THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. .FEB. 14, I94S PAGE SEYEN "Market Records . New 7-Year High By Elmer C. Walzer ' (Uni'tad Rreaa- Financial Editor) ; ... vl- TToK Id Mil Wall street turned bullish . today and bid StoCKS uy iiotuuua iu mure I , B nniht try a further tuw Iuirf" " r high tor more than seven years, in. was at the most active early clip since Jan; 15. Bullishness was- prompted by the statement of undersecretary of war raucrouu mat. wiuuuieiu Lniiini men can forsee no im mediate end to the war In Europe and by the assertion ol secretary i of the treasury iviurgeiiuiuu mai u ravnrs Dost-war tax cuts to aid expansion of business. V I t-(Tonthau's . statement . was hiuib." - , Vade In his report to congress on . - ! ..anr..M. nd he warned that "little, If any" cut can be expected Deiore the end of major hostilities. - " - All sections of the list joined the rise. Chrysler hit a high of 10014, and the best level since 1937, ..fior.tinu Wall street rumors wholly unconfirmed on an 'im pending stoCK spmup. cisewnere tho motors, low-oriced srjecula- tive issues were strong and. active. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Ore.. Feb. 14 HPi livestock: cattle 300, calves 50. Active, steady. Quality rather poor. Few common steers $11.00 12 SO: sizeable lot medium heifers $13.00. Canner-cutter cows $6.50 900. Fat dairy type cows to $10 50. Medium-good bulls $10.00- 12 25, extreme top .12.75. Uood choice vealers $14.00-15.00. Hogs 200. Very active, steady, finod-choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75, Hood sows $14.00-14.50. Feeder niis Quotable $15.50-16:25. cun inn OnntahlA Kteariv. Good-choice trucK-in i a m o s alable around $15.00. Fed car- Good ewes salable $7.00-7,50,. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland. Ore.. Feb. 14 IIP) Butter and egg prices were un- Butter oube 93 scorec; 92 score 42Kc; 90 scqre 42c; 89 score 41 'sc pound. r.nes Drice to retailers AA large 47; A large 45c, medium, A 42c; small oac aozen. Veterans to Honor Departing Couple Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Thomas, who will leave Bend soon after 13 years here, will be honored by the Disabled War Veterans at a farewell dinner to be held at 6:30 n! m. tomorrow in the Pine Tav- JPrn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas plan to reside in Portland. Reservations should be made at once by telephoning Mrs. W. E. Sanders, chairman of the din ner committee, at 151-w. Lapi ne Lapine, Feb. 14 (Special) How arri Miltenbereer who is now liv ing in Portland came to Lapine Friday to look after his property. Mrs. Charles Fern and children and her mother. Mrs. Chester Sim mers, who lived near Lapine for rnunpol uaafo Ulcitori 111 lnlllP over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fern. Mrs. Fern is working in Bend at pres ent. Her mother is looking after the children. Charles' is on the western front somewhere in France or Germany. Mary Beth of Salem visited Mrs. Everett Powell the last of the week. Mrs. Dorothv Pittman of Port, land is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dalrymplc this week. Carey Stearns went to Prine ville Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geovgo Carrier spent Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Stearns. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Osborne Sunday were Virgil Rhoades and family and Lonnie Rhoades and family of Bend. The girls sewing club met at the home of Janice Bless Tues day evening. They will meet at Jo Cleta Cheeks next week. ONE TO GO Smoky Hill Army Air Base, Sallna, Kan. mi All Sgt. Helen A. Smith needs is another pro motion, then the family cycle of staff sergeants will be complete. Both her brothers are staff ser Eeants and she carried her affec tion for the rank to a climax when she met and married SSgt. John Smith. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS BAKER FEED CO. I'hone 1SSX Redmond, Ore. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates ' Local Paid in Advanea 25 Words One Time 35c 5 Words Three Times 75c & Words Six Time .$1.33 All WW star It mi 1. aa ww4 Omm , RUUW BHnMH OM' Milk ru, mm can, u. 4u I Chun. Mi LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c blaaauiaa AtfrartaUnf, Caah w Aarusa . ban, Claala Tlaaa 11:11 P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F.O.E.HaU W.M.Loy,W.P. Phone 20-F-S Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store' ; FOB SALE OWNER LEAVING, must sell im. mediately at sacrifice price. 