THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, ORfeoN, SATURDAY, FEB. 3, 1945 PGE EIGHT Stocks Advance; Session Is Short By Elmer C. Walwr (United PreM Flnanri&l Editor) New York, Feb. 3 UP Stocks advanced irregularly in moderate ly active trading in the short ses sion tndav. Buying concentrated on a few individual issues in me waiting . groups. The main list moved nar rowly with advances in the major ity. The usual Saturday evening nn niwratior.s brought a few de clines, and a few traders were ad justing their margin accounts to conform with new federal reserve margin regulations announcea tO' h.iv nnrl effective Monday. Aviation Corporation featured in turnover and held at the pre vious close. A block of 10,000 shares of Packard sold at 6'4, the nrevious close. The issue later rose to 614. American Locomotive and General Railway Signal made new highs on gains of more than a point in the rail equip ments. Certain - Teed nreferred rose 3 points to a new high at 143 in the building department. Alle ghany Corporation equalled its high on announcement of a bank loan which would be used to re tire debentures and notes, the last of its funded debt. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore.. Feb. 3 mv-Live- stock for week: Cattle 26G0, calves ' 290. Compared week ago market strong to use nigner, leu sieers and heifers and lower grade cows uo most, but bulls fully 25c. snots 50c higher. Good fed steers $15.50 16.25, load good-choice heavies Si 6 50. Common-medium steers $11.00-14.25. load good-choice heifers $9.50-13.00. good fed heif ers to $14.50 and $14.75, load good choice $15.50. Medium-good beef cows $10.00-12.65, canners-cutters $6.00-8.50, fat dairy type to $11.00. Medium-good bulls $10.00-12.00, odd head to $12.50. Good-choice vealers $13.50-15.00, common down to $10.00. Hogs 1585. Market unchanged on butcher classes but supnly far below trade requirements. Feeder pigs 25c higher. Bulk and top 170 270 lb. $15.75, weights to 300 lbs., $15, heavier and lighter weights $14.50; good sows mostly $13.75 14.00. ' Good-choice feeder pies $1500.-15.50. Good stags $11.00 1150. . . Sheep 2135. Lambs steady with shippers buying heavily of In creased simply; slaughter ewes strong to 25c higher. Good-choice trucked in lambs $14.50-15.00. Few loads fed wooled lambs $15.25, common down to $11.00. Few yearlings $10.00-11.50, good-choice ewes $6.50-7.25. BOSTON WOOL Boston, Feb. 3 (IB Activity in domestic wools In the local market consisted chicly or completing sales on fine original bag and graded half-blood lots of territory wools, the war food administra tion reported today in Its weekly wool review. The report noted that buying of wool for Import fell off consider ably. The large accumulation of orders already placed In foreign market makes shipping dates of new purchases doubtful. At the annual meeting of the National wool Growers assocla tion, held in Texas, the quarter master corps assured growers that It would continue to use the maxt mum proportion of domestic wools found practicable in future orders for the army. NO KICKING IN SHINS Birmingham, Ala. tin Next time, Mrs. Gladys Luttress of Bir mingham will read the paragraph in her etiquette book that says "Don't kick cops in the shins." She was given 30 days In Jail and fined $'28 after patrolmen testified she thoroughly booted their shins when they attempted to arrest her on a disorderly conduct charge. 'SPITE FENCES' ILLEGAL Peru, Ind. mi "Spite fences" are prohibited by law in this Hoo sier town. The city council adopted recently an ordinance making it il legal to erect a fence more than four and-onc half feet high. YOUR SERVICE FOR MOVING PACKING, CRATING STORAGE l0cl CARTAGE D'"RIBUT10N mmmsmm la) IsnanaT'- PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend AT f II CI 1 J Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Hates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Tlne 35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 23 Words Six Times $1-35 All wonto vr 11 wit It iwr word tta number of lnirtln Om Month run, bim "pr, H W fW Minimum Chare, 14c LIVE RATE lOc-APITALS 20c ClftMlfl1 AdTtrttninf. in Dally ClMlrur Tim T U. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 1. 0. 0. F, Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple ' 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALE 28 TONS ALFALFA hay. W. F. Reynolds, Redmond, Oregon. 2 miles west on Northwest Market road. V4 mile north on right side of road. BRIGGS-STRATTON gasoline motor with batterv charger. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. 1 BED COMPLETE with Seeley mattress, dresser, draperies, din ing chairs, electric Iron, copper wash boiler, wash board, Ironing board. Also other miscellaneous Items. 