THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. MONDAY, FEB. 12. 1945 v PAGE SEVEN Classified Rates Local Paid in Ad vane 85 Worda One Time .35c 25 Wortls Three Times 75c 25 Words U Times . $1.83 All nnl nil II tM .It pv wu Um into m dMriMM Ob month run. mb cw, nt MIbimjm Uui S4c LINK KAiK lto CAPITALS SOo Cluufwd AavaniMac, uu m Altua iMuj rum iw iiiti r. m. FOB SALE $8500 BUYS 320 acres, 90. acres. C.U.I., fair house and barn, 20 acres alfalfa, good well, electri city. Adjoins large cattle range. C. V. Silvis, 118- Oregon. SINGER SEWING machine, in, good condition, cleaned and ad justed, runB like new, $60.00. Also cabinet model 8-tube Stewart War-, ner radio, old make but In good. condition, 1583 West MrsU Phone S44-W. ATTRACTIVE NEW 3 bedroom house, close in, 6 acres, 2 acres water, good outbuildings, electri city, fenced. $2200, $1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone SfrW; LARGE KITCHEN, range with reservoir. Lynn Fisher,, Powell nuiie, vregon. ONE WALKING plow and' five- shovel cultivator. One three horse evener. Rt. 1; Box 449, across from gun trap, Carroll Acres. SOAP FLAKES Soap granules, while supply lasts. Pre-war glyc erine content soap, top. quality. Case of 24 packages granules (24 oz.pkgs.) $5.95 Flakes (12 Mi oz.) $5.4D. Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. County Grangers DiscussMeasures, Observe Birthday Establishments where food or drink is sold should come under the jurisdiction of the state board of health in regard to sanitation, but regulatory legislation pertain ing to production, processing and distribution of all food products or commodities of agricultural origin should be administered by the department of agriculture. members of Deschutes Pomona grange resolved at an all-day, 20th nnniversary meeting held in the Eastern. Star grange hall on Sat urday. If was- further resolved that senate bill nor 128,. containing these provisions, oe enacted into law. Grange members also, went on record as favoring the repeal of the so-called "Walker plan," which would provide a cushion of $5,000,. 000 and an eventual lowering of property "and state -income taxes, It was also agreed that bills pending which would restrict the Peoples utility districts in the ac quisition and management of power systems would be harmful to the public power program of Oregon and snould be opposed. Resolutions pertaining to these matters were passed alM copies of the resolutions sent to Marsnall IS. Cornett, state senator; William A. Niskanen state representative; Burt K. Snyder, state representa tive and Morton Tompkins, state grange master. Mrs. Allen Presides Mrs. B. C. Allen, master of Des chutes Pomona grange, presided at the business meeting. Following the morning session a chicken dinner was served; to 150 persons by women of the Eastern Star grange. A birthday cake, in honor of Deschutes Po mona grange's 20th anniversary, was presented by women of Pine Forest grange and was cut by ' Miss Bertha J. Beck, state grange secretary. Mrs. Allen, Pomona master, was presented with a cake by members of Terrebonne grange. . A lecturer's program was pre sented under the direction of Mrs. P. F. Riedel in the afternoon. Group singing was led by Mrs. Eugene Ackley. Other features of the program were: Introduc tion of past Pomona masters by. Mrs. B. C. Allen; piano solo, Mrs. Geraldine Robideaux; history of Pomona grange, E. H. Young; reading of the minutes of the first Deschutes Pomona meeting held :on Jan. 'asrisza; piano soio Dy , Clara Dexter; speeches by Miss Beck and Verne L. Livesay, re gional agriculture advisor of the Oregon war price administration, Members Initiated New members were initiated at 8 p. m. and the fifth degree was given to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker. Mrs. John Franks, Wil liam Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Del Matson, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Fitz gerald and L. H. Gless. Following the Saturday night session a dance was held with Marshall's orchestra furnishing the music. r Among charter members of Des chutes Pomona grange were Fred C. Shepard, master; Mrs. George Thompson, Ceres, and Mrs. Lulu Griffin, Flora. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 12 mi Livestock: Cattle 2100, calves 200. Active, opening strong with in stances 25c higher. Good-fed steers 15.75-16.10. Good-choice loads held up to 16.50 and above. Common-medium grades 11.00 14.00. Good-fed heifers 14.50-15.25; common-medium 10.00-13.50. Can- ner-cutter cows 6.00-9.00. Medium-1 home close in, reasonable terms, immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. Spare Articles Can Be Turned.Into Cash With a Want Ad THIS CURIOUS WORLD 3 PAIR ladies pre-war oxfords, nearly new, size 814. One pair galoshes, size 8. 14 Lava Roadi DELCO LIGHT plant, 1000 watt, 110 volt, A.C., also 32 volt plant with batteries. Write A. B. Bright, P.O. Box 1093, 2425 East 1st. Phone 447-R. DUPLEX APARTMENT, west side, 3 rooms each unit, hardwood floors, one unit furnished, gas, garage, basement. Only $3200, $1000 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. CHEAP. One-room house, partly furnished, nice built-ins and lino leums on floor, Firtex walls. Large lot. Call after 5 p. m. or Sunday. 143 Elgin Ave. $1000 BUYS 10 acres irrigated on highway 1 mile ouu 5 room house -chit- be purchased and moved to place. c v. silvis, lis Oregon. PRE-WAR DAVENOS, davenport and chair, oak tables and chairs 2 sets, walnut sewing cabinet, Montag ranges, circulating heat ers, standard heaters, coil springs. battery radio, bedsteads and mat tresses, hi-boy chest of drawers, dresser with very large mirror. Furniture Exchange, 315 Green, wood. BECAUSE THE . , " vrfJN. fT i eARTH'S V ' I !ISC i ARE MORE THAN . V V "w-V 1 I.OOO MILES J. ) : FROM THE ' , I GEOGRAPHIC , 1 . (POLES, A COMPASS ' C-t 1.4,.- 1 V IN NORTHWEST ' i If r I WASHINGTON POINTS g3fr I T . I asoeautreAsr sA& I of yJjyj VvyX-- NDINUPPSKWAWHTHe' I I NEEDLE POINTS MORE THAN Wil I nCU'f go putnecf wmsr or woirrH. '"'When wre casned. Jeanne hofmann, Moscow, SairAo. ELEPHANTS OOHT KBSBMT BalNft PtO TOBACCO MANY OF THBM,, . Snjoy sAii-3uwmtio?ft M, . com, w mm mhwh. wa, - C ' T. M. WEO. V. 8. WIT. OFF. FOKSALB LARGE: VAUGHN drag saw like new. Rt. Box 70. A. J; Rhoades, old Redmond highway. : A NICE little home well furnish, ea, close in located on Georgia istreet . i-rice .MDU Terms ou 'ivah hal- 5W nov M Qna C T Leveretti 416 Hill. ' HEAVY DARK blue mackinaw, size 44, in perfect condition, $7.50; Call at 1517 A wbrey road.' WESTERN PATROL radio cabi, net. In A-l condition. 107 Shasta. 125 EWES to lamb in month. No. 12 Economy King cream separa tor. 8'x4'- steel box trailer. Can convert to stock trailer in five minutes, 16" tires; E. Daugherty at Deschutes Junction. QUALITY CHICKS and- poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red montl, Ore. BROODER STOVES and parte- Electric, oil, briquet. Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. HELP WANTED WAITRESSES at Pilot Butte Inn. WOMEN'S SPECIALTY store wants saleslady with "ready-to-wear" experience. State age and references. Permanent position. Write No. 568 in care of The Bulle tin. ... EXPERIENCED STENOGRA PHER for full time secretarial work. Apply United States Em ployment Service, Room 103 Des chutes County Courthouse. Must have certificate of availability. WOMAN FRY COOK wanted at the Pilot Butte Inn. LADY to care for children during days. 617 Quincy. Call after 5:0$ p.m. .-, LOST LOST OR STOLEN from vicinity of Bend Trap club road, large black female Labrador dog, Fri day evening. Children's pet. Re ward. Phone 22-F-ll. NO, 4 RATION book. Mrs. Mable Coy. Finder please return to ra tion board. MISCELLANEOUS TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. 1 can get jwm Mime luuiicjr iui UlUl live stock, o. E. Glayebrook. phone M-.l n ..all o t IlilK VAfnll 7 SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polisnes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. Phone 594. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. u. Gilbert s Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's; Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 6U8 or 21-K-4. Mrs. Brinson, O Kane Uldg., or Box 104, Bend; CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, anv rnnrillinn UnnH WtifihAp Service, 138 Greenwood. Phone ooo. WANTED TO BUY a sewing ma chine in good condition. For rent: newly decorated room with pri vate entrance, well heated and close in. 105 Drake. Phone 48. