The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 13, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
A Bend district Boy Scout board
of review will be held tonight at
7:30 o'clock in the courthouse,
Cecil Goodlellow, chairman of the
board, nas announced. 11 is ex
pected that a number of boys will
appear before the board for ad
vancement. Mrs. John Pitman of Umatilla
is visiting in Lapine with her par
ents, Mr. ana Mrs. u. uairympie.
Kenneth R. Hagen, seaman 1c,
has finished training at the San
Diego naval air base and is spend
ing leave at the home of his
mother, Mrs. K. Hagen, and his
aunt, Bertha Hoik. Upon report
ing back for duty he will be at
tached to a patrol bomber as a
George Hesse and Van Withers
were in Bend yeserday from the
Withers ranch at Silver Lake.
Hugh Tierney was in Bend yes
terday from the Grange Hall dis
trict. . .
C. E. Velpe of Powell Butte
spent Monday in Bend on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McMurray of
Redmond were in Bend yesterday.
Arthur taricKson ana lamtly
of Prineville, were in Bend Sun
day to call upon relatives
Mrs. Orvie Wilson of Redmond
shopped in Bend yesterday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Smith,
who recently purchased the Har
old R- Miller home on Tumalo
avenue, moved into it during the
P. L. Patterson, assistant man
ager of the state liquor store in
Bend, was called to Lebanon yes
terday by the Illness of his
Orrin Fraley", assistant traffic
manager for the Consolidated
Freightways with headquarters
in Portland, is spending a few
days in Bend on business.
Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor
of the Deschutes national forest,
today was in Portland conferring
with forestry officials at regional
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stockton
of Prineville, were Bend visitors
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bordwell
were here today from Burns.
Lt. Glen L. Ryland, stationed at
the Redmond army air field, was
a Bend visitor last night.
B. W. Goodenough, engineer
for the Bishop Construction com
pany of Orland, Cal., was here
ioon pi ans Tor jmJ
Pacific TraUways, was here today
in connection with the line's bus
iness, xie resides in Portland.
n. a. aiuir and R. w. Neu
mann, stationed at the Redmond
oainjr air iieia, visited Bend
friends today.
A seven-pound aoji, John Wal
lace Markle, II, was born at the
Swedish hospital, Seattle, on
Thursday, Feb. 8, to Mrs. Wallace
Markle, the former La Verne
Nichols of Bend. The child's fath
er. Ensign Markle, was killed
near Alameda. Calif., on June 8.
1944, in the crash of a dive bomb
er of which' he was pilot The
baby is a grandson of Mrs. Mel
vin Loveland, Bend, and Mr. and
cars, jonn . Markle of Seattle.
ine Modern Woodmen of
America will meet at 8 p. m. Fri-
noy in uie sons oi Norway halL
it was announced today.
SK 1c Elizabeth Finnev. .uhn
enlisted In the navy's Wave in
Indiana, and who is now stationed
ai aeaiue, spent the week-end
nere visiting Her grandmother,
Lettie E. Breeden, at 55 Haw
thorne avenue.
Frank Moran of Redmond WHS
in Bend yesterday on business.
mrs. uien DeShazer of Madras
was in Bend vesterdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henske of
Maaras were shopping in Bend
Mrs. Karl Zeek returned last
night from a week's buying trio
to Portland.
Frank Nelson, driver fop th
Consolidated Freightways who
was transferred to Pendleton
about a year ago, has been trans-
lerrea oacK to Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Schmidt of
Oregon City spent the week-end
in aena on business.
Percy A. Stevens nost Kn. it-
American Legion, will hold a reg
ular meeting in the courthouse at
8 o. m. Thursdav.
First Lt. W. H. Smith, who re
cently received a medical dis
charge from the air corps as the
result of a shoulder Injury, after
four years of service, has returned
to Bend. With his wife, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Bradbury,
of Boise, Idaho, and his two child
ren he will make his home at 45
Greeley avenue.
The Eagles will hold a basket
social and Valentine party at 9
p. m. inursaay in tne eagles nau,
it was announced today.
Floyd Burden, John Cuffin and
Roy Thompson escorted a group
of 15 members of the Baptist
xoung reopies group to Redmond
last night for a skating party with
prineville and Redmond youths,
another lu miles of the main
canal for the North Unit irriga
tor, supervised the party.
a daughter was born to Mr. and
tion project in Jefferson county. Mrs. Leonard Flanary of Lapine
tu. u. warn oi me Kedmona v,"u'" 11
armv air field, last nieht was
onpst nr trip Pilnf Rurto inn
Beth Manning of Prineville. last Pacific Straw, Paper & Board
night was a guest at the Pllt9i stockholders, there will be a
Butte inn.
