- .. J,.va..,F.-, j.Tiajnt,,,,, -; . m "'I"'--w-l''-' Stock Market Suffers Decline By Elmer C. Waher (United Pnu FiuuwUI Editor) New York, Feb. 9 IIP) Stocks sulfered then? -widest decline of the year today on contracted vol ume. The list extended yesterday's small losses oy iraciions to Doints. Marxet news was un changed, hence the experts attri buted the turnoown alter a long period 01 advance to recnnicai lac tors. Many traders who had anti cipated a recession withdrew to the sidelines and moderate amounts of realizing resulted in a few rather wide recessions. No group was spared although the oils resisted pressure better than other sections. Mercantile is sue losses also were restricted and the utilities yielded only fraction allv. Leading steels declined a point or more. Motors had losses ranging to 2 points In Chrysler. Widest rail losses were in nickel plate Issues 2 points in the pre ferred. Santa Fe, Atlantic Coast Line and Union Pacific were down a point or more. Tires declined fractions to more than a point. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore, Feb. 9 itw Livestock: cattle 25, calves 10, Supply mostly odd and ends. Scat tered sales steady, demand broad, Week's market steady to 25c high er. Top fed steers $16.50. Best heifers $15.00. Best cows around $12.50. Good-choice vealers sala ble $14.00-15.00. , Hogs 100. Active, steady. One lot good -choice 195 lb. $15.75. Weights up to 270 lbs. salable at $15.75, the ceiling. Few 140 lbs. $14.75. Good sows salable around $14.00. Good -choice feeder pigs quotable $ia.uu-l5.50; week's ex treme top $16.00. Sheep 100. Good-choice 85-90 lbs. wooled lambs $15.00. Fed carloads quotable to $15.50. Good ewes sal able $7.00-7.50, PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Feb. 9 IP Dairy marKet: Butter and -egg prices are un changed. Butter cube, 93 score, 42 cents; 92 score, 42 !4 cents; 90 score, 42 cents; 89 score, 41 H cents pound. Eggs price to retailers: AA large, 47 cents; A, large, 45 cents, medium A, 42 cents; small, 38 cents dozen. PINE DATA COMPLETED Portland, Ore., Feb. 9 1IP1 Pine lumber orders' for the week ended 'Feb. 3 totaled 65,377,000 feet, as compared with 65,926,000 feet for the previous week and 59,946,000 feet for the corresponding week a year ago. Pine shipments for the past week totaled 66,617,000 board feet, while 58,945,000 feet were shipped the week before and 65,151,000 feet for the week a year ago. Cor responding figures for production were 50,138,000, feet, 49,218,000 feet, and 44,352,000 feet, for the same periods. Two Lose Lives In Chicago Fire , Chicago, Feb. 9 U Fire follow ing a series of explosions swept the Vierling steel works early today, taking two lives. Eight hours after the fire broke out, firemen removed the body of one of the victims. Officials said another man had been trap ped in the burning plant. Damage was estimated at more than $300,000. WiseAmericans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Duo To Coldi With Buckley's "CanadioT Almost inntantljr you Ret the sur prise of your life coughing njn right away it loosens up thick choking phlegm opens up clogged bronchial tubes makes breathing easier. There's real economy In Buckley's all medication no syrup. Half to one ten a poo n f ul will convince the most skeptical. , Get Buckler's "Canadlol' made In U. H. A., the Cough Mixture that out sells all others in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many other countries on merit alone. At all good druggists. Owl Pharmacy Brandis Thrift Wine Drugs Personal Service Our aim is to serve you best when you need it most. Every detail is attended to for the bereaved. Sincere and per sonal attentiveness make our service memorable. FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118. Niswonger and Win slow Morticians i i n Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 2 .words One Time . ...35c 85 Words Three Times 75o 25 Words Six Time ; $u umimm lift rua, mm otpjr, t 1 LINE KATE Mo CAPITALS tOe FOB SALE 5 ROOM HOME: with 3 room apt. upstairs with outside entrance. income $35.uo per month. 4 blocks from business district. Must sell at once, owner leaving Bend. $3700. bee N K. tiUbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. $8500 BUYS 320 acres, 90 acres xair nouse and barn, Ju acres alfalfa. pnnH vuoii oiootri. city. Adjoins large cattle range. C. T. Silvis, 118 Oregon. LARGE HEATER. Excellent co aition. Call after 5 p. in. 1100 Lex ington. 