The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 10, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum us degrees.
Mimlmum last nigut, i ue0iei.
Temperature: 10 p. ni., 60 de
grees; 1U a. m., 41 degrees. Ve
locity of wind:. 10 p. 111., 8 miles;
10 a. m., S miles.
The Allied Arts club will meet
at 2 p. m. Monday at the home of
Mrs, John Anderson. Mrs. Ralph
Hamilton will review the book,
"Anything Can Happen," by
George and Helen Papashily.
Myrl P. Hoover, president of
Pacific Trallways, was here today
from Portland transacting com
pany business.
John JH. Ivey was here today
from Redmond.
. William H. Hilton of Redmond,
transacted business here today.
r Mr: and Mrs. V. L. Peck ot the
' Sundown ranch near Sisters are
the parents of a 10 Mi pound son,'
Vernon Louis, born last night at
the Mayne nursing home in ttend.
MSgt. Tommy Amunusen of
the Keumond army air field, last
night was a guest at the Pilot
Butte Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Noonchester
of Burns, were Bend callers to
il day.
The following lieutenants from
the Redmond army air field were
' In Bend today to spend the week
end: Glen 1 Ryland, R. P. Auty,
B. A. Brock, William E. Brown,
Jr., Roy L.- Burkstatder, Burt F.
Cashin, William E. Bigelow, Jr.,
William A. Crlne. William A.
Crisp, K, W. Blower, J. E. Cogwin,
Ooutjias jsarKer, - Vernon L.
Uouunuir, a. J. tsusenback and V.
J. Brown. They maae their head-
Huotuaa ai me ruoi nuue inn.
Myra H. Wettenhener was a
Benu visitor toaay irom Burns.
Mr ana Mrs. rf. L. Amies of
LaKeview,. visited bend menus
lviaj. W. R. Lewis of the Red
mona army air Held, was a Hiot
auiie inn guest last night
T. Ji. jfower, county judge of
Jelierson county, was in uend
from iviauias yesterday with tors.
Power. .
J. L. West, coxswain 2c, visited
frienus toaay from me Klumacn
Falls naval nospual wneie ne nas
Deen louowmg Pacific action.
Vivian Sua non of Prineville
was in Bend touay.
lvirs. KoDert hutchins of Red
mond shopped in Bend yesterday.
Mrs. luarjorie Bnssenden, of
Reumond spent yesteraay in 'this
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Armes of
Lakeview were in Bend today vis
iting frienas. They are former
Benu residents.
Mrs. E. D. Robinson of Clover
dale was shopping in Bend today.
Officers, board members and
committee chairmen of the Junior
chamber of commerce auxiliary
will meet In the Sun room of the
Pilot Butte inn at 8 p. nvMonday,
it was announced today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bush, ac
companied by their children, Pa-
Rflin : SWs "
trlda Doolln and Margie Bush,
were in Bend from their Redmond
home today on business.
Mrs. J. W. Sexton, Jr., of Terre
bonne, was a Bend shopper today.
Eiaon Cone, area supervisor of
the U. S. employment service with
headquarters in Portland, left last
night for Prineville after spending
two days in this section with J. C
Branaman, manager of the Bend
area office.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Vantle, 1484 Newport, at the
St Charles hospital yesterday.
There will be no dance Satur
day night at the Eastern Star
Grange because of the meeting
being held by the Pomona Grange.
Official Records
Justice Court
Four Sisters youths were , ar
rested Thursday in Sisters by W.
F. McGregor, deputy sheriff, and
lodged in the Deschutes county
Jail on vagrancy charges. Ap
pearing before Wilson George,
Bend Justice of the peace, yester
day they received the following
sentences: Jack N. Menear, 17,.
Sweethome, was placed on proba
tion for one year; James W. Pig-
ott, 17, Sisters, was placed on pro
bation for one year; Charles N.
Loyd, 16, Sisters, who assert edly
was driving without an operator's
license, was fined $14.50, including
costs; Stanley D. Porterfleld, IS,
Sisters, was fined $2950, includ
ing costs, and sentenced to three
months In the county jail. Porter-
lields jail sentence was sus.
pended and he was placed on pa-
rple to tne justice court.
