PAGE SIX Clubmen Observe Lincoln Holiday Bend Klwanls club markod the birthday of Abraham Lincoln In : Its weekly noon program at the Pine tavern, Rev. Kenneth Tobias ' of the First Baptist church speak ing briefly on the life of the civil war president which, he declared was a demonstration of belief in Christianity and the equality of man. rtev. rooms called special attention to the fact that Lincoln was a farm boy and noted that there is a powerful relation ex lsing between men and women of the rural communities and the city churches of today. Special music for the luncheon program was made possible by l.. uaie KODbjns, who presented Helen Bailey, vocal soloist, and Helen Robbins, piano soloist, to the club. Robbins played Miss Bailey's accompaniments. Bailey In Clmrgn The program was In charge of Ralph Bailey. Earlier In the luncheon hour Paul Hornbeck, H. M. Thomas, Rev. Robert Mcllvcnna and Rev. Morris A. Thompson were Induct ed into Kiwanis membership, with Howard W. George presenting club badges to the four. Hornbeck and Rev. Mcllvenna were Klwan ians In other communities before coming to Bend. LeRoy Fox Invited all members of the club to attend the regular meeting of Boy Scout troop 23 Wednesday evening of this week. Part of Bomber' Crew Is Rescued Boise, Ida., Feb. 12 nil Lt. Col. William I. Marsalis, Gowen army olr field commandant, said today that a Gowen field ground crew was Bringing back several mem bers of a crew of a Liberator bomber that crashed near Denio, Ore., Friday night. Marshalis said the crew had re ported to Gowen field, where the crashed bomber was based, by short wave radio. He added he would not be able to put out a complete report until the rescue crew returns. War Briefs (By United Fri Wantern Front Canadian forc es battle within 30 miles of Ger many's Ruhr valley. Kastorn Front Red army sweeps 40 miles beyond Oder on 100 mile front in German Silesia. ? Pacific B-29's attack Iwo is land 750 miles south of Tokyo; Americans hunt down Isolated Japanese pockets in southern Ma nila. TWO MEN QUALIFY Stanley Scott and Jack Burpee, local Insurance men, have re ceived notification that they have doubly qualified for nomination to the Tower club, an insurance organization. Prior to the war, qualifications to the club entitled the nominee to attend the nation- convention with all expenses paid. A double qualification entitled him to his wife's expenses to the convention also. Scott and Burpee made the double qualification this year in seven months instead of 12. Since conventions have been cancelled due to the war, they win do paid ott in war bonds. OAS COUPONS STOLEN Theft of gasoline ration cou pons from the glove compart ment' of the family automobile, today was reported to Bend po lice by Mrs. E. L. Grage, 131 Scott street. Mrs. Grage reported tnat ine car naa been broken into while it stood in the rear yard nt the Grage home. Other papers pertaining to the car were also stolen. Author HORIZONTAL ' 1.7 Pictured author 11 Before 12 Harvest 14 Perish 15 Upper part r VERTICAL 1 Moist 2 Metal 3 Sufferors from leprosy 4 Anger 5 Pertaining IS Great Lake 17 Compass point 18 Seine 20 Encroachment 22 Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 24 International language 25 Place (ab.) to air 6 Chief 8 Principles 9 Discover 10 Charge 13 By 19 Infant 28 Paid notice 28 Seashore ! 