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. LAWN MOWER, 50 ft. garden hose, B.B. gun. Call tonight, 337 Delaware. CHEAP FOR CASH, light weight team of horses, 2 cows, 50 young hens, 12" plow, 8" plow, 2 horse disk harrow, aluminum potato duster, large electric brooder, gar den drill, garden cultivator, mow ing machine, 2 tons clean oat hay, 2 horse potato digger. 1xk miles north of Tumalo, on river road, Box 138. C. W. Spring. PAIR SKI POLES. Call at 525 Franklin, Apt. B. MONTAG KITCHEN range with copner coils, late model. Call 747-J or 334 Lee Lane. 2 DOUBLE BEDS, springs and mattresses Included. Cheap. $8 of wood and coal. Must sell by Mon day. 136 Canal street. RESTAURANT Ready to go for a small investment In established location on the main street or Prineville. Equipped wltn large walk-In refrigerator, gas range, steam table. Ice cream cabinet, counter and booths, etc. Address: 431 Main St., Prineville Apts., Prineville, Oregon. SMALL WHITE enamel gas ranee. 4 burner witn oven, new I style, a real buy. Small gas bath' room heater, electric single burn er hot plate, pipe vise, hack saws, small vise, wedges, garden hose, milk cans, eaDy Dasinette, dook shelves, kitchen cabinet bult-lns, baby beds some almost new, dresser bases, leather couch, gas hot plate, coil springs, car chains, children's skiis, used doors and windows, baby buggy, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches. 350 Division. DRESSED FRYER rabbits. Willi buy your live rabbits, does and young. Call at 111 Jefferson Place. INCOME PROPERTY: 2 modern, 3 not modern houses, 3 lots. All furnished. Raincoats, overcoats, size 38-40. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. PRICED FOR QUICK sale, 3 room modern house with furni ture. Corner lot, basement and ga rage. Close In, a good buy at $2000. Terms. Gilbert's Real Es tate, 1015 Wall St. COAL CIRCULATING heater. See lt at 820 Newport. ELECTRIC MOTOR. h.p. West Side home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, plastered, some furniture. SJljoO. 824 Federal. Phone 504-w. NORGE OIL BURNER, Singer it cavue ovtj H iiiniiiiui.-, until ill good condition. 512 Colorado. t.Atwl In .aih nn mnH nn T3nl In ALL KINDS ot used parts and a trailer house. Also we buy used cars. Open 7 days a week. Carroll Acres Wreckers. NEW SHIPMENT fluorescent bed lamps, $7.95 each. Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. NEW 1" and 2" rough lumber, no priority needed. Turn right at 181 mile post, 2 miles to mill. Also iackpine slab wood. Men wanted J. F. Glanvillc Sawmill. FOR SALE OK TRADE 2 '.4 ACRES. 3 bedroom house, ga rage, large poultry house, wood shed, rabbit hutches, etc. Trade for Bend propertv. A. E. Peeler, Box 281, Prineville, Oregon. WILL SELLaifiilfa hay and vetch straw or trade for horses or machinery. D. H. Zuck, Rt. 2, Box 205, Tumalo. 4 ROOM furnished house, cellar and good garden spot. Would take car as down payment. $1800. 127 Georgia Ave. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM $15. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel. Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house, clean, good beds, some bedding, dishes, silverware, and cooking utensils. Suitable for 3 adults. Close to school and mills. Apply 412 Riverfront. FOB RENT 3 BEDROOM house with hot and cold water on paved street and city bus line. 1304 Galveston Ave. Call at 107 Riverfront. SMALL MODERN home with di nette set and kitchen range. In quire 500 Lava Road. 3 ROOM modern furnished apt. Close In. Refrigeration, washing facilities, garage. Inaulre No. 7 Westonia Apts., 1601 West 3rd St. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Hot and cold water and wood furnished. $25 per month. Phone 350 from 8 to 6:30 p. m. or call at Columbia Food Market. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, not modern. Call 869-J or at 1214 Al bany. CLEAN SLEEPING, and house- keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. L,inen ana Deciaing furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. SLEEPING ROOMS or room and board. Close in. 29 Oregon or phone 928-J. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single ladv. Heat and lights Included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. CLOSE IN 2 room furnished cab- In with bath, also light house- Iroonlnrs rrfnm with hot water at basin and access to shower bath. Phone 1083 or call Ki Hill. WANTEP TABLE MODEL cream separator in good shape. Also weaner pigs. Phone 314-R or write Mrs. R. L. Harris, Route 1, Box 469, Bend. WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753-J. BRING YOUR clean white cotton rags to The Bend Bulletin. We pay 5c per lb. Now! 4 OR 5 WHITE Leghorn roosters. Will nay a good price, write Al van Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. WILL PAY private party cash for late model Chevrolet or Plymouth car. Phone 35-F-13 evenings be tween 6 and 7. TO BUY small modern home with fireplace. 