80- acre ranch, 13 miles from Bend, w acres c.o.L Good 4 room house, gravity flow water, elec tricity, large barn, .. completely fenced with woven wire. Only 3ouu,- wuu down, swo year. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. - v LARGE KITCHEN range with reservoir. Lynn Fisher, Powell Butte, Oregon; CABINET MODEL 8-tube Stewajt Warner radio, old make but in good condition. $30.00. 1585 West First. Phone 944-W. ' 1935 CHEVROLET generator, good condition, $8.00. 1477 Daven port SOAP FLAKES Soap granules, while supply lasts. Pre-war glyc erine content soap, top quality. Case of 24 packages granules (24 oz. pkgs.) $5.95 Flakes (12 V4 oz.) $5.45. Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. WEST SIDE. Immediate posses sion, attractive, new, modern house, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 2 unfinished upstairs. Large base ment, automatic sprinkling sys tem. $4000. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $2700 BUYS forty acres, fair house and barn, 22 acres cultl- vated. 5 miles from Bend. Posses sion soon. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. DELCO LIGHT plant, 1000 watt. 110 volt, A.C., also 32 volt plant with batteries. Write A. B. Bright, P.O. Box 1093, 2425 East 1st. Phone 447-R, (CRESCO) SULPHUR. At- qual itiy, Triangle and Crown feeds, baled hay. Some . high quality chicks at no higher prices. Green wood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division sts. PRE WAR TAYLOR TOT. high chair with aluminum tray, child's airplane rocker, large lawn play pen, if tune spanon radio, dresses size 14. 726 Harriman. CHEAP. One-room house, partly furnished, nice built-ins and lino leums on floor, Firtex walls. Large lot. Call after 5 p. m. or Sunday. 1453 Elgin Ave. PRE-WAR DAVENOS, davenport and chair, oak tables and. chairs 2 sets, walnut sewing cabinet, Montag ranges, circulating heat ers, standard heaters, coll springs, battery radio, bedsteads and mat tresses, hi-boy chest of drawers, dresser with very large mirror. Furniture Exchange, 315 Green wood. TEAM OF HORSES and '31 Ford truck. L. R. Rouse, Rt. 1, Box 269. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 9 ROOM HOME on Congress. One of Bend's fine homes, base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, lovely grounds with large garage. Must sell at once, $7500. Gilberts Real Estate. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti lizer, $4 per yard. Also top soil. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St.. ELECTRIC MANGLE. Inquire Bill Hatch Service Station. LARGE ELECTRIC roaster, coats, suits, housecoats, two wait ress uniforms, all fine materials. Pretty new aprons. 358 E. Mar shall. ON ROOSEVELT, Immediate pos session, 4 room house, some furni ture, shower, utility porch, large garage. $1750. $400 down. $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. MODERN 4 ROOM: with base ment, 2 bedrooms, 3 lots, good place to raise chickens. A good buy at $3250. $1450 down. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. Lemon JuiceRecipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly It roa uffr from rtmmatle. trtsruia or tKiffUt. palo. try ttla ttmple laexprostva bonw rw-fpe that tboaatoT ra urtni. Ort a partt ac Of Ru-Ei CViflifKuiDd. a two-wee mijiy. t(-1ur. MM n aith a quirt tit w.tcr. aiM u Jula of 4 Imeaa. Il'l .aar Na tfenMa at all ac4 rdaMAttt- v Med n&lr 3 tiNtapnaa tula two liioca a Hit. oftm wltata 4 hour aomftjaf-a oi-er&lcbt cphradia naulu .m OblUPd If tt: rl 40 Out QUlrkhr W tod If rmj do cat frcl tHUrr. return tb. i rtnptr and fto-Ex will ct you notb teg to try a I la acta tar your oruaalat flatter lo atiatluia morjey-taefc i-iracle. Ru-bi conouuod la t( add raBDQUDepded by The Owl Pharmacy and drug Jtorej ewrywhere I FOB SALE SEMI MODERN: 2 bedrooms on pavement on west side, owner leaving town. Priced reasonable $1133. uuoerts fteai jtsiaie, xiuo Wall St . SPITZENBERG, DELICIOUS and Newtown apples. Medium and large varieties. Please bring box es. Greenwood Feed Co., Green wood and Division Sts. . WHITE LEGHORN hens, $1.00 live weight, $1.25 dressed. Rt, I, Box 450. Phone 22 F-22. CABINET RADIO. 