The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 08, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Western Coast
Struck By Gale
Portland, Feb.. 8 ui A sweep
ing gale which coupled wilh a
.lashing rain yesterday to give
western Oregon and Oregon and
.Washington its worst storm in
nine years, appeared to have abat
ed today but left in its wake one
person dead, damaged power and
Happy Landing! Luzon Natives Hail Bloodless Subic Bay Landing
telephone lines, buildings aim
' Victim of the storm was Jess
Hover of Raymond,, Wash., who
was driving on the Aberdeen
Raymond highway when a falling
tree crashed Into his car, killing
t , K
Slides Result
v Damage to power and telephone
lines was less than expected with
officials of these companies stat
ing that all important service had
been continuous and that damag
ed lines had been repaired with
rapidity.. Tower was off in Astor
ia for three hours Wednesday.
The heavy rain caused a num
ber of slides through the storm
area with heaviest damage on the
Wolf creek highway of Oifgon
where traffic and bus schedules
were delayed considerably.
Portland had 1.24 inches of rain
in 24 hours yesterday.
(NEA Telephoto)
Filipino natives turn out In their ceremonial whites to welcome doughboys streaming ashore In bloodless tending at La Paz, on west coast of Luzon,
to cut Jap lines between Bataan and other JaD-held Darto of Luzon. Not a shot was fired nor a bomb dropped throughout the landing.
3700 Imprisoned Civilians Released in Manila
Card Games
(Continued from Page One)
Wood, proprietor of the Downing
hotel and cafe.
Wood appeared before the com
mission to report asserted nt
Jacking" of licensed taxlcab serv
ices in the city. He reported that
a man operating a large sedan
had for the past 30 days been
"stealing" passengers from the
legitimate operators. It developed
that no formal complaint bad been
made against the man, and cab
drivers who were expected to ap
pear last night failed to attend.
Purchase of a new police car
and a dump truck for the street
department, was authorized.
The commission also voted to
grant a license to the West Coast
Victory Shows for a'carnlval here
from July 10 to the 14th.
Drainage of Ogden avenue to
permit the paving of a portion of
West Fifth street was ulso au
thorized. Mayor Nlebergall and City Man
ager Relter were instructed to ap
pear before the county court with
a plea that the county Juvenile
officer devote more time to child
rlnllnminnfU fnuru In thn nltu
Contending that It would be Im
possible for a fire truck to get
through the street under present
TtimMmlMm-t-ftM"'' 1- - -
(NEA Telenhoto)
This Is the campus of Santo Tomas University, In which Japanese Imprisoned civilians during their occupation
of Manila, More than 3700 thin, hungry Allied civilians, 2500 of them Americans, cried a hysterical welcomo
to liberating troops which made a dramatic dash through the city's bock door.
conditions. Commissioner Blakley
asked that parking be prohibited
on the west side of St. Helens
place between Wall street and
Broadway, adjacent to the Trinity
Episcopal church. The street de
partment was instructed to In
vestigate and remedy conditions
there. - t -
As an accommodation to fliers,
the commission also authorized
the purchase of an electric "hot
plate" for coffee making at the
municipal airport.
Teamsters' Local
Formed in Bend
Several colonial Maryland ports
for ocean vessels are now miles i
from navieable water, havlncl wl,h tw Portland union offl-
been filled with silt from farm-, cluls ln attendance, a local charter
705 Columbia
Phono 350
Drip or Regular
Swans Down
41) Mi. Hug
No. 10 Hug
Bettv Crncker
3 pkgs. 26c
Merrimac Peas can 15c
H&D Cream Corn can 15c
Santiam String Seans can 17c
Merrimac Salmon i can 26c
Fabric Soft Tissue .4 rolls 25c
Wesson Oil ........... . .quart 59c
Fels Naptha Bar 4 for 19c
Camay Toilet Soap 3 for 20c
Babo Cleanser can 11c
Skinned Hams, half or whole
Del Monte (8 Uftl )
.lb. 33c
Breast of Veal vifh Pocket for Stuffing lb. 20c
No Points
Roast Beef Loaf, Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, No Points
Lunch Meats
Little Pig Sausages, for Breakfast lb. 42c
Roasting Hens and Rabbits and Fish
Hi Ho
2 lb. pkg.
2 Fliers Injured
In Traffic Crash
Two fliers stationed at the Red
mond army air field were confined
to the St. Charles hospital today, I
one oi mem in serious condition,
as a result of a collision late yes
terday between a motorcycle and
an automobile on East First
street, police reported.
