The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 15, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
jiaximui" yesterday, 41 degrees.
Minimum jasi nigni, as degrees.
Temperatures: 10 p. m., 23 de
er pees; 10 a. m., 84 degrees. Ve
locity of wind: 10 p. m., S miles;
10 a. m., ' miles.
Cpl. John E. Crawford, who re
cently returned to Bend on fur
lough after 33 months In the
Southwest Pacific with a medical
detachment, is visiting in Spray
this week with two brothers,
Frank Crawford, a sawmill op
erator there, and William Craw
ford. A third brother, James Craw-
ird. is now in r airbanits, Alaska.
h voune men are sons of Mr.
and Mrs. William B. Crawford, 46
East Norton street.
The Modern wooamen oi Amer
ica will meet at 8 p. m. in Norway
hall. .
Pfc. Glen Warren Millard, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Millard, 545
Federal street, Bend, has arrived
on furlough from the Southwest
Pacific where he served 35 months
with an infantry company of the
41st division.
Percy A. Stevens post No. 4,
American Legion, will meet in the
courthouse at 8 p. m. tonignt.
nilin Rnwman. Walter Howarri
3 and Ward H. Coble left for Salem
this morning, to attend a hearing
on the proposed state aviation
code, incorporated in senate bill
Maj. and Mrs. L. R. Fowler of
the Redmond army air field, were
callers in Bend last night.
Bessie Hodges of Burns, was a
Rend visitor todav.
George H. Schroeder of the
Western Pine association, was
here today on business from Yakf
ima, Wash.
Esther G. Emery of Silver Lake,
last night was a guest at the
Pilot Butte inn.
John D. McRae of Burns, was In
Bend today on business.
John E. Blair was a Bend caller
today from Lakeview.
Kenneth Emery of Silver Lake,
was a Bend business visitor today.
Henry Nicol of Odell, Ore., spent
: , , , , r
Seats will be at a premium by
Saturday from all the com
ments . we received on this
1 x ;Lil " "C
News Cartoon Novelties
O, "7
(rltffl BETTY KEAN .A I
r 11 :. :
' Q
today in Bend.
Mrs. Willard Becker and daugh
ter of Burns, were guests today at
the Pilot Butte inn.
Lt. E. V. Brown, stationed a't the
Redmond army air field, spent last
lugiu in ona. .
Ma. R. L, Mauehan nf th RoH.
mond army air field, visited Bend
lnenos loaay.
Mr. and Mrs r
308 South Fourth street, today
ct.civcu wura mat tnelr son,
Charles, has been promoted from
the rank of seaman 1c to that of
coxswain. Charles enlisted in the
navy in September 1943, received
his basic training at the Farragut,
Ida., naval training station, and is
now stationed at Kodiak, Alaska.
A world dav of nraver will ho
held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the
First 'Baptist church, it was an-
nounced today. A program has
been arranged, and all women of
the city were invited to attend.
Al C. Friesen, formerly in
charge Of the navy's Bend recruit
ing station and now stationed as
cniei at tne balem sub-station, will
be transferred to Klamath Falls
on Feb. 20, friends here learned
Lt. John A. Runge", son of Mrs.
Stella Pearl Runge, 513 Newport
avenue, has arrived in San Fran
cisco from the Pacific theater of
war, and will be in Bend within
a few days, according to word re
ceived today by his mother. Lt.
Runge, a bomber pilot, enlisted
three years ago at Christmas time,
and since that time was home on
one occasion for one hour, and
on another for four days. He had
been stationed in the Marshalls,
Hawaiian island and at Saipan.
N. W. Van Tassel of Terrebonne
spent yesterday in Bend on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Connally of
Maupin were business visitors in
Bend yesterday.
George Tackman of Prineville
was in Bend yesterday.
Mrs. Hugh J. Logan, of Grand
Rapids, Minn., Js a house guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Plath. She is a sister-in-law of
Plath's. Mrs. Logan has been vis
iting relatives in Los Angeles and
San Francisco, Caiif., and will con
tinue to Portland after leaving
Mrs. Melvin Walsh, an employee
of the Lake County Hardware
company, Lakeview, is spending a
company, jaKeview, is spending a
few days in Bend on business. She
is a guest at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. George R. Brick.'
Mrs. T. D. Sexton and Mrs. Jack
Ami have returned from Port.
Ufnd where Mrs. Sexton spent the
last week with her father, B. P.
