PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 14. 1945 Golf Playoff In With McSpaden By John Lewis Stone (Vnted Fran SUM Correpoodant) New Oilcans, La., Feb. 14 ifi Byron Nelson, of Toledo, O., the Mr. Consistency of goll who chins opponents with his feverish brand of play, was $1,333.33 rlched today after winning the $5,000 New Or leans toen in , a playoff round against Harold (Jug) McSpaden of Sahford Me. Nelson, who last year set a new money winning record lor a goll professional, and Mcbpaacn com pleted the regulation 72 holes with . Identical scores of 284, making the extra il8-hole playoff necessary. Yesterday Nelson. vas practically unoeaiauie. . ; r - Makes Good Score Long off the tee and precision like in nis accuracy-wnn irons, the former Teican; fired a seven- under-par 65 to make McSpaden's highly creditable 70 look poor by comparison. Nelson had McSpaden lour down at the start or tne DacK nine yesterday after turning the lirst round in Si, live under par, Regulation figures proved no ob stacle on the back nine either, Nelson carding a two-under par 33 coming home-McSpaden, Nel son's most ' persistent challenger this year, went out in au ana oacK In 34. .. ' i The winner, three strokes down at the start of the final 72 holes - on Monday, sank 12 and 15 foot putts with consistency. Very few of the professionals remained for the final round . most of them moving on for a practice: round at Gulf port, Miss., where the annual Gulfpprt open begins on Thursday. That too Is a $5,000 event. , J Winners Listed McSpaden picked up $033.33 in war bonds (all prize money was issued in war bonds) for finishing . in second, place, : ..- -Other bond winners were Claude Harmon, Crosse Point, Mich., 28, $733.33: Sam Snead, Hot Springs, Va., 290, $600; John Bulla, Chicago, 201, $466.66i Den ny Shute, Akron, O., Jack Grout, Chicago, Henry Picard, Harris- burg, Pa and John Revolta, Evan ston, 111., all with 293, $330 each; Craig Wood, Mamaroneck, N. Y., Sammy Byrd, Detroit, Ky Laffoon, Chicago, and Sam Schneider, Cor pus Christi, Tex., all with 294, $180 each; Ed Dudley, Atlantic City, N. J and Mike Turnesa, White Plains, N. each with 295, $113 each. i Receiving $66 for their ef forts were, Willie, Cioggln, New .York, 296; Bruce CoJliiitAbscon, N. J.; 297; Leonard Ott, Denver, Colo., 297; Chick Rutan, : Birmingham, Mich., 298, and George Low, Clear water, Fla., 298. Out Our Wgy By J. R. Williams - , oJ't when i uj i - i T, -v - IT WORRY - illllllll PUT MV FOOT DOWN OM ) . ' ( YOU TO SEE J. MV WIFE BORROWIN' . V I ME RESTING? (A M I TtlFF OFF HEK FOLKS', A FOR JUST WfflMl: WHY, I COULDN'T SLEEPA V ? EVEM A JUJI f I WIWK. MIGHTS WORRYlW V MOMEMTTyjr ABOUT THE OL' FOLKS , rffT YM, SITTIM' INJ AW ALMOST EMPTY 1 u" v ( . J. HOUSE WHILE 1 WAS UVlW J W,W l INJ LUXURY OM THEIR STUFF, l V(M LIKE WE GOT IT AROUND 44 LJ UiTwIF HERE WITH A MARRIED II cef I! Wr3, M SISTER BOY, I COULPN'T-- "? WWll " ' ' '' . . AJHV MOTHER.S GET GRA7- ' t. m. mo. u. . pt. off. ..... - Wn 7 I HinK-J 1& , Wr COPR- 1945 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. MOPUICKW Today's Sport Parade Turpin Will Play For Seattle Again Seattle, Feb. 14 iui The Seattle Rainiers announced today that Hal Turpin, veteran righthanded pitcher, would be available for the 1945 season. ' Turpln's availability Is coming ent upon finding farm help to keep his ranch in Oregon going while he Is with the Seattle club. Two years ago, the Yoncalla farmer, had to quit in mid-season to take 'care of his crops. The Rainiers also announced they had picked up Manuel Vlas, tiny outfielder, formerly with the Sacramento soions. Seattle to See Far Famed Miler Seattle, Feb. 14 UM Gilt Dodds, the famous running preacher, will show his flying heels to Seattle track enthusiasts at the Unlveral ty of Washington pavilion today. Dodds, who holds the Indoor mile record, will give a track ex hibition to. local high school and college runners as the Initial ap pearance in a three-day visit. He currently is on a speaking tour of the northwest, and Is scheduled to address assemblies at Seattle high schools. Sugar Bpwl Fight Billed for Chicago Chicago, Feb. ' 14 itP The "Sugar Bowl brawl," mulching Ray (Sugar) Robinson against George. (Sugar) Costner In a 10. round welterweight bout, will draw approximately 21.000 cus tomers to the stadium tonight for about a $90,000 gate. Boxing enthusiasm hasn't run as high here since the Old Manas