In the hospital were Lts. Don
Christopherson, 21, and Ralph
Seely, 24, Christopherson suffer
ing from a possible skull fracture
and Seely with a broken right leg
and a possible broken right arm.
According to Officer Lyn Bar
tholomew, who investigated the
accidents, the fliers were riding
north on First street near Under
wood street on a motorcycle, when
the machine crashed into the side
of an automobile being driven by
Mrs. M. F. Lyons, 2101 East First
street. Lt. Christopherson was pi
loting the motorcycle.
Turn Is Made
The collision is said to have oc
curred when the fliers tried to
pass Mrs. Lyon's car as she turned
to enter the driveway of her home.
Officer Bartholomew said that the
motorcycle skidded 56 feet before
it struck the car.
i Lt. Seely had Just recently re
turned from a tour of duty over
seas, and it was Lt. Christopher
son's first day at the Redmond
army air field.
for a teamsters' union, AFL, was
' installed at a gathering held last
night in the labor hall. Officers
were installed at the same time,
and members of The Dalles and
Hood River were also embraced
in the local union. f
Attending from Portland were
Olin Harrison, business represen
tative of the Teamsters local
there, and Willis Mayo, president
i of the Portland local.
I In presenting the charter, No.
321, the Portland union men ex
pressed the opinion that establish- j
i mem oi tne tocai nere would re
sult In better relations between
management and labor.
Officers of the new local are
I Leslie Chapman, president; Merle
Nehl, recording secretary; Hugh
Cole, secretary-treasurer and bus
iness representative, and Andy
Jepp and Leo Potts, trustees.
I It was revealed that there are
120 members from Bend, and be
tween 150 and 200 in The Dalles
, and Hood River.
Redmond, Feb. 8 Sale of
B. L. Rennolds' auction sales
ring a mile south of Redmond to
C. E. Smith of Lebanon, was re
ported here today. Smith said
that he planned extensive Im
provements to the ring, and that
It would be open for use around
March 1, with a capacity for han
dling 2,000 head of livestock.
8 Locomotives
Hti by Airmen
Chungking, Feb. 8 UP) Fighter
planes of the U. S. 14th air force
based in North China, destroyed
eight locomotives and shot down
two Japanese planes yesterday
near Tsinan, capital of Shantung
province, a communique reported
The Tsinan airdrome also was
The Chinese-American compos
ite wing swept the Peiping-Han-kow
railroad and Yangtze river
shipping, destroying one locomo
tive and sinking a steamer. An
other steamer and a gunboat were
damaged, lhe planes also destroy
ed a gunboat below Hankow.
Milk betterment in Deschutes
county will be discussed at a meet
ing of the Women's Civic league
at 1 p. m. tomorrow at a luncheon
in the Pine Tavern. Glen W.
Thompson, sanitarian of the Des
chutes county department of pub
lic health, will speak. Mrs. C. P.
Becker will make a report. Per
sons interested in milk sanitation
and quality are invited to attend
the luncheon, Mrs. J. F. Arnold,
president, stated today.
The Fiji islands have furnished
American s o 1 d ' e r s with over
$5,000 worth of ice cream under
reverse lend-lease.
Passing the 'Ammo' to China
Still many to choose from
Spring Styles - Favorite. Colors
Dependable Materials
Cotton Dresses
Unheard-of values in these war Hays daytime house
dresses In sturdy, tubbable cottons, gay floral prints,
stripes, etc. The value hit of the season.
Brentwood Cottons
Frilly floral prints, pretty polka dots, and slimming
stripes, all in good quality, easly-washing cottons. The
styles are new and gay for street or stay-at-home.
Spun Rayons
2.44 Brunch Coats
Lovely new spring colors in neatly tailored
styles, sizes 1 2-44 a big hit with all who've
seen them. Easy to wear, easy to wash, easy
to iron, styled for all-day comfort, every day!
House magic in easy-to-put-on open front
"breakfast to lunch" dresses in wide wrap
arounds, button or tie models. Washable and
color fast, all sizes gay floral prints.
Bedspread Cottons, Embroidery Floss,. Crochet Threads,
Mercerized Sewing Thread
Waterproof Duck
Pants Jackets
Heavy duck pants, slicker lined, double
faced. Jackets have double shoulders and
Pant 5.50
Jacket 5.90
Heavy 1 6 Lb. Cotton
Union Suits
Heavy cotton union suits for warmth and
wear, both models have long legs, short or
long sleeves.
