' UMiM'.rMWfflMiil FGE,SIX Classified Raies Local Paid In Advance 25 Word One Time Mc 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All warda or Si add le par word Uaaa mrabar el Inlcrtlom Ont month ran, aama copy, Vt uaj rata Minimum bnarga. ac LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claailfitd AdTtrtuiltit, Caih In Adraiica Dallr Cloiliv Time 11:10 P. II. FOB SALE 28 TONS ALFALFA hay. W. F. Reynolds, Redmond, Oregon. 2 miles west on Northwest Market road. M mile north on right side of road. MODERN HOME: One block from Kenwood School. 4 room modern. New built-ins. Hardwood floor in front room. Iarage, woodshed, l'4 lots, good garden spot. Sell cheap, low down payment. See Walter u uaron. j. r. Arnoiu Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. See owner at 325 East Kearney btreet CHEAP FOR CASH, light weight team of horses, 2 cows, 50 young hens, 12" plow, 8" plow, 2 horse disk harrow, aluminum potato uusier, large ciecinc uiuuul-i-, den drill, garden cultivator, mow- - Innr mnphinp 9 ions Mean Oat haV. . 2 horse potato digger. 2 'A miles nortn o: rumaio, on river ruuu Box 138. c. w. spring. GUITAR for sale, in excellent con dition. 1555 Fresno. MONTAG KITCHEN range with copuer coils, late model. Call 141-3 or 334 l-ec lane. MfWTR TAMFRA. 8 mm. with case, projector with case and screen, see at city Drug. RESTAURANT Ready to go for a small Investment in established location on the main street of Prlneville. Equipped with large walk-In refrigerator, gas range, steam table, ice cream cabinet, counter and booths, etc. Address: 431 Main St., Prlneville Apts., Prlneville, Oregon. DOLL BUGGY, doll bed, child's ironing board, doll trunk, child's rocker, sled, baby buggy, baby beds, chest of drawers, dressers, kitchen cabinet bases, roller skates, office chairs, gas heater, gate leg tables, garden hose, lawn mower, metal bedsteads, wood heaters, 2-burrler gas hot plate, leather couch, iron skillets, medi cine cabinet, hot water heater, car chains, 2-burner gas griddle, check protector, large mirrors, round tables, pipe vise, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches, doors and windows, dav beds, single cots, bed springs. 350 Divi sion. Open evenings , PRICED FOR QUICK sale, 3 room modern house with furni ture. Corner lot, basement and ga rage. Close .In, a good buy at $2000. Terrtis. Gilbert's Real Es tate, 1015 Wall St. DINETTE and 4 chairs. Phone 1045-W. ELECTRIC MOTOR, h.p. West Side home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, plastered, some furniture. $3050. 824 Federal. Phone 504-W. NORGE OIL BURNER, Singer treadle sewing machine. Both In good condition. 512 Colorado. ' ALL KINDS ot used parts and a trailer house. Also we buy used cars. Open 7 days a week. Carroll Acres Wreckers. NEW 1" and 2" rough lumber, no priority needed. Turn right at 181 mile post, 2 miles to mill. Also jackpine slab wood. Men wanted. J. F. Glanvillo Sawmill. FOB SALE OB TRADE 4 ROOM furnished house, cellar and good garden spot. Would take car as down payment. $1800. 127 Georgia Ave. 4 FT. WOOD lathe and attach ments. 225 Wall street. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM $15. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. SMALL MODERN home with di nette set and kitchen range. In quire 500 Lava Road. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, not modern. Call 869-J or at 1214 Al bany. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen nnd bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. SLEEPING ROOMS or room and board. Close in. 29 Oregon or phone 928 J. F U R N I S H E D APARTMENT, suitable for a single ladv. Heat and lights Included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. CLOSE IN 2 room furnished cab In with bath, alto light house keeping room with hot water at basin and access to shnwer bath Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill. WANTED WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753 J. WILL PAY private party cash for late model Chevrolet or Plymouth car. Phone 35-F-13 evenings be tween 6 and 7. TO BUY small modern home with fireplace. 53 Greeley. Call on Sun days or phono 863 during the week. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. . WAJITEO 4 OR 5 Wnffi Leghorn roosters. Will pay a good price. Write Al van Turner, Rt. 1, Pox 422. -.' FIR AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedormeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. PLACE IN convalescent home. Am not bedfast, can dress self. Can pay no more than $50.00 month, call St. unaries tiospitai Mrs. Mobley, Room 131. HELP WANTED MECHANIC WANTED: A-X mo tor man. New shop opening up. Steam heated floor. Best of work ing conditions. Essential indus try. Call 207 Redmond or contact Farleigh, opposite Consolidated Frelghtways. WOMAN to do housework In pri vate family mornings. Telephone 119 between 7 and 9 evenings. WOMAN for general housework and care of children. 1425 E. Third. Phone 745-J. LADY ASSISTANT on pastry shift NIGHT WORK. Gregg's Banner Bakery. TYPIST with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Full or part time. Splendid opportunity to learn aud iting and Income tax work. Write No. 460 care of Bulletin. WOMAN for office position in long established Bend concern, knowledge of record keeping and stenography essential. 40 hour week good salary excellent working conditions. Address Bul letin 441. , SITUATION WANTED HIGH SCHOOL girl desires housework and care of school age children In exchange for room and board and small wages. Call SZH-H after 4:30 p. m. YOUNG MAN would like to work as truck driver or service station attendant. Experienced lubrica tion man. 744 Broadway, uene Costello. ; i USED CABS 1937 TUDOR Ford for sale or trade. Good tires, excelent motor. Call after 6 or between 1 and 2 p. m. and Sundays. 