PAGE TEN ' THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 1 5, 1945 -1! 1 !E3C ( wtet Quantity is ) Shop Piggly Wiggly and Save Ripe Olives IQqmvIIc S&W Plum Jam 1 b iar 23c Jlflarshmalloivs 12oz.pkg.29c Hot Aflustard Butter GRADE A S&W Coffee lib. pk9. 29c Durkee's FAMOUS Soup Mix Nestles Starch STALEYS FRUITS Grapefruit Apples Yams Juice Oranges PILAND'S MARKET Ground Beef, lb. 28c 100 Pure Beof Sausage 27c Country Stylo Corned Beef, lb. 35c Boneless FRESH MEDO-LAND OR RED. DRESSING AND MEAT 2 4-oi. CARTON Milk 4 cans 39c 1J POINTS PER CAN CREAM CORN OR CUBE and VEGETABLES Box 3.29 Roman Beauty Beef Roasf lb. 35c Loan, No Waste Delicious! Veal Roast ..... lb. 29c Crown Kill Pickled Pork lb. 32c I .can. Meaty Cut. Dill Pickles. 3 for 10c Sauerkraut . .at. 19c Bulk Short Ribs 19c rutnnMMjri: m i i n l si 6 oz. jar 8c lb. 46c CO-OP bottle 29c SAUCE cartons 19c 3pkgs.21c GLOSS Jfor29c 4lbs29c 3 lbs. 21c doz. 33c Jumbos Steer Beef Chamber Names 30 Committees For Present Year Membership of 30 different standing committees of the Bend I chamber of commerce for 1945, was made known today. Special emphasis nas neen piaceu on post war planning, Irrigation, retail trades and tourists, the list re veals. The committee members are: Officers: Carl A. Johnson, presl dent; W. H. Myers, first vice presi dent; R. W. Brandis, second vice president; K. E. Sawyer, treas urer; D. H. Peoples, executive sec retary. Directors: Ralph Adams. O. L. Bowman, R. W. Brandis, Sumner Peitrielc, Delbert Hale, H.C Ker ron, Carl A. Johnson, Frank H. Loggan, Gil Moty, W. H. Myers, K. E. Sawyer, B. A. Stover. Standing Committees Group 1 Military affairs: Rob ert W. Sawyer, chairman; Carl A. Johnson, director in charge; William A. Lackaff, transporta tion; K. E. Sawyer, food; Carl A. Johnson, recreation; G. R. V. Bol ster, public relations; C. J. Lindh, housing; W. C. Coyncr, rents; C. G. Reater and C. L. Allen, health; Howard George, schools; John Wetle, claims. Industrial and Postwar Planning Robert W. Sawyer, chairman; Carl A. Johnson, director In charge. Industrial, general W. A. La ckaff, chairman; B. A. Stover, di rector; J. S. Sammons, w. J. Eagan, Yoyde Biakley, Ray Yarns. H. A. Miller, Ralph A. Bailey. Forestry R. W. Sawyer, chair man; S. Deitrick, director; C. J. Lindh, W. H. Myers, A. J. Glas sow, Ralph W. Crawford. Roads and highways William Niskanen, chairman; O. L. Bow FOOD MARKET 1 North Highway Free Delivery Phone 776 "The Store of Personal Service" . SAVINGS FOR FRI. SAT. SOUP Chicken PUDDING Jello, Assorted Mayors Hakes pkg 23c Purex Peanut Butter Preferred Olives Rlpr PET MILK PET 8' CANS 29c mm Sweet Potatoes Taylor's Flapjack Flour . . Alhers Pork Steak. Center Pork Roast Shoulder Rib Boil RED RYDER THE TWO HALF&REED5 THROW THE I I LlTfLET BEAVER ' A Cmp CANl ANSWER OR ME CAM'T FF cnsSPi.- CAVE WTO DARKNESS WHEW RED I I WHERE ARE YOU J J l&tf BREEDS KNOW I j MTTHING ' 7? fwfSXa' STUMBLES WHILE TRY INS TO r-V i i i j Mini. I WHERE im AND JNT1HIN& 4e,N,A j UfiTm ip; ffi man, director; C G. Rclter, Don Conner. Irrigation II. II. Pe Armond, chairman; S. Deitrick, director; R. W. Sawyer, Ralph S. Hamilton, Clyde Spencer. Post War Planning Crosby Shevlin, chairman; W. II. Myers, director; Ward Coble, Bruce Gil bert, William A. I-ackaff, A. T. Niebergall, W. A. Wirt, A. J. Glassow, Frank II. Loggan, How ard George, C. L. Allen, Gordon Moore, D. W. Entrikin, Ilomor Thomas, Dr. R. D. Ketchum. Tourist and Recreation Al Eriksen, chairman; Frank II. Loggan, director in charge. P u b 1 1 c i t y H. R. Edwards, chairman; Carl A. Johnson, di rector; Phil Brogan, Paul Hosmer, Ernest Farrell, R. K. Innes, J. E. Van Wormer. Fish and game John Wetle, chairman; K. E. Sawyer, director; Loydo Biakley, George Childs, Lloyd Magill, M. H. Symons, George Simerville, Farley Elliott, Wilfred Jossy, Lloyd Douthit, Ken Moody, Ralph W. Crawford, F. B. Burden. Recreation Resorts, hotels, winter sports Tom Brooks, chair man; Gil Moty, director; Ralplr W. Crawford, R. M. Wood, Harry Terwilligar, M. II. Symons, E. V. Ward, Ovid Evans, Don Williams, Paul Hosmer, LeRoy Fox, Maren Gribskov, Mrs. Erma Hamm, Frank Prince, Jr., Helen