THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1945 PAGE ELEVEN Siberia-Born Wac Knows Full Well Ravages of War By Virginia Simpson" (Uniuu ire aiMii luuciioiiilent) Ft. Des Moines, la. Uf Jfvf. Ehaieniia ivuuer, rtussian - Dorn niemoer ol me Women s Army corps at tne Vvac training center at t t. vea Moines, nas nad more meiourama in her Jiie than a movie serial actress. i'vt. Miller was oorn at the turn of tne century in Biagoves sdicnsK, on tne luancnunan-oiDer-inn Doiuer, wnere her latner own ed gold mines, urauuaung at lb Iroin a Wgn scnool in Moscow, she named an omcer in tne Vvnite fi urmy. We was Killed in action, in ' i unrai war i. leaving her a wiuow inere was nothing to do, she says, except cross Kussia again to her parents' home. At lust the revolution had little eiiect on tne remote outpost oi l-'ussia, but Imally agitators at the mines 10 mented irouDie, and Durneo tneir house, her parents escaped to Mongolia witn her little girl, and sne started oil on a lo-montn journey on loot to Manchuria. Later. Pvt. Miller says, sne heard that her parents and her daughter were Killed. Old Friend Turns Up She arrived at last In China, after months ot cold and hunger anu encounters wan units oi revo lutionaries, tone was lucKy, sne ex plained, in Cmna. penniless, uirty, anu nungry, sne louna in a jvian cnunan city an old inend of her lather's, who tooK her in, and gave her a Job. Pvt. Miller eventually moved on to Shanghai where she lived for . nine yeaia a guvcmwa m . household ot a Chinese millionaire fr who had eight wives and five sons. Her charges dressed in gor geous silk robes and had princely manners, she said. At a party.given by her Russian friends in Shanghai, she met Lt. (j.g.) Herman Miller, an Amer ican naval officer. Although nei ther could speak the other's lan guage, an "understanding"' was reached. He proposed through an interpreter and in the same fa- Mother, Daughter Guerrilla Team (NEA lelephotoj Mrs. Iraline Ducntag Acosta and her daughter Dolly Durmtag 15. for merly of Lob Angeles, reach the safety of American lines In Luzon after Sling Ho out from a secret guerrilla airfield. Both are Amer cans were cWht to Manila at start of war and escaped to join guerrilla forces toe mother holding rank of lieutenant while her daughter worked as mine. Slznal Coros ohoto. j shion she accepted. Daughter In Orphanage She told him first about her daughter, and he promised to ask the Red Cross to help find the girl if she were still alive. They were married and moved to Manila when he was transferred. Following their marriage, they lived in the Philippines and in Honolulu before coming to the United States. And then, after years of fruitle,s search, a friend in Moscow located the missing dauehter in a Soviet orphanage. The girl was brought to this country after her step-father legal ly adopted her and her mother became a citizen oi tne i States. Young Niria travelled across Europe and the Atlantic ocean with a sign around her neck, telling her name and desti nation since she could speak only Russian. She is now married to a police oflicer in Honolulu. Pvt. Miller's home is in San Francisco, Cal. A church-owned forest of 75 acres In New England, purchased in 1760, has netted the church $4.45 per acre per year for the past 100 years. OUT TODAY Banner Bakery's New WHEAT GERM BREAD A delicious and different new health loaf, with wheat germ, ricfi in healthful vitamins, added. ,.., , Baked in ah exclusive BANNER formula, developed after extensive research. You'll love its flavor! TRY IT IT'S DELICIOUS! flr At Your Grocer's 1 lb. loaf I aI LEGALNOIlCbS f NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, entered on the 17th day ot January, 1945, the undersigned Sheriff will on the 27th day of February, 1945, at the hour of teri o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Court House iii Bend, Oregon, sell to the highest bidders for cash or terms as hereinafter stated, the following described real DroDertv. located In Des chutes County, Oregon, provided no bid shall be accepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective tract, which is the min imum price fixed in said order: plus costs of sale etc. Parcel No. 1 SiiSEW, SE14 SW14, Sec. 17, Twp. 20 fc K. 18 E.W.M. $120.00 Cash. Parcel No. 2 S'A, sec. a, iwp. 20 S., R. 18 E.W.M. $320.00 Cash. Parcel No. 3 NE14. Sec. 29, Twp. 20 S., R. 18 E.W.M. $160.