1518 Newport. SEMI-MODERN HOUSES: 2 bed room, near Ordnance shop, large living room, new linoleum throughout, chicken house, $1250, $300 down, $25 month. West side, four rooms furnished, $950, $400 down, $20 month. Anna Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. s - 125 EWES to lamb in month, No. 12 Economy King cream separa tor. 8'x4' steel box trailer. Can convert to stock trailer in five minutes, 16" tires. E, Daugherty at Deschutes Junction. 5 ROOM MODERN: bedrooms on edge of town,, city lights and water, 4 lots, z cnieKen nouses, good place for "cow or horses. Priced for quick sale KVW. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 wall St. ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machine like new. Will take treadle machine in trade. Also electric Mixmaster with mayon. naise maker and fruit juicer. Mrs. A. J. Rhoades, Route 2, Box 70, old Redmond highway. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-x, Red mond, Ore. PRE-WAR EARLY American style red maple dining room set, 8 pieces. Perfect condition, $225. W. C. Mayo, 255 E. Elm or 246 N. 6th, Redmond, Oregon. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil, briquet Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. BLACK DRESS COAT and re versible coat. Also dreses, size 14. 2 sheepskin leather jackets, size 12 and 36. Pre-war stroller, 1 boy's all wool-topcoat, size 10. Call at 153 E. Olney. WEST SIDE, modern- house, 2 bedrooms, kitchen range, circu lating heater, Venetian blinds, cabin, garage, woodshed, immedi ate possession, $2600( $900 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. $2500 BUYS 4 room modern fur nished house. West side. $3200 buys large modem home. Close in. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. SMALL SADDLE pony, will work on cultivator. Ane yearling Guern sey heifer. 5 miles out old Red mond highway. C. A. Cook, Rt 2, Box 71. ELECTRIC BATTERY brooder, 500 chick size. CalJ after 4:30 p. m. 213 East Revere. ONE TEAM brown work mares, age 8 and 9, absolutely gentle, will weigh about 27U0. Take $150 for. team. Call at 1374 Kingston, 5 p. m. and 6 p. m. FOB SALE OB TRADE 1 '29 FORDSON tractor on steel, complete new motor, 1 Chester wnite ooar tnree years, l raae lor cattle no Jerseys considered. John D. Martin, Gateway, Ore gon. ONE KITCHEN RANGE with warming oven. Will take $15 cash, watch, shotgun or other furniture. J. M. Pratt, 1202 w. 12th. Call be tween 5:30 and 8.00 p. m. BEAUTIFUL MUSKRAT fur coat like new, size 20, will trade for livestock or what have you? Call evenings only. Mrs. Alexander, 2 miles south of Lapine on highway 97. FOB BENT BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho- teL Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 715 Lava. road. Alcove bedroom, liv ing room, kitchen, bath. Wood and lights furnished. Call A, D. Lewis, 1503 Awbrey road. Phone 685 for appointment. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or can eoa-j. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, clean, light rooms, wood, water, lights furnished, hot water host. Suitable for 2 adults. 236 'M E. Irv ing. 3. ROOM semi-modern house, floors covered, large lots, good garden spot, barn, garage and chicken house. 557 Quimby Ave. See owner at 1365 Columbia. HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Auihoriied Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Kllihon and Carbon K. C. Allen Adding Machines All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. FOB RENT ROOM In private home, kitchen privileges it desired. 1305 King ston. . 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire lib &asi Kearney after 5 p.m. - 4 ROOM furnished house, hot and cold water. . Enclosed yard, near mill, on bus line. Inquire uuo Davenport - FURNSHED ROOM for couple in exchange for housekeeping du ties. Write No. 623 in care of The Bulletin. : WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room furnished apartment. Call at Pilot Butte Auto Court, Mrs. B. L, Smith. ' USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio-Service. New loca tion, tut wau st rnone uu. - TO BUY a formal, size 20, in a pastel shade. Call 366-W. WILL PAY CASH for late model 3 or 4 burner electric range, 36 inch length. Call at office Jo-Ann Motor Lodge, lbi is. TanKun. WANT TO BUY large coal brood er. Write or call Route 2, Box 237, One mile south of .Deschutes school house. t HELP