THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1945 PAGE FIYE Local News TEMfERATURE Maximum y&iiwruay, a decrees. Minimum last UiKUt, 24 decrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperatures: lu p. m., 32 de gress; xO a. in., 38 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p. m., calm; 10 a. m, 18 miles. . Chester Lantz, chiel electri cian's mate, was made a chiel fol lowing his graduation this week Ironi a navy school in Washing ton, D. C. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lantz of Redmond and a graduate of Redmond high school, the new chief enlisted in 1940 and was ordered to school following a long tour of overseas duty. Mrs. Anne Forbes has returned to her home in Bend from a visit to Portland and Salem. t There will be no meeting in the Carroll Acres Tuesday to do Red Cross sewing, because of a lack of materials. The meeting was to have been held at the.notne of Mrs. Cary W. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Herrling and daughter, Miss Mildred Herrling, returned last night from a busi ness trip to Portland. Mrs. Frank Gravon, who accompanied them to Portland, returned to her home in Qoattlo Mrs. firavon had hppn visiting her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Padgett The Rebekahs will hold a regu lar meeting at 8 tonight In the I.O.O.F. hall. The Wee Women's club will meet at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow with Mrs. Hubert Bartlett, The Emera club will meet at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in the Ma sonic hall. Group three of the I.H.S. group of the Women's council of the First Christian church will meet O NOW O CONTINUOUS TOMORROW FIRST PICTURES YANKS LAND ON LUZON Showing First Landing of . 100,000 Troops! I ' m O NOW O CONTINUOUS TOMORROW Rough... Reai Romance and Thrills! ROBERT 10WISY ELLEN DREW j Toomav , ' Eddie 2nd Hi NILS ASTHER IN "THE MAN IN HALF MOON STREET" . Oregon Md. Contracting Wiring tight Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 614 Franklin Bend, Ore. at 8 tonight at the home of Mrs. I R. P. Jones, 727 Portland avenue. Lt Charles Robert Hagen, in jured in south Pacific action with the 41st division, is spending a week in fcend witn Inenos. He will return to Baxter general hos pital in Walla Walla following leave. Cpl. John S. Crawford is home on rurlough from the southwest Pacific, he is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Crawford, 46 East Morton street. E. H. Crowley of Madras was a Bend visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ware of Red mond came to Bend yesterday where Ware entered a local hos pital. Judge C. L. Allen, of the Des chutes county court, leit this morning for Salem to attend a meeting of the executive commit tee of me Association of Oregon counties. He was accompamea Dy E. E. Varco and A. E. Stevens, county commissioners, and Auo rey E. Perry, county watermas ter. The group planned to return tonight. Mrs. Vern E. Sington has re turned from Tacoma, Wash., where she visited her husband, Vern E. Sington, seaman 2c. , MSgt. Tommy Amundsen, sta tioned at the Redmond army air field, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. Guy W. Martin of Silver Lake, was here today transacting busi- H. Glen L. Ryland of the Red-1 mond army air field, visited Bend friends last night. The Royal Neighbors will meet at 7:30 p. m. on Monday, Feb. 19, at the Moose hall, it was an nounced today. Members of the refreshment committee are Mrs. Lucy Billadeau, Mrs. Ethel Bur leigh and Mrs. Adaline Crowell. The entertainment committee is made up of Mrs. Mary Youngberg and Mrs. Minnie Wise. The regular social evening of the Bend Eagles lodge and auxili ary next Thursday night will be featured by a basket social, it was announced today by Mrs. W. M. Loy, president of the auxiliary. Instead of the regular buffet din ner served by the auxiliary, the baskets will be auctioned, Mrs. Loy said. The social begins at 9:15 o'clock, following the lodge's business meeting. W. L. Fowler, area supervisor of the state unemployment com mission, is spending today at the local office. He will be in the of fice all day tomorrow after which he will return to