21 Opposite (ab.) 22 Alternating current (ab.) 23 He has writ- 30 Religious poem 32 Upon 33 Lord Lieuten ant (ab.) 34 Sketches 37 Claw 40 Bone 41 Exclamation 42 Europium (symbol) 43 Us 44 Proving processes 48 Et cetera (ab.) SO Age tl On the shel tered side 53 Chapeau 85 2000 pounds 58 Stagger ,67 Individual 58 Amount (ab.) 69 Praised Coast Guard firefighters battle flames aboard tanker Spring Hill after It was rammed by a Panamanian tank er Cllo while riding at anchor In New York harbor and loaded with high octane gasoline. And undeter mined number of persons, possibly 17, perished and 122 others were Injured in the three-hour holocaust. Two other ships also caught fire. Coast Guard photo. - '" The Big Push Begins! (NBA TtUphoto) From Holland to the Alps, General Dwlght D. Elsenhower Is huiluig American, British and French troops Into the ollmactlo battle of Ger many. In spectacular phase of the big Allied push, the Canadian First Army gained five miles on Blx-mlle front In smash Intended to cany around northern end of Siegfried Line toward Ruhr and Berlin. ' Couniy Court Proceedings BE IT REMEHBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held January 17, 1945, all members being present, the fol lowing business was transacted: In the Matter of Clalnw AKalnst the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND County Treasurer, Assig nee, general asslstance....$164.92 uorls Abcrnathy, court re porter 30.00 George Childs Hardware Co. courthouse exp 3.80 ilie j. K. Gill Company. school supt. exp 40.83 uenn-iroy Laundry, tall exp 5.34 R. L. Lewis. T.B. and Harm's Indemnity 126.92 AnNwrr co Prvloan Puile ten many 26 Permit 27 Decimeter (ob.) 29 Blackbird of 38 He Is a well known 39 Northeast (ab.) 44 School dance cuckoo family 45 Rowing stickj 31 Every 48 Insect 34 Therefore 4' Gorm cell 35 Oppressive 49 Walking stick ruler SO Greek letter 36 Famous canal 52 Tree 37 Golf device 54 Scatter m.aRin.C L9M5 BKJHHB 3W? e & SI Ifc' i tbtr 'harink ft kisI IT nr" FIR ruHTWft eft TlP1 ' IMJ I I i t I TTa io i 1 1?? is ir i3 Ti EE E w rrrq E Z I EE W 21 K : : I :o 3i Hi 35 3k Vjl ho p?i LiSil Wvi I Ml . LlU , E IZllEIZ 5al 1 1 i rll n I 1 THE 17 Killed, 122 Hurt as Tankers Crash f . t ' At IV , ' I Shepard's Citations, circ. Judge 10.00; D.A. 10.00.... 20.00 Shell Oil Company, sheriff, auto exp 9.43 Montgomery & Lynch, jail exp .- r. .-. 3.20 Felix Motor Sales, sheriff, auto exp 1.7a Northwest Printing Co., clerk, supplies 19.20 Capitol Cleaners, courthouse exp 1.00 Standard OiT Company, sher iff, auto exp 3.53 Gilmore Oil Company, sher iff, auto exp 5.88 Helen M. Dacey, clerk, post age 96.26 Lumbermens Insurance Agency, bond prem, coro ner 15.00 J. S. Davis Company, treas. 150.00; courthouse 76.00226.00 Erlksen's Stationery, D.A. 90c; clerk 87.90; co. Judge 2.50; school supt. 5.10 ...... 96.40 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele., various offices 58.56 Oregon State Agricultural College, agricultural agent 1200.00; home dem onstration agent 750.001950.00 Don Shipley, Janitor help. .. 21.00 State Dept. of Agriculture, sealer of weights and measures 36.88 Catholic Charities, Inc., ju venile exp 5.00 Bond Portland Truck Serv ice, courthouse exp 1.06 GENERAL ROAD FUND Nelson Equipment Com pany, parts 11.74 Bend-Portland Truck Serv ice, equipment 117.92 Bend Auto Parts, Inc., parts 5.99 Schuman Auto Electric, parts 2.75 Hitchcock & Lomax, fuel. ...236.25 Shell Oil Company, fuel 33.20 Honk Motor Company, parts 22.10 Heed Tractor & Equipment Co., parts 12.36 Carroll's, parts 15.00 Richfield Oil Corporation, lube acct 29.30 George Childs Hardware Co. hdw 9.47 Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the sent of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell vou a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the coiiRh or you art to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. MONDAY, FEB. 12, (NBA Ttltphoto) In the Matter of Leaning County Owned Lands: The Court signed the following leases: Kenneth Slack EMiNW!4, SH NES4, SE!4, NEV4SW, NWK NE'4, Sec. 23, N'jNEVl, Sec. 