Shrum, who is seriously ill fol
lowing a paralytic stroke.
Mrs. M. H. Loveland, accom
panied by her sister, Mrs. William
Bennett of Prineville, left this
morning for Seattle to visit Mrs.
Loveland's daughter, Mrs. John
.VyMarkle and her infant grand
Son, John W. Markle, II.
A regular meeting of the execu
tive council of the Deschutes nuh-
lie health association will be held
in the O'Kane building at 2 p. m.
! Saturday, Mrs.. Huge Cole, execu
I tlve secretary, has announced.
Dance every Friday night at
Carroll Acres. Music by the Night
Owls. City bus will leave hall last
time at 12 midnight. Adv.
Salem, Ore., Feb. 15 Uli-Among
bills signed today by Gov. Earl
Snell was senate bill 24, by W. H.
j Strayer of Baker, raising the pay
of election board olilcials from
$3 to $4 per day.
The common American snapper
turtle nas no teetn dui it nas pow
erful jaws with knifelike edges,
and it cah thrust its jaw out with
the speed of a boxer's flying fist.
k HAPfY-W-WACKr. jh r. r.
(All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
. . . Saturdays.)
Betid Residents
Wed SO Years;
Honored at Tea
Twenty-five years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew L. Saye celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary
in their home at 344 East Green
wood avenue here in a setting of
greenery and white flowers. On
January 30 the same house, dec
orated this time in golden blooms,
was the scene of their golden
wedding celebration, which took
the form of a tea since Mr. Saye's
ailing health precluded holding an
open house, as had been planned.
The golden color scheme was
carried out throughout the dec
orations, in Mrs. Saye's corsage
and in the wedding cake, which
was served to approximately 50
Mr. and Mrs. Saye, both natives
of Washington, were married in
Olymoia on January 30. 1895 and
came to Bend In May, 1916. They
have one son, Earl Saye, residing
in Bend.
Farewell Dinner Tonight The
Disabled American Veterans will
give a farewell dinner tonight at
8:30 ih the Pine Tavern in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Thomas,
who will leave Bend soon for
Portland after residing in this
city for 13 years. Reservations
may be made by telephoning Mrs.
W. E. Sanders, chairman of ar
rangements, at 151-W.
Ex Libris tonight The Ex
Libris club will meet With Mrs.
Wilfred Jossy, 759 Roanoke, at 8
p. m. tonight. The program will
be directed by Mrs. Don Waddell.
Ranch Eggs
2 lb. boxpl
1 lb. pkg. fij I
For Lenten Meals
Large Wet Pack
Egg Noodles .
Old English
Self Polishing
qt. 69c
6:30 p.m. D.A.V. dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thomas at
Pine Tavern.
7:30 p.m. Philathea club with
Rev. R. H. Prentice, 1433 West
First street.'
8 p.m. Neighbors of Woodcraft
ih Moose hall.
8 p.m. Jr. Women's . Civic
league with Mrs. J. L. Pelker,
1775 Steidl. - ,
8 p.m. A.A.U.W. with Mrs. Al
len Young, 310 Congress.
8 p.m. Ex Libris club with Mrs.
Wilfred Jossy, 759 Roanoke.
- Boyd Acres H.E.U.
E. W. Beaver, 851
o a.m. -with
10:30 a.m.
Carroll Acres H.E.U.
with Mrs. Victor Her.
1 p.m. Women of Moose ritual
practice in Moose hall.
4 p.m. USO opens.
8 p.m. Juke box dance at USO
for service men and junior hos
tesses. 9 p.m. Sons of Norway public
dance in Norway hall.
9:30 a.m. USO ski party, serv
ice men and Junior hostesses,
leaves headquarters at Trinity
parish hall. ,
6:15 p.m. Eastern Star potluck
dinner at Masonic hall.
8 p.m. Jaycce auxiliary at Pilot
Butte inn.
Sons of Norway Dance The
Sons of Norway will hold a pub
lic dance in Norway hall at 9 p. m.
Saturday with music by Krigers
SPECIALS for Fri. - Sat.
Grade A Large
Van Camp's No. 2
H&D Cream Corn,
Valley, No. 2
Drifted Snow 50
Can 35
Can 3
. . . .pkg. 19c.
