THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEB. I S, 1 945 II A , .. AAASE aAJllll UIUlU.ll ' ' to Remember Copyright, 1945, WWard Wianar II Oirtribuua by HCA8tHVtCt.lMC. THE HiXMXi In 1832 Poland is still under the Russian yoke, her peasants are chained to a vicious feudal system and any demon stration lor Ircedom is Immedi ately put down by the soldiers o the Czar. Frederic Chopin is 22, has gained distinction as a pianist In his home village of Zelazowa Wola and some celeb rity as a composer, even In War saw. The night he Is to play at Count Wodzinskl's, Frederic and Jozef Eisner attend a secret meet ing ol revolutionaries beiore the event, Frederic hears about the new "hangman" governor the Czar has Just sent to Poland, : ' x ' AT COUNT WODZIXSKI'S Izabela viewed the dinner-concert at Count Wodzinski's through the pantry door. She was wearing her new dress, ol course. She pushed the door open a lew inches and stood on tiptoe to get a better view. She had never seen such splendor. . It was not to be described. The dazzle actually was too much lor one pair ol eyes. Everything, iiom me great tapestries to me smallest trinket, spoke proud value. Count Wodzinskl was a cold eyed man ol middle years an middle stature. He wore a uni form. He looked shorter than his average height, almost dwarlcd, as he sat stiffly in the high backed, gold-trimmed chair at the dining table, even though he sat on a pillow. Ladles and gentle men in the richest dress sat el bow to elbow, chattering, prating, laughing, while flunkeys in gold and lace waited on the table and a young woman at the lar end of the room raised her voice in song to the accompaniment of a piano and the clattering of dishes. Izabela said: "Oh, Mamma, how elegant!" Mamma Chopin said: "Be care ful you don't open the door too far; they won't like it, then they won't let us even stand here." It was exactly as Jozef Eisner had said: they were in the pantry. Nicolas Chopin took out his watch, returned It to his pocket, looked at it again and again re turned it to his pocket. He shook Nutritious Specials at CONGRESS Fri.-Sat. Birdseye Frozen Chicken a la King ....... .pkg. 69c Creamed Tuna or Salmon..'. ....pkg. 45c Frozen Codfish pkg. 25c Crab Meat ...pkg. $1.15 Birdseye Peas ........ pkg. 25c Golden Sweet Corn pkg. 23c Boysenberries pkg. 3?C m 2 fj' pkg. 11c Kraft Dinner, 3 pkgs. 25c Durkee's Mayonnaise .... .pint 33c No, 10 beg 69c 2 1b. jar 65c TUNA Fancy White Shredded can 31c SHRIMP Burgeem Wet can 39c Oval Sardines ........ .can 15c Merrimac Salmon ......can 45c Minced Clamfc can 35c White Beans, 2 lbs. 19c Fresh Rhubarb ....... lb. 29c Prune Juice qt. 29c 3 lb. pkg. 69c Fresh Smelt - Mock Chicken Legs. No Point! Frozen Salmon .2 lbs. 25c .6 for 29c , 45c Or JlnlUmt Rib Steak 37c 8 PulntH Mi., 7 liu li For Girls For Women SLACKS Many lovely slacks for women, smarily tailored in rayon gabardine and wool blonds, in blue, brown, tan, gray, green, sizes 1 2 to 20, priced variously 4,95 - 5,95 Girls' : Jacks of quality sanforized gabardine .in favorite bluo and brown fopBs and navy, woll tailorod, sizes 7 to 12. 2.98 km V mm WW' , FOO0 MAUKET LJ his head. He called his wife's at tention to the hour. ... "Nicolas, what can we do?" : They could not imagine what was keeping Frederic and Profes sor Klsner. The minutes passed. It would soon be Frederics turn to play. Mamma Chopin tried not to think about it but she couid not help herself. The major domo, tall, robust, fussy and petty, with a powdered wig and clothed in velvet and satin, ornamented with gilt braid, lrock neck to knees, came in from the corridor. "Not here yet?" Nicolas Chopin bowed. "I'm sorry " v "you're sorry?" Nicolas Chopin smiled a fawn ing smile. "X can tell you noth ing " You have already told me nothing." The major domo waved his gold-headed can close to Papa Chopin's nose. "Maestro Pagamni plays next then your sori. X say nothing more. But if you know what's good for him he'll be ready." , Flunkeys rudely pushed Papa and