THE BEND BULLETIN, BENE. OREGON. TUESDAY, FEB. , 194$ PAGE SIX Railroad Shares Lead Mart Pace By Elmer C. Walzcr (United Press Financial Editor) New York, Feb. 6 U Railroad shares led a rise on the stock market today. Volume lightened from last week s pace. Demand for the carriers was said to have been based on belief - the rails were behind the market Rising prices for the rails In spired some buying In other sec tions. Leading industrial issues, however, .gained only small amounts and a few of them showed declines. A large enough number of utilities rose to lift the average to a new top since Aug ust 25, 1937. Special stocks moved up to new highs In many instan ces. Atlantic coast line, an outstand ing feature of the rail section, rose more than 2 points. Nor folk & Western was up a point. Gains of a point or more were noted In Santa Fe, Baltimore & Ohio preferred, Chicago Great western preferred, Chicago North western preferred certificates, and Illinois Central. Packard featured the motor In turnover. It made a new high nlon? with Nash Kelvinator and Studebaker while Chrysler and General Motors eased. Steels were easier In several Instances. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 6 HH Liv stock: Cattle 200, calves 35. Qual ity less desirable. Steady. Com , mon-medium steers $11.00-13.00. Cutter heifers $8.50. Canner-cut-ter cows $6.50-8.50. Fat dairy type cows $9.00-10.00. Medium beef cows up to $11.50. Good-choice vealers $14.00-15.00. Hogs 100. Few early sales fully steady. Good-choice above 175 lbs. $15.75; few 155-170 lbs., $14.50-15. Good sows $13.75-14.00. Feeder pigs salable $15.00-15.50. Sheep 100. Quotable steady. Good-choice wooled lambs salable $14.5015.25. Good ewes salable $6.50-7.00. Nelson Speaker At Club Session A. W. Nelson, coordinator of trades and industrial relations in the Bend school system,, was guest speaker at the weekly meet ing of the Bend Lions club today noon in the Pine Tavern and touched on the scope of ttie voca- , tional education program now under way here. At present, he revealed, 60 adults are taking commercial courses, and there are opportunities for other subjects if the demand is sufficient. He mentioned that 22 boys are en rolled in the apprenticeship train ing program, and reviewed the ex tensive trades training program now being conducted in the Bend high school. Ray Dletz, president oi the 1' mure craltsmen s club, was Introduced. The Lions announced the out come of their recent membership contest, result of which the 20 to 45 age group ate beans and the 45 to 90 age group had steak. Farley Elliott was lender of the "Old sters" and Wilfred Jossy captain ed the losers. The club's social committee an nounced that the Lions' annual "Sweetheart party" would be hold on February 19, for clubmen and their wives. The Lions were urged to sup port the Russian relief drive, now under way In Bend. BILL IS PASSED Salem, Ore., Feb. 6 Ul'i A house bill, which would require that all party candidates must file for an election 70 days before the elec tion, was passed today by the sen ate after amendment In commit tee. FLUE FIRE REPORTED A due firo at the home of Floyd Abbot, 1003 Harmon boulevard, this morning caused no damage, according to a report by city fire men who answered the call. AND REMEMBER "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" Don't think that i it TAiei VjV with Nbear I . " ivj iiiiuvt your ear wheels out of ino. Gradual wear, driving over rough streets and bumping curbs will do the trick, . ., , wneeis now . . . it the tires are wearing have your car checked. Our complete Bear almement and wheel balancing service will make your car drive like new. EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Gash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All wards oyer li add le par word tlmai MBti, nf Insertions On month run, same copy, day rata Minimum Charge, sac LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Classified Adyartlslna-. Cash In Adranee Daily Cloalni Tim. 12 .JO P. M. FOR SALE MODERN HOME: One block from Kenwood School. 4 room modern. New built-lns. Hardwood floor In front room. Garage, woodshed, IVi lots, good garden spot. Sell cheap, low down payment. See Walter L. Daron. J. F. Arnold Real Estate. 