Three Arraigned
Richard Keith Owens; Hugh
Carroll and Harold E. LeBleu were
arraigned in justice court here on
Thursday afternoon for posses
sion of eight cases of beer alleged
ly stolen from the Shamrock, 142
Minnesota avenue. Following
pleas of guilty by the trio Owens
was. cited to tne juvenile court.
Carroll and LeBleu were sen
fenced to seven days each In the
Deschutes county jail and fined
$25 each. The jail sentences and
fines were suspended on condi
tion that restitution of the prop
erty taken be made and that Car
roll enter the army.
The young men, represented by
George H. Brewster, Redmond at
torney, were arrested on Jan. 31
by Glen Ray of the state police
and charged with larceny. Other
cases follow:
Violation of basic rule: Willis
Edward Spoo, Mitchell, Feb. 9,
$9.50 including costs. David A.
Richardson, Santa Cruz, Calif.,
Feb. 3, $2450 Including costs.
No tail light: Robert S. Posey,
Shevlln, Feb. 7, S2.5U.
Assault with a dangerous weap
on: Roy Ward was arraigned on
Feb. 7 on charges filed by Claude
H. Brandt and released on $500
bail. Date of the hearing has not
yet been set. WaVd was arrested
by Frank Chapman of the state
police after a warrant had been
To Be Displayed
Persons visiting the Rim Rock
Riders' first annual saddle show
tomorrow in the cavalry barn, will
have an apportunlty of viewing a
saddle with a stirring, wild west
history. It is the one which was
owned by the late Frank Bogue
of Lapine, and is between 50 and
55 years of age, according to rela
tives. The saddle was bought by
Bogue in Prineville from a saddler
by the name of Boone, who made
It. It was first used when Bogue
worked for a Bill Brown running
wild horses on the desert east of
Bend, and when he worked for
the Sisemore ranch herding cattle.
' Later Bogue used the saddle in
his eight-horse freight team haul-
i ing freight from Shaniko lor his
I father's store in Roslsnd, a mile
and a quarter north of Lapine on
Little river. The team was driven
by a jerk line as Bogue sat in the
i old saddle.
I Bogue's father, 3. S. Bogue came
I to Bend in 1885 from DallasOre.,
and spent two winters here before
homesteading near Lapine. Jn 1900
I he built the first general mer
! chandise store at Rosland.
Bought Ranch
Later, Frank Bogue, the sad
dle owner, took a homestead on
the Little river and started a herd
of cattle of his own. He later
bought the Paulina Creek ranch
and continued in the cattle busi-;
ness, still using the saddle until
his death in January, 1942.
Also on display will be a bridle
Better to See -And
See Through
Your little girl win look pret
tier in proper glawsea and her
eyed will greatly lieneflt by our
expert examination, prescrib
ing and fitting.
Dr. M. B. McKenney
Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave.
Fkone 466-W
Wiest Services
Set for Tuesday
Services for Mrs. L. D. Wiest,
Bend pioneer who died Thursday
night in Redmond, will be held
Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. from the
Niswonger & Winslow chapel,
with- Rev. R. E. Nicholas of the
Westminster Presbyterian church.
Bend, and Rev. Karl Fawner, oi
Portland, an early day resident of
this city, In charge. It has been re
quested that there be no flowers,.
f lora snunk wiest was oorn on
March 19, 1860, In York county,
Pennsylvania, and her marriage
to Levi David Wiest occurred on
May 5, 1885, In York, Penn. Two
children, Mrs. Montelle G. Coe,
Redmond, and Mrs, Herbert How
el, Astoria,, survive, as do six
grandchildren: Mrs. Artnur Tea-
ter, Redmond; Sgt. George David
coe,' army air force, iTeaericKS,
Oklahoma; Phyllis Coe, with the
Red Cross In England; Dorotny
Jean Howell, teacher in the, Pa
cific Grove, Calif., high school:
Joan Howell, Oregon State college
student, and Janet howsii, As
toria high school student.
