PAGE SIX' THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1945 General Average Of Stocks Gains By Elmer C. Walzer (United Prma Financial Editor) New York, Feb. 15 tP Stocks advanced fractions to more than : 2 points today tp new highs in the general average since August 31, 1U37. The rise came after a bit of un settlement in the late morning dealings caused by profit-taking uy timid traders. The subsequent recovery was swirt and accompa nied by active trading. Wall street had grown Increase ingly bullish since the results of the Crimean conference were pub lished. There are other reasons given in the financial district for the markets strength, including the fact that the trading element has stopped worrying over the end of the war against Germany; favorable domestic news and the fact that the market excesses have been almost nil. All sections of the list Joined the rise today. The industrial av erage reached a new high since November 1Z 1H.)8. and utility since August 18, 1937. The rail av erage approached its seven-year top. . v Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad POKTI.AND LIVESTOCK Portland,. Ore., Feb. 15 UM Livestock: Cattle 150. calves 35. Active, fully steady. Steers lack ing early. Good lea steers auot able to $16.10 or above. Cutter- common heifers $8.0010.00. Can ner-cutter cows $6.50-9.00. Fat dairy type .cows $6.50-10.50. Me dium-good bulls $10.00-12.50.000(1-' choice vealers salable $14.0015.00. Hogg 300. Active, steady. Good- ; choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75; heavier ; weights $15.00 down. Few lleht lights $14.75. Good sows $14.00- 14.50. Feeder pigs quotable $15.50 16.25. Sheeo $15.00. Quotable steady. Good-choice wooled lambs salable around $15.00 15.25. Good ewes salable $7.00-7.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore.; Feb. 15 ! Egg prices declined one cent a dozen today In all sizes. Butter prices were unchanged Buter Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 scoro 4214c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 4H4c pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 46c: A large 44c; medium A 41c; small 37c dozen. Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time . 85c 25 Words Three Tunes 7ftc 23 Words Six Times $1.35 FOR SALE All wanla aar It tU it aar war t nahif af iBMrtWfia Om ajonlb run, mm copy, 44 day rat MiBinia inarga, LINE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20c CUwIfM AaVartUlnt. Calk In Adtaaca Dally ClMla Tlau 11 ill P. M. BEND AERIE: NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Uy, W. P. Phone 20-F 5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE 3 ROOMS with sink and water, electric lights, garage and 3 large lots. Needs some fixing up; if you are handy with tools and want a bargain, see Johnson, Bend Real ty. 957 Wall St. OWNER LEAVING, must sell Im mediately at sacrifice price, 80 acre ranch, 15 miles from Bend, 69 acres C.O.I. Good 4 room house, gravity flow water, elec tricity, large barn, completely fenced with woven wire, uniy $5500, $1500 down, $600 year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SEMI MODERN: 2 bedrooms on pavement on west side. Owner leaving town, meed reasonaoie $1155. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. SPITZENBERG. DELICIOUS and Newtown apples. Medium and large varieties. Please bring box es. Greenwood Feed Cp.( Green wood and Division Sts. WHITE LEGHORN hens, $1.00 live weight, $1.25 dressed. Rt. 1, Box 450. Phone 22-F-22. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room furnished house. Call at Pilot Butte Auto Court, Mrs. B. L. Smith. WANTED TO BUY weiner, pigs and cull potatoes, or will trade radio and used furniture. Ed Losch, Rt 1, Box 156. Phone 488WX. Official Records HELP WANTED CABINET RADIO. 