26, all in Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. Term: Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1955. C. G. James West 100 feet of East 200 feet of Lot 1, Blk. 13, and the East 50 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 13, Wlestoria 1 year from Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1945, for the sum of $5.00. M. H. Duncan SWMNWM, NW4SW54, Sec. 24, Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. One year Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1945 $3.20. In the Matter of Fixing Fees on Grazing Lands: At this time, the Court fixes the minimum charge on any lease of county, owned lands at $5.00. The per acre charge is hereby fixed at .03c per acre when the lease is for 167 or more acres for grazing purposes and 12 lAc per acre when used for dry farming. In the Matter of Dunce ; Hall, Licenses: - Th"e Court approved the appli cation and bond of Terrebonne Grange No. 663 for a dance hall license and the Clerk was ordered to Issue the license forthwith. Pursuant to authority vested in the Court .under Chnpter 86-811 O.C.L.A. the Court granted Ran dall Miller permission to hold a dance In the Redmond Grange Hall on February 10th or 17th, 1945. Said dance to be a benefit dance for the Redmond Riding Club. In the Mutter of a Permit To Construct a Telephone Line: Permission is hereby granted Harry Crampton to construct a farm telephone line as follows, fo wl t: Beginning at the Northwest cor ner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Twp. 17 S., Range 12. E.W.M., thence due North along the East side of the Eagles road to a lune. Hon with the telephone line on the South side of the Butler Market Road. The same being In the cor ner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 23, Twp. 17 S., Range 12 E.W.M. The length of the line being one mile. In the Matter of the Deschutes County Library Board: At this time the Court reap- FLOORS take on new gleaming rionntu With This Amazing SELF-POLISHING FLOOR WAX Oive your floors rich luster with out continual polishing. Simply pply WATERSPAR SELF POUSHINO WAX. Within IS minutes the dullest surface will glow with lustrous beauty. It dries quickly saving hours of labor and inconvenience. Simpson Paint Co. The Home of Pittsburgh Paints 125 Oregon Phone 21 WoS IY NATURE MINTS IY mTSMKa A pointed Mrs. MeredKh Bailey to serve on the Deschutes County Library Board. -In the Matter of the Salary Of the Clinic Nurse: Upon recommendation of W. S. Ramsey. Health Officer, the Court l aised the salary of Gladys Coch ran from $140.00 to $150.00 per month. ' In the Matter of The 194.r) Jury List: The Court picked the following jury list for 1945: , Dorothy Nedrow, Charles L. Griffith, Vesta L. Kiel. Marguerite Lyons, Lydia A. Cooper, Ella Dunigan, Dorothy Haner, Paul O. Miller, W. E. Reno, Burnice Shu mate, Florence Spencer, Mrs. Geo. R. Brick, Laura Emard, Orpha Ferguson, Joe W. Hunter, John Newby, Walter Headrick, Carl A. Johnson, B. E. Whisenand, Antone Fossen. Ralph G. Adams, George A. Buegler, Elsie Pickard, Hughj E. Simpson, Ken Hodkinson, Mar-1 tha Johnson. Clara Smith, Grace ! McKenzie, Clarence W. Nelson, Paul G. Barr, Virginia Hamilton, Jennie Allgood, Clair Barnett, Mrs. Gale Blakley, Richard W. Brandis, Wilbur J. Buxton, Ralph W. Crawford, Mrs. George M. Dyer, Mildred E. George, H. G. Gilcher, Mabel L. Gove, Irene E. Herbring, Esther Cyrus, R. J. Skelton, Nellie Bembry, M. G. Hitchcock, Harold Nyberg, Anna Wilkinson, James H. Drew, Mrs. Pearl Weigand, Ethel Newell, Molly Taylor, Florence Friedley, Rose M. Steidl, Ruth Burkart, Thomas F. Brooks, Clara Chand ler, Elinor Craven, S. Deitrick, Harry Hamilton, Mary O. Hig gins, Frank Inabnit, A .D. Lewis, Lillian Loggan, Elizabeth M. Nay. lor, Maria Sherlock, Don Williams, Adelaide C. Brandaman, Rena Carroll, Elizabeth Emerson, Irene Entriken, Norman E. Gilbert, Leora McNeeley, Cora E. New man, Jessie Peoples, LaDessa Walter, Dorothy May Childers, Fred Ellenberg, Mrs. Mabel Hirt zel, Geo. F. Hoover, Ruby Wel come, Lura Myrtle Tyler, Stuart T. Fox, Marie G. Hunt, Delbert Hale, Clyde M. McKay, Iva D. Monahan, Lottie Redeman, J. E. Rentschler, Terresa Rose, Lena Zeek, Stella Nelson, Victoria Whit taker, Ida D. Olausen. Florence T. Silvis, L. E. Crecelius, Martha Hopper, Carrie V. Scoggins, K. E. Sawyer, Alphia Sexton, Archie Symons, S. Ray Peoples, Elmer Johnson, Mrs. Frank Keller, Irv ine Hardendorf, Ruby M. Allen, Mrs. Lillian Anderson, Ruth A. Barnes, Edith M. Beach, Eleanor Bechen, Loyde Blakley, Leath.a Boyd, Joe Burich, Mrs. Maud Bos tick, Berenice Bartel, Melvin E. Crawford, Marjora Coahran, Mrs. I. L. Cram, Mrs. Paul Crocker, Wilma Charmon, Marie Cashman, Martha B. Conklin, Hazel Christ, Norma Crum, Lucille Coe, Dorsey M. Coyner, Nellie Drost, Hooper Dyer, Ray Dahl, Jack S. Davis, Katherine Duffy, John DeBoer, Anderson B. Davenport, Blanche Davis, William Dorrell, Everett Donahue, R. J. Engstrom, E. D. Fitzgerald, Ethel Foss, Phosa Fairfield, Etta Fields, Dorothy Franks, Edward T. Gerrish, Ber tha Gerking, Bernice L. Hoogner, Mary M. Hansen, Mrs. R. I. Ham by, Fay Hall, May E. Harvey, Circulation 1920 1930 1940 1945 ADVERTISE FOR RESULTS DO YOU KNOW THAT A full page advertisement can be delivered to over 16,000 Central Oregonians in THE BULLETIN for about one half the cost of postage alone on a direct mail piece? . . . That The Bulletin is delivered daily to more than 97 of the homes in Bend plus carrier delivery in other Central Oregon com munities and mail delivery to every rural area? . . . The Bulletin will again do a good advertising job for you in 1945 economically, efficiently, with results that pay dividends. THE BEND BULLETIN A.B.C. AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS 1945 Craigie Hanneman, Ned Howland, Olaf Hemsted, Mrs. Fred Hodeck er, Ruby C. Johnson, Mrs. R. E. Johnson, Mildred M. Kelley, Chris Kostol, Elwln Kennedy, Jesse Kel say, Elizabeth Kanoff, Grace Kel ley, Jessie King, Lois Keeney, Mabel M. Kendall, Gus Imke, Helen Lackaff. Josephine Lindh, M. A. Lynch, Olive E. Lewis, Alex ander Mayne, Frank H. May, Orta Maglll, Edith C. Mallery, Geo. H. MacGregor, Carl Mitchell, Olive Means, Frank M. Neth, Doris Prentice, Mabel S. Prince, W. T. Padgett, Mary E. Putnam, Mrs. Norma Raycraft, Elsie Allen Redifor, Mrs. Ray M. Rogers, Emma E. Royal, Mrs. Daisy Smith, Glenn H. Slack, Mrs. Elsie Stoffel, E. A. Sather, Marvelle K. Smith, D. V. Starr, Lota Stanton, Ethel L. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Saw yer, Addie Trlplett, Alice Teater, Jess Tetherow, Dorothy Van Al Instructions Relative to Personal Property Assessment Expiration Date March 2, 1945 $10.00 Per Day Penalty . For each day of the continuance of refusal or neglect to file return. . PRIVATELY OWNED IMPROVEMENTS ON PUBLIC LANDS: Any privately owned structure or improvement on land owned by the United States is personal property and should' be reported as such. Privately owned improvements situated on land owned by the state or by a county, city or other municipal corporation are real property and should be listed as such. Give the legal subdivision, section, township and range, on which such improve ments are situated; also, the year of construction and the total cost and the true cash value as of January 1 of the current year. MERCHANDISE AND STOCK IN TRADE: The amount listed should agree with the inventory as shown by the books, including shipping