PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, gREGON, SATURDAY, FEB. 10, 1945 Industrials Aid Eastern Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United PreM Financial Editor) New York, Feb. 10 UP) A rise . In Industrial stocks today offset minor declines In rails and utlll ties and left the stock market un changed In a dull short session. Neglecting the leading stocks, traders concentrated on the spe cial issues which had gains rang ing to more than a point in sev eral instances. Standard Oil of ' Ohio spurted 4 points to a new high at 5614 on news the stock holders soon will vote on a plan to spilt the issue lor l. Steel, motor, copper, gold, chem ical, and aircraft issues firmed. Oils balanced off small gains and losses except for Ohio Standard. Mercanliles were steady to firm with May Department Stores at a new high. New highs were made by Allls Chalmers, American Metal Com pany, Ltd., Celanese, Columbia Pictures. Consolidated Natural Gas, Flintkote, Foster-Wheeler, Furehauf Trailer, National Dairy, Liquid Carbonic, U. S. Rubber pre ferred, and Schenley. Cains in this group ranged to three points in ruuoer preferred. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid tn Advance tli Words One Time SSe 25 Words Three Times 75c 28 Words Six Times $1.35 All waria aw tf mM la pat ward tlataf Bunbar af iBurtkma Qna aianth ran, aama copy, 4fc 4mr rata Mlnlaiaai Charga. aaa LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c CUnllW AdTtrtUlnr. Caak la AJ.anta Daily Claalnt Tina 11 til P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 I. O. O. F, Meets Every Monday Night . I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Mlller.Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALE $8500 BUYS 320 acres, 90 acres C.O.I., fair house and barn, 20 acres alfalfa, good well, electri city. Adjoins large cattle range. C. V. Sllvis, 118 Oregon. ATTRACTIVE NEW 3 bedroom house, close in, 6 acres, 2 acres water, good outbuildings, electri city, fenced. $2200, $1000 down, $25 month. Annp Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJgr IS KNOWN AS THE I lift It Vv WOLVERINE STATE, ', Si V 3 VET NO WOLVERINES ( l V EXIST WITHIN THE ) .-' I (i ) STATE TODAY... AND ) VC? AW r""H SOWS. NATURALISTS ( Z &QS U I i ( DOU8T THAT THEY L (B-J ( I . C0PR-1946 BV NEA SERVICE. INC J'., Maj , ' 60-ra o SEND US ANTODO TBOOOTB. i PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 10 IPi Livestock for week: Cattle 2560, calves 270. Compared week ago, market steady to 25c higher, most advance on lower grade cows and on bulls. Demand broad through out. Several loads good fed steers $15.50-16.25, top $16.50. Common. medium steers $11.00-14.00. Me dium-good heifers $10.00-13.50. Good fed heifers $14.25-15.00. Me- dium-good beef cows $10.00-12.50. Fat dairy: type cows $9.50-11.00. Canners-cutters $6.50-9.00. Shells down to $5.00. Medium-good bulls 9iu.uu-l2.25. Uood-cholce vealers $13.50-15.00, odd head $15.50. Hogs 1435. Market unchanged except light lights and sows strong to 25o higher. Good and choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75. the cell ing; 275-350 lbs., $14.5015.00; light lights $14.50-15.00; good sows largely $14.00, good-choice light sows to $14.50. Good-choice feed er pigs largely $15.50. Specialty ioi sie.uu. Sheep 1330. Market strong to 25c higher, ewes 25-50c up. Good . choice wooled truck-ins; lambs $14.50-15.25, few carload $15.25 15.50; common down to $11.00. Culls down to $9.50. Good year lings to $12.00; good-choice ewes $7.00-7.50, only culls below $4.50, few down to $3.25. LARGE HEATER. Excellent con dition. Call after 5 p. m. 1100 Lex Ington. ONE WALKING plow and five- shovel cultivator. One three horse evener. Rt. 1, Box 449, across from gun trap, Carroll Acres. 3 PAIR ladies pre-war oxfords, nearly new, size 8. One pair gaiosnes, size 8. 14 Lava Koad. DUPLEX APARTMENT, west side, 3 rooms each unit, hardwood floors, one unit furnished, gas, garage, basement. Only $3200, $1000 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $1000 BUYS 10 acres Irrigated on nignway l mile out. 5 room house can be purchased and moved to place. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. SEVERAL SMALL radios, one new car radio for late model Pon- tlac. See Bob at Carl Austin's Re- pair Shop. 'IN BOWLING, WHEN YOU PICK UP A SPARE, YOU KNOCK ITDOWN'jV' J. A. RANUM, wmam& CANNOT BREATHE UNDER WATER, ANPMUST HOLD THEIR BREATH yJUST AS HUMANS DO. FOR SALE HELP WANTED LARGE VAUGHN drag saw like new. Kt. 2, Box 70. A. J. Rhoades. eld Redmond highway. 2-WHEEL TRAILER with good tires. Small size battery radio. 