Mamma Chopin aside with out apologies. A dozen lackeys were constantly on parade be tween the pantry and the dining hall, each carrying huge platters of roasts and delicacies so ar ranged as to sharpen the dullest appetite. Exquisite music, at first faint, then louder, was heard above the talk and tinkling glasses and clinking silver. Suddenly there was a flurry of excitement, and an angry voice said; "Can't you look Where you're going?" v " Tch, tch." Jozef Eisner, it seemed, had al most toppled a lackey staggering under a heavy tray of foodstuffs. "Frederic! Paganlni!" "Paganini!" ' Niccolo Paganini, the most celebrated violin virtuoso in Eu rope. Frederic would have flung open the door wide but for a watchful flunkey who prevented him. He put his ear to a crack. "Beautiful?" Izabela whispered. "Exquisite." The major domo appeared from nowhere. "Well, at last!" He coughed. "Be ready, please!" a a Frederic crossed the room toward the elegant piano, scarce ly noticed by the diners. He seemed not to be annoyed by the chatter or the noise of shifting I plates and platters, or the tinkling ' of glassware. The idea of Poland being gov erned by a hangman! He could not get the thought out of his head. Who next would swing ' from the gallows? What new un conscionable terrors would this tyrant bring? Damn the hang- : man! Poland would be rid of hangmen! But once at the piano, once his I fingers touched the keys he was 1 released from this world. The i notes pf his own Fantasie In ' promptu began to fill the room. Frederic was In good form. Let i others hammer away. Let others delight the world with their thumping. That was not for him. lie had his own way. He would be content to play, to make the piano sing, noi howl. There were a thousand ways to go about it. Ho had his own way. Tonight he h ri. He knew exactly What to say and how to say it. x tisaA urt and fiaw to his surprise that some ol those at the table naa acxutuiy pw w lorks to observe him. , J fho TmnromotU WSS finished. the last note struck. They applauded, wot eaen ana every one. That would have been ton much. The aDDlause nonethe less was respectable. But Count Wodzinskl's mouth was stuffed with food as ne ohnwdd his faro from the side of his high-backed, gold-trimmed cnair. (To Be Continued) NATIONAL LEAGUE HOCKEY (By United rrawl The Detroit Red Wings tighten ed their already firm grip on sec ond place in the national hockey league last night by defeating the fifth place New York Rangers, 4 to 2, in tne only game scneauiea. Youne Doug Stevenson, piaying his second national league game as a substitute for the injured Ken McAuley, turned in an excellent 1ob of goal tending for the Rang ers but lack of defensive support from his mates cost him tne game. The Wines counted twice in the first period, were shut out in the second, and closed wnn a two goal rush that more than nullified single goals by the Rangers in the last two periods. 210 Congress Phone 360 1 eras Charles E. Boardman ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Bunk of Bend Bldii. Bend. Oregon l'h. 28 A. Buy National War Bonds Now! Today's Sport Parade By Jack Cuddy ' (United Piw Stiff Corrupiyident) New York, Feb. 15 UPV Admir able are the optimism and de termination of old Bob Quinn. At ha etpna rlnwn from the Dresi- dency of the Boston Braves to concentrate jus euoris on men farm system.. He hopes thereby m hnllri nn a first-division club. after 22 long years with second- division outfits. Mnt clnr-o 1922. his exeat season with the St. Louis Browns, has a Quinn team in either major league finished in tne upper oracitei. rut rin u that neriod he was an ex ecutive with the Boston Red Sox, Brooklyn podgers and uosion Nationals. "Hnnfiat Bob" lost his life sav ings with the Red Sox during nine heart-breaking seasons irom lazo thrniioh '32. Most men would hum milt hacphall then. But not the Irish gamecock not the pint- sized, gray-naireo ex-caicner, wuu lnloH thrnilch hift finpntaples at life with a challenge in his eye and