WANTED WOMEN'S SPECIALTY store wants saleslady with "ready-to-wear" experience. State age and references. Permanent position. Write No. 568 in care of The Bulle tin. EXPERIENCED STENOGRA PHER for full time secretarial work. Apply United States Em ployment Service, Room 103 Des chutes County Courthouse. Must have certificate of availability. WOMAN FRY COOK wanted at the Pilot Butte Inn. , LADY to care for children during, days. 617 Quincy. Call ufter 5:00 p. m. SOMEONE to care, for 2 pre school children during office hours. Room and board if desired. Good wages. Phone 859-W after 6:00 p. m. . USED CARS 1936 DODGE SEDAN. Heater and radio. Motor, clutch, transmission, and drive shaft newly recondition, ed, Good rubber. A guaranteed car. Can be financed through local bank, Central Oregon Motor com pany, phone zb. 1936 FORD V-8 coupe, motor Just completely overhauled. Heater and good tires. 1930 model A coupe. 1935 V-8 coupe, radio and heater. Have model A parts and auto make parts for sale. 136 Greenwood. 1928 STUDEBAKER "6", good tires. So. City Limits Motel, No. 14. LL Conger. LOST BROWN BILLFOLD lost down town Saturday. Contained UlentH, ncauon carus unu papers, nciui n to Bulletin. EIGHT RATION books in brown i folder. Name Oldaker. Lost in downtown Bend. If found please ! return to Bulletin or 330 E. Mar-1 shall. Urgent points for baby 1 food. ' i GOLD EARRING with pearl cen- i ter. Reward. Phone 522-R. I 1 ZIPPER type man's overshoe, size 10 or 10'4. Contact Earl Lang at Metropolitan Barber Shop. FOUND MEDIUM SIZE black dog, while tip on tail, paws and chest. I'hone 272-R. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE while you wait, saws fnllcd, skates hollow ground, ; knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re- j paired, soldering, general repair-' ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 ' Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with 1 ability and experience. I can get i you more money' for that live-: stock. Q. E. Glayebrook, phone; 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush ; Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, ' waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available i Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. 1 Phone 594. j RED RYDER ifWE. StU ALL SACD (tES , ViE LOAD l Cw, 10 3LIP UP tfSCK JmraSUOISS OEV0E.LRK lJk 2:s FORTUNE. IM J t OF THOSE TvMO HALF-l THIS CURIOUS WORLD CAN BE MADE FROAA ' I , 'l . ' 111- -".-.:T,- - - III i- CQPR, 1M6 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. frt t. M-Rto-u. iPAT.ofr, SHOPLIFTERS v IN THE UNITED STATES, SS PER CENT OP WHOM ARE V rVWVtarV, STEAL ABOUT W Si so, oop, ooo WORTH OF OODS ANNUALLY. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE: We have buyers for town nd urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and glr- idles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres t tou io j-z.yo. 1'none ior appuim- tiieih 4A-M, Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing pn all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer f ervlce, 136 Greenwood. Phone 83. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience, ti. l. jvierntt, 202 Thurston. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat -r- Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit We .will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates feladly given. The Bulletin. Cherry Blossom Pattern DINNER SEBIVICE 53-Pc.Set 1.60J You'll enjoy thit refreshing cherry bloom design more every time yon nee this dsinty et. Light weight. Will not "check." 94-Piece Set ... .29.95 Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St, Phone 860 '&REEN ONIONS ARE WHITEMcT CHARLES D. FLOOD, Ski Party Plans For Sunday Set Service men and Junior host esses who plan to ski In the Cas cades under the auspices of the Bend USO and the Bend Ski Pa trol next Sunday should register immediately with the chaplain at the Redmond army air Held or with Mrs. Craig Coyner, tele phone 649, It was announced. Chapcrones will be Mrs. Olaf Skjersaa, Mrs. Don Williams and Mrs. Chris Kostol. The group will leave USO headquarters here at 9:30 a. m. Sunday and return for a supper at the USO at 6 p. m. j Lt&AL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Estate No. im NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Chas. E. Rutland was on the 23rd day of January, 1945, ap pointed administrator of the estate of Albert L. Jones, deceas ed, by the County Court of Des chutes county, Oregon. All per. sons having claims against said estate are required to present the samo, duly verified as required by law, to said administrator at tne office of his attorney, A. J. Moore, Room 4 O Kane Building, -Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. - Dated and first published at Bend, Oregon, this 24th day of January, 1945. CHAS. E. RUTLAND, Admlnl trator. 