3 PAIR ladies pre-war oxfords, nearly new, size 8H. One pair galoshes, size 8. 14 Lava Road, j MUST SELL at once. 4 room semi modern. Good lot, small basement, on pavement, a good buy at $1155. Giloerts Real Estate, 1015 Wall.. . $1000 BUYS 10 acres irrigated an nignway 1 mile out. 5 room house can be purchased and -moved Jo place. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. . FOUR BARBER chairs, three full size, one child's, four large mir rors, one shoe shine stand. All very modern and in excellent con dition. F. O. B. Prineviile. Write P. u. Box 3V5 or phone 315 Prine viile, Ore. SPOOL BED, enamel kitchen wood ranee. Must sell at once. 1305 W. 14th St. lo YOUNG SADDLE horse, 10! pounds. Ray Haynes, Rt. 2, Box 259. Phone 1-F-1L Butler Market road. $25,000 BUYS 4000 acre stock Tanch. 80 acres free water right, large modern nome. c. v. Silvis, 118 Oregon. ELECTRIC CHICK brooder, 400 capacity, complete with cord and curtain, $12. Mrs. Nicken, 1 mile south Pine Forest Grange on Mar ket road. Telephone 22-F-4. $3200 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home close in, reasonable terms, immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 1934 MASTER Chev. motor with rear end and transmission. Call at 1347 Albany: $12,000 BUYS good going 120 acre dairy ranch close to Bend, all stock and dairy equipment goes along. Located t miles from Bend on paved road. Terms -can be ar ranged. C. V, Silvis, 118 Oregon. WELDER'S CHAPS, helmet and chipping hammer, $10.00. 975 Taft, out south highway, first street to left oil Kooseveit. NOW YOU can buy fine chlcKs within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore gon's newest modern hatchery. Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon state Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Kiamatn f ans, uregon. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furni ture Table model radio, daveno, dinette set, bed complete, dresser, rocking chair, occasional chair, wood heater, garden tools and other articles. A. C. Jeanquenat, is Kearney, cor. Ji 2nd. I RED OR BLACK cinders, heaping 4 ya. ioaa. aiso Darayara ierti lizer, $4 per yard. Also top soil. Phone 838-R. Contact me at 1340 Federal St. CIRCULATING COAL heater. 820 Newport. Phone 185-R. THE LAST of a few table models and some very good consoles will be on sale for a limited time. Take 20 off the present listed price and Its yours. I need the room that bad. Luckey's Radio Re pair, 117 Lafayette. DON'T MISS seeing this fine suit, size 16; 2 spring coats; 3 lovely hostess housecoats; several dress es. You can't help but like these for they are the latest styles, the best materials. New aprons; Val entine pin cushions trimmed with red lace; several dresses, size 6; all made in my home. 358 E. 3rd and Marshall. NO. 1 POTATOES at ceiling price. Phone ll-F-2. Route 1, Box 430. Claud Gant. 4 ROOM modern house. Good ga rage and root cellar. Also wood range, circulator and good cotton mattress. Inquire G. T. Seibcr, 1472 Elgin. I Checkerboard Cafe DINNERS ' SHORT ORDERS HOME-MADE PIES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 135 Oregon Mi 1- i : FOB SALE OCCASIONAL CHAIR and rock er, chest of drawers, baby buggy, dressers, doll trunk, doll bed, lawn mower , garden hose, pitcher pump, gas heater, large mirror, office chairs, roller skates, cook stoves, heating stoves, hot water car heaters, bail and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches, replace ment balls tor trailer hitches. Open evenings: 350 Division. LARGE VAUGHN drag saw like new. Rt 2, Box TO. A. J. Rhoades, old Redmond highway. 2-WHEEL TRAILER with good tires. Small size battery radio. lZi Ithaca St. I HAVE just returned from Port land and was able to get a limited number of critical radio tubes and parts. Situation steadily get ting worse.-Better have your set repaired at once. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. FOB BENT BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served taratly style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel. Mrs. Mason. Met. Phone 31-W. PARTLY FURNISHED 2 room house at 128 Jefferson. Partly furnished 4 room house at 120 Jefferson. Not modern. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street within walk ing distance of mills and town. Inquire 87 Shasta Place or phone 962-J. . FURNISHED APARTMENT, Suitable for a single lady. Heat and lights Included. 71a Lava Road. Apt. 8. Phone 684. 