witn cnin neia nign. tie siuui with the sport because of his love fnr thp frame and his faith in it. Also because of his determination to repeat the tnumpns 01 ms early career with the Browns and with Columbus of the American 'association. But success in the Standings evaded him. ' He announced his decision step down from the Braves' presi dency yesterday, his 75tb birth day, he had been proxy of the Braves since '36. Far from being disgusted or disappointed with baseball old Bob is 'ever grateful to the sport for what it did for him. He explain-, ed this in a chat during the recent league meetings. He was born in Columbus. O.. back in 1870 "just a poor Irish kid, who had little chance lor an education ana wno probably would have wound up a laborer, were it not for baseball. The game gave me an education through contracts with persons I'd never have been able to meet in any other profession and through travel. It lifted me up and made it possible for me to bring up my family properly. Certainly I've had my disappoint ments; but that wasn't the game's fault. No sir, baseball has beep mighty good to me; and I appreci ate it." Quinn will be happy working with farm clubs supervising the developments of young players. He has his own pet theories about training youngsters, particularly in the lower minors. He believes that the major leagues must pay more attention to youth, after peace wmes, to Improve the game. in ine ywn, vw www? -douWe-barreUsd mitak, he says. They failed to make certain that managers In the lower minors had enpugn baseball savvy ana inter est in youngsters to develop prop erly new talent And they failed to stimulate baseball interest in high schools and colleges, In com- peuuou wiui luuiuttu. Red phosphorus, used in the rough surface against which Swedish safety matches are scrtched, was discovered by Anton von Schrotter nearly 100 years ago. v r . , - , , i Ftom a juicy-ricli Oar desert-grows grape fruit is extra good, full-to. bursting with flavory juice. And it's laden with nat ural vitamin CI Pah Pesert Grapefruit provide your primary supply of vitamin Ci-a wonderful start toward JOB? Ml day's requirement Enjoy this "health from the desert" each morning. Flavor noonday salads with ' the golden segments. Be? fresh thirst with delieiouf pesert Grspefrult Grapefruit from tha DatHw rr 'Here the) proof! Examine the items listed below. The are Sfery regular prices .pot specials we call tbem low evry-dy shelf prices. Note the savings you make . . . .the think how m a you'll v if you buy all yow foods, all the time, at Safeway. rj, jag;., 1 35:33332233 333 iHB : 3 ctri :t CTaH'i LtiD V SJ rflsl " !l- ''! ' 1 1 irii Wulw4sat4SUpi Egg 5 Large- Doz. 35' ll Ulla (2 red points) can 6) Soup 1 Tomato 3 cans 25 C... MSU Minute Man Qe iJUUP mix 9 i jw Tree. Com rmmm Barduu. Hutwi i ,ll sfr ills' K Mornips Mlllt 1411 111 UK ile MIw cans 19 ARMOUR'S AJt-PurpoM Meat 13-o. can (d td polnU) Pictiweet Vasey Vacuum Paok OAH (20 blUA Dtf.) rulM Uuu rLmt. Craaai Sfvla m poUU). Ho. . 14 f-A BWETAG HeeiS SUoed. 303 jar 33c 1SC Oren Spot, cut Green Bean. , NQ. 9 po (10 pt.) Beans Da,, Sugar Pello reos (20 pt.) 14c fancy ICe No. 2 19 YiiSsesm st,I,8T DAWN 01e UlCe Tomato (40 pti.) oz. Li Clapp's Per Iff Strained can 4 Baby Food Ye. Safeway meats aro guaranteed . . . you must be pleased, :egardle68 of cut or price, i Party hints.. 2cup all-purpost flour 9 ttpt. baking powtjtr ftp. ialt Stbipt. sugar jt tbap.shorttning ) Party time means eating time to young and old alike. Here are some new and different sieges tiona that add sparkle to any gathering. HOT SCONES ' 1 tbsp. grated Qrangf, or Itmon rifld -1 egg tbp.oringatf) lamen juie Sift flour; measure': ft again with baking pow der, salt, and 1 ifjxjt, of the sugar into mixing bowl. Cut in shortening with pastry blender or 2 knives. Add orange or lemon rind. Beat egg with ' fork in measuring cup and add milk to make H cup; add to flour mixture; stir quickly and lightly just until all flour is dampened. Turn onto lightly floured board; knead 20 to 30 seconds; roll or pat into 8-inch circle about XA inch thick. Place in un greased 0-inch round cake pan; mark into 8 wedges with fork tines; brush top with orange pr emon juice; sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake in hot oven (450 f .) 