sa Mauler, CM DR. Jack Demp sey, met the former fish merch ant. King lcvinsky, In a four round exhibition in 1932 which at tracted over 22,000 fans. By Buford Sommers - (UnlM. Press Staff Correapnndont) Portland, Ore., Feb. 14 (Ui They're developing a new game In Portland snorts circles. It's au dience-participation wrestling. I The essentials for playing this game are few and simple: for the few, two wrestlers such as Ted Christy of Hollywood and Dr. I John Bonlca of Fort Lewis, Wash., and for the simple an audience simple enough to endure it. For pawns, add a few policemen, who came in on passes. Christy and the good doctor In troduced this gay sport here the other night, but Its acceptance won't be known until the mem bers of the participating audience are disentangled one from an other. Before the audience can narti- clpate certain preliminaries are necessary. Dr. Boniea, of genial meln and cherubic face, must be come provoked to the point where hp forgets the restraints of ropes ana ruiesjt'jnis is tttmcult- for D4TH(liB an.awfullv'irnnrl ml. turtrgVy and,' in the name of fine sportsmanship, overlooks many an affront that would gall a man of lesser patience. nut unnsty, once he gets his 21-Inch neck bowed, Is clever at arousing the beast In a man. By choking and hair pulling and eye gouging and finger twisting and a nost of other shabby tricks to which referees are congcnitally blind and which make a specta tors gorge rise, ne plagues his opponent into a trenzy or ven geance. At this point Dr. Bonlca who has never revealed whether he is a doctor of medicine or doctor of philosophy hurls the foul Christy over the ropes and into the aisles. This is where the audience comes in. The game them rages up and down the laps of the ringside-spectators, amid scared men and squealing women. The men curse and the women blanch. And Christy and Bonica grunt. The other night the thing seemed to be getting out of hand, and matchmaker Cal Herman yelled for the boys to stop. The referee yelled for them to stoD. Their handlers yelled for them toi stop, still the light raged on. But by the time several policemen stepped In and made them stop, we knew the boys were on their last lap. They were on our lap. HKins Is OSC Warcry Corvallis, Ore., Feb. 14 (IP) How to devise a sure-fire plan that will stop Dick Wilkins, Ore gon s rangy and high-scoring forward, was the big problem to day for A. T. (Slats) Gill, veteran coach of the Oregon State Beav ers, as he prepared his charges for the third game with the Ore gon team here Saturday night. Wilkins ranks third In the north-' ern division scoring race, not far behind Vince Hansen and Red Rocha, both of the Washington State and Oregon State teams, re spectively. He scored a mere 19 points against the Beavers last Saturday.. Gill sent his squad through an other heavy practice session to day, with emphasis on defensive measures. Both man-for-man and zone defenses came in for con siderable attention. Diego training trip but the Red. skins will play ball. "imports that wo will disband are ubsurd," he said. . ; Sky Hunters Plan' War on Coyotes Ranchers of Central Oreunn in. nay were ashed to cooperate In the state game commission's present campaign to exterminate coyotes, by reporting areas where the greatest number of the preda tors exist The, commission point ed but that In this area it has established airplane crews to hunt down and shoot the animals. The commission asked that reports of the existence of bands of coyotes be made to the fliers, who are concentrating on the aerial hunt now because of the breeding season. In this district the aerial coyote hunting crews are; Bend, Verne I'eAulremont, pilot, and A. J Tllso, gunner. They may be reached at the Bend Municipul air port. In Redmond the crew con slsts of Dick Uallantyne, pilot, and vernon lilies, gunner. Roe Davis, pilot, and Bill Stevenson, gunner, carry on tho air hunt for. the Burns area. War Briefs - - - (Ilr- United Krmi) . . Ijistcrn Front Red a r m v threatens to break across Quels river in drive-toward Dresden. Western Front- --Canadian First army shock troops drive within 28 miles of Ruhr valley. 