228 Florida. : 1934 PONTIAC two-door sedan. Three good tires, good engine. See D. D. Hall at Top Notch Cafe. LOST BROWN BILLFOLD, zipper on 3 sides, near Greenwood Grocery or on road east. Contains Identifica tion cards, driver's license, and money. Reward, Return to Bulle tin. LIGHT GRAY German police dog, less than 2 years old. Answers to name of "Smoky." Missing since Thursday a. m. Anyone knowing whereabouts either pnone 589-J or take to 223 Davis St. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS LET US FIX your muddy drive- day with red or blacK cinders, hauled and spread where you want them at $7.00 per load, or 3 loads lor 518.00. Call 838-K and leave vour order or contact me at 1340 Federal St. NOTICE! MOVED! WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. Formerly sold real es tate at Gilberts. List your prop erty. Have waiting lists wanting to nuy. pnone 342-j. Arnolds Keal Estate. 126 Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glaycbrook, phone or can at iiuo wan at. JUST ARRIVED, shipment of new upholstery material. Some In blue and mauve colors, some In tapestries. Also upholstery clean er. Will recondition chair and dav enport cushions. Harrison Uphol stery. Phone 753-J. 365 Miller. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment mi-ivi. ina t, cram, 608 Broudway, SPRING-CLEANING troubles easily solved with Fuller Brush Co. mops, all purpose cleaner, waxes and polishes. Many styles oi personal orusnes available Loyd Wheadon. 714 Steidl, Bend. ruone :h. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes nnd sizes. Expert re- DUlrllU? On all lnnkra nt waaMna machines and electrical applianc es. Top pi-Ices paid for used wash- its. any condition, bend Washer Service. 1315 Orpemvnnrt Phnno 583. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Mi.skrat t.ynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 613. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared In mv home. Also open evenings and Sundays for vour convenience. II. T. Merritt 202 Thurston. WA N'l'IPAUTNEK to hefpfl nnnrc 100 acre potato project WHteUM31 care Uulleljin. PRINTING YOt'R LETTERHEADS ran-he made any size you desire, wilh any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 65 Japanese Sol diets Traded For Santa Tomas Internees v General MacArthur's Advance Headquarters, Luzon, Feb. 5 ip Drama ran high at dawn today when 65 Japanese soldiers were traded for 221 American internees held as hostages In the education building of the Santo Tomas cam- I mA " 11.. L "3?toirV - v j Frilly floralprints, pretty polka X cottons. I he styles are new and CwTrtyr -:5::::" j gay for street or stay-at-home. - VnP MrVO'1 i" . THE BEND BULLETIN, feD, PUS. ; ' '. For more than six hours, the education building was surround ed by first cavalry soldiers' and though fire was exchanged fre quently, none of the internees was injured. ftfeG.gNr M6NPAY. FEB. 5. Armistice Negotiations opened yesterday morning between Brig. Gen. .WUliamvQ. Chase and Japa nese Lt. Col. HayaShi, resulting in suspension of firing. Hayashl in sisted that his men be permitted to leave the building with packs and weapons and escorted to safe ty n return for leaving the Amer icans In the building unharmed. The exchanged Japanese, more neatly dressed than our soldiers because they had not been in the 1945 field, lined up in front of the edu cation building with American soldiers on either side. ' Lt. Col. Charles E. Brady, West Orange, N. J., led the American unit. Before departing, this sea soned veteran who led the 5th regiment on I-eyte, told his men: "The -Tnna hiiva oivnn lie thn alternative of freeing them or hav ing an tne American in there killed. We march down the road with them .between us and at a If your wardrobe's winter-weary, here is just the antidote Try a dash of cheering color, underneath your winter coat! Bright new frocks will take you springward; take you gaily on the way To a season full of glamor; come and choose from this array ( New Colors that will give a spring lift to your wardrobe, enhance your coloring! Tailored Styles that have harmonizing pocket embroidery and clever applique! Neat Button-Down-Front styles for wear any time, anywhere, smartably, suitably! Sizes 12-44 . . . size range to suit all figures! Easy to wear, easy to wash, easy to. iron stylesf for all day comfort, every day! Bcg.U.S.PuOIL given point v halt and they go on. I don't want any of you fel lows to be trigger happy, but if they fire give the b -. hell." Several blocks from Santo To mas, our forces halted and the Japanese, carrying two of the wounded on their backs and still well disciplined, marched off alone. They were nervous, how ever. Filipinos jeered and one Japa 500 DRESSES for this Special Event! All This Week Neat to Wear Easy to Change Brunch Goafs 198 House magic in easy-to-put-on open front "break fast to lunch" dresses. Wide wrap-arounds in; button or t!o models, in gay new floral prints, washable and color fast all sizes. mm istft nese yelled "Down with General .. uiPnca., EATS HIS SHIRT Providence, R. I. itp)vlw President James P. Adams of Brown university literally ate his shirt recently as he had promised to do if the university topped ha $65,000 sixth war Joan goal. How ever, the shirt , was made of pastry. Spring Styles Favorite Colors Dependable Materials Coiton Dresses J.49 Unheard-of values in these war days daytime house dresses in sturdy, tubbable cottons, gay floral prints, stripes, etc. The value hit of the season!