15 minutes, or until dona. Serves 8. CREAMED TUNA, HAM OR CHICKEN 4 tbaps. shortening 2cupt flaked tuna. har). . 4 tbtps. all -purpose flour or chicken 2 cups rpilk Of chicken 2 tbsp. finely cut parsley B..ti. Oat..-, f. -.1.. a:--A " . Ya ttp. S4l 1 imiwniw ' 2 tbtps. grated onion Make white sauce In double boiler: Melt shorten' ing; blond in flour; add milk or broth gradually; cook until thickened, stirring frequently. Add re maining ingredients; heat thoroughly. Serve 6. ICE CREAM kMFrS ' Peppermint traqf Boll balls of vanilla ice cream in crushed pepper mint candy. Serve plain or with chocolate sauce., . Safe il ay Homcmakers' Bureau ' JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Dirtetof . Te Beg f trwiR Canterbury Orange Airwoy lb. bag A Ac WhaU bun o(Iw. XU . 8-U. bas, ssa, . 23' Nob Hill lb. bog Whole Betui coffee. 2-U. bas, 5e. Ginger Snaps A4C Old-Faj.tilon Kind. al tatllK , . . l-ID. SI(S. - Jam EvtrtMpt CM P. Jam Starr. H4 5 jar Jam Alica. 1 ry Ap Snacks Alic,Lovt lAgantMf. ry AXpla Jam. ia-c. Detlclouilr erunchy fimwl popcorn, pllf , Nil-Made pr. jar Frstb IfayoBBajM, - Durkee's SaTgep Rolled Oars Momlnf Glory. Quick Of reg. 20-os. p4td 2-Jc 2T E27 12c Serve home baked favor ites now. ruRPosE FLOUR Enricliti white flour, beat for bekief, Geld Medal 1.23 0. tack, $2AS . Crawn Flour Sfc ! .1 1 . it-lb. sack, $2.35 10 A A. It. .-. lb. "i-w Shreddiei pkg, sf tc -I I Neb I oca braaJcf&at XQQdiS. , kf. - SUPER SUDS Concentrated 24-oz. OQ Pkg. Flour "gar 254b. tack, $1.02, 50-lb. seek, $1.99 Soflaiilk Cak.riQui 26c EC Baking Powder 5-oz. jar 22c j Enuteaz, forpios 17-oz. pkg. 24c PilUburyPjumk, 5 22c Sniawa Paicakf Hour 3V J9c Van BoBlea'i Coco 34e Wesson Oil (2)... .pint 27c 9oyaSatiiSkoieBiagS9e , White Satin SUGAR (ramp. 34 a 35 K Ik. Me H lbs. eck) b SWAN SOAP "White floating Hegrulqr -C"c T-Bone Steak AQt a Point. TO Pound Steak 3Re 13 Poiau, VV SirlouiSJaak ?'38c 11 Folnu, I lamb 3gc Lamb Shoulder lb. 34c Point. OraiM a , Rib Lamb Chops ' Ale T-r- Peldi-free SmaHU$ Liver Sausage, fresh, lb. 32c French Head Cheese, lb. 43c Sliced Halibut, frozen, lb. 43c Fresh Oysters, . .per pint 65c Fresh Smelt 2 lbs. 25c Columbia ltivrr Spiced Herring, 18-oz. jar 43c Turkeys lb. 51c tirade A Mens BZENDA'S A40TH&? HLPS OUH JANE. THIS PASrr IS S0IN8- TO WEAK MOUT. I Vt SHOPPING U. OVK TOWN, I WENT WAV DOUVNTOWM Ti I t re lie uci B I I IT I ' nwiTHWoseJj ANoiTDoesNTLOoTrljr i L e,ajAl v . 8 . A(v.vL B Willi atoms sroeeuKS JJe ARIZONA IL, s. w Crispy green heads IsJ New Crop U, Garden-fresh . IP. OC lb. I Siae I HOW CAN SM ( HAVE 1 J TO SEARCH ALLOVfft MOVlttW 4 TO PINO AHVTHIN.' ' ffiftjflaf 8000 AT ALL. JffSt I,,. kwi rfc PINSO SOAP GrarmlatecJ I'M SLAp VQU COUID COME, BETTV. TOU LL BEE THAT SAFEMAV.PROaJCE DEPeNntBLE they 6UI!!T S?,. VOU'LL LI KE IT OR THEy'LL REFLLNO VOyR MOE. ' . ' f CAN I EVES thank you f youvE SOWED ASIfr 3 t4fTKfVa!rVfCM Cabbag Carrots Cauliflower creamed with cheese lb. 19c Tomatoes a healthful vegetable AttstW DELICIOUS AppicS Ex. fey. & fey.' 2 lbs. 21c Grapefruit ARIZONA WHIT? U 7r Juice-loden IO ' ! I AtTIAnC CALIFORNIA, use for LClliUlla combating colds flmAnr OREGON YELLOWS UnlOnS Medium Size lb: 9c 5c lb. -TURKEY CUTS- Legs and Breasts, lb. 74c Ciri livers lb. 19c k49 And Safawoy preduc. U prlcad by tha pound you only pay tar i, the omount you w.ighl Mora and more housewives arc dia' covering how to buy fruits and vege tables without w&rte. Priced by tho pound at Safeway, all produce is sold (airly and accurately. Yu get your money' worth every time vou buy. SAFEWAY Green Peas They're here now! Treet your family to reel gardes iioih Feet. lb. 19c Oranges - Heeltb-Uden jrj 48c needed ntemiai Vi crate r.U Crete ( ( 3.1? 6.1?