126 Minnesota.- See. owner at 325 East Kearney Street. COMBINATION WOOD and coal circulating heater. bed with coll springs and inner spring mat tress. White sewing machine. Phone 366-W. MOVIE CAMERA, 8 m.m. with case, projector with case and screen. See at City Drug. 16 FT. TRAILER house. Lots of builtins. Ice box and sink. $350.00. Inquire Cabin 5, Shady Nook Auto Court. RESTAURANT Ready to go for a small investment In established location on the main street of Prineville. Equipped with large walk-In refrigerator, gas ' range, steam table, ice cream cabinet, counter and booths, etc. Address: 431 Main St., Prineville Apts., Prineville, Oregon. , TEAM OF HORSES, 3200 lbs. $135.00 with good harness. Also somo pullets laying 90. 1V4 miles S. W. Peterson's Rock Gar dens. Lloyd Smith, Rt 2. Box 46, Bend. DINETTE and 4 1045-W. chairs. Phone ELECTRIC MOTOR, h.p. West Side home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, plastered, some furniture. $3650. 824 Federal. Phone 504-W. NORGE OIL BURNER, Singer treadle sewing machine. Both in good condition. 512 Colorado. 1 IRON WHEELwagon with hay rack, 20-30 tractor, two-way John Deere plow, mowing machine, hay rake, power hay chopper, 1 seed cleaning machine, 2 walking plows, 1 weed hog, 1 disc, ton International pick-up, GMC truck motor, 1V4 ton Chevrolet truck, 4-wheel hay trailer. O. H. Miller, Rt. 1, Box 445. Trap Club road. Call after 3 p. m. HORSES. Also Victory oats. 1st road to left past Glen Vista club, 3rd house to the right. Ted Wiley, Rt. 2, Box 80-A. BOY'S PREWAR bike, new bal loon tires, in good shape. 1444 Hartford. CHEAP FOR CASH 3-room house, 2 large lots, large garden spot. Also 5 ton Reo flatbed truck. See Howard Richards, evenings, 1424 Davenport. FOR SALE OK TRADE 4 ROOM furnished house, cellar and good garden spot. Would take car as down payment. $1800. 127 Georgia Ave. 4 FT. WOOD lathe and attach ments. 225 Wall street. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. SMALL MODERN home with di nette set and kitchen range. In quire 500 Lava Road. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single lady. Heat and lights Included. 715 Lava Hond. Apt. 3. Phone 681. SMALL FURNISHED house, wa ter and light included, $15.00. Call 215-W. Geo. R. Brick. The Sign of the Bear means ... TIRE and CAR Saving Service You Can .... 1. Have More Driving Pleas ure 2. Increase Gas Mileage 3. Get Up to 50 More Tire Mileage An Arrirlant - L WANTED WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753-J. WILL PAY private party cash for late model Chevrolet or Plymouth car. Phone 35-F-13 evenings be tween 6 and 7. TO BUY small modern home with fireplace. 53 Greeley. Call on Sun days or phone 863 during the week. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radio's. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL PAY up to $4000 cash for 2 bedroom house with furnace, fire place, preferably east of river. Write and describe fully: Rt. 1, Box 158. WILL BUY. any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. 4 OR 5 WHITE Leghorn roosters. Will pay a good price. Write Al van Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. HELP WANTED MECHANIC WANTED: A-l mo tor man. New shop opening up. Steam heated floor. Best of work ing conditions. Essential indus try. Call 207 Redmond or contact Farleigh, opposite Consolidated Freightways. WOMAN to do housework In pri vate family mornings. Telephone 119 between 7 and 9 evenings. WOMAN for general housework and care of children. 1425 E. Third. Phone 745-J. TYPIST with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Full or part time. Splendid opportunity to learn aud iting and Income tax work. Write No. 460 care of Bulletin. RELIABLE school girl or woman to stay with children 3 hours in evening once or twice a week. Call 153 E. Olney. EXPERIENCED service station man. Permanent job, good work ing conditions. See Eddie at Ed die's Sales and Service. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN would like to work as truck driver or service station attendant. Experienced lubrica tion man. 744 Broadway. Gene Costello. SAW FILER with 34 years ex perlence in logging camps. Can file cross cut or power saw chains for pine or fir. Write box 1092, Bend, Ore. USED CARS 1937 MASTER Chevrolet coupe. Good motor and good tires, radio and heater, or will trade in on later model sedan. Phone 15-F-2 Redmond after 6 p. m. LOST LOST SATURDAY, ration books In black folder issued to Roy and Gertrude Pollard. Return to Sil houette Shop. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE! MOVED! WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly sold real es tate at Gilberts. List your prop erty. Have waiting lists wanting to buy. Phone 342-J. Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayehrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. JUST ARRIVED, shipment of new upholstery material. Some in blue and mauve colors, some in tapestries. Also upholstery clean er. Will recondition chair and dav enport cushions. Harrison Uphol stery. Phone 753-J. 365 Miller. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and womeiVs. Garments repaired, nominal cost. l'lione iih or 21-F-l. Mrs. Rrinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 1(',4, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 lo $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 008 Broadway. SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Manv stvles of personal brushes available I.oyd Wheadon. 714 Steldl, Bend. Phone 594. ORDERS TAKEN for hand paint ing on glass. Religious niottos, Mother and Father Day mottos. Call at 1 17 E. Olney and pick your own pattern. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat - - Lynxcnt Skunk weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 013. Piles! Ow!! But He SMILES, Now Bawls, aa lit waa. Vae umt formula used by dyrlor. at notoil Thorn Ion A Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK pal t.tlye. relief f pain. Itch. VSinii Jlclpa soften and lends to shrink swell, inn. CM tub. Thornton ft Mir,""; Ointment or Thornton ft Minor lter-tal tiiiviSs I y' low c""' refunded. At til good drug Korea .verj-where. THIS CURIOUS WORLD gp&ustii ... ..-.! . 1 , v . TmSrSSSmsm r J) l WERE THE FIRST TO FLY A HEAVIER: ) L f ' -) THAM-AIR POWER-DRIVEN MACHINE, ) CWl AND THE W&Gyr (: VlC' ( SSrAi WAS THE FIRST IVOMAA ( a""aw" 4 .-) TO &O UP IN SUCH A MACHINE. 'YOU DON'T DRINK PUNCH TO 6ET PUNCH DRUNK,5k JOHN PLICHTA, MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. WANTED PARTNER to help fi nance 100 acre potato project. Write 10431 care Bulletin. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. . Official Records County Clerk Power of attorney: John Heat on Newby to Helen B. Newby. Marriage license: Robert O. Hudson, Bend, and Barbara M. Erickson, Bend. I Jt-M I IvT -i Flntst Quality 9.95 to 21.95, for Coupe llulck 34 lo JS Chevroltt 34 to 39 Chrysler 34 lo DtSoto 3( lo 38 ' Dodte 34 lo 39 fori 34 lo 43 Hudson 32 to 39 Nash 34 to 38 I.araretl' 34, 35, 37, 31 Oldsmobils 34 to 38 I'bmoulh 34, 38 to 39 I'unllac 34 lo 38 Coach llulck 38, ST. 41 Chevrolet 34 to 39 DrSoto 38 lo 38, 41. 4i Dod( 3t to 39, 41, 42 Chrysler 38 to 42 Ford 37, 38. 41, 42' Hudson 37 to 39 Mercury 41, 42 Oldsmoblte 35 to 37, 39, 40 Packard 37, 38 fontiec 38, 37. 39. 40 Plymouth 38 to 42 Studebaker 39 to 42 H0UK - VAN ALLEN Tireton HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall at Minnesota Phone 860 RED RYDER 3U NOT DDI IF TrlET find where LEFT R A VOAGDtf LITTLE Trtx rAUST FEAlf? G0.v A Ti?MI ' r RED ' J I TL 4sa I EXTEND FARTHER WSST OF SEATTLE THAN MAINE EXTEND5 ASf OF SEATTLE. Liberated Group Can Get Messages Letters or telegrams may now be sent to civilians recently liber ated in the Philippines, Mrs. R. W. Hemingway, executive secre tary of the Deschutes county chap ter of the American Red Cross, was informed today in a telegram received from the San Francisco office. Families of liberated prisoners of war in the Philippines may send one 25-word message via Western Union. This telegram should be addressed to the Ad jutant General, attention Casualty branch, room 3050 Munitions building, Washington, D. C. These telegrams will be forwarded to the Philippines by army wireless. Letters to liberated civilians in the Philippines should be ad dressed as follows: Name of indi vidual, American Red Cross Ci vilian war relief section, APO 442, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. OFFICIALS SENTENCED London, Feb. 6 HP) The Berlin radio said tonight that a number of officials had been sentenced to death for neglect of duty and dis honorable conduct, including the police head in Bydgosczc, Poland. and Styling! Super Imperial SEAT COVERS Attrtctlra, wur rsi stunt fftbrio with handsome lmulatad iMthtr trim. Sedan Buick 34. 