Sperry Pancake
navplH, timiil
Shellhart's Grocery
929 Wall
Free Delivery
Susanna Wesley
Guild Fprmed
Here on Monday
The Susanna Wesley guild,
young women's society of the
Methodist church, met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Wally
Johnson, with Mrs. M. F. Lyons,
adviser, as program leader. Mi's.
Lyons discussed missionary work
among the American Indians.
The new name, honoring the
mother of John Wesley, was be
lieved to suggest the service, de
votional and study phases of the
club's work. The organization was
formerly known as the Older
Girls' group.
Plans were made for the or
ganization of a Young Adult Fel
lowship, composed of both men
and women between the ages of
1,20 and 35. Activities will include
a potluck dinner and forum dis
cussion every other month, be
ginning In April.
The Valentine theme was fol
lowed in refreshments and in invi
tations which were prepared by
the secretary, Mrs. A. B. Linger
felt. Several valentine gifts were
exchanged by "secret sisters."
Valentine Party
Given for
Mary Jane Hyde
A valentine party was given
Mary Jane Hyde in celebration of
her eighth birthday on Saturday
at the home of her parents. Cake
and ice cream were served the
small guests. The afternoon was
spent playing various games.
Those present were: Erdrl Sue
Sweat, Cecelia Walters, Beverly
Ann Cosier, Jackie and Lorna
Nystrom, Alice, Loretta and Lo
rene Hopkins, Linda Holland,
Jane Goddard, Tonya Wolf, Shir
ley Harris, Dorothy De Rushia,
and Mary's sisters, Betty Jo and
Margaret Ann Hyde.
2 . 75c
303's, 2 cans 27c
M 2.29
2 cans
can 35c
10 lb- bag 59c
Apples box 3.39
Itotitc Itcaullcs
Grapefruit . . .3 for 29c
Texan 1'inks, l,arK Size
Rutabagas . . .3 lbs. 23c
doz. 39c
Size for .hilin
Phone 24
Its wise to buy health
guards before the actual
need for them arises be
cause the ttffectiveitMis of
noma medication often de
pends upon the ability to be
Kin treatment of Illness in
stantly. Meet Winter's at
tacks half-way by checking
vour lllRillrlnn pHmii emi.
plies against these tried umj
proven reners and daily
health needs. Make a note of
your needs then mark up
savings at our MID-WIN-TEH
Every prescription brought
to us is compounded on this
basic formula "The high
est quality ingredients com
bined with painstaking care
and precision." Yes qual
ity, skill and accuracy are
tlio standard rules in our
Prescription Department.
They are constant Inviol
able the basic essentials
of a truly professional pre
scription service, no matter
what drugs may m called
for by the physician.
$1.75 Tussy Cleans-'
ing Cream.... $1.00
Add 2(1 Federal excise tax to
Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggugu
Birthday Party
Given Mrs. Palmer
Mrs. I. V. Palmer was Rurst of
honor at n no hoslcss patty, plven
In celebration of her hlitlulay at
i her home, ill Portland avenue, on
Monday niKl't- Some 35 members
of the First Christian church, of
which Rev. Palmer Is pastor, at
tended the aflair, which was a sur
prise party, and presented B"ts to
Mrs. Palmer.
The evening was spent In play
ing games and in gospel singing.
Refreshments consisting of sand
wiches, a birthday cake and coffee
were served.
Soldiers' Return
Topic of Meeting
The Business and Professional
Women's Wednesday night busi
ness meeting was highlighted by
a discussion of "The Reception nf
the Reluming Soldier After the
War." The high school symposium
team, coached by Wayne Overhol
ser, and whose members Include,
June Alfiey, chairman; Betty Jef
fries, Beverly Raer and Ruth Ann
Terlisner, brought to llRht the
different aspects In the life of the
returning soldier and ways of
helping him return to a normal
happy life.
Eastern Slnr I'olluc U Dinner
Members of the Eastern Star and
of Masonic lodges have been In
vited to altend a pulluck dinner at
6:15 Monday night In I he Masonic
temple in honor ot past matrons
and past patrons ot the Eastern
Star. The affair will be given by
Eastern .Slar officers. Persons
wishing to attend should tele
phone Mrs. W. A. Wirtz at at5-J,
or Mrs. Harry Hamilton at 2J0-W,
It was announced today.
Men, Women! Old at
40,50,60! WanlPep?