53 Greeley. Call on Sun days or phone 863 during the week. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St. Phone 900. FIR AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. NIedcrmeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. PLACE IN convalescent home. Am not bedfast, can dress self. Can pay no more than $50.00 month. Call St. Charles Hospital, Mrs. Mobley, Room 131. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care for children In motherless home. Board, room and wages. Phone 815-R after 5 p. m. or write No. 10322 care of the Bulletin. MECHANIC WANTED: A l mo tor man. New shop opening up. Steam heated floor. Best of work ing conditions. Essential indus try. Call 207 Redmond or contact Farlelgh, opposite Consolidated Frclghtways. SALESMAN whe has not earned less than $5,000 a year needed for vacancy In the Corvallls to Baker territory. Line established over sixty years. Weekly advance against commission. Good man can earn $1000 month. World war veteran preferred. S. D. Bonner, 3407 N. E. 12 Ave., Portland, Ore gon. MIDDLE-AGED woman for nouseworK 3 days a week. Jansen viua Apt. . lrxjs w. Fourth Phone 775 for information. WOMAN for office position in lOniT eStflhllslinrl Rnml xmiruii-n Knowledge of record keeping and stenography essential. 40 hour weeK good salary excellent working conditions. Adress Bulle tin 441. WOMAN to do hntlsnwni-lr In r.,-1 vate family mornings. Telephone nn ueiwwn a anu iu mornings. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring ,jKht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and -Appliances General Electric Dealer Sale end Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. HELP WANTED OFFICE CLERK EXPERIENCED GIRL GOOD BASE SALARY ' PLUS TIME AND ONE-HALF OVER 40 HOURS ... CERTIFICATE OF AVAILABILITY REQUIRED ' SHELL OIL COMPANY, INC. 913 EAST FIRST ST. . pEND, OREGON SITUATION WANTED HIGH SCHOOL girl desires housework and care of school age children in exchange for room and board and small wages. Call 328-R after 4:30 p. m. USED CARS 1937 TUDOR Ford for sale or trade. Good tires, excelent motor. Call after 6 or between 1 and 2 p. m. and Sundays. 228 Florida. 1934 PONTIAC two-door sedan. Three good tires, good engine. See D. D. Hall at Top Notch Cafe. LOST BROWN BILLFOLD, zipper on 3 sides, near Greenwood Grocery or on road east. Contains identifica tion cards, driver's license, and money. Reward,. Return to Bulle tin. MISCELLANEOUS LET US FIX your muddy drive day with red or black cinders, hauled and srjread where you want them at $7.00 per load, or 3 loads for $18.00. Call' 838-R and leave vour order or contact me at 1340 Federal St. NOTICE: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. For merly real estate man at Gilberts. List your property. See Walter Daron on deals unfinished. Phone 342-J Arnolds Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money lor that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23 i or call at luis wall St. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend, CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram. 608 Broadway. EXPERT LINOLEUM man, car pet work. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes ot washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583.. RAW FURS WANTED. Mink Muskrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit. We will continue the purchase of deer and elk hides. Cecil C. Moore. Wil Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Phone 643. WANTED PARTNER to help fi nance 100 acre potato project. Write 10431 care Bulletin. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. l. Merntt, 202 Thurston. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Free Cigarets? Trap Suspected Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 3 U" Passersby stared open-mouthed at a parking meter in front of a downtown bank, shaking their heads incredulously. A pack of popular brand cig arets was fastened to the meter with a sign: "Free take one." It must have looked like a booby trap, because no one was seen accepting the offer. Indianapolis, Ind. U Yes, kleenex is hard to get, but is it worth an armored car? Recently, two regular armed guards of Brink's, Inc., got out of their spe- f cial vehicle one was carrying j several packages of kleenex under nis arm. RED RYDER f SLOW DOWN? IT YES , NO 0ri FOLLOW US ' TOO fJANY l f MmM? v J ( SLEPT All NIGHT.' 1 lAFE