Start Journey west
It was on Feb. 2. 1886, that Mr.
and Mrs. Wiest started a journey
west that was eventually to end
in Oregon. From Spring Grove,;
Pa, they moved to Omaha, Neb.,
and in May, 1889, moved by team
to Sheridan, Wyo. In December,
1899, Mr. and Mrs. Wiest con
tinued west, to Portland, and in
August, 1900, Mr. Wiest came to
the pioneer village of Bend, with
Mr. Wiest serving as engineer for
the irrigation project being de
veloped by A. M. Drake, founder
of Bend. Mr. Wiest nomesteaded
in the eastern part of the present
city of Bend, In the division later
platted as Wiestorla, and moved
his family here In December, 1901.
Mrs. Wiest made her home con
tinuously in Bend from 1901 until
1943. She first made her home
with her daughter in Astoria, and
for the past six months lived with
her Redmond daughter.
New 'Fort' Base
Carved in Jungle
A B-29 Airfield In the Marianas.
Feb. 10 HP" A new Superfortress
base hacked and carved out of an
unwilling jungle to enable the
B-29's to set up the tempo of
their bombings of the Japanese
mainland, was nesting completion
toaay. v.
The new field is commanded by
Col. Thomas S. Power, Westwpod
mils, cant., a veteran of the Euro
pean air war who has been nomi
nated and accepted for promotion
to c-ngaaicr general.
bit made By a blacksmith In Dallas
for Bogue s father: before 1885.
The unique show of driving and
riding equipment, both old and
new, will be opened at 2 p.m. and
continue until 8 o'clock, with en
tertainment intermingling, a c
cording to President Glenn Gregg,
of the Rim Rock Riders. The
public Is Invited to attend.
The daughter born to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Chamberlain yesterday
at Bremerton, Wash., died a few
hours after birth, it was reported
today. Mrs. Chamberlin, the
former Yvonne Martin, is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Martin,
former Bend residents now resid
ing In Seattle.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
At the Tower Sunday
t-M-J '.y"""f V -
V :
Ai gay open nm, Jne Farrar and George Dotent learned in UnivcnaTa
technicolor picture, 'The Climax," starring Susanna Foiter, Borii Karloff.
Mon., Tues., Feb,
from I to 8 P,
M. '
Pilot Butte Inn
Bend, Oregon
(All society items should be reported to The Bulleun not later
than lu aau. online oas of pubucauon, Tuesuays, xnursuays aiiu
Barbara Erickson, Lt. Hudson
Wed in bend on Wednesday
At a simuie ceremony perioral-
ed in the presence ot unmeuiate
relatives and a lew ciose frienas,
Baioara LncKSon ana Lu nouert
o. nuuson were married by the
Rev. Kooert Mcilvenna at 7 p. m.
Weanesuay at the home oi the
brme's mother, Mrs. J. M. Rob
erts, 53 Tumalo.
Vine brioe, attired in a lime
green dressmaker suit with brown
accessories, wore name colored
roses. Her only attenuant, Mrs.
Louis Le Baron, matron of honor,
also wore lime green with a cor
sage of gardenias.
Lt. Charles R. Haeen. wounded
In South Pacilic action, came
down from Baxter general hos
pital, Walla Walla, to act as best
Following the weddlne a receD-
tlon was given by Mrs. Roberts.
inose present were the groom s
grandmothers, Mrs. Aggie Hud
son and Mrs. Josephine Hender
son; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Huason j an uncle, Miles
Henderson; the brides step-father,
E. M. Roberts and two friends.
Mrs. Trudie Hulburt, Albany, and
pic Glenn Millard of the 4ist di
Groom Is Decor ted
Lt. Hudson, wha wears the sil
ver star, presidential unit clta
Chivalry Degree
To Be Conferred
Two members of the Rebekah
lodge werejelected to take the de
gree of chivalry, which will be
conferred at grand lodge In May,
at a meeting of tne Kebekahs last
night In I.O.O.F. hall, It was re
ported today. They were Mrs.