and other charges. Take no discount or other deduction. , FIXTURES, FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT IN BUSINESS OR COMMER CIAL USE: The true cash value of all furniture and equipment in auto courts, apartments, hotels, offices, and that part of household furniture and equipment used for commercial purposes in rented rooms, etc., should be listed. The value given should correspond to the cost of replacing with like furniture and equipment (not new), rather than the amount which might be realized from a forced sale. i Household furniture, domestic fixtures, household goods and effects actually in use as such in homes and dwellings, where not used for business or commercial purposes, are exempt from taxation and should not be reported on this form. Ex emption also applies to wearing apparel, watches, jewelry, and similar personal effects actually in use. The assessor shall cause blank forms for such returns to be prepared and dis tributed, but failure to receive or secure the form shall not relieve any such person, managing agent or officer from the obligation of making any return herein re quired. LIVESTOCK: Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, etc. Also poultry, chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese should be listed. Space is also provided on the form for fur bearing animals, rabbits and bees. All farm Implements and machinery, all industrial equipment sawmill, log ging and mining equipment, etc. Garage and service station equipment, pumps, anks, pil storage containers, etc.- Motorized equipment not licensed with stateBoats, vessels and other water craft, outboard motors. . Please read instructions carefully on the back of blank DO NOT FAIL TO SIGN. J. A. FOUNTAIN, COUNTY ASSESSOR THE BEltD BULLETin IP DEmAnDM!6,000 READERS tI1IGHT f CuLVBjI w ' TElWEOOHMe SlSTfRSREolMOMO. ( BfND) I I UPINE- SHEWN 4 fiIKHRlSI CRtSCWli . SatMUiT Growth 11045 2870 3580 4552 Read in QTofBEndsHoniES. 7k PROGRESSIVE mKmiSuideiomeSalesVplam This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. On request xn shall gladly furnish a copy of our latest A. B.C. report. len, Caroline Van Matre, Caroline R. Wood, Mrs. Cassie Wells, Mave Her, Mattie Ives, and Hazel Bow den. . 1 In the Matter of the Re-Sale Of County Owned Lands: ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Deschutes County, Oregon, Is the owner of the real property hereinafter described, and the County Court deems it for the best interests of said County to sell said real property; THEREFORE, Be It Ordered, that the Sheriff be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real property, in the manner provided by law, for not les than the mini mum price and terms set oppo site each tract, plus costs of ad vertising and recording the deed. Parcel No. 1 S14SE14, SE'4 SWS4, Section 17, Twp. 20 S., NOTICE Readthorouohly . Be cause l3HrjjUieodW!thTlienew5 Full United PressCoveraqe lnUretlnq Daily Feawnes Complete Local flews Advertisers messages FACTS AS A MEASURE OF : Range 18 E.W.M. $120.00 Cash, i i-arcei no. Section Twp. 20 S., Range 12 EWlf $320.00 Cash. M- Parcel No. 3 NE14, Section Twp. 20 S Range 18 EWv' $160.00 Cash. M- Parcel No. 4 Lot 3, Block 4 Highland Addition. vl50.00 Cash Parcel No. 5 Lot 2, Block Si and Lot 2, Block 49, LaidW $100.00 Cash. w' Parcel No. 6 SW'4NW'4 S tion 6, Twp. 17 S., Range 12 EW M. County reserves right to enter premises and take road material $1250.00 Cash. w- Parcel No. 7 Lots 7, 8, 9, 18. u 20, 21, 23, Block 114, First Addi' tion to Bend Park. $240.00 Cash There being no further bust ness, Court adjourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commlssionpp A. E. STEVENS, Commissioned ADVERTISING VALUE