1518 Newport. SEMI-MODERN HOUSES: 2 bed room, near Ordnance shop, large living room, new linoleum throughout, chicken house, $1250, $300 down, $25 month. West side, four rooms furnished. $950, $400 down, $20 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. HOUSEKEEPER for motherless home. Board, room and waees. Write No. 645 care of Bulletin or phone 815 R after 5 p. m. WOMEN'S SPECIALTY store wants saleslady with "ready-to-wear" experience. State age and references. Permanent position. Write No. 568 in care of The Bulle tin. 5 ROOM MODERN: 2 bedrooms on edge of town, city lights and water. 4 lots, z chicken houses, good place for cow or horses. Priced for quick sale $2700. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. SOAP FLAKES Soap granules, while supply lasts. Pre-war glyc erine content soap, top quality. Case 01 24 pacKages granules 124 oz.pkgs.) $5.95 Flakes (12V4 oz.) $5.45. Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. 1 ELECTRESTEEM VAPORIZ ERS, for medicinal vapors, heat ing baby's bottles, sterilizing nip ples, warming baby foods, boiling eggs and other uses, only $2.25. Bend Electric Co., 644 Franklin. MAN HELD AS 'DRUNK' Said by police to have "passed out" In the lobby of a Bond street hotel, Carl Mattorn, a painter, was arrested early today on a charge of intoxication, and was sched uled to appear In municipal court on the accusation this evening. Hat 14" Hickory Handl, 1.10 CLAW II A HI M E It High quality, diop-f orgtd ttMl haaL 19-01. '-Inch II AND DRILL 2.39 Thraa-Jaw. Two pinions, rinart quality torn-truoUoa. 8 Tool llox, 9.95 Hip-roof tvpa. Hat four trajri witu waiaaa-ln dtrldan. IB-Inch length, Houk-Van Allen Tircston Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 800 WEST SIDE. Immediate posses slon, attractive, . new, modern house, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 2 unfinished upstairs. Large base ment, automatic sprinkling sys tem. $4000. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W, $2700 BUYS forty acres, fair house and barn, 22 acres culti vated. 5 miles from Bend. Posses sion soon. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. CHICI BROODERS, infra-red electric 250 chick type, special $15 complete with lamps. 100 cnicK size $9 complete. Bend Elec tric Co., 644 Franklin. ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machine like new. Will take treadle machine in trade. Also electric Mixmaster with mayon naise maker and fruit juicer. Mrs. A. J. Rhoades, Route 2, Box 70, old Redmond highway.. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. PRE-WAR EARLY American style red maple dining room set, 8 pieces, perfect condition, $225. W. C. Mayo. 255 E. Elm or 246 N. 6th. Redmond, Oregon. NEERED-Man or woman to take over established Route distribut ing medicines, home remedies. In secticides, disinfectants, animal foods, tonics and food products, Home medication, buving at home, increases demand. Good profits. Write Rawleigh's. Dept. ORB-261- 187, uaKianu, cam. 1 WOMAN FRY COOK wanted at the Pilot Butte Inn. USED CARS 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe, 90 rub ber. See it at Depot Service Sta tion. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed co., Phone 188-x. Redmond, Ore. BLACK DRESS COAT and re versible ooat. Also dieses, size 14. sheepskin leather jackets, size 12 and 36. Pre-war stroller, 1 boy's all wool topcoat, size 10. Call at 153 E. Olney. (CRESCO) SULPHUR, Al qual ify, Triangle and Crown feeds, baled hay. Some high quality chicks at no higher prices. Green wood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division Sts. PRE-WAR TAYLOR TOT, high chair with aluminum tray, child's airplane rocker, large lawn play pen, 8 tube Sparton radio, dresses size 14. 726 Harrlman. WEST SIDE, . modern house, 2 bedrooms, kitchen range, circu lating heater, Venetian blinds. cabin, garage, woodshed, immedi ate possession. $2600, $900 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. $2500 BUYS 4 room modern fur nished house. West side. $3200 buys large modern home. Close in. C. V. Sllvls, 118 Oregon. SMALL SADDLE pony, will work on cultivator. Ane yearling Guern sey heifer. 