Ethan Innes and Mrs. Ernest Nel
son. . Mrs. Teresa Rose, noble
grand, presided at last night's
Mrs. Clair Barnett was appoint
ed as chairman of the finance
committee. , -
A program concluded last
night's meeting and consisted of
a violin and piano1 duet by Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Leader and read
ings by Mrs. Rollo Morgan.
..i The following refreshment com
mittee was appointed for the next
meeting, which will be held on
Feb. 23; Mrs. Alice Dodge, chair
man; Mrs. Olive Cook, Mrs. M
Ray Cooper, Mrs. Luella Griffin
ana Mrs. Gladys uarvick.
Circles 2 and 8 Circles 2 and 3
of the Catholic Altar society- will
meet at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. J. J. Mossart, 325
State street.
Catholic Card Party A
chle and contract bridge party,.
open to the public, will be held in
the parish hall at s p. m. Tuesday
under the sponsorship of Circle
4 of the Catholic Altar society.
Degree of Honor Juveniles
Degree of Honor Juveniles will
meet at 4 p. m. Tuesday In Nor
way hall. ,
Sunshine Club Tncsday The
Sunshine club will meet with Mrs.
John Moody, 245 Florida, at 2 p.
m. Tuesday.
' si
-iri Vp3
4f -feM
Ham la your ebanca to consult, eb.
otaMly fm, a trained and azpe
rlencad batter bearing pecialiat.
In ennwanring three auperb vacuus
tube taodata at tea low twteea.
Acouatkon is snaking bearing aid
hlitory. Come in end pfore to your,
alt now aeuca yont heertng of
borne and buisnsee coMVOtaarioa
can b leeteeed with the great new.
Future Acovsticoa. ,
211 Miner Bldg.
Kugenn, Oregon
uull, pursue uedi i, cuiiiual uutul
tryuiaii s oauge aim ouier awarus,
leu nere wiui company l ux tne
list uivisiun in aepiemoer, isfeu.
fouowuig action m lainuu cay,
iew uuutca, nuuson, men a
sergeant, was awarueu a suver
star oy uen. uougias iviauAnnur
lor guuanuy in acnon. ine cita
tion ieau, in part: "uuaer neavy
enemy lire on July 'to, aHi, ais-
piayed initiative and Dy his Heroic
action turned a possmle aexeat
into a successful action." In this
action nuuson, in charge of a pa
trol, crawled from man to man
wan ammunition ana personally
conducted replacements to weak
spots on nis pauol s perimeter.
Later nuuson, who grauuated
irom aenu nign scnooi in itfiu,
was oruerea to onicer canaiuates
scnooi ui ivustrana wnere ne was
commissioned a second lieutenant
and transierred to a mechanized
cavairy unit, inis unit is reported
to have borne the brunt uf the
Leyte attack and later mopped up
Japanese in the area. Wounded
several times, he was promoted to
a first lieutenant some time ago
ana Invalided home In the fall of
1S44. -
Lt. and Mrs. Hudson left Bend
toaay for a week's honeymoon in
Walla Walla and Portland.
Tonight .
8 p. m. USO dance for service
men and Junior hostesses.
4 p. m. Bullet luncheon at
USu tor service men.
1 p. m. Bend btudv club with
Mrs. C. J. Rademacher, 910 Broad
way. 2 n. m. Allied Arts with Mrs.
John Anderson.
7:30 p. m. Older girls of
Methodist church with Mrs. W.
Johnson, 116 Thurston.
1:15 D. m. Faculty Dames with
Mrs. Howard W. George, 1375
2 p. m. First Presbyterian sew
ing circle with Mrs. W. D. Reams,
Ml Portland.
2 p. m. Sunshine club with
Mrs. John Newby, 245 Florida.
2 p. m. Circles 2 and 3 of the
Catholic Altar society with Mrs.
J. J. Massart, 325 State street.
4 p. m. Degree of Honor juve
niles In Norway hall.
8 p. m. Circle 4 of the Catholic
Altar society card party in the
parish hall. Public Invited.'