35. 37, 41, 42 Cheerolet 34 to 39. 41, 42 Chrysler 34. 35, 38, 41, 42 DeSolo 34 to 38, 39, 40 Dodie 34 to 38, 39, 41, 42 Ford 34. 37, 38, 41 Hudson 32, 33, 35, 38 to 42 Nash-Lay'ayelta 34 to 38. 40 to 42 Oldsnoblle 34 to 42 Plymouth 34 to 38. 40, 43 Ponliae 34 to 37. 42 Packard 38 Studebaker 39 to 42 Terraplano 34 to 38 Willys 34 10 38 V, ml rioonw l'f NCrt SO SURE OF J fUfW; A CRACK ) ( On!S HORSE fTHIS TRAIL'S A I V0AGOK6 LEMU THAT, HANABV ILL TAKEJ IlM ONE VOHEEL V SHOD A1 ClMCH GET 1 Cavalrymen Save Historic Palace Malcanan Palace, Manila, Feb. 5 (Delayed) UPn Two hundred cavarymen in a lightninglike move Saturday seized this his toric old building the White House of the Philippines thereby pdssibly saving it from the Japa nese torch. The Filipino palace guard opened its gates arnid cheers and helped the Americans set up a guard around the grounds. The cavalrymen, commanded by Capt. Emory Hickman, of Burbank, Okla., were in high spirits when a convoy arrived this afternoon with food and reinforcements. Snipers Bothersome ' "Snipers are a hell of a nui sance but only a nuisance," Hickman said,- "They haven't hit any of my men yet. The Jap ar tillery and mortars are trouble some, too." The palace is on the Pasig river front and its seizure forced the Japanese to halt barge traffic on the river. At the entrance to the palace gates Hickman's men blew up a truckload of Japanese troops killing 30. Sunday morning the Japanese attacked, but withdrew after heavy casualties. Since then they hve shelled the palace but have maae no more troop attacks. Chlorine dioxide has more than twice the oxidizing power of chlo tKe ' 1 I V sweetest way to speak the f-w j ' Nk KJIi tlii-illing language of Valen- I f Vv X jfaSlI tine's Day . . . The Gift of W Nk Nk" "y Sentiment . . . your golden N. key to her heart. Societe Val- i. S en tine packages are Jistin- 1 1 guished" members of the famous a I Societe "family" of CanJies. Choose your Societe 1 Valentine Earlyl Imperial Candy Company Seattle 4, Washington I nfpcieie' j af 77ie Candy That Makes Friends" ' By FRED HARMAN Understudy Jonathan Daniels, above, one of five presidential administrative assistants, is reported a possible' replacement for Presidential Secretary Stephen Early, should the latter, as rumored, return to private employment follow-! ing his forthcoming trip to Europe to check on SHAEF, press relations. Daniels for merly was editor of the Ra leigh, N. C, News and Observer .and assistant director, of OCD.! Southeastern Alaska has sev eral excellent sites where year round hydroelectric power can be developed in commercial quanti ties for manufacturing. .... . ......... jj " if Gas Consumption Gains in Oregon Salem, Ore., Feb. 6 UPiGas line consumption in Oregon in. creased more than 2,000,000 gal. Ions In 1944 as compared to 1943. Secretary of State Robert S. Far. rell, Jr., reported today. There were 231,859,760 gallons used last year. There was a total tax paid on gasoline of $11,592,988.02 during the year, with an estimated ml age of 2.531,908,444 miles for the state's motor vehicles. The London zoo was damaged' by 12 German robot bombs but no serious harm done to the ani mals. LEGAL NOTICES " NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of John A. Perlman, admin istrator of the estate of William M. Henson, deceased, filed herein, will be held in the Courthouse in the County courtroom in Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 1st day ot March, 1945, and all persons inter ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, ifany they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator dis charged. DATED at Bend, Oregon, this 30th day of January, 1945. JOHN A. PERJMAN, Adm. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attys. 47-53-59-65C V