5 miles out old Red mond highway. C. A. Cook, Rt. 2, Box 71. 1936 FORD V-8 coupe, motor just completely overhauled. Heater and good tires. 1930 model A coupe. 1935 V-8 coupe, radio and heater. Have model A parts and auto make parts for sale. 136 Greenwood. LOST BLACK PATENT leather nurse between south Hi-Way Tavern and bus depot. Contained keys and important papers. Please re turn purse and keep money. Re turn to 324 E. Third. BROWN BILLFOLD lost down town Saturday. Contained identi fication cards arid papers. Return to Bulletin. , Justice Court Four boys arrested In Des chutes county last week and held on vagrancy charges were not from Sisters, Justice of the Peace Wilson George. Bend. reDorted to day. In the story appearing in The Bulletin, me addresses of three of the boys were given as Sisters. Two of the boys. Jack M. Me- near and James W. Piggott were irom sweet Home. Ueoree said, and the other two. Charles N. Loyd and Stanley D. Porterfleld, j were from Bend. They were held on a vagrancy charge, after a car in wnicn tney were riding was asserteaiy used in splashing wa ter on pedestrians. Porterfield. driver of the car, and Loyd were nneo anu Menear and Piggott were placed on probation, without sentence. - County Clerk United States army to Clarence f. wee, neumond, honorable dis- cnarge. United States navv to Robert E ' lull, Bend, honorable discharge, Japanese Pilots Aid in Funerals New York. Feb. 15 (IP) Some uaiwucoc uiiuis uruu ineir luner-1 al tramlines Jwfnro thoir- hnmho just in case. Others wear their ounal robes In combat. This was the report of Alfred Marchev, president of Republic Aviation corporation, who has just returned from a 25,000-mile tour ol Pacific island fronts. Marchev said the Japanese pnois were so sKeptical of their cnances over saipan, that 20 min utes before they attacked, a Jap piane new over the Island and dropped traditional funeral ban ners. 'It was a good Idea." Marchev said, "as all 17 attacking planes were snoi down." . GOLD EARRING with pearl cen ter. Reward. Phone 522-R. 1 ZIPPER type man's overshoe. size 10 or 104. Contact Earl Lang at Metropolitan Barber Shop. FOUND MEDIUM SIZE black dog, white tin on tail, paws and chest. Phone 272-R. ELECTRIC BATTERY brooder, 500 chick size. Call after 4:30 p. m. 213 East Revere. SMALL TRAILER house. Newly painted, a Durner stove with pres sure tank, and cross cut saw. 1625 Galveston.' CHEAP. One-room house, partly furnished, nice bulit-lns and lino leums on floor, Flrtcx walls. Large lot. Call after 5 p. m. or aunaay. 1434 cigin Ave. TEAM OF HORSES and '31 Ford truck. L, R. Rouse, Rt. 1, Box 269. 2 WORK HORSES, 4 and 6 years oid, gentle. Harness and halters, Will furnish pasture til May 1 For sale cheap, Phone 10-F-13. Rt 1, Box 311-B. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon state Hatchery, p. 0. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 9 ROOM HOME on Congress. Cr.6 of Bend's fine homes, base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, lovely grounds with large garage. Must sell at once, $7500. Gilberts Real Estate. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti lizer, $4 ner vard. Also ton soil. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 federal St. ON ROOSEVELT, Immediate pos session, 4 room house, some furni ture, shower, utility porch, large garage. $1750, $400 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phono 36-W. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Redmond, Ore. MODERN 4 ROOM: with base ment, 2 bedrooms, 3 lots, good place to raise chickens. A good ouy at jv!:o. $14:10 down. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. WILL SELL or lease 80 acres all Irrigated, located at Powell Butte, Ore. Write to R. Llchtenwalter, 2354 Jefferson Ave., ' Tncoma, Wash. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FraaloaVTatlfatHomaTraatmant that Mast 1Mb r It WIH Coat Vail Nothing Onr two million bottlna of the W ILLA RD TREATMENT navabtMWaoiilforwU.f of ayniptomaofdtstrwtaarlal mt from Stomach Kil DtMCtonal Ulcara dua to Eicms AcM ar DlaaUan, (aw or Upmt Stomach, SaulwiM, Haartkam. tbaatannra, at, uatfilmn Act. Hold on Isdavi' A.k for "Wlllartfa Mmip" which fullr asplalna thli treatment fro at BKANDIS THKIrT-WISE. I)KI!0 STORK B1AGILL DRUG COMPANY ONE TEAM brown work mares, age 8 and 9, absolutely gentle, will weigh about 2700. Take $150 for team. Call at 1374 Kingston. 5 p. m. and 6 p. m. Strikers Facing Induction Threat Seattle. Feb. 15 (IPi Threat of induction into the armed forces hung over- striking independent welders at Todd-Pacific shipyards and Todd dry dock today, where aDsemeeism due to the jurisdic tional dispute nad risen to 1.135. Selective service officials said ! they would report names of all wvq Mirtr ..,1.11,. ...... ... oiiiivcia iu tiieir iucai arait "his made, while you wait, hn .., .1 .... kn7ve,n"nen,.Ska;ie9nh0"T KrUnJ ' workers wKully absent From ckTbiesnn""! !L ye days paired, soldering: general repair-1 A company spokesman said the hjg. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 draft cXwoulnotmirely dfe Minnesota. sniv the ct,.ii, 0i,,,. uJt " ' "taaa., lj UlVJUl IIU11 lilt? MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 '29 FORDSON tractor on steel complete new motor, 1 Chester White boar three years. Trade for cattle no Jerseys considered. John D. Martin, Gateway, Ore gon. BEAUTIFUL MUSKRAT fur coat like new, size 20. will trade for livestock or what have you? Call evenings only. Mrs. Alexander, 2 miles south of Lapine on highway 31. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT, 715 Lava road. Alcove bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen, bath. Wood and iiKnis iurnisneo. call A. u. Lewis, 1503 Awbrey road. Phone 684 for appointment. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or CUIl ouv-J . 3 ROOM furnished apartment, clean, litzlit rooms Wnnri u-uim- llghts fiunlshed, hot water heat! ouiinoie lor i anuits. zatjVi E. Irv ing. 3 ROOM Wml.n,n,lo,n floors covered, large lots, good Humeri snor. nnrn unH chicken house. 557 Qulmby Ave See owner at 1365 Columbia. BOARD and nnm7iiiwin. cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. ROOM In private home, kitchen privileges if desired. 1305 Kingston. 4 ROOM furnished house, hot and com water. Enclosed yard, near mill, on bus line Innnlro . 1 Davenport. FURNSIIED ROOM fnr mimic In exchange for housekeeping du ties. Write No. 623 In rum nt Th Bulletin. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pav top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL PAY CASH for late model 3 or 4 burner electric range, 36 Inch lengthCall at office Jo-Ann Motor Lodge. 161 E. Franklin. WANT TO BUY large coal brood er. Write or call Route 2. Box 237 One mile south of Deschutes school house. SPRING-CLEANINC, troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many stvles or personal brushes available 1.10yd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. FOR SALE: Pickett fence in 4 sections. Want to buy doll buggy. 140 narnman. . , NOTICE: We have buyers for town ano uroan property. List your pronertv with us for quick saie. in. k. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1VW Willi. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. rnone bbH or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, rciiit; liu., ur OUX 1D-1, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and oir dies $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres to Phone for appoint ment 451.M Tnn V rVn cno , " wo Broadway. LET US MAK-P vmm ran WASHER NEW AGAIN. New COmolete wrlnp-pr fra mo fnv vmiK old washer. Automatic release and water return. Agitator replace ment for most makes of washers. Bend Wflshm- Rnrvlr-n 11K r!t-aAn wood. Phone 583. WRlNr.fR nnnci All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing On all mnkps nf wnohlnn machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices Dald for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service. 