Long Sleeve 1.19
Short Sleeve 1.49
Spurs Amicability
Out of the present campaign in
Deschutes county to gather usable
clothing for the 'use of Russian
civilians today loomed the pros
pects that closer and more friend
ly relationships between local res
dents and our war allies will
result. For the Junior chamber
of commerce, sponsoring the Bend
drive, reported today that they
had received 3,000 "greeting
cards" which may be attached to
the bundles of donated clothing. ,
The cards, bearing the Ameri
can flag and greetings in . both
English and Russian, have a space
for the writing of a message to the
Russian recipient of the clothing
and provision for the name and
address of the donors. The cards
are available at the salvage depot,
SJ6 Wall street.
Virgil Lyons and Frank Prince,
Jr., co-chairmen of the Bend Jay
cee campaign, today expressed
'itisfactlon with the amount of
clothing being received at the de
pot, reporting that twice as much
Milwaukee Police Teaching
'Teen Agers Respect for Law
Milwaukee IIP) Chief of Pnlb
Joseph T. Kluchesky and his as
sistants are teaching 'teen-aged
youngsters in Milwaukee public
and parochial schools the mean
ing of law and order.
The new educational program is
changing the old method whereby
according to Kluchesky, the first
and perhaps only time most chil
dren came in contact with offi
cers of the law occurred when
they got into trouble.
Now, however, the youngsters,
In groups of 50 to 100 meet every
Saturday morning with police of
ficers and observe the functions
of the police department at the
safety building.
"Besides serving a a crime pre
vention movement, the program
will help the youngsters in be
coming law-abiding citizens" the
police chief explained. "Movies
and talks will instill in them the
importance of respecting other
people's property and the penal
ties for vandalism"
Emphasizing the neeessitv nf
obeying bicycle traffic laws for!
Juveniles could lust as well serve
to develop law-abiding youngsters.
Capt. Dax showed the first class
a bicycle safety movie, a travellog
and then had the pupils sing the
words of a song flashed on the
screen. Kluchesky talked to them,
too, and also introduced Sergeant
Harry Hassel, policeman in the
school district.
All Saturday morning "classes" '
close with a tour of the safety
building to acquaint the young
sters with the functions of the
entire police department.
Rock, Slide or Slip?
FASTEETH, on Improved powder t
bo aprlnkled on upper or lower plates,
hold, false teeth more firmly In place.
Do not alide, slip or rock. No gummr
ooey, pasty taste or feeling-. FAS
TEETH Is alkaline (non-acid). Does not
aour. Checks "plate odor" (denture
breath). Get FASTEETH at any drugstore.
h id been received yesterdav as ,nPlr own Protection, the children
the day before. " Wl11 lparn early in life to acquire
While residents were still urged! k000. tra'C habits for they are
to bring their bundles to thei thc f.uturP motorists of the com-
rlennt if nneihlr a-ranmni, i mUnitV. Klucheskv Said.
I were completed today, it was said, I e cnlef decided to inaugurate
for the participation" of a numbcrl tl,e educational program after
i of school children in the collee-i,wo ",est courses" given in one
I tion and delivery of bundles. Kord ' Public school stirred up great in-
Hlinnnll In phai-nA '. tereSt. The decisive specinno
American and Chinese, joldieri are shown piling ammunition into
one of the convoy trucks at Ledo, India, tor movement to the
Chinese fighting front over the newly-opened Burma-Ledo highway.
The highway has been named Stilwell Road after Gen. Joseph W.'
Stilwell. (Photo by Frank Cancellare. NEA-Acme . Picturepool
children's activities in the drive,
; reported that squads of the chil
i dren would cover the city follow
i Ing school tomorrow.
I Large shipments of clothing
I were expected from outlying dls-
tricts tomorrow and Saturday, the
' day the drive ends. Wade Short,
.chairman at Redmond: George
i Wakefield at Sisters, and John C.
Johnon, Lapine have reported a
fine response to the appeal for
'discarded clothing.
arranged by Captain Hubert Dax.
now m charge of the training
school, who felt that the facilities
of the police bicycle school for
Charles E. Boardman
Bank of Bend Bldg.
Bend. Oregon
Ph. 28-J.
Fully Equipped
For Modern Drugless
. Treatment
X Koy and
Dr. R. D. Ketchum
Chiropractic Physician
124 Minnesota Ave. Phone "94