1422 Ithaca St. SPOOL BED, enamel kitchen wood range. Must sell at once. 1305 W. 14th St. YOUNG SADDLE horse, 1050 pounds. Ray Havnes. Rt. 2. Box 259. Phone 1-F-ll. Butler Market road. BOSTON WOOL Boston, Feb. 10 tlPi Both do mestic and foreign wools moved slowly this week in the local wool market, the war food administra tion reported today In its weekly wool review. It was explained that buyers throughout the season had been closely following appraisals and purchasing those lots on which they felt the appraisal price was in their favor, and had left In the market only those lots which In their opinion were over-appraised. Foreign wools were slow be cause of the lack of offerings of lots on which the specific delivery date could be given. Some trading was noted in Montevideo spot lambs wool. . The war production board an nounced the need of 73,000,000 yards of rate woolen fabrics for the , rehabilitation program, the deliveries to be made as soon as possible. WEST SIDE 4 bedroom modern house, large' yard fenced, well bult garage. $3500, loan available. East side 4 bedroom, new furnace. 3 lots, $4000. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. A NICE little home well furnish ed, close In located on Georgia street. Price $1750 Terms $750 cash, bal. $35 per Mo. See C. J. Leverett, 416 Hill. tiENTLE SADDLE horse, 2-horse jonn ueere potato digger, 50 grain sacks, 50 white feed sacks. 2V4 miles north or Tumalo, Box 138. C. W. Spring. WAITRESSES at Pilot Butte Inn. SITUATION WANTED SAW FILER with 34 years ex perience in logging camps. Can file cross cut or power saw chains for pine or fir. Write box 1092, Bend, Ore. - FOB SALE OR TRADE WELL EQUIPPED trailer house. Sell or trade for Bend property. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon St. FOR RENT $25,000 BUYS 4000 acre stock ranch, 80 acres free water right, large modern nome. c. v. Silvls, 118 Oregon. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason. Mer. Phone 31-W. EXPERIENCED A-l typist de sires general office work. Some knowledge of bookkeeping, comp tometer, adding machine, switch board. Write No. 560 In care of The Bulletin. . MISCELLANEOUS SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose . cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steldl, Bend. Phone 594. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estata, 1015 Wall. HAVING CLOSED my office in Bend, I will appreciate any pay ments on account or other com munications being addressed to Scio, Oregon, or to Bend, from where they will be forwarded. J. F. Hoseh, M.D. Shampoo Time in Luzon Concentration Camp SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Fhone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95.-Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINfiFH. Rfll.ISl All makes and cf7ae - TTvnor-t ra. nairinp nn nil mnloo r,t wachlnn machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service. 13G firconwnnH Phnrw 583. WANTED TO BUY a sewing ma chine in good condition. For rent: newly decorated room with pri vate entrance, well heated and close in; 105 Drake. Phone 48. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. ,-" ' l xn f.T kilt hi .&Jly ' (NBA Telephoto) Using an old-fashioned bathtub supported by a rough wooden frame with a crude shower attachment over head, two women Internees at the Santo Tomas University concentration camp In Manila are shown washing clothes In a metal trough. This photograph was taken by a Japanese soldier, was found In an enemy barracla on Leyte. J DANCE TONIGHT at Loyal Or der of Moose for members and families. , INITIATION Loyal Order of Moose 2 p. m. Sunday. Members have candidates present. USED CARS 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe. Re conditioned motor. In good shape. $200. Ray Cadwell, 528 So. Third St., Redmond, Oregon. 1931 DODGE truck, ton flat bed. Call at 635 East Marshall. ' ! $3200 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home close in, reasonable-terms, immediate possession. J. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. , Polio Aid Dance Set for Tonight A polio aid dance featured by a floor show and the cutting of a huge cake will be held tonight in tne bend Roller rink, with all pro ceeds to go into the county in fantile paralysis fund. The big caKe win dc cut ty Mrs. C. G. Relter, and B. A. Stover will pre side as master of ceremonies. Guests of honor will be officials from the Portland air base and the Redmond field. In Redmond collections of funds for the battle against polio was reaching the $400 mark, It was reported today by Arthur H. Tifft, drive chairman there. Amounts credited to the East em Star and Tumalo granges In "a recent article today were re ported to have been erroneously stated. It developed today that a total of $111.16 had been turned in by the Eastern Star grange, and the Tumalo grange had aided the fund by $133. 80 ACRES, stock, equipment, hay, seed spuds, buildings, electricity, C.O.I, water. For particulars ad dress Rt. 1, Box 219, Bend. 1934 MASTER Chev. motor with rear end and transmission. Call at 1347 Albany. Strong long claws on the fore feet of the pocket . gopher, and strong jaws with four broad sharp teeth, enable him to tunnel rapidly under ground and also make him a formidable fighter. $12,000 BUYS good going 120 acre dairy ranch close to Bend, all stock and dairy equipment goes aiong. Locaiea i miles irom Bend on paved road. Terms can be ar ranged. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. STRONGLYUILTTrailer, good bed and box, well-relnforced, new tires 600-16, overload springs, one of the best. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold Dlst. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furnl ture Table model radio, daveno, dinette set, bed complete, dresser, rocking chair, occasional chair, wood heater, garden tools and other articles. A. C. Jeanquenat, 184 E. Kearney, Cor. E 2nd. RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 yd. load, $7. Also barnyard ferti lizer, $4 per yard. Also top soli. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 eaeral St. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street within walk ing distance of mills and town. Inquire 87 Shasta Place or phone 962-J. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single ladv. Heat and lights Included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. 1503 Awbrey Road. PLEASANT UPSTAIRS room with hot water at the lavatory. Furnished for light housekeeping. Access to shower bath. Call at 623 Hill St., or phone 1083. CLEAN FURNISHED light housekeeping room suitable for two. West side, 6 blocks, auto matic heat. Phone 493-W. 1936 FORD V-8 coupe, motor just completely overhauled. Heater arid good tires. 1938 model A coupe. 1935' V-8 coupe, radio and heater. Have model A parts and auto make parts for sale. 136 Greenwood. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. ' PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 1930 CHEVROLET coupe, excel lent condition, 5 good pre-war tirest 334 Hunter Place. CHRYSLER SEDAN "66", five good tires, heavy trailer hitch, heater, motor in good condition, 1945 license. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold District: FOR SALE or trade for truck--1936 tudor Ford sedan. 426 West 5th, Prineville, Oregon. Machine Gunner Picks Off Japs Storming Tank With the 24th Infantry Division In the Philippines HPi The bud dies of Pfc. James A. Reed call him "the best damn machine gun ner in the Pacific." This is the reason: In the Leyte campaign of this famed Victory division the Japa nese were hitting our lines one day with everything they had, when down the road came lum bering an amphibious tank to evacuate the wounded from an advanced position. Some Japanese Jumped out of the ditch and threw a land mine under the tank's treads, disabling It. Then they started to storm the stalled vehicle. The tank's guns picked off some of the Japanese, but there were blind spots, particularly close to the vehicle, into which it could not fire. Crawling Nipponese- began to get dangerously close. Reed, watching the action from his position, saw what was hap pening. He .picked up his heavy machine gun, tripod and all, and raced down the road as far as he could toward the tank. Then he slid the gun into position right in the middle of the road and began picking off Japanese four and five feet from the tank's sides. Not once did his bullets hit the tank, but he kept the Japanese at bay until another amphibian could rescue the marooned crew. Then, apparently realizing his ex posed position for the first time, he picked up the gun and saun tered back across the rice paddy to his unit. "Get down," they yelled. "Aw, to hell with the Japs," said Heed. Reed is the son of Mrs. Mill! cent Reed of 319 Main street. Is lip, L. I., New York. Buy National War Bonds Now! 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or can ouy-j. LARGE CLEAN furnished 2 room semi-modern house. Inquire at 14J4 Davenport. LARGE MODERN 3 room fur nished duplex at 422 Roanoke. Adults only. Sehuman Auto Electric. SINGLE GARAGE at the Wes tonia Apartments. Phone 615-J. Elsie A. Dunn, Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. 2 BEDROOM modern house, fur" nlshed, east side, $30. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3 ROOM modern attractive house. Inquire at 1225 Albany. '34 FORD V-8 coupe. First class condition, good rubber, $300. John Minges, 321 "A" St., Redmond, Oregon. LOST UP TOWN Sunday, a gold identi fication bracelet with the name Jean on front and Dec. 25, 1944 on the under side. If found please return to Jean Harrlgan, Bend High School or call 389-M. BILLFOLD containing Important papers issued to Roy E. Lane. Please return to Bulletin office. LOST OR STOLEN from viclnltv of Bend Trap club road, large black female LnhraHnr rtnd day evening. Children's pet. Re ward, rnone 22-r-ll. NO. 4 RATION book. Mrs. Mable Coy. Under please return to ra tion board. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 2 BURNER electric plate. Phone jai jvi or can at bos Broadway. NO. 1 POTATOES at celling price. Phone ll-F-2. Route 1, Box 430. Claud Cant. 4 ROOM modern house. Good ga rage and root cellar. Also wood range, circulator and good cotton mattress. Inquire U. T. Soibcr, 1472 Elgin. HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorixed Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Ribbons and Carbon R. C. Allen Adding Machines All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. WESTERN PATROL i-a.llo ,..1,1. net. In A-l condition. 107 Shasta. Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 135 Oregon USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO BUY small piano In good con dition. Call 852-J. TO BUY fryer rabbits and your small rnbhlts. Also heavy liens. Phone 1070AV or mil at 147 E. Olney. SERVICE of registered Pekingese at once. 220 Davis Ave. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glavebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. JUST ARRIVED, shipment of new upholstery material. Some in blue and mauve colors, some in tapestries. Also upholstery clean er. Will recondition chair and dav enport cushions. Harrison Uphol stery. Phone 753-J. 365 Miller. ftofecWveCorer for Each! Hollow Ground CUTLERY Highest grade carbon steel blades with rasor sharp edges. Will last a lifetime. Paring Knife 59c 8" Butcher Knife... 1.75 9" Butcher Knife... 1.98 8" Slicing Knife.... 1.98 Wi" Slicing Knife.. 1.75 Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 1 I I BEAUTY Veteran of Leyte Visitor in Bend Wearing the newly-created red ribbon with blue and white stripes given liberators of the Philippines, Sgt. Harold B. Smead Is home aft er 30 months on Pacific islands where he was in charge of a gun crew of. an anti-aircraft battery. The sergeant, who attended Bend high school, enlisted In May, 1942, and shortly thereafter was sent to the New Guinea combat zone. He later participated in the Lyte campaign where his battery downed several Jap bombers and iignters. While on Leyte the sergeant's outfit also encountered a typhoon of 12 or 14 hours duration which ripped off roofs, flattened tents and otherwise temporarily dis rupted camp life. Fortunately, en emy planes do not fly during ty phoons, the sergeant said. onoruy oeiore he boarded a transport for the long voyage nome, agi. smeaa, standing In line saw a familiar pair of shoulders ahead of him. He slapped them soundly and Cpl. John S. Crawford of Bend turned around. Crawford, it developed, was due to accom pany him to a west coast port. Meets Bend Man Another Bend friend he met was Cpl. Rex Edmonson. Cpl. Edmond son, attached to a forestry bat talion, moved on to Leyte with a portable sawmill during mop-up operations and his outfit pro ceeded to furnish lumber for mili tary needs right on the spot. i The sergeant, who wears three bronze stars, one for Leyte and "' two for Asiatic -Pacific engage ments, and a good conduct ribbon, is a son 01 Mrs. leucine smead of Carrol Acres. Pvt. Howard Smead, his broth er, is expected home soon on fur lough from Amarillo, Tex. How ard, who graduated from Bend high school in 1944, enlisted in the army air force in August. He has lately been hospitalized for a knee injury. While in high school here Howard was widely known as an outstanding player for the Lava Bears. Earl Kautz Held On Federal Count Earl Welrose Kautz, 831 Divi sion street, Bend, was arrested this, morning by Sheriff C. L. Mc Cauley and Earl Smead of the state police on the request of fed eral authorities In Portland.' Kautz, a conscientious objector and an alleged deserter from a conscientious objectors' camp, was taken into custody in Bend: Kautz, who has been indicted by the federal grand jury In Port land, is being held in the Des chutes county jail pending the ar rival of federal authorities from Portland. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SHOPS SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 for a limited time only -tt Experienced Operators MAY LA UK A AKDELLE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 48-1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF .QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Captiol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 521 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights (E Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Long Distance Hauling . BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 1 68 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement MONUMENTS R.C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1533 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M Refrigerator Service All Type, of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL ; HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond At Minnesota Phone 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Bee- Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own goods. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone 340 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY. Photographic Offset Letterpress rhe Bend Bulletin PKom 56 SMALL PIANO in good condition. rnone u-j.v. HELP WANTED , WOMAN to do housework in pri j vate family mornings. Telephone I 119 between 7 and 9 evenlnRs. i ' WOMAN OR GIRLTostnylth2 j ' school children. Board, room and : wages. Call at 1425 Fresno or phone 646-R after 5:30 p. m. WOMEN'S SPECIALTY store wants saleslady with "ready-to-; wear" experience. State Re and i references. Permanent position ! i Write No. 568 In caro of The llulle- I aMaaaaajaaaaaaa.- RED RYDER . - s.,y Jl DW1 LIKE 10 T " AtfD "MS LCOs t ruzc , i--- ' By FRED HARMAN iH:iai.s.:,::xir,KatlJies;i tin.