136 r.rumiviiiH Dl.nn 583. " INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundavs fof your convenience. H. T. Merritt 202 Thurston. RAW FURS WlNTtn vii-i. Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We ; imiviinst- 01 (leer 1 Newport Ave., Bend. Oreeon. Phone 643. independent union members who I quit their jobs last Friday were women. Betty Gilliland, Phillip ArisWed , Miss Betty Jovce . Gilliland. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle V. Gilliland, 1070 Union avenue, and Phillip George Aris, son of Mrs, Helen Hammond,' 315 Riverfront, were married bv Rev. W. M Byars, pastor of the Community church, Prineville, in that city at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday. The bride, a junior in Bend high scnooi ano a member of Torch honor society, plans to continue her studies here. The groom will enter the army early in March. The young couple are making their home at present with Mrs. Hammon. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Hlp 15 Mils of Kidney Tubes Fluth Out Poisonous Waate If yxna hT an ernes of acids in your blood; your 18 miles of luilney tube my b over worked. These tiny filters and tubes are work Ins day and night to bolp Nature rid your ayetem of excess acids and poisonous waste. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it mayoauseriAggina- backohe,rimuinatio pains, , leg pains, loss of pep and energy, gstling up , nights, swell! n. pufnness tinder tbe eyes, headaches and disiine-w, Freuuent or scanty passaces with amarUus and burnins some times shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. i Kidneys may need help the same aa bowels; 1 SO ask your drussut f or Doan a Pilis . used suo cessiuuy oy minions lor over 4U ycrua. They Eve happy relief and will help the 16 miles of dney tubes flush out poisonous waste from yourblood. Get DoanVTUs PRINTING YOTTR LETTERHE A DS can be made anv si7 vnn Hoctr .uu anv nrintint? vnu like. Estimates Riaaiy pivpn. The Bulletin. LAKES HOSPITAI, TO EXPAND Great Lakes. 111. UP Navv, ma-; rine corps and coast euard pa.' tionts whose homes are in 17 east. 1 ern states will be flown here di. root from Rhine nnrl XnnA ,,,u ...... iiwiy vumuai aivas fur hosnltaliatlon and re nssiKiiment under a new expan sion orocram. Naw nffitinie Bat the Great Lakes hosoital will in- i crease its bed capacity and per-! sonnel to be equipped to handle imgi- imiux 01 patients. i Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment e Spinal Adjustment e Physio ' Therapy e Tox Eliminator - e Diagnosis, X Kay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician IU Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 i a i V V- it I "1 1 Butter-soft suede -finish wool complements prettv fV "U A1 W dresses and" the colors are SO becoming! Both classic and Jf I j -j jk JV 't,et' P6' nave 'ulur'ous dressmaker details; hand- P stitched edges, roomy pockets matching rayon linings. i W 1 f : l i r. i II ll ii ana orner coars I W M .,19-75 S II II ' iWU weaves ana tiutty . f-v ff k II l t m i weaves in sugar -candy pastel I J-fii Trlf U i I I tt t -3 U " arj .i g till K L I new spring lines, so easy to f A ? JM U( ilAki? ft Mill m l--M'M TT -i ''If'AnW lit iw fi I ! yyS I !N STRAWS AND, FELTS I 3 No Spring outfit is complete without a new'1 j R ta,! ,ov! lheae veiled and bowed pill fe cW( ' f Q" poxes and pompadour calots in swiss straw vl ' Jrjff braids and wool felts. Lovely bright colors!, j V5J '1 T.W - 2.98 v 7 - Doxens of gay new spring sM- BL0USES ,M?A, V VV A . v " I your favorH, skirt. J3fJ Xl'N White rayon crepes yf ' W'm bright jerseys - frilly Jjtff yS V'J,-"NV blouses V and round MLjAfT 'Zi necklines. Choose early pS' wile the selection is j v I' S