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. SOMEONE to care for 2 pre school children during office hours. Room and board if desired. Good wages. Phone 859-W after 6:00 p. m. SITUATION WANTED - FOB SALE OB TBADB SEVERAL SMALL radios, one new car radio for late model Pon- tiac. See Bob at Carl Austin's Re pair Shop. SPOOL BED, enamel kitchen wooti range. Must sell at once. 1305 W. 14th St. WEST SIDE 4 bedroom modern house, large yard fenced, well built garage. $3500, loan available. East side 4 bedroom, new furnace, 3 lots, $4000. Anne Forbes, .36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $25,000 BUYS 4000 acre stock ranch. 80 acres free water right, large modern home. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. ' ' $3200 BUYS 4 bedroom modern fiood beef cows 10.00-12.25. Bulls 10.00-12.25. Good-choice, vealers 14.0015.00. Hogs 100. Steady. Good.choice 170-270 lbs, 15.75 the ceiling; 275 350 lbs. 14.50-15.00. Good sows largely 14.00. Feeder pigs 15.50; one large lot 100 lbs. 16.00. Sheep 1000. Active, steady. Good-choice trucked in lambs 15.00. Load fed lambs held above 15.25. Good-choice ewes 7.00-7.50. PORTLAND PRODLCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 12 ill-' But ler and egg prices were unchang ed today. Price on dairy products: Butler Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42 c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41Vic pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 47c; A large 45c; medium A '12c; small 38c dozen. STORM WARNING UP Portland, Ore., Feb. 12 HPi Southeast storm warnings were ordered up at 2 p. m. today from Tatoosh island to Coos Bay and small craft warnings from Coos Bay to Cape Mendocino, Calif., the weather bureau office here announced. HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Ribbons and Carbon K. C. Allen Adding Machines All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12122 Oregon Ave. 80 ACRES, stock, equipment, hay, seed spuds, buildings, electricity, C.O.I, water. For particulars ad dress Rt. 1, Box 219, Bend. WELL EQUIPPED trailer house. Sell or trade for Bend property. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St. BEAUTIFUL MUSKRAT fur coat like new, size 24, will trade for livestock or what have you? Call evenings only. Mrs. Alexander, 2 miles south of Lapine on highway VI. SAW FILER -with 34 years e peripnee in logging camps. Can file cross cut or power saw chains ,ior pine or nr. wxite dox iosk, Bend, Ore. EXPERIENCED A-l typist de sires general office work. Some knowledge of bookkeeping, comp tometer, adding machine, switch board. Write No. 560 in care of The Bulletin. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS, can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates giaaiy given, tne iiuiieun,,,,,, ONE KITCHEN RANGE with warming oven. Will take $15 cash, watch, shotgun or other furniture. J. M. Pratt, 1202 W. 12th. Call be tween 5:30 and 8:00 p. m. FOB BENT BOARD AND ROOM $-15. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire lib 'A East, Kearney after t p. m. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single lady. Heat and lights included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. 1503 Awbrey Road. 1934 MASTER Chev. motor with rear end and transmission. Call at 1347 Albany. CLEAN FURNISHED light housekeeping room suitable for two. west side, b blocks, auto matic heat. Phone 493-W. $12,000 BUYS good going 120 acre dairy ranch close to Bend, all stock and dairy equipment goes along. Located 6 miles from Bend on paved road. Terms can be ar ranged. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. STRONGLY BUILT trailer, good bed and box, well-reinforced, new tires 600-16, overload springs, one of the best. Ed Dutfy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold Dist. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon Slate Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti: lizer, 54 per yard. Also top son. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or can bod-j. SINGLE GARAGE at the Wes tonia Apartments. Phone 6 15-J. Elsie A. Dunn, Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fur nished, east side, $30. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for. good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall SU Phone 900. TO BUY small piano in good con dition. Call 852-J. USED CABS 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe. Re conditioned motor. In good shape. $200. Ray Cadwell, 528 So. Third St., Redmond, Oregon. 1936 DODGE SEDAN. Heater and radio. Motor, clutch, transmission, and drive shaft newly recondition ed. Good rubber. A guaranteed car. Can be financed through local bank. Central Oregon Motor Com pany, phone 26. 1931 DODGE truck, ton flat bed. Call at 635 East Marshall. 1936 FORD V-8 coupe, motor just completely overhauled. Heater and good tires. 1930 model A coupe. 1935 V-8 coupe, radio and heater. Have model A parts and auto, make parts for sale. 136 Greenwood, Paper Collection In Oregon Gains Portland, Feb. 12 U1 Volun teer collections of waste paper in Oregon during January showed an increase of 469 tons over the December total according to an announcement by the Oregon state salvage committee today. January collections totalled 1,112 tons against a 643-ton col lection in December. The January tottil was still considerably below tonnage reported in preceding months however. Benton county remained on top of the state's list for cumulative per capita collection averages with 65.7 pounds contributed per person since the start of the cam paign in November, 1943. Wasco county neia second place witn a 53.1 pound average. and Marion county was third with 45.6 pounds. Other counties In the "top ten" Include: Clatsop. 455 nounds Der capita; Sherman, 41.3 pounds; Deschutes, 37.5; Multnomah, 36.7; Clackamas, 32.5; Yamhill, 31.9, and Hood River, 29.5. Industrial Fund Nears Completion As the last day for raising the fund was growing to a close, the. special committee of the Bend chamber of commerce ralsiner a $10,000 post-war industrial fund, reported today that approximate ly o per cent oi tne amount had been raised. The chamber is at tempting, to match a $10,000 citw peacetime industrial development fund, and voluntary subscriptions have been mounting steadily un- in oniy aoout z,3uu remains yet to be collected. The committee planned to meet tonight and canvass the returns. and to determine whether addi tional solicitation should be made of those who have not as vet do- nated. Johnson Reports Carl A. Johnson, chairman of the special committee, reported to the chamber directors that he oeuevea tne days mall might bring in sufficient money to com plete the fund. He pointed out that the fund must be raised in Its entirety before ah administer ing committee may be appointed. lieved that as near A 10Q per cent-, memoersnip in the industrial oiy ganizauon would1 be sec urea, "This will make," Johnson said, "a more etiective post-war group, and- will make it possible for ideas and cooperation from every type of business." .... Viola Johnson, 32, Dies in Portland ' The funeral for Mrs. Viola John sqn, 32, whq died 1-rlaay in the Cottey Memorial hospital In Port land; will be held at 'A p. m, tomor row in the Bapust church in Red mond) it was announced today. Burial will be in the Redmond cemetery. Mrs. Johnson, who had been HI since September, lived at Rt 2, Box 62, in Bend, with her hus band, Bruce Johnson, son Gene, and mother and lather, Mr. and Mis. John Hopper. Two brothers, Max Hopper of Rt. 2, and John Hopper ot Terrebonne, and a sis ter, Mrs. Charlotte Russell of Cove, Ore,, also survive.. ' IS NOW GENERAL .... Washington, Feb. 12 mi The senate today confirmed the nomi nation of Col. Elliott Roosevelt to be a brigadier general. The vote The chairman added that he bo- was 53 to 1L Is Well Attended More than 300 persons attend ed the benefit dance for the Foun dation, of Infantile Paralysis in the Bend Roller rink, Saturday night, It was estimated: today as Clair Fuller, manager,, reported thai $154 worth ox tickets had been sold lor the event Fuller, said that approximately $80 woulu be turned over to Mrs. J. F. Arnold, chairman of the Dee chutes county polio drive, after the - orchestra and government taxes had oeen paid out of the re ceipts. Scores ot soldiers stationed at the. Redmond army air field attended- tl)e dance, which was fea tured by a lively floor show. : Mrs. Arnold today urged- per sons