IK .vemW'Tfc Stocks Advance For 7th Session By Elmer C. Walzer (United Press FinaneisJ Editor) New York, Feb. 7 (IP) Stocks advanced today for the seventh consecutive session with the rail road issues leading the way. Trad ing, though under yesterday's volume, was moderately active. Early In the session the market wavered when traders cautiously took profits in a sizable group of Issues. This selling failed to bring any wide decline and soon confidence was restored and the leading groups moved ahead with the utility average reaching a new high since August 25, 1937. Railroad stocks had gains ranging to more than 2 points in Atlantic coast line. Union Pacific rose more than a point. New York Central and Baltimore and Ohio were active and firm. Nor folk and Western sold at 226 off 2 points, a factor that prevented a wider rise, in the railroad average. Investment buying" boosted several preferred stocks by 1 to 5 points, the widest rise in Guan- tanamo sugar preferred. Prefer red stocks of the utility division were strong. U. S. Rubber pre ferred rose 4 points to a new high. . j FDR London Visit Held Improbable London, Feb. 7 (IP) Visits by President Roosevelt to London and Paris following the big three conference appeared unlikely to day. Well - informed sources said Roosevelt had declined an invita tion from King George and Queen Elizabeth to be a guest with Mrs. Roosevelt at Buckingham palace. The president was understood to have pleaded that the pressure of business awaiting him in Wash ington would not permit him to visit London at this time. High French and allied diplo matic sources in Paris believed there also was no basis for re ports that the president would visit the French capital. With the French smarting at be ing left out of the big three talks, this would be the worst possible psychological moment for the president to visit Paris, inform ants said. Portland Man' Injured in Duel' ' Portland, Ore., Feb. 7 ilB Percy E. Minori Portland, was Jn a critical condition at County hos pital today after receiving a gun shot wound in the back Monday night in a duel with Deputy Sher iff Lee Perkins. Minor had fired at Perkins when the latter went to Oregon ship yard dormitories to investigate a report that a man had beaten his wife. The deputy sheriff fired back several times. One o the shots apparently struck Minor near the spinal column, immedi ately below the neck. An eagle or buzzard soaring up ward in the sky in great circles is spiraling within the air of a rising current. Extra Power for Cold Weather Starting! Firestone STANDARD BATTERY 9.95 up rU-O-Matlc covers. OivM long, economical service. Well built and dependable. Houk-Vcm Allen Tifestotit Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time SSe 25 Words Three Times .15c 25 Words Six Times .$1.33 An wsrss mr 11 lit li w wsn Usua KBstbsr t fjuruBS Ons sath ns. sus cspjr, 4aj rats LIN'i; BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Classified Advertulnf, cmA B AdvaaM Palls Ci las TIsm 1I:JI f. Is. FOB SALE BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., Feb. 8, 8:00 p. m. M. M. Degree Vlsltliw Brstarsn WslesM George Slmerville, Sec'y. 5 ROOM HOME: with 3 room apt. upstairs with outside entrance. Income $35.00 per month. 4 blocks from business district. Must sell at onpp fiwrmn laavlncr Ranri $3700. See N. R. Gilbert's Reai tsiaie, j.uia wan. MODERN HOME : One block from Kenwood School. 4 room modern. New built-ins. Hardwood floor in front room. Garage,' woodshed, lots, good garden spot. Sell cheap, low down payment. See Walter L. Daron. 3. F. Arnold Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. See owner at 325 East Kearney Street. MUST SELL at once. 4 room semi modern. Good lot, small basement, on pavement, a good buy at $1155. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall. COMBINATION WOOD and coal circulating heater. bed with coil springs and inner spring mat tress. White sewing machine. Phone 366-W. FOUR BARBER chairs, three full size, one child's, four large mir rors, one shoe shine stand. All very modern and in excellent con dition. F. O. B. Prineville. Write P. O. Box 375 or phone 315 Prine ville, Ore. 16 FT. TRAILER house. Lots of builtins. Ice box and sink. $350.00. Inquire Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto Court. FULL BED isize innerspring mat tress. New cover. Remade and guaranteed. 