ) NOW IN A3 MUCH AS ALLEY USED TO TIME -TRAVEL! "VCANVE HERE TO TRADE KING I SEEM, TO HAVE MADE ff GUZ OUT OF THE MAGIC BELT. THIS MILLION-YEAR. HOP THE ROVAL PALACE SHOULD AL& . I"TI1 UAHrMU A lAfll X V DD TUC m Arc Ttt dTAnr s w MV SEARCH FOR HIM I