PAGE SIX PIIWUIWeilWMWIlMIIIMJ mm a :X) wSr: .k w " THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1945 l?X , -I'M' l AVS rYOif - - ; ', Mi , . $y m & " ' -ill; '. ' ---- - Bj v,f No job is as sure i ' :a& VDiip Bond Think it over.' Think it over especially when you get the urge to spend now . . . when you get the idea that maybe it wouldn't hurt to cash some of those War Bonds. ' ' Because if you let those Bonds go now, or before they reach maturity, you're letting go one sure thing in your future. . United States War Bonds are the best investment in the world. No matter what happens in postwar America, you can always be sure to collect those four dollars for every three you've loaned Uncle Sam, when your Bonds mature. ' No job no income no other opportunity offers you such certain security, such a chance to protect your own future, or such a chance some day to have some of the things you've always wanted. ' Instead of cashing in your Bonds next time you're tempted, buy another just to be on the safe side. Your country needs the money and you need War Bonds! Keep faith with, our fighters Buy War Bonds for Keeps This message presented by the Mowing concerns in the interest ol out All-Out War Effort and in cooperation with the Deschutes County War Bond Sales Committee Bank of Bend Lumbermen! Insurance Agency Bend Garage Company The Miller Lumber Company Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. Niswonger & Winslow Cashman's, Bend's Clothier . .J P""y.C.. 'ne. . m ,v , .. , Deschutes Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Central Oregon Distributor, Erickson's FoodKtarket Gregg s Banner Bakery Coca-Cola BoHling Co. of Bend The First National Bank of Portland, Bend Branch Staples Optical Pacific Trailways The Shevlin-Hixon Company Superior Cafe, 1047 Bond St. Wetle't