365 Miller. RESTAURANT Ready to go for a small investment 1n established location on the main street of Prineville. Equipped with large waiK-in refrigerator, gas range, steam table, Ice cream cabinet, counter and booths, etc. Address: 431 Main St., Prineville Apts., Prineville, Oregon. WELDER'S CHAPS, helmet and chipping hammer, $10.00. 975 Taft, out south highway, first street to left off Roosevelt. ' TEAM OF HORSES, 3200 lbs. $135.00 with good harness. Also some pullets laying 90. ' 1 miles S. W. Peterson's Rock Gar dens. Lloyd Smith, Rt 2. Box 46, Bend.. NOW YOU can buy fine chicks within easy shipping distance. Write today for price list to Ore- ! gon's newest modern hatchery, j Fifteen years experience produc ing Oregon bred chicks. Oregon ! State Hatchery, P. O. Box 328, Klamath Falls, Oregon. ! DINETTE and 4 chairs. Phone 1 1045-W. 1 IRON WHEEL wagon with hay rack, 20-30 tractor, two-w.ay John Deere plow, mowing macnine, hay rake, power hay chopper, 1 seed- j cleaning machine, 2 walking j plows, 1 weed hog, 1 disc, ton i International pick-up, GMC truck motor, 1!4 ton Chevrolet truck, j 4-whecl hay trailer. O. H. Miller, j Rt. 1, Box 445. Trap Club road. I Call after 3 p. m. I CIRCULATING COAL heater, j 820 Newport. Phone 185-R. I HORSES. Also Victory oats. 1st road to left past Glen Vista club, ! 3rd house to the right Ted Wiley, ; Rt. 2, Box 80-A. BOY'SPREWAR bike, new bal j loon tires, in good shape. 1444 I Hartford. THE LAST of a lew table models and some very good consoles will be on sale for a limited time. Take 20 off the present listed price and its yours. I need the room that bad. Luckcy's Radio Re ipair, 117 Lafayette. BoxShooks A FOR SALE CHEAP FtR CASH S-room house, 2 large lots, large garden spot Also 5 ton Reo flatbed truck. See Howard Richards, evenings, 1424 uavenport. DON'T MISS seeing tills fine suit, size 16; 2 spring coats; 3 lovely hostess housecoats; several dress es. You cant help hut like these for they are the latest styles, the best materials. New aprons; Val entine pin cushions trimmed with red lace; several dresses, size 6; an made In ray home. 358 E. 3rd and Marshall. I HAVE Just returned from Port land and was able to get limited number of critical radio tubes and parts. Situation steadily get ting Worse. Better have your set repaired at once. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. FOB SALE OB TRADE 4 FT, WOOD lathe and attach ments. 225 Wall street. WILL SELL new Bendix wash ing machine, will take Maytag as part payment. Mrs. Thomas, Beauty Quest Tel. 170 between 9 and 3 only. FOB BENT BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms, Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single lady. Heat and lights Included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. PARTLY FURNISHED 2 room house at 128 Jefferson. Partly furnished 4 room house at 120 Jefferson. Not modern. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, close to mills. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. WANTED WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753-J. WANT TO TRADE 1800 lb. 8 year old well broke gray gelding for 1600 lb. and up black mare or gelding. (Object mates.) Dean Harris, summer Lake. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices ior gooa used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANT TO RENT furnished 1 bed room, apartment Will pay up to $40 a month. Leave word for L A. Mullineaux at Pacific Trailways mis depot. WILL PAY up to $4000 cash for 2 bedroom house with furnace, fire place, preferably east of river. Write and describe fully. Rt. 1, Box 158. TO BUY used picture frames with or without glass; round frame and square frame. Phone 1070-W or bring them to 147 East Olney. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78 J, Redmond, Oregon. HELP WANTED WOMAN for general housework and care of children. 1425 E. Third. Phone 745-J. WAITRESSES at Pilot Butte Inn. TYPIST with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Full or part time. Splendid opportunity to learn aud iting and income tax work. Write No. 460 care of Bulletin. EXPERIENCED service station man. Permanent job, good work ing conditions. See Eddie at Ed die's Sales and Service. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN would like to work as truck driver or service station attendant Experienced lubrica tion man. 744 Broadway. Gene Costcllo. SAW FILER with 34 years ex perience in logging camps. Can file cross cut or power saw chains for pine or fir. Write box 1092, Bend, Ore. ' USED CARS 1937 MASTER Chevrolet coupe. Good motor and good tires, radio and heater, or will trade in on later model sedan. Phone 15 F-2 Redmond after 6 p. m. LOST LOST SATURDAY; ration books in black folder Issued to Roy and Gertrude Pollard. Return to Sil houette Shop. IMVISTMtNT Cf ttlHCAtlJ, If IIB ONI VjSrfmj ss rrsseff frtm fhnhptt Utdmrrittr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Loral Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 I THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 7. t THIS CURIOUS WORLD 5 &Mm$ j siiAi ' WERE BORN IN X KV f fC ( JANUARV ) V VkT -XA.Y BEFORE THE YEAR ) Sfft J X 700B.C ) ! , Tt THERE WAS NO MONTH KNOWN I jls3?SSses-"M"33 AS JANUARY UNTIL THAT DATE. ( Twi: IQtKiUJi)H ON A RBlD&E SPAN WEIGHTS IT DOWN, YET HOLDS ITU? Cmctttn9tr OAb LOST BIG YELLOW dog, weight 75 lbs., old, deaf. Has growth behind ear. Reward. 323 Hill St., or phone 152 before 6 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE! MOVED! WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly sold real es tate at Gilberts. List your prop erty. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles of personal brushes available j-,ioya wneaaon. Y14 ateiai, tsenci. Phone 594. . JUST ARRIVED, shipment of new upholstery material. Some in blue and mauve colors, some in tapestries. Also upholstery clean er. Will recondition chair and dav enport cushions. Harrison Uphol stery. Phone 753-J. 365 Miller. 1 NOTICE: We have buyers for town and urban property. List your property with us for quick sale. N. R. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone bt8 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 1G4, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 4S1-M. ina r . Cram, 6U8 Broadway. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bond Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink-- Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. HEALTH TO YOU1 Corrtrf ftvcfaf, Co on AJ7mnf Hemorrhoid (Pilot), FU ur, FUtula, Hernia (Rup ture) dtilfor health-power o .nrn-nkllft. I ..U. 111. Our method ol treatment wunout Aoepital operation uoceietuUr employed lor or lend lor FREE kankUf. Open Evenfoat, Mon., Wto., Frf., 7 to 8 SO Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PJrytfcfan and Surgeon H. C. Cor. E. Bunuide and Grand Are. Telephone EAtrt 3918, Portland 14. Oregon RED RYDER mi AsW" - I1 CLGH1A &E HORSE - X MwwrX-lz? A Lettish ! COPR. IMS &V NEA SERVICE. INC T.M. REO. U. . PAT. OFF. 1 0 LLJ &8sl. IS THE HISH MONTH OF THE . AVERA&E YEAR FOR MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS TAKEN for hand paint ing on glass. Religious mottos, Mother and Father Day mottos. Call at 147 E. Olney and pick your own pattern. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Mcrrltt, 202 Thurston, j PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 97 Year Old Man Is Killed on Job Los Angeles, Feb. 7 nil Last March Jesus Guerrero answered the appeal for more workers by taking a job as track maintenance man for Pacific Electric Railway, Co. despite the fact he was then 96. Yesterday the job cost Guerrero his life. At 97, he died of injuries received when he was struck by an interurban car grab-handle as he stooped to put his lunch box on the ground near the track. A resident of Ontario, Cal., Guerrero is survived by his widow, Mary. i . LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK TO CIIKDITOKS KhIuIo No. 1203 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Chas. E. Rutland was on the 23rd day of January, 1945, ap pointed administrator of the estate of Albert L. Jones, deceas ed, by the County Court of Des chutes County, Oregon. All per sons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to snkt administrator at the office of his attorney, A. J. Moore, Room 4 O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published at Bend, Oregon, this 24th day of January, 1945. CHAS. E. RUTLAND, Adminis trator. 