Myrl P. Hoover, president of
Ends Tonight
meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m, at
Dr. Grant Skinner's office. Adv.
Sportsmen It's tonight, meet
ing of Deschutes County Sports
men's Assn., 7:30, I.W.A. Hall on
Bond St. Vital subjects to discuss.
All sportsmen welcome. Adv.
Cooties Outline Plans
For Party February 28
I Members of the Military Order
of Cooties, branch of the V. F. W.,
meeting last night in the court
I house made plans for a dance and
'party at the Moose hall on Feb.
1 28, with all V. F. W. members,
j their auxiliary and families are
I invited.
I Last night's meeting was well
attended, with Buckley Morgan,
I seam squirrel, presiding.
35c o K$ o 35c
TThe (SOT cbhcH
stirring BOB HOPE
John Baal DoagUts Montgomery
Gala Sondtrgurd Elizabeth Patterson
GtOfgt ZlKCO DlrtctoJ k CTTtott Nut"
hrtM FWt fcy WHf Del 4 iy Ut4
W tUy toy M WHM
Plus Dancin' Romancin' 2nd Hit
I oo to rou, tou tie 1
i mmmw
vJ If
I rJkL
Mrs. Victor Haupt
To Be Interpreter
Russian sailors, docking near
the Morrison street bridge in
Portland, will be greeted by a new
interpreter hereafter, for Mrs.
Victor Haupt, who resided at 45
Greeley street, Bend, for the past
20 years, left this city last night
to work on the Portland water
Mrs. Haupt, born near Odessa,
Russia, came to the United States
In 1914 at the age of 11 and here
she learned to speak English with
no trace of accent With her came
her parents and several brothers
and sisters, one of whom, Joseph
Schaeffer, has been a Russian in
terpreter in Portland for some
time. Mrs. Haupt will work under
Schaeffer's supervision in Port
land. Mrs. Haupt's father, a cabinet
maker, brought his family from
Russia to North Dakota where
he went Into business with an
uncle, who was also a cabinet
maker.. He later moved to Cal
ifornia and now, retired, lives in
Lodi He is well known in Bend
as he was a frequent visitor at the
Haupt home.
Moves to Portland
Mrs. Haupt was accompanied to
Portland by her husband, an of
fice employe of the Spokane, Port
land and Seattle railway here for
many years who has been trans
ferred to the Portland office, and
two of her four children, Darlene,
7, and Robert Val, 10, who attend
ed Reid school here.
An older son, Victor Clyde, will
remain In Bend where he is a
high school senior, until gradua
tion. The third son, Albert Sidney,
19, seaman 1c who enlisted in
August, 1943, is now attending
torpedoman's school at Treasure
island, near San Francisco, Calif.,
after some time on active duty in
Alaskan waters.
Mr. and Mrs. Haupt will reside
at 2434 N. E. Morrison street in
John W.Perry
Services Are Set
Funeral services for John Wll
bur Perry, 60, will be held at the
Niswonger and Winslow chapel
at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow with Rev.
Robert Mcllvenna officiating.
Burial will be in Greenwood ceme
Mr. Perry, who came here from
St. Mary's, Idaho, in 1927, and re
sided at 238 Riverside, was born
in Sheridan, Wyo.
He leaves his wife, two daugh
ters, Mrs. Juanita Bryan and Miss
Shirley Perry, both of Bend: two
sons, Arnold Perry, Bakersfield,
Calif., and Wilbur Perry, Fort
Missoula, Mont.; one brother,
Clyde Perry, Portland; a sister,
Mrs. Mabel Stark, Hayward,
Calif., and six grandchildren.
(All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 ajn. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays.) .
Final Plea Made
For Polio Funds
In a plea to conclude quickly
tne campaign in uescnutes county
for the Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis, Mrs. J. F. Arnold,
county chairman, today urged
persons who have not yet donated
to the fund to mail contributions
to her at 126 Minnesota avenue,
Bend. The county's quota is $4,000.
and Mrs. Arnold expressed confi
dence this sum could be raised
promptly if those who have not
yet contributed send in their do
Additional contributions listed
today by Mrs. Arnold were $25
from H. G. Hitchcock, Sisters; H.