Want to Feel Years Younger? '
?" twi bfsjiM eititifffM, e-onwwt fHr.t on at I
tirrwarvts amiffrf t"!;t a Mttht pppmc Up With
ffim tuu Q'itmi. CoDtMnt lonk roftny ami 40,
fK ri. i nUl aoiciy bM-.uM lyw Iniffd; siM '
pmitiyitlc vttania lit. elr(um. Imro- !
dmiwriiw h;w mi$ 2'a. Iff Cntrit Tonts
TuiWj Tor n ixi. yof nw rttnr. this rerr dar.
tot w sii erg tvpn fTsrwhsrtv I
hip 59t
OJJsHcLKfcCV . .afH
f 1 f? 5e Vicks Rub... ..59c f SrusS &
lEiihl ::h ' 5c Pinex...i..... 54c M ' AW HJ
75cVick's Rub..... 59c
65c Pinex.. 54c
60c Menrholatum . . 53c
$1.25 Creomulsion $1.12
70c Sloan's Liniment 59c
50c Alcohol Rub. i . . 39c
Milk of Magnesia qt. 49c
25c Citrate of Mag
nesia $1.25 Bile Salts
Compound 69c
' 60e MdricaVi Oint
ment .......... 43c
75c Pazo Ointment, 69c
' 35c Tampax ...... 29c
25c Meds .J...::: 19c
50c Midol ... 32c
35c Quest ........ 31c
Women Voters
To Hear Talks
On Ratification
The United States senate's twei
third vole requirement for treaty
ratification will be discussed by
a Bond high school symposium
team directed by Wayne D. Ovcr
holser at the League of Womeh
Voters meeting to be held In the
Pilot Butte Inn blue room on Feb.
20, nt 8 p. m. This will be an open
meeting and .111 Interested In the
treaty ratification topic Will be
Mrs. H. A. Davis, chairman of
the local league's foreign policy
committee, and Mrs. Sumner Del-
trick will bo In charge of the
Sunshine Elects .
Officers for '45
The Sunshine club elected of
ficers t ta business meeting Mon
day and Inter sewed for the Red
Cross. Mrs. John Newby, 215
Florida street, was hostesses to
the group.
Officers elected were Mrs. New
by, president; Mrs. Oscar Hart
wig, vice-president; Mrs. R. D.
Ketchum, secretnry.
I he next meeting will he held on
Feb. 27 with Mrs. R. 11. Ketchum
acting ns hostess, lt was an
'Iiiyrm! Auxiliary The recep
tion of returning veterans will be
discussed by the Bend high school
symposium team at a meeting of
to the Music ef Web Loy and His
Night Owls
Place: Carroll Acres
Time: 9:00 to 12:00 p. m.
City Bui will make last trip to town at 12:00 midnight
M 3ti CREAM.0IL 1 I
fl prj FORMDLA I j
19c A S-B I
the Junior chamber of commerce
auxiliary nt S p. m. Monday night
in the Pilot Butte Inn.
Members of the Powell Butte
Soi'osis club were entertained at
the Bend home of Mrs. Guy Sears
yesterday. . Those present were
Mrs. Curl Iverson, Mrs. 1-red Mc
Donald, Mrs. Ernest Hall, Mrs.
Ray Roberts, Mrs. Lloyd Wyatt
and Mrs. Arthur Stearns, all ot
Powell Butte.
Mrs. Sears Is a former resident
of Powell Butte.
Buy National War Bonds Ndw!
Don't Neglect Slipping
txi fats? teatn drop, itip or wabble
whtn you talk, eat. LatiKh or anaeseT
Don't ba annoyed nn4 mbarraaaed by
aunh harvllcfipa. FASTEKTH, an alka
line (non-actd) powder to sprinkle on
your p la tea, keepa fatia teeth more
firmly aet. Ulvea confident feolinir of a
curlty and added' comfort. No (turn my,
Rfjory, paaty taate or feel! tiff. OetPASi
TfSfcTH today at any drug atora.
Thousand of man and women
bare found thai timteitod
Btuart Tablet bring quick,
happy raUaf to aloep-robbing
ymptotna of acid Indigeaaoa,
aaaalnaaa. and noaat atoo
ach. Taato delicious, eaay to
take no mixing no bottle. Try
themhave a good nighfe alee
and wake op in the morning feeling
like a St, 000,000. Oat genuine
Stuart TableW at yoor drngcM
onlr 25c, 60c, or St .20 under mak
er 'a positive money-back guarantee