42-18-54-60C FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY 0ISTRESS Of lead Colds' Instantly, relief from snlffly, sneczy distress of head colds starts to come when you nut a little Va-tro-nol ni each nostril Also helps prevent many colds from developing if used In time. Just try ltl Follow directions In folder. VICECSVATROriOL Gaickftefef f SPCCtRl Coubla Duty Nose Drops c Jk Jai V Works fast Right Where NLSTji I rouble Is! JSK ( if os& hufbreeds' 1 FDRE HlATO SiVF? HP n KILL H!f 1945 Implant Farm Meeting Is Set Redmond, Feb. 7 Most Impor tant meeting of the year for farm ers and all who are interested In agriculture, is the planning meet ing scheduled for Friday, Feb. 9, said County Agent H. G. Smith today, in announcing the pro gram. Coming to address the meeting, which is to be held at the county agent's office, Redmond, begin ning at 10:00 in the morning and continuing through the day, will be Clifford L. Smith, who is state assistant county agent leader tn extension, and Miss' Elizabeth Boeckli, Deschutes home demon stration agent. GRINDING VALVES is a simple procedure to a man who knows how, and has the time and equipment to do the job. - Here we're completely equipped for atl kinds of mechanical service, and, rushed or not, we take time to do a thorough job. Your car will give you good service for the duration and longer if you let us give you the benefit of our experienced and conscientious service. Drive in often. ' Complete Mechanical Service Lubrication Tine Service Electrical Work Batteries Wheel Alignment Anti-Freeze Radiator Work Towing Battery Charging W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL, OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 for a limited time only Experienced Operators MAY LAURA ARDELLU Powder Puff Beauty Shop IMiopie 4K1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repaint ami Hat Blocking Captiol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 524 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wirlnu Applliincd Ki'palr Kli'rtrlrul Kcipiillrs I'liion-fH'Pnl Llghta UK Maziln Ijlinps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 08 v turquoise cm. ( SURE The discussion will follow a four-fold program, the first of which will be trends in agricul tural production in the state and in each individual county of the state; second, consideration of the latest outlook information; third, hearing a report of the newly formed county veterans' agricul ture advisory committee; and fourth, consideration of the possi bility of a county economics con ference to be held Immediately after the war, anticipating coming changes. The following sub-committees of the county agriculture plan ning committee will be present: land use, livestock, crops, farm, home and rural life, farm labor, and the newly formed veterans' committee. - This meeting will really set up the program for the coming year. the county agent said, and will be Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERYICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1035 Awurey Rd. Tel. 62&-M Refrigerator Service AH Typet ot Mechanical bervic On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond MlnnvNUL Phone (M8 NOW, SHOW US TO "niSWlrilSCAOM-' V BUT V ? TUR3U0ISS CAVE CRJ ttf r&Xj-NORS 1 NOT KN0VJ LITTLE PAGE SEVEN of vast Importance. Any one who is Interested in thin matter is in vited to attend any or all of the sessions. Mystery Donor Aids Polio Fund The Deschutes county National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis fund was swelled today by a mystery donor, who visited head quarters at 126 Minnesota avenue, quickly dropped 56.50 and went OUt. ,. '-.'. The Incident was reported by . Mrs. J. F. Arnold, chairman, who said that the man refused to give his name or to accept a receipt. Other contributions came from granges, the Eastern Star grange turning in $11.16 and the Tumalo grange $8.00. Another donation of $5.00 came from the Girls' league. Phone 700 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vil Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be UHed anywhere In the U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial licence when transporting your own goodx. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond ft Franklin Phone 8t0 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offiet Letterpreit The Bend Bulletin Phonm be By FRED HARM AN