Faddis, A. H. Marshall. Geology Phil Brogan, chair man; Frank H. Loggan, director; Paul Hosmer, Robert W. Sawyer, Al Eriksen. Retail Trade B. A. Shellhart, chairman t R. W. Brandis, director in charge. Retail merchants Sam Scott, chairman; R. W. Brandis, direc tor; Al Eriksen, J-. B. Bear, Lloyd Magill, James Arbow, Marion Cady, William II. Reid, Ken Long balla', F. E. Moore, Vic Marshall, Fred Vance, Louis Ralney, Bruno Rath, Walter Rydell. Fire prevention and rates Carl E. Ericksop, chairman; H. C. Ker ron, director; Elmer Lehnherr, Le Roy S. Fox, Ward Coble, C. G. and FEED STORE can 15c 3 21c Noodle COFFEE W s&w Drip or Regular lujl lb 31c gal. 24c . .lb. 29c Stork pint 29c Pitted CORN 11 D Vacuum Pack 12 OZ. CAN 14c 1 can 21c 10 lb. bag 67c lb. 35c Cuts lb. 33c Cuts lb. 19c BACK THE ATTACK Buy an extra War Bond it.!- ir.... i -v !;. HUM JlliMllll. nil KriF for every $3 you invest, bag guns . . . men who have made their mark, prefer Hand Tailored clothes by- 1 Wai-f ntinffrior fir TLfarv TliAV lilrA tVia .......w u ...... superior quality of these fine ... the choice, supple fabrics, comfort and fit . . . and that extra something which distinguishes the work of craftsmen who create -fine things with their hands. We're . confident that once you try these superb clothes you'll never be satisfied with anything less. - V -: Hand Tailored by ' Hart Schaffner & Marx Prices begin at CUKI.EE and Other Spring Suits 103 Oregon Reiter, H. R. Smith. War bonds and stamps George Childs, chairman; O. L. Bowman, director; N. R. Gilbert, Ken Hod kinson, Ben Hamilton, Loren Car ter, Walt Howard, S. P. Barclay, Mrs. Flora Miller. Traffic safety Bruno Rath, chairman; Gil Moty, director; C. G. Chester, M. H. Hoover, Lowell Hirtzel, LeRoy Fox, Ken Gulick, M. Ray Cooper. Civic club cooperation Glenn Gregg, chairman; Carl A. John son, director; Grant Skinner, C. G. Meeks, H. A. Waterman, Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Mrs. Grace Donner, Mrs. Crosby Shevlin, Mrs. George Simerville, Lucy Davison. Ways and Means William A. Lackaff, chairman; S. Deitrick, director in charge. Finance Al Eriksen, chair man: W. H. Myers, director; C. G. Meeks, William Niskanen, J. E. Van Wormer, Mike Phelps, George Winslow. Membership Marion Cady, chairman; B. A. Stover, director; George Simerville, H. R. Edwards, I C. Coyner, Bruce Gilbert. " 1 " ife',3.'' fs'm ...v, j. clothes the easy '29.50 $35 $39.50 Forum Crosby Shevlin, chair man; H. C. Kerron, directors Ralph S. Hamilton, Howard George, E. V. Ward, Ken Longbal la. General A. L. O. Schueler, chairman; O. L. Bowman, director in charge. Aviation Tom Brooks, chair man; Del Hale, director; Al Tilse, Ward Coble, Walt Howard, Mrs. Gerald McCann, H. N. Fowler, O. L. Bowman, Clyde McKay. Legislation and taxation H. N. Fowler, chairman; K. E. -Sawyer, director; S. Deitrick, H. C. Staples, A. J. Glassow, A. L. O. Schueler, D. M. Lay. Traffic and freight rates A. O. Schilling, chairman; Ralph Ad ams, director; C. J. Lindh, J. S. Sammons, O. S. Lammers, Bruce Gilbert, Don Conner, G. F. Ches ter, C. J. Monahan, E. S. Farrell, Wilfred Jossy. Agriculture D. M. Lay, chair man; Ralph Adams, director; Glenn Gregg, Jack Masterson, H. A. Christensen, H. Richards, John Bradetich, K. E. Sawyer, Irl Wag ner, James Sells, Alfred U. Jones, I t ir I - -ff . . i! i if m u Herringbones, Cheviots and Fleeces. 19.50-24.50-29.50 35.00 Famous HartSchaffner & Marx warm coats. 3930-45.00 Phone 190 Anne Forbes. City and county affairs Wil liam Van Allen, chairman; R. W. Brandis, director; Ray Yarns, W. A. Wirtz, Wes Welcome, Lowell Jensen, Ben Hamilton, P. B. John son, H. Allen Young, J. S. Davis, Joe Justin, A. A. Symons. ' Tannin making is one of Brazil's largest industries; quebracho is the raw material used. Goodtkml FOR FOIKS WITH SNIFFlT Head Colds Quick relief from dis tress of head colds is what you want. So use Va-tro-nol. Afewdrops up each nostril soothe irritation, relieve con gestion. Also helps pre vent many colds from developing If used in time. Just try It ! Follow directions In folder. SPtCUl Hon OrtM Works Fit! Rlthl Wlur. nubii lit VICKSVATRO-HOl Bv FRED HARMAN 6