42-48-54-60C CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 821 Hull Phono 624 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Kt-pulr Kimtrii'jtl Supplitt , Fluorescent Light) UK Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phono 88 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia ! Specializing In i Long Distance Household Goods Movement TarXN ill I ' S , mm II mm w wm Body of Rancher William Chester Evans, 60, was found dead of a gunshot wound, believed by officers to have been self-inflicted, on the lawn in front of his home about six miles east of Bend about 6:50 a. m. today by William Swerlngen, of Ante lope, and W. A. Hand of Bend, who had spent the night with him. Beside him lay a M caliber special Winchester rifle. A shot had entered his left side above the armpit, traversed his chest and emerged on the right side, tearing Ms right upper arm, Swoi-ingen and Hand tele phoned Sheriff Claude JL Mo Cauley Immediately upon discov ering the body and the sheriff, accompanied by Coroner C. P. Niswonger and A. J. Moore, Des chutes county district attorney, went out to investigate, arriving about 7;ao a. m. According to Swerlnger and Hand, Evans, an employe of The Shevlin-Hixon Company for the past year, had been despondent lor some time over domestic dif- ficuHies. He ate a hearty break - TE CAR SERVICE DON'T WAIT 'TIL THIS HAPPENS! Whjn-you.r car's a wreck not through accident, but neglect, it's too late for even "major surgery" to save it! Better drive it around here while there's still a chance for us to save its life with expert repair and the best available parts; Complete Auto Service Tires Batteries Towing W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PUOl KSSION AL OFFICES MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1588 Awbrey Bd. Tol, G29-M Refrigerator Service All Typei of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond m Mlnnmm tnionx HUH Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fnilld. Extra hardy Allnno wila Stock. Stock sold I-.O.H. inimpry, delivered or pluntod. Free eHtlmutes for landscupliiK. Will compete with nil catalog prleeH. HAINES NURSERY Cor. KiiMt Hill and Norton I'hone Wtt Bend, Ore. "BUT IN THE DARK. , 1 fast shortly after 6 this morning, went Into his bedroom, apparent ly put a gun out through a win- dow, and then left the house by the kitchen door, supposedly to do a few chores. Shot Heard ' Swerlngen - and Hand, still in the kitchen, presently heard a sound which tney believed to be a stick breaking but paid no at. tenuon to it. swerlngen, wno naa been cutting fence posts on Evan's 80-acre ranch and had spent the past two nights with Evans, left the house about 6:45 and went to his truck, which was parked In the driveway alongside the front lawn. Approaching tne -truck he saw Evans lying on the lawn and called Hand. After examining the body hur riedly they went Into the house and telephoned the sheriff. Hand, who had been living, with Evans for the past two years and working on the ranch, stated that Evans had been despondent since his wife left him last summer and later filed a divorce action. Evans, who came here from Prineville two or three years ago, was born In Prineville on May 7, 1886. - v A formal Inquiry into his death was held this afternoon in the of- flee of Sheriff McCauley. Phone 700 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 'a! Bee Hive Trucks zr.A Trailer may lie unod anywhere In the U.S.A. without red tape or xpe elal HeenHe when traiwportlng your own goods. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texavo dealer. Mission Service Station Bond ft Franklin Phone 810 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 COMMhKClAL PKlNIINt? OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress The Bend Bulletin Pitone 66 By FRED HARMAN 'WHAT WAPUT OUT g 5 '