D. Bailey, Redmond, $10, and Dor
othy Barkley, Sisters, $1.
Colored Quintet
To Sing in Bend
An all-colored quintet of Rust
college students, under the leader
ship of the college's music depart
ment head, will present a program
of Negro spirituals, popular songs
and specialty numbers at 8 to
night in the Methodist church.
The group, wldly popular
throughout the United States,
comes from one of the oldest col
leges for Npgroes In the country,
located at Holly Springs, Miss.,
Rev. Robert Mcllvenna, pastor of
the Bend Methodist church, said
Tickets for tonight's' perform
ance, which is open to the public,
may. be secured at the door.
Buy National War Bonds Nowl
Shower Given Mrs,
Caudell at Shevlin
Shevlln, Feb. 13 Mrs. William
Frinzel and Mrs. Henry Pritchard
were joint hostesses at a surprise
bridal shower for Mrs. Roy Can
dell, the former Miss Laverne
Dehne of Fort Rock. Luncheon
was served.
Among those present were Mrs.
Ben Butler, Mrs. Raymond Gum
pert, Mrs. Harry Stlngley, Mrs.
Joe Herron, Mrs. Norman Van
Landuyt, Mrs. James Emery, Mrs.
Lewis Hodges, Mrs. Milt More
head and Mrs. Fred Bloomquist.
Those who were unable to attend
sent gifts. They were Mrs. Cecil
Cox, Mrs. C. M. Olson and Mrs.
Kenneth Cox.
Sorority Initiation Helen Far
rand of Prineville was formally
Initiated into Kappa Alpha Phi
sorority at Linfleld college, Mc
Minnville, on Sunday, it was an
nounced today.
. '-
Miss Skinner Named Miss Pa
tricia Skinner, daughter of Dr.
Grant Skinner, has been appoint
ed to serve on the selection of the
King of Hearts committee for the
traditional Heart hop, a traveling
dance sponsored by the University
of Oregon Y.W.CA. In celebration
of Valentine's day, it was an
nounced. V.F.W. Auxiliary to Dance
The auxiliary of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars will hold an initia
tion at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Moose
hall and plan a St. Patrick's day
dance. Officers are requested to
appear in uniform, Mrs. Cecil
Rhoads, president, has announced.
A dance and basket social will fol
low the meeting.
Ladies Aid on Thursday The
First Lutheran Ladies aid will
meet at 2:30 p. m. Thursday In the
church parlors with Mrs. Julius
Roid as hostess. Mrs. Carl John
son will be in charge of the pro
gram. Baptist Women's Union The
Baptist Women's Union will hold
a program meeting at 2 p. m.
Thursday at the church. Mrs.
John Cuffin will act as leader of
devotions while Mrs. G. W. Wins
low will direct the program.
B. & P. W. to Meet The Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club will meet at 8 p. m. Wednes
day in the Sun room of the Pilot
Butte inn.
Phllathea Club Meets Thurs
day The Philathea club will meet
at the home of Rev. R. H. Pren
tice, 1433 West First street, at
7:30 p. m. Thursday.
Encampment to Danre Cen
tral Encampment No. 61 will hold
a business meeting at 8 p. m. to
morro win the I.O.O.F. hall. A
dance will follow the meeting.
Women have been asked to-bring
sandwiches, cake or cookies, it-
was announced. Friends of Odd
Fellows are invited.
Evergreen Circle on Thursday
The Evergreen circle will meet nt
the home of Mrs. M. L. Murray,
429 Staats street, at 2 p. m. Thurs
day. Mrs. J. F. Egg will act as co
hostess. Mrs. Earl Webber will as
sist with the entertainment.
Members have been asked to bring
gifts for an exchange, according
to an announcement.
Moose Women On Friday The
Women of the Moose will hold
ritual practice and ballot on candi
dates for membership at 1 p.m.
rTiday in Moose hall, it was announced.
Deschutes Canton to Meet The
Deschutes Canton No. 19, of the
Ladies auxiliary, will meet at 8
p. m. next Friday in the I.O.O.K.
nan, it was announced today. The
new officers will be In charge of
the meeting. Mrs. Paul Brookings,
Mrs. Edgar Barnes, Mrs. A. H.
Burleigh and Mrs. Paul Crocker
will have charge of the refreshments.
The Boyd Acres .extension unit
will meet Friday at 10 a. m. at
the home of Mrs. E. W. Beaurr.
851 Roosevelt. The subject will bo
"main dish meals."