1503 Awbrey Road. . PLiEASANT UPSTAIRS room with hot water at the lavatory. Furnished for light housekeeDine. Access to shower bath. Call at 623 Jl St., or phone 1083. CLEAN FURNISHED light housekeeping room suitable ior two. West side, 6 blocks, auto matic heat. Phone 493-W. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. LARGE CLEAN furnished 2 room semi-modern house. Inquire at 1434 Davenport LARGE MODERN 3 room fur nished duplex at 422 Roanoke. Adults only. Schuman Auto Elec tric. WANTED WANT TO TRADE 1800 lb. 8 year old well broke gray gelding Xor 1600 lb. and up blacK mare or gelding. (Object mates.) Dean Harris, Summer Lake. 2 BURNER electric plate. Phone 451-M or call at 608 Broadway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices ior gooa used radios. George s Radio Service. New loca' tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANT TO BENT fiimUhoH 1 hoH room apartment. Win pay up to W0 a month. Leave word for L. A. Mullineaux at Pacific Trailwavs pus depot. TO BUY used picture frames with or without glass; round frame and square frame. Phone 1070-W or bring them to 147 East Olney. TO BUY small piano in good con dition, can boz-j. TO BUY fryer rabbits and your small rabbits. Also heavy hens. Phone 1070-W or call at 147 E. Olney. TO BUY, wood lathe with face plates. 1314 Lexington. Phone 650-W. ' HELP WANTED WAITRESSES at Pilot Butte Inn. WOMAN to do housework in pri- vaie iamny mornings, leiepnone 119 between 7 and 9 evenings. SITUATION WANTED SAW FILER with 34 years ex perience in logging camps. Can file cross cut or power saw chains for pine or fir. Write box 1092. Bend, Ore. EXPERIENCED A J. typist de sires general office work. Some knowledge of bookkeeping, comp tometer, adding machine, switch board, write No. abO in care of The Bulletin. USED CABS 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe. Re conditioned motor. In good shape. $200. Ray Cadwell, 528 So. Third St., Redmond, Oregon, r invistmimt ctri'iouts, hub ONt Prttptctm M rtfiutl frtm trwatal Uadenrrittr - INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Ixk-hI Representative 217 Oregon Phone 523 . THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. THIS CURIOUS BATS ARE THE ONLY NATIVE IAND AAAMMALS IN NEW ZEALAND. USED CABS FOR SALE or trade for truck 1936 tudor Ford sedan. 426 West 5th, Prineviile, Oregon. '34 FORD V-8 coupe. First class condition, good rubber, $300. John Mtnges, 321 "A" St., Redmond; Oregon. LOST BIG YELLOW dog, weight 75 lbs., old, deaf. Has growth behind ear. Reward. 323 Hill St., or phone 152 before 6 p. m. UP TOWN Sunday, a gold identi fication bracelet with the namo Jean on front and Dec. 25, 1944 ort the under side. If found please return to Jean Harrigan, Bend High School or call 389-M. BILLFOLD containing important papers issued to Roy E. Lane. Please return to Bulletin office. . FOUND SET OF miscellaneous keys on broken chain. Owner may have . i.i,it.,i -t it D,7, ffnTnSvIno ! r f h I J " f .W. MM. MISCELLAN EOUS TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. 1 can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller 'Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available Lloyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl. Bend. Phone 594. JUST ARRIVED, shipment of new upholstery material. Some in blue and mauve colors, some In I tanetHo iiin iinhnki.ni ni..n. er. Will recondition chair and dav. I enport cushions. Harrison Unhol- Lstery. Phone 753-J. 305 Miller. NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with ns for auick sale. N. R. Gilbert s Real Estate, 1015 Wall. HAVING CLOSED my office in Bend, I will appreciate any pay ments on account or other com munications being addressed to Scio, Oregon, or to Bend, from where they will be forwarded. J. F. Hosch, M.D. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to S13.95. . Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint- ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical annlianc- es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. RED RYDER WEARS A NATURAL. Vfc-iSM 1 p TDBUCrrXIMUP ' 1 ' IN WATER IT IS , llJItl X "' COMPOSED OF OIL. f V Jaffil , GLANDS IN THE SKIN, ) - ' V AIR SRACES IN THE I. .;- liY i ' FOR, AND A THICK g ,5 1 OVEg-AU. LAYER , ' J " r"" ' I mm mu mv Mrs. fiTBVlCI. IMC IHAT TULOW ROCri VtES-' UTILE V l ( ,( BUT fAET TiRS-FH f no YOU FiND X FlHAT TuRQU0SE . fOU SAY VOE WALK ) BEAVER. V Jt it Bto PUFP UP- IONS REST 5300. . .ONE GO 1 ft"7J-s - 0LY TWELVE S1EP3 yaPEAK-LVN j, lsJIILL---RtSTii'l r -- J MeA l DOWrt BY R3LE J yJISl ' OREGON,' FRIDAY.3 B.' 9, WORLD V. 