The Dalles, where he is now stationed follow ing a recent transfer from Klam ath Falls. Robert Isham, seaman 2c, who recently completed boot training at Farragut, Ida., is now attend ing signalmen's school at Bain bridge, Md., according to informa tion received by his mother, Mrs. Edna: Ishm. He enlisted in Au gust. u Sgt.. John F. McCunn Is con fined to the Redmond army air field hospital with an attack of tonsillitis. - Mrs. J. N. Weaver of Lincoln, Neb., is visiting at the home of ner sister, Mrs. A. E. Stevens. SSgt Bruce Dyer, son ot Mr. and Mi's. D. I"!. Dvar. la snendine a furlough here after completing Saiem, Ore., Feb. 9 tutA two the paratroopers school at Fort year extension of the "big truck Benning, Ga. The sergeant was laws in Oregon passed the senate Senate Approves Big Truck Bill transferred to the nine weeks ago. paratroopers Dance every Friday night, Car roll Acres. Night Owls orchestra. Adv. Jo Ann Thomas, Mgr. of Beauty Quest, is back at work and wel comes customers and friends. Adv. There will be no dance Satur day night at the Eastern Star Grange because of the meeting being held by the Pomona Grange. Auv. Charles Stearns Sets New Rating Bushnell general hospital, urig ham City, Utah, Feb. 9 Promo tion of Pfc. Charles F. Stearns of Bend, Ore., to the grade of cor poral, was announced here today by Colonel Robert M. Hardway, commanding officer of the hospital. A carpenter before his entrv in the army at Portland, Ore., Dec. 9, 1942, Cpl. Stearns is assigned to duties as foreman in the hospital warenouse nere. His mother, Mrs. Olive Stearns, and his wife, Mrs. Jean Stearns, reside at 1125 Ugden, Bend, Ore, RAIL CENTER ISOLATED London, Feb. 9 (IPi The Soviet high command reported tonight that the Red army surrounded Arnswalde, big rail junction 40 miles southeast of Stettin, and the Baltic coastal town of Elbing in East Prussia. tuauy alter a move tailed to matte the extension lor four years. The two-year vote was unani mous but tiie upper house split 18 to 10 against a minority commit tee report that war-unie experi ence with the larger trucks justi lieu a permanent lour year exten sion, 'ine majority report was ac cepted and the ruies suspenued to permit Immediate passage of the oul (SOU) to the house. Sen. Frank Hilton, Portland, vanuy argued me trucK anu trailer limus of 60 feet in length and 71,200 pounus in weight pro vided in the Dill had worked out to advantage in the three war years and should be permanent because Highway officials agreed no ex cessive nighway aamage had been caused. Bend's Yesterdays TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Feb. 9, 1920) (From Tu bulltm MM ' H. I. Elliott, rancher residing eight miles east of Bend, rapidly recovers from a case of sleeping sickness after slumbering for more than a month. In Prinevllle, Jay H. Upton an- nminniB tlfl Mill ka a Mnnhllnnn ramn Rjia IjiVnnnp Hiimnprt and " """ fCLf:. o... ouZL" . f." j .i. , canaiaate lor me uregon senate. unaries Haines, local realtor. ' Pine Cone The Pine Cone Bluebirds at Shevlln raised $40.29 for the polio fund. The girls were divided Into teams of two and canvassed the OIL PLANTS RAIDED London, Feb. 9 IP More than 2,150 American bombers and fighters raided synthetic oil plants, armament factories and rail yards deep in Germany today in" a shattering blow at the heart ot the nazi war machine. TWO COACHES OVERTURN Houston, Tex., Feb. 9 ilPi Two coaches of the Sunset Limited, a Southern Pacific Los Angeles-to-New Orleans passenger train, overturned in Englewood yards on the outskirts of Houston to day, injuring an undetermined number of passengers. BendUSO Plans Valentine Dance A formal dance In celeoration of St. Valentine's day will be held at the USU Quarters in rrinlty parish hall tomorrow night at 8 p. m. Junior nostesses nave aec orated the hall with hearts and streamers and will provide a large cake decorated with hearts anu flowers. The Eagles auxiliary will be in charge ot the USO this weekend with Mrs. Webster M. Loy acting as chairman. The women who will serve and their hours are as fol lows: Saturday, 6:30 to 8 p. m. Mrs. Gertrude McFadden, Mrs. Einar Meistad, Mrs. Oscar Hart- wig. 9 to H:30 Mrs. William Ben nett and Mrs. James Kennedy. 