Children will be cared for at the
home of Mrs. Hugh Fountain,
1927 West First St. .
8 p. m. Rust College quintet
at Metnoaist cnurcn.
8' p. m. Public card party soon
sored by Circle 4, Catholic Altar
society, in parish hall.
8 p. m. Degree of Honor bus!
ness meeting, Norway hall,
2 n. m. Thimble club of Neigh
bors of Woodcraft with Mrs. F.
Riley, 22 Greeley.
2 p. m. S.O.S. club with Mrs.
Dora Allen, 137 Florida.
2-5 p. m. First Lutheran L. D.
R. silver tea, Mrs. Ralph Adams,
701 Broadway. Public.
7 p. m. Job's Daughters at Ma
sonic temple.
7:30 p. m. North End club with
Mrs. L. V. Smith, 28 Blakley.
8 p. m. V.F.W. auxiliary initia
tion, dance and basket social.
Moose hall.
8 p. m. Central Encampment
No. 61 in I.O.O.F. hall. Dancing to
follow meeting.
8 p. m. B. & P. W. business
meeting, Sun room of Pilot Butte
8 p. m. Pythian Sisters in Nor
way hall.
8 p. m. First Presbyterian eve
ning fellowship with Miss Grace
Preston, 11 Kansas. ,
8:15 p. m. First Presbyterian
Young Married group with R. H.
Prentice, 1433 W. First.
2 p. m. Evergreen Circle with
Mrs. M. L. Murray. 429 Staats.
2 p. m. Baptist Women's union
program meeting at church.
2:30 p. m. First Lutheran
Ladles Aid in church parlors.
7:30 p. m. Philathea club with
Kev. k. h. prentice, 1433 w. First,
8 p. m. Neighbors of Wood
craft in Moose hall.
8 p. m. Jr. Women's Civic
league with Mrs. J. L. Pelker, 1775
10 a. m. Boyd Acres H.E.U,
with Mrs. E. W. Beaver, 851
10:30 a. m. Carroll Acres H,
E. U. with Mrs. Victor Her.
1 p. m. Women of Moose rit
ual practice in Moose hall.
The Wee Women's 4-H club meet
Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Hubert Bartlett in Boyd Acres.
-Members present were: Judy
Fulls, Joan Fulls, Nadlne Russell
Loraine Painter, Nancy Dyer, Lois
McKay, Betty Jo Jackson, Drucllla
Bartlett, Emmajoan Bartlett,
-Adelva Bartlett. '
Joan Tilden was a visitor.' Lad
les present were: Anna Bartlett,
Pearl Stevenson and Inez Drake.
The next meeting will be Feb.
24 at Mrs. Bartlett's home.
Thimble Club Party A Valen
tine party will be given by mem
bers of the Neighbors of Wood
craft Thimble club at. 2 p. m. to
morrow at the home of Mrs.
Frank Riley, 22 Greeley.
To Make Slipcover Members
of Carroll Acres 11. E. U. will hold
a special meeting at the hom& of
Mrs. Victor Her at 10:30 Friday,
They should bring material for
slip covers and chairs to cover, lt
was announced.
Valentine Party Slated Mem
bers of the North End club have
been requested to bring valentines
to a party at the home of Mrs. L.
V. Smith, 28 Blakeley, to bo held
at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. A Val
entine box will be provided for
the Valentines, it was announced.
Nelghlxirs of Woodcraft A
regular meeting of the Neighbors
NEW kind of
: ASPIRIN tablet
doesn't upset stomach
r"'T.4iji!SSS When you nerd
. . t quick relief from
given to introduce
Youth Skin" Cosmefics
to the women of Bend
Truly fine cosmetic creations for the 'discriminating ,
women. Liquid creams which contain no paraffin
or wax to clog pores.
Phone 123 for appointment between
8:00 to 9:00 a. m. - 5:00 to
7:00 p.m. Feb. 13 to 25
Pilot Butte Inn
Lucille Kepler Dunn
hesitate to take
aspirin because
it leaves you
with an upset
stomach? If so,
this now medi
cal di.scovery,
SUPERIN, is "just what the doc-
tor ordered lor you.
I Superln li aspirin plu contains
j the same pure, s-i'a aspirin you
i have long known but developed
i by doctors in a special way for
I those upset by aspirin in its ordi
nary form.
Thlt naw kind of aspirin tablet
, dissolves mom quickly, lets the
aspirin get richt at the job of re-
; lieving pain, reduces the acidity of
ordinary aspirin, and does not ir
ritate or upset stomach even after
, repeat doses.