who have collected lunda for the polio battle to turn them in promptly to her, as she believed that after she'had received money outstanding that she probably would be able to report that the $4,000 quota had been nearly reached. Buy National War Bonds Now! WHEN YOU NEED NEW TRACTOR TIRES GR0UHB GRIP TIRES EXRA TRACTION - Up to 21$ extra Inchet of ti action bat length per tractor. BETTER CLEANING Continuous ttlf-cleining trad dplgn . . , futurea a deep ttroog traction bite at all timet, LONGER LIFE Triple-bncedi traction brt . . . will not bend, or allow tlippeg which rendu In erretslve tread wearr : Thw only tractor tiro with theM ;' oxclusivo value . ... - mouk - vm mm Tirton Home & Auto Supply Wall at Minnesota if' PhoiM 860 WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS 1930 CHEVROLET coupe, excel lent condition, 5 good pre-war tires. 334 Hunter Place. CHRYSLER SEDAN "86", five good tires, heavy trailer hitch. heater, motor in good condition, 1945 license. Ed Duffy. Rt. 1. Box 412, Arnold District; FOR SALE or trade for truck I9db tudor Ford sedan. 426 West 5th, Prineville, Oregon. '34 FORD V-8 coupe. First class condition, good rubber, $300. John Minges. 321 "A" St.. Redmond. Oregon. LOST BROWN BILLFOLD lost down town Saturday. Contained Identi fication cards and papers. Return to Buuoun. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly uppointed by the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Deschutes County, Administrator of. the Estate of Percy B. Davis, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to Mal colm W. Wilkinson, 402 U. S. Na tional Bank Building, The Dalles, Oregon, with vouchers properly verified, as by law required, with in six months from the date here of. Dated this 20th day of January, 1945. GEORGE M. DAVIS, Adminis trator. M.W. WILKINSON, The Dalles, Oregon. Attorney for Estate. 46-5258-64C SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 for a limited time only K Experienced Operators MAY LAURA AHDKLLE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 4H4 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repaint and Hat Blocking Capiiol Cleaners 827 Wall Plume 621 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluornteent LighlH GE Mazda Lamp Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 08 Long Distance Hauling Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gcods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1Q80 Awbrey Rd. TeL 629-M Refrigerator Service , AJI Types of Mechanical Sarvio On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Minnesota f hoiie 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Val ues Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere In flue U.S.A. without red tape or pe rial license when, trann porting your own goods. Long trlpa, short trine anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond Krankiin Phone 810 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Faat Dally Service Every Da? Of the Year . Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress fhe Bend Bulletin Phone. 66 TO BUY fryer rabbits and your small rabbits. Also, heavy hens. Phono 1D70-W, or call, at 147 E. Olney. SERVICE of registered Pekingese at once. 220 Davis Ave. ROOM AND BOARD Room and evening meal in private home for employed single man, Best refer ences. Write Bulletin 609. TO BUY a formal, size 20, in a ; NO. 1 POTATOES at ceiling price, i Phone ll-F-2. Route 1, Box 430. ' Claud Cant. i i-pnoM modern house. Good calr' Call 366-W. rage and root cellar. Also wood , range, circulator and good cotton ' mattress. Inquire G. T. Seiber, ! 1172 Elgin. HELP WANTED LARGE ELECTRIC roaster, coats, suits, housecoats, two wait ress uniforms, all fine material!.! SERVICE STATION man, per WOMAN OR GIRL to stay with 2 school children. Board, room and wages. Call at 1125 Kresno or phone 616-Ji. after 5:30 p. m. Pretty new aprons, shall. 353 E. Mar- manent job, good working condi tions. See Eddie s Sales & Service. RED RYDER f SHAKES " (SSk flbU GO' THErt IF THIS IN TURQUOISE I - CHEE- rtE-Z. J I CAVE AND VOE . CAVE rA t (BoXFOLLOVO l FIND NO Afraid to -X J7r -Wi turquoise, eu firstA rjSu J By FRED HARMAN. fWHILE, RE-D STD&FJ CAUTIOUSLY , ( r ii v x a THIS RIGHT jN-JrS.X A cassee7 f -