'A MAN MUST CLIMB ttIN THE WORLD To 60 DOWV IN HISTORY", " Sgft FRED P. CNEIU., MISCELLANEOUS RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. INCOME TAX and business state- ments prepared in my home. Also . AlsO open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates Kladly given. The Bulletin. 1,000 Welders Out on Strike Seattle, Feb. 9 Mi- Nearly 1,000 rwiacra situck ai iwo Mine shipyards today after .six of their welders struck" at two Seattle number were fired for failing to keep in good standing with the American Federation of Labor welders' union. ii;(i-ipnrv A. Dotv. nntiomil tiresi- dent of the United Brotherhood of Welders, Cutters and Helpers (Independent), said only 20 weld ers were left at the Todd-Pacific shipyard, and none were on the job at the Todd Dry Dock com pany. The Independent union, mem bers of which also pay dues to the AFL group which has a closed shop contract, claims 1,000 mem- DT? '." ,h0 ?wo yar.'is. an.'1"0,y sa,a ,ne s" e a p ce"' l)llc ve- The strike, a symptom of the drawn-out Jurisdictional rivalry between the AFL and independ' ent unions, threatened to cut sharply into destroyer construc tion and ship repair work, but R. J. Lamont, president of Todd-Pacific and vice president of the Todd Shipyard corporation, oper ator of the dry dock, said It would take a week or more for the strike to have HeriouKcffects. Putting rock salt on coal keens it from freezing in cold weather, j Men, Women! Old atj 40,50,60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? pn yfm tilumfl xri-,uiit M, wnrn-mit fwilttn on uf TliouftanOi amnttd at what ft IIMtoprittunK up ml 6 Ouiti has flono. ConUIni tonio fumy need t 40, i 00, AO, fnr body olrl nnlriv tKaiuw Umlnlrnt), fttno ; prophylactic dc Til ami n Hi, calcium. 3fa Intro- j fliirtrtrjr mi now onJy 29o. Try Ontrri Tnlo TwliWn fnr nm pp ynnnwr tmUng. thu vory d). For ul ftt all drug tlottm verjwiwre., i Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment orriM Phon. 78 Km. Phont 81B-W 1945 OLC Committee Starts Hearings By Eric W. AU, Jr. (Uniu.il Ircoa Surt Cornaiunuffit.) Salem, Ore., Feb. 9 tlM The Oregon joint legislative commit tee, appointed to investigate the 1943 purchase of two Kentucky distilleries by the Oregon and Washington liquor control com missions for nearly $7,500,000, to day considered evidence presented at its first meeting. Ray Conway, secretary and ad ministrator of the Oregon com mission, told the'commitiee, head ed by Sen. Paul Patterson, that the commission had felt that the law under which It operated made it mandatory for it to obtain the liquor demanded by the public. The idea of the Durchase was first originated late in September oi mis, uonway sam. He reported that liquor stocks were at an all time low in June of that vear. when only 12,000 cases of whiskey were on hand, and the monthly rate of consumption ran around au.uuu cases. Reasons Given . lie gave three chief reasons why the deal had been made: 1. Partly to satisfy the larger and increasing demand for do mestic whiskeys which were get ting scarcer alter the federal aov- ernment had ordered manufactur ing stopped. 2. For financial orofit. 3. To lessen growing black mar ket operations. The purchase had the annrnvnl of the attorney general of Oregon and Washington, the Oregon board of control and the office of li iu.- nuuiimsiruuon. More Donations C UCn Pn U Cum J I i i vim I UIIU Battling the dread infantile par alysis is an expensive business, Mrs. J. F. Arnold, chairman of the Deschutes county fund drive for the -Foundation for Infantile Paralysis announced today. Mrs. Arnold revealed the cost of com bating the disease In this county as the campaign to raise funds here swung into its third week. Since the drive began, Mrs. Arnold revealed, $1,145.43 has been expended on four cases in this community. Two of the cases ; are critical, Mrs. Arnold said. A total of -$24.47 came yester day from Sisters, the donors being the Sisters high Bchool, $3.47; Lorls Farieigh. $2: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hamman, S2; 'Lillian Dud- ding, $2 : uing, iviaiua itosuor liauey, 0, ! and A. L. Brundage, $10. Other Maida ilositor Bailey, $5, I late contributions were R. Ketchum, $20, and Sam Pursel, $2. Two Men Fined On Liq uor Count Jack Fred Gerard. 