9:30 to 10:30 Mrs. Mike Gray and Mrs. Fred Harrlgan. 10:30 to 11:30 Mrs. Hall ana Mrs. Edna Millison. Those who will serve on Sunday are: From 3 to 4:30 p. m. Mrs. Hazel Strom, Mrs. L. L. Lubbes; 4:30 to 6 Mrs. Cecil K. Hupp, Mrs. Hubbard; 6 to 8 Mrs. Ed Eastman, Mrs. Ben Isaak; 8 to 10 Mrs. Arthur Pack and Mis. W. M. Loy. Donna Sue Shahan received the prize for collecting the largest amount. Mrs. Maurice Lyons is their guardian. Wetomachlck Girls of Wetomachlck studied on Indian symbols and symbolism at their meeting. They are work ing hard to complete the first rank before the grand council fire is held In Redmond. Unallyee The Unallyee group elected the following officers: Dolores Pra ter, president; Gwen Russell, sec retary; Nancy Ferguson treas urer. The girls learned to tie five square knots In succession at their last meeting. These girls are preparing to take the Woodgath ers rank. Part of the meeting was spent working on afghans for the Junior Red Cross. Dakonya Dakonya girls worked on the Camp Fire songs at their last meeting. They are learning them for the grand council fire. This group will not meet Monday, February 12, as their guardian will be out of town. . Katawasteya All members of the Katawas teya group are asked to attend an Important meeting Monday af ter school. Matters of interest to every girl will be discussed. Miss Harris will lead the discussion. Mrs. Joe Elder will also attend. - CHIMES IRK JUDGE Springfield, Mass. (lP-r-Probate Judge John A. DeniBon complains that the municipal chimes ringer disturbs his divorce hearings by playing "Lef Me Call You Sweetheart." Bend Youth Club Names Advisor , Miss Wllma Jacobson, member of the Bend high school faculty, is to serve as advisor and part time director of the Bend Youth club, it was announced today by Don McCauley, club president Miss Jacobson is to assist the young people In working out their various programs, and will be available at all times for advice. The new 'advisor is to spend as much of her time as possible at the youth confer, and plans to meet' with the club officers and the senior advisory council.. solves the mystery ot the absence ot robins and other birds from Central Oregon, claiming it is the lack ot berries on the juniper trees. J. L. Gaither, manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company in Bend, reports the ar rival of 50 new telephone sets and promises their rapid installation. Douglas Mullarky, son of Coun ty Assessor Mullarky, announces that he Is taking over the Red mond Spokesman from M. W. Pet tigrew. A keen Interest is shown In the Central Oregon country in the capture and slaughter ot jack rabbits as a New York firm an notices it needs 10,000,000 skins and will pay as. high as 50 cents f.oi mem. Mrs. F. M. Chrisman ot Silver Lake, is spending a few days In Bend. " J " J. H. Meister returns from Spo kane where he attended a meet ing of the Western Pine associa tion. ' ' 7 2,000 WANT HOUSE London IIP) An advertisement in a London newspaper for a house to let brought more than 2,000 replies recently. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during our recent bereavement. And we especially thank the musicians for their services. t G. T. Seiber and family Adv. OATH'S FINAL CLEARANCE YOU SAVE k It TrTf 25 WINTER COATS 60 DRESSES AT 50 REDUCTIONS GROUP MEETINGS Monday Katawasteya Miss Harriet Harris, high school, 3:50 p. m. Juniper Jays Mrs. Claude Cook, 214 Vine lane, 3:45 p. m. Dakonya Mrs. Rella Henry, 319 Sisemore, 3:50 p.m. Tuesday Unallyee Miss Jean Webster, Reld school. 4 p. m. Ukim Miss Lilly ampler, at home of Virginia Roley, 615 Flor ida, 4 p. m. Wednesday Wahanka Mrs. Gail Baker, Kenwood school, 3:45 p. m. wetomacnicK Mrs. uon rn mcau, Carroll Acres, 4 p. m. Pine Bluebirds Mrs. Gale Blak ley, 1317 Harmon, 3:45 p;m. Oregon Trail Bluebirds Mrs. Carl Erlckson, 211 Drake road, 3:45 p. m. , Thursday Cheskchamay Mrs. Clifford Brown, 1237 Cumberland, 3:45 p. m. Bluebell Bluebirds , Rosalia Kniiiht. Reid school. 