8 p. m. Degree of Honor busl-
ness meeting. Norway hall
2-5 p. m. Silver tea, First Lu-
plno-'theran L.D.R. with Mrs. Ralph
Adams, 701 Broadway.
8 p. m. Pythian Sisters In Nor-
way nail,
8 p. m. First Presbyterian eve
ning fellowship with Miss Grace
Preston, 11 Kansas.
8 p. m Junior Women's Civic
league with Mrs. J. L. Pelker.
cmfwy shrdl slinrol cmfwy shrdc
Jr. Women's Civic League The !
Junior Women s Civic League will
meet at 8 p. m. Thursday with
Mrs. J. L. pelker.
Evening Fellowship on Wednes
daythe Evening Fellowship of
the First Presbyterian church will
meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday with
Miss Grace Preston, 11 Kansas. -
Study Club Meets Monday The
Bend Study club will meet at 1 p.
m. Monday at the home of Mrs.
C. J. Rademacher, 910 Broadway.
Degree of Honor A business
meeting will be held by the De
gree of Honor in Norway hall at
8 p. m. Tuesday. Mrs. Lawrence
Clausen, Mrs. Leo Mickel and Mrs.
Mike Mickel are on the entertain
ment committee.
Abstract Co.
Title Insurance Abstracts
Walt Peek Phone 174
Oregon Ltd.
power Wiring ,jBht
and Indutlriel
Wiring Supplies
General Electric Dealer
Sales end Service
Phone 159
6U Franklin
Bend, Ore.
Naval Air Unit
1 Depicted U
insigne of
planet are
courageous .
- - ... VSBT1CAL
f?"?f15' I Mother
2 Inspired
IS Was Indebted
14 Nevada city
15 Heavy blow
It Natives of
18 Delirium
tremens ab.)
IS Ship spsrs
30 Darlings
32 Foundation
33 Absconding!
34 Points a
3 Ransom
4 Perfections -
Symbol for
Provided with
7 interest Cab.)
8 Proceed
S Drinks to
10 Be persistent
11 Seines
12 Grains (ab.)
38 Eject -
39 Plant part
33 Railroad tab.)
33 Cereal grain
4 Negative
U Plateau
M Pertaining to
an era
39 Endure
41 Mimic
43 Fish
44 Mature
45 Make
47 One who tils
48 Roman
i magistrate
'50 Portico
51 Nights before
- events
52 Ward off
53 The of 1U
Older Girls Meet Monday The
Older Girls group of the Methodist
church will meet at 7:30 p. m.
Monday with Mrs. Wally Johnson,
116 Thurston.
Sewing Circle Meets Tuesday
The First Presbyterian sewing
circle will meet with Mrs. W. D.
Reams, 331 Portland, at 2 p. m.
to plan your own home, fun to
It'll be fun building it, too, when the war is over. Fun if
you're ready, that is if you have a generous building fund
salted away.
Build the fund NOW put every extra dollar into War
Bonds. '
Buy Bonds Now
Plan Now
Build Later
3 1 B GrtMnweod
Sat. Nite,
Entire Proceeds Go to the Infantile Paralysis Fund
Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Chairman
Bend Roller Rink
17 Theatrical
sign (ab.)
IS Male
38 Mariner ,
37 Seem
SB Pantry -40
42 Ever (contr.J
43 Driving
44 Cosmic order
48HsUin l
21 Ask (var.)
22 Species of
34 Prince
25 Mineral
28 Limb
27 Anger
30 Abstrsct being 47 Snake
31 Witticism 49 Essence (ab.)
Pythian Sisters on Wednesday
The Pythian Sisters will meet
at 8 p. m. Wednesday in Norway
Nearly 2,000,000 acres are used
annually In the United States to
raise beans.
It's Fun!
work out the dozens of Intimate
Phone 110
of Dimes
ss ptest
a ; fy
J I" sP'5"' I Wi Is1
n mmll&B la n
l SS 22
a . . . si
I I I Mil' I 1 a,
Feb. 10th