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 Lot 3, mock 4, Highland Addition. $150.00 Cash. Parcel No. 5 Lot 2, Block 54, and Lot 2, Block 49, Laidlaw. $100.00 Cash. Parcel No. 6 SWKNW'i, NWKSWW, Sec. 6, Twp. 17 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $1250.00 Cash. (County reserves right to enter premises and take road material.) Parcel No. 7 Lots 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, Block 114, First Addi tion to Bend Park. $240.00 Cash. Such sale shall-he subject to the right of any municipal corpora tion claiming an unpaid assess ment lien for local improvements thereon to purchase such prop erty within 20 days after notice of such sale. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff. 37-43-49-55c fffl Fresh ond full flovored-o wonderful freat becouse they are Sabinized the remarkable new method that means better, fresher potato chips at leading grocers. Ask for Blue Bell when yov wont that grand '.potato flavor liips wmmmmmmmmmn iaajwuw.wMiiUNUuwiUMUlinuniiiauuJCiii)uvi.iiTOCoiaivuM Minimum i mrr "Ttf HUH Grade A Large AT LOWEST COMPETITIVE PRICES SPECIALS FOR PAYDAY Friday Saturday Grapefruit Juice ... . ... .... No. 5 can 31c Swans Down Cake Flour ...... Ige. pStg. 25c mm V-8 COCKTAIL No. 2 can. .2 cans 25c No. 5 can ........29c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 2j3 cans .......... .24c Van Camp's ffvl FORK & BEANS L - J i Li n nn juiudo size, l cans Z7C U hSJ M-JIW U MY In i. tjt (imnriz, wi' Towels -Zee Paper. . .150 sheet roll 10c Treet Luncheon Meat . . . .12 ot. can 34c Ry-Krispi family style pkg. ..... . . .18c Schilling Coffee ....... . .1 lb. jar 31c Miracl. vus,;-. .il r SLJM. pt-iarJ5c .(rMM. I CHEF BOY-AR-nEE SPAGHETTI DINNER, 2pkgs.15c I.IBBY'S 1 APPLE BUTTER . . . .No. 2i jar 29c KERR'S GRAPE JUICE ...... .quarts 33c AUNT I'OI.I.VS Vegetable - Split Pea Beef Noodle Chicken-Noodle SOUP MIX . ...... ...4pkgs.25c WESSON Pint .....29c OIL Quart . . .52c Lavoras Sweet Peas 2 wns 17t Libby's Deep Brown Beans 2 cans 9c Calo Dog Food 5pk'J5-25c $1.95 per case -r22SS5 Sunshlrte L-iSi2!WK 2 lb. box 31c fvpjyrtjjl Lipton's j lb. pkg. 49c rrrpi RINSO rJ Ige. pkg. kJI 23c Oregon Fancy Blue Lake Beans 2 cans 35c Three Sisters Whole Kernel ran 7W Yellow Corn Cock o' the Walk. n mj Yellow Sliced I rlf Peaches Silver Grille Bartfett Shears 2 cans 49c COCOAMALT .1lb.jar43cJELLO .......... .3 pkgs. 19c Corned Pork BoncIesH, No Wasfo lb. 39c Swiss Steak 39c FincHt Quality Beef Stoak Pork Chops lb. 38c ChDlce Cuts Hamburger lb. 28c l rcsh (irouncl, No C'nrral Polish Sausage lb. 33c Very Di'llcioUH Cooked Salami ...... .lb. 35c Excellent for Lunches I'RESlt FISn, OYSTERS AND TURKEYS Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. pkg. 25c O-So-Good Noodles, pkg. 19c Oats, Albers, Ige size pkg. 27c Tissue, Purex 4 rolls 19c Syrup ....2 jars 29c Dark Slalry'fi Purex . ..1 gallon 25c Vano ..quart 29c Ivory Soap .3 bars 18c DELICIOUS APPLES Box .........$1.95 Grapefruit ea. . . .5c; doz. 55c Arizona Artichokes ...2 for 25c Orange's .doz. 25c ' Medium SI Salad Vegs. . . .cello pkg. 12c Apples box $3.35 Rome Beauly Fancy Grade I Broccoli bunch 29c ALLEY OOP th'wvou guz lwd)vep...its now it on th' lime, i'd just a matter saw that we've i of swappin' him SURE DONE FINE! THI5 DlME-STOWt JUNK I-OK MV MAGIC BELT.' ' m n ( if RIGHT, MY BOV, OUT NOW YOU MUST NOT CHANCE 1I r-lAMr,FR OF A RUST. . 50 DON'T VOU DARE OPDJ UP VOUR TRAP.. FROM HLRE ON OUT, ITS IN MY LAW! j wV'11-'- 9rrSi 3y V. T. HAMLIN f ANYWAY, I GOT OOP AN' HIS V PEACEFUL NEGOTIATIONS WHERE Y HOW BOUT WELL DUMNO, TH' HAIR IS SHORTl EITHER T, FOOZV...0YA 1 WAO ANYTHING OUR ATTACK. ON LEM 15 A lff ALL RIGHTj . BUT A JEWEL OF 1 MATTER OF NATIONAL f iPtr -r4m DIPLOMACY! CNJ HONOR! ' A I WlXfW