3:45 p. m, Otawateca Mrs. E. W. Wil liamson, 27 Glen road, 3:45 p. m. I i' nutty Iyopla Mrs. Rees Brooks, 814 ! Harmon, 3:45 p. m. I Sweet Pea Bluebirds Mrs. W. , G. Coleman, 1471 West Third, 3:45 , P m- I Happy Times Bluebirds Miss Charlotte Mtillins, Reld school, j 3:30 p. m. Red Cross Unit Elects Off jeers Madras, February 9 (Special) The Jelferson county chapter of tne American itea uross neia us annual business meeting and elec tion of officers Monday night, All officers were reelected: W. R. Cook, president, J W. Warren, vice-president and Mrs. Margaret William, secretary-treasurer. Mrs, William tendered her resignation because of other work. Mrs. George Dee was elected to take her place. Mrs. W. H. Snook, production, chcairman, reported that 2,482 articles had been shipped by the local chapter for 1944. in Janu ary 318 articles were sent out making a total ot 2800 up to date. Mrs. Snook also stated that tne Pacific coast office of the Red Cross had commended the cooper ation being given by the local group. The local chapter were also expressing praise for the work done by the women through tne county. War Briefs Lincoln Birthday Topic for Talk The observance of Lincoln's birthday will provide the theme for the 51st in a series of "Speak Up For Democracy" talks to be broadcast over stutlon KBND at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 11, un der the auspices of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The address will be delivered by Ray Cooper, member of Pondosa Pine post No. 1643. On the same day a similar message will be heard on 4G4 other radio stations that are parllclpallng In this V.F.W. Americanism project. "The anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln should re mind us that we are fighting this war for the same Ideals that Im pelled the great emancipator In I his battle to preserve the union," I Cooper pointed out. "It was Lin- coin who proclaimed that no na tion can survive half sluve and i half-free." (Ilr United Proa) Western Front Big allied push starts on western front. Eastern Front Soviet forces battle through streets of Kuestrin in drive to topple bastion barring road to Benin. Air War American bombers attack Germany after RAF night raiders nit Berlin and oil plant at Poelitz. Pacific Americans start mop up of Japanese remnants In south half of Manila. Italy Fifth army strengthens positions in west coast sector. i I xzvim . .Mm,ias mi J 1 "ss&MMimBtFr&- ... Li -. . KlfflSil ! FOUR BOYS HELD Four Sisters youths were arrest ed there yesterday by W. F. Mc Gregor, deputy sheriff, and lodg ed In the Deschutes county Jail. They were charged with vagran cy today. They are Stanley D. PorWfield, 19; Jack N. Mcnear, 17; James W. Piggott, 17, and Charles N. Loyd, 16. The youths were arrested In a car driven by Loyd, who assertcdly was without a driver's license. CHURCH TO VOTE First Lutheran congregation Is to vote after its 11 o'clock serv ice Sunday on the question, "Do we favor participation in the teaching of the Bible in the Bend public schools In 1945-46?" An nouncement of plans for the vote i was made by Rev. M. A. Thomp-! son, pastor. 25 fine all wool winter eoaij, dark shades and colors, most sizes 12 to 44 WHILE THEY LAST AT HALF PRICE! Late winter dresses, last of our 1944 purchase, I and 2 piece, prints and plains, most sizes 9 to 44 YOU SAVE HALF1 All Must Go Quickly! BUY NOW! Charge it or use our Ley-Awsy Plan "For Style and Economy" Only a few WINTER SUITS Only a few lovely Shetland suits, in largo sixes to 44, greatly reduced to cleer quickly. Were f O TF 23.75 now only l3) March of Dimes DAN ,CE Sat. Nife, Feb. 10th FLOOR SHOW Entire Proceeds Go to the Infantile Paralysis Fund Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Chairman GOOD MUSIC Bend Roller Rink Chock a CHECK for Spring '451, Your sophisticated street dress in checked acetate jersey with matchfng faille trim. Note the new, new collar... the smart touch of a wide cuff on a three-quarter sleeve. In Black, Navy or Brown, sizes 38 to 44. l09Sl It's o.NAVY !Tf Your pretty, practical suit drew, in Navy Blue Colonade Rayon Crepe, dressed up with a detach- able frilly vestee in crisp white Dotted Swiss. Navy only, sires 38 to 44. 1295 Jus fj? Jfll ' 3eafoied in HARPER'S BAZAAR V;' . voevB V MAJDEMOISU4JR . CHARM SBVENTERN V I I 1 tciusivty . f Ar this