1'aririe MacArthtir nroclaims end of Manila battle is in sight. Air Mar-More than 1.4(H) II A V night bombers droo recm-cl nr. S,(100 tons of explosives on tier man targets. Italy--Palms active on Fifth nml Eighth army fronts. Fight Results (lly United Tree.) New York (Broadway arena) Marvin Bryant, 159Mi, Dallas, Tex., declsloned Joe Agosta, 156, Brooklyn (10). . ... Jersey City, N. J. Freddy Schott, 207, Pnterson, N. J., rie cisioned Earl Lowman, 200, De troit (10), New Bedford, Mass. Bennv Singleton, 135, Waterbuiy, Conn'., knocked out Oscar St. Pierre, 134, Fall River (9). Bangor. Me. Ralph Walton, 138. Montreal, declsloned Frankie MacDougull, 137, Roxbury, Mass. (8). . Hartford, Conn. Henry Jordan, Ml, Philadelphia, decisloned Red uoty, vm, Hartford (10). ''"BASKETBALL RESULTS "' ' " (By United Pre) Kansas 42, Oklahoma 27. Great Lakes 75, Marquette 65, Alabama Polytechnic 44, Flori da 42. Balnbridge Navy 58, Wilming ton iTOS 41. Hampden Sydney 54, William and Mary 38. Loyola of New Orleans 63, Na val Kepair uase vz. Loras 55, St. Ambrose 52. Missouri Valley 38, Rockhurst J-'. Wagner College 51, Yeshiva 40. Phillips University 59, Tulsa 43. Wyoming so, Ureelcy Tchrs. 26. Brlgham Young 60, Colorado university 58. Los Aneeles Boh Mtmf lM, Philadelphia, declsloned Ce cil Hurinon, l-lf.'a, Los Angeies San Jose, Calif. Chlco Rosa, 132, Camp McQualde, Calif., knocked out Villy Rho'es, 138, Chi cago (2). Axemen Winners In District $ix Eugene, Ore., Feb. 11 (Ili.-Fn. gene high school today held the basketball championship for dis trict six. having defeated Junc tion City 44 25 here last night. Eugene thus auatificd for n berth in the pre-stnte tournament playoff against Myrtle point next month. Log cabins were Introduced Into America by the Swedes in 1638. MAY CANCEL TK1F San Diego, Calif., Feb. 11 clP George Marshall, owner of the Washington Redskins profession al footbaH team, said today that the transportation ban may force cancellation of the squad's San Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street 1 mm ops, MON. THRU FRI. 6:00 P. M. KBND ltolHtovw1lWlll n .. ntrnr.idriWtill Albany Bulldogs To Battle Bears The Lava Bears will meet their third Willamette valley opponent of the year when they square off with the Albany Bulldogs in a week-end series here Friday and Saturday nignts. Coached by Clyde Martin, for mer Redmond mentor, the Bull dogs boast only an average rec ord for the season. Both Eugene and Corvallis won from the Al bany team. Bend edged the Cor vallis team in their season opener and were trounced by the Axe men the following week-end. On the basis - of the Bear's recent showing the games this week-end should be about a toss-up. If they are on me upswing, as tneir Sat urday showing against Prineville seemed to indicate, the Bears may be able to turn back the Martin men. Hlgglns 111 Hard luck again struck at the local squad this week with the announcement that big Bill Hig gins was out with chickenpox. Harold Smith, regular guard, was able to return to the starting lineup Saturday night, to bring the Bears back to full strength for the first time in several games. The loss of Hlggins who has started most of the games at center, again weakens the Bears. School officials announced that Don Faucett of Portland will work the series. In the search for officials to handle the district tournament Central Oreuon school men are attempting to look over outside men. Faucett comes well recommended by Emil Piluso and Frank Heniges, both nigniy regarded in this region. TO QUIT TRACK Great Lakes, 111.. Feb. 14 (111 Clarence (Buddy) Young, nation al collegiate and big ten sprint champion said today he had de- ciaea 10 give up track competition for the duration. "I won't have time to do iustlce to competition," said Young, who was inducted into the navy last week. -KBND- Voic of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual Don .Lee Broedcettinq Syitem 1340 Kilocycle! TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman . 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Brown Stone Theatre 7:00 Joe Reichman's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas ' 7:30 Lone Ranger , 8:00 Treasury Salute ' ! 8:15 Evalyn Tyner's Orchestra 8:25 Your Navy 8:30 Bulldog Drummond- , 9:00 Glenn Hardy News - 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Northwest Neighbors NEW REASON FOR ARSON New Hampton, la. HP) When Clarence Schueller, 12 - year - old farm hand, was arrested on charg es of arson, he told officers he was "tired of batching," and set fire to farm buildings formerly tenanted by Herman Schwlcker ath to "scare Schwickerath" into moving his stock from the farm so he wouldn't have to care for it. Idaho's Vandals Beat Washington Moscow, Ida., Feb. 14 (IB The celebrated University of Idaho Vandals completed their series triumph over the University of Washington Huskies here last night with a narrow 36-35 victory in a northern division Pacific coast conference game. It was the fourth straight de feat for the Huskies on their current road tour and the game did not alter conference standings. The Huskies took the upper hand in the opening minutes, but the Vandals countered with a drive that gave them the lead, though scanty, for the rest of the contest. Washington narrowed the margin with shots by Bob Jorgenson and Dick King in the final seconds but Idaho stalled until the gun. The Vandals led at halftime, 19 to 13. The Huskies meet the Gonzaga Bulldogs in Seattle Friday and Saturday in a non-conference series. 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Johnny Long's Orchestra 15 THURSDAY, FEB. 7:00 News, - . 7:15 Don Allen 7:30 Maxlne Keith 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News v 8:00 Hillbillies ' 8:15 News 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Organ Treasures 8:55 Freddie Martin 9:00 William Lang and the News 9:15 Songs from Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing News -9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News - i r 10:15 Luncheon With Lopez 10:30 Paula Stone and Phil Britto . , ' 10:45 Redmond Victory March 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Lum 'N Abner 12:00 Jean Collins 12:10Sport Yarn ' " ' 12:15 Ra Rm Tquom. r : - - . . . HU1Q 12:30v-Newa ... 12:45-T-Farmer'8 Hour ' ' '1:0-Assembly of God Church 1:30 Tommy Harris Time v 2:00 Handy Man 2:15 Melody Time ' '. ' ; n.Ats . . i " raooern cnoir 3:00 GriUin Reporting -3:15 Service Unlimited 3:30 Musical Matinee 3:45 Johnson Family , 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. ; 4:15 Rex Miller , 4:30 Back to the Bible 4:45 Coronet Story Teller 4:50 Musical Interlude 4:55 rCentral Oregon News 5:00 Sam Hayes . 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix. 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song 7:00 Grange Reporter ', :xo loweii ji nomas ' . 7:30 Red Ryder . 8:00 Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra 8:30 Associated Plant Dedication 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over the Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:15 Jan Garber's Orchestra NATIONAL LEAGUE HOCKEY (By United Press) A three-goal second ' period gave the Boston Bruins a 3 to 2 victory over the Chicago Black Hawks and a tighter hold on fourth place and a Stanley cup playoff berth in the only national league hockey game played last night. The 27,000,000 milk cows in the United States in 1943 produced nearly 55,000,000,000 quarts of milk or over 2,000 quarts each. r area 9:30 7ss HSP All. KBND BEND ' "THE NORTHWESTS AUTHORITY ON FOSSILS" . By Professor George Beck of Ellensburg, Washington - . "REPORT ON BRITAIN" By James McDonald, British Consul of Portland, Oregon VfrssMiiiJiiim fliiUMjiiiitii.iiiii lilt (HI MllilJ 1 1 lv$ 1 It's a big event . . . Have a Coca-Gola or having fun at the family reunion Baby takes his first steps toward his dad home on furlough, and the family circle beams in friendly happy reunion. And, of course, there's Coca-Cola from the family refrigerator to add its life and sparkle. To visitors and family like, the words Havt a Coke are the signal for a friendly get-together. Plan to have a supply of Coca-Cola ready ice-cold in the refrigerator. Coca-Cola stands lot (hi pause that refreshes, happy symbol of a friendly way of life. lOtTlED UNOii AUTHORITY OF IHI COCA-COIA COAPANY IT 134 Greenwood COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Phone 49 You naturally hear Coca-Col called by its friendly abbreviation "Coke". Both mean the quality prod uct of The Coca-Cola Company. O VHA tli. CC Co.. Brooks-Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. Al l EY OOP ; ri H'f PERHAPfiTHF RFrTMN 1 k " i cam bem evp I Y tu - T MAMLI-. i' 11 "OF THE MAGIC BELT"' NONSENSE TVW FXT 3 I IUATrl',E STARS, DR. BRDMSOM, If EVERY TIME WE SEND WASN'T SO MUCH YOU KNIOW HOW TLLWF mcTN rHIl?." ( HAVE U FORGOTTEN) I BONE-HEADED OOp OF A CINCH AS ( HE IS.. PROBABLV W DOArVXEASY T? I gT 221 JHATTM A MOOV1AN i LOST! I SWEAI I DON'T MTl r-rA j f4T1V HIM BIG ORDER FOR Tl fl fll L I Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 78 Bee. Fbone tl-W f l.l.U J l l J U)ii