24. and Jack R. Leonard, 25, Washington ship- yara worKers wno were captured here early yesterday with a load of whisky, today had won their release from the city Jail after paying a $30 fine. Both men, ap- Heater Thermostats Control hn temperature of your motor, save your gasoline on short trips, makes your hot water heater function quickly and efficiently. Avullable for Ford V-8 Morcury Buick Chevrolet , LaSalle Oldimobils Packard Pontiac Sfudo baker Champion 1937 to 1942 1939 to 1942 Chrysler DeSoto Dodge Plymouth Hudson Nash Lafayetts Terraplano Houk-Van Allen Titeston Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 poaring last evening before Mu nicipal Judge H. C Ellis, pleaded guilty to a charge of illegally transporting alcoholic liquor. The car the two men were using In their drive north was confis cated. Sinatra Certain He Is in Army New York, Feb. 9 Frank Sinatra told friends today that "I think I'm in" the armed forces. The crooner was dismissed from Station hospitaj, Governor's is land, last night, after an 11-hour physical examination, ordered by his draft board. Army doctors did not announce their findings. The doctors will report to S1-' natra's draft board in Jersey City, which will notify the Voice at his suite in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where he is said to be "a bundle of nerves." The physical examination in cluded a complete head X-ray. The 118-pound crooner had been classi fied 4-F .earlier because of a punc tured ear drum. His appearance at the Newark, N. J., armory for the examination brought out scores of bobby-sox girls, who mobbed him. His wife, Nancy, and his two children, were in Hollywood. 600,000 Nippon Troops Isolated Washington, Feb, 9 gPi Relia ble sources estimated today that more than 600,000 Japanese trooDS a good-sized force in anybody's army have been cut off from direct contact with their hnmnlnnil by the American island hopping I drive toward TOKyo. Some enemy groups are com pletely isolated; others are still being supplied by submarine or surface craf: that manage to sneak through the ever-tightening American blockade. None, however, will be available for de fense of the Japanese homeland when eventually it is invaded. ENTERS MARINE COUPS Madras, Feb. 9 (Special) Don ald L. Smith, son of Leonard E. Smith of Culver, recently entered the marine corps. He left for the San Diego "boot" camp Jan. 28, immediately louowing enlistment, I WW SATURDAY and MONDAY, FEB. 10 and 12th Eggs, Grade A Large . . . .doz. 39c Sliced Peaches .15oz. can 19c Assorted Cookies . . . .. .pound 29c Apple Juice Kraut, good quality bulk, quart 15c Fabrik Soft Tissue Swonsdown Cake Flour pkg. 25c Kadota Figs .16 cz. can 19c Whole Kernel Corn 2 cans 29c Camay Soap 3 bars 20c Sunkist Oranges ........ dozen 39c can 35c PAGE SEVEN Smith's brother, Second Lieuten ant Howard L. Smith Is serving with the army air corps in Lin coln, Neb. , , 1 LEGAL NOTICES CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes In the Matter of the Adoption of ALVIN LEE PURCELL, a minor child. The people of the State of Ore gon to Thelma Crawford greet. ings: You are hereby died to be and appear in the County Court Room in the City of Bend, Deschutes County, State of Oregon on the 26th day of February, 1945 at two o'clock P. M. Said day then and there to show cause, if any, why the petition of C. C. Rees and Joann Rees for the adoption of Alvin Lee Purcell should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of the County Court of the Des chutes County, State of Oregon this 26th day of January, 1945. (Seal) HELEN DACEY, Coun ty Clerk. By Opal Sprague, Depty. 44-50-56 62c NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has taken up the fol lowing described horses, found running at Large on his property, and unless these horses are re deemed on or before the time of 2:00 O'clock P. M. on the tlate of February 26th, 1945, The said horses will be sold at that time, at the ranch of C F. WILLIAM SON on the Butler Market road, , LJescnutes county uregon. To sat lsfy the damages, costs of picking up, advertisement and keep of the said horses. These horses are described as follows: 1 Buckskin horse, white legs, white face, dark mane and tall, 19 or 20 years old, approximately 1400 pounds In weight. No Brands. 1 Buckskin horse, black legs, white spot on forehead, 19 or 20 years old, weight about 1400 pounds. No brands. These horses have been taken up under provisions of Deschutes County livestock District Number 2. Signed: C. F. WILLIAMSON - 5&62C PHONE 466 2 pint bottles 25c 4 rolls 29c lb. jar 39c Miracle Whip pint 25c By FRED HARM AN 11311!