Tear this out to remind you to
; getSupcrin today, so you can have
i it on hand when headaches, cold,
i etc., strike. See how quickly it
relievrs pain how snrws
fine you feel after PWmStk
, taking. At yourdrug- frXSZ
gist's, lot and 39. tsos
Sweater Swank
for Valentine's Day
Lush downy-soft wool sweaters for alt occasions ... for
dress-up ... for sports. Some with long sleeves, some
with short sleeves, some sleeveless , . . cardigans and
round necks and in colors right out of paint box.
2.98 to 8.95
. 1.00 to 3.50
Frilly whites and colors. New
dickies and collar and cuff
sets to please every taste.
. One look at them will tell you
more than a thousand words
i see theml
Love These Gifts
Smart Skirts 2.98 to 8.95
Sure to please her one of our fine skirhi Big selection In
wools, wool blends and rayons, plaids, herringbones, checks
and solid colors just choose the one you think she'll like' most.
All sizes. , T . ; '
Spring Handbags
2.49 to 12.95
Leathers, simulated leathers and fabrics in the latest styles, all
colors, and many with crystal lucite trim fust the bag to go
with any outfit. : ' LE
of Woodcraft will be held in
Moose hall at 8 p. m. Thursday.
Mrs. Archie Gates and Mrs. Ern
est Cough will act as hostesses.
Group to Meet An Important
meeting of the Business and Pro
fessional Women Is being called
for Wednesday Feb. 14 at 7:45
p. m. In the Sun room of the Pilot
Butte Inn. Before the opening of
the business meeting the women
will hear a symposium team dis
cuss the subject "The Reception
of Service Men After War." The
team has been coached by Wayne
Overholser of the high school
lacuity. unairmnn or the group
of young speakers is June Alfrey,
and other speakers are Ruth Ter-
llsner, Beverly Baer, and Betty
Jeffries. Members of the club are
being asked to be there promptly.
Bend Wave Gets .
New Assignment'
Melda Smith, hospital appren
tice first class, Waves, returned
to Bend for a short visit before
reporting to her new duty station
at the U. S. naval hospital. San
Diego, Cal.
Miss Smith enlisted in the
Waves through the Central Ore
gon navy recruiting sub-station
last August, and was called to ac
tive duty and transferred to the
Waves training center, the Bronx,
New York, in November. Upon
completion of her indoctrination
training there she volunteered for
hospital corps work and was
transferred to the naval hospital
at Bethesda, Md., where she took
her pre-hospltal training.
Miss smltn will leave Wednes
day evening for San Diego.
Prior to enlisting In the Waves
Miss Smith was employed at the
Pilot Butte inn.
n(JA 4 FOR
Lt. Jess Wilson '
Visits Parents
Redmond, Feb. 13 (Special)
Lt. Jess Wilson, son of Mr. and
Mrs, H. O. Wilson of Redmond.
who received his silver wines and
commission February 2 at Marfa
army air field in Texas and has
been here on a brief furlough.
left Tuesday for Marfa for as
signment and further training as
an army pilot. Lt. Wilson is a
graduate of Redmond high school
and was a student at Willamette
university previous to enlisting in
the air corps. This is his first
visit home for the past 18 months.
V 5k I
Plain toe, oiled tan uppers,
heavy leather sole and leath
er heel.
6 inch ....$6.50
8 inch ....$9.50
Plain Toe, 8 inch Logger ...... .7.50
Lace-to-Toe Logger . . .10.95 -11.95
Calked Logger
Muskrats, valuable for both
meat and fur, can be grown suc
cessfully In captivity but the plan
has not yet been found generally
Piles! Ow!!
But He SMILES, Now
S wIm m A tu, TTba Murifl formula naed
y 4netora adjunct lvly at notod Thorn
ton A Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK
pulllativ relief of pain. Itch. sorcneM.
nnlpa often and tnnda to Ahrtnk well
ing, (let tuba Thornton ft Mlnofa Reetal
Ointment or Thornton ft Minor RectaJ
Suppositories. If not delighted with thla
DOCTORS way. low coat la refunded.
At all food drug ttorw Tarywbtra,
Oregon Ltd.
and Industrial
Wiring Supplies
General Electric Dealer
.Sales and Service
Phone 159
644 Franklin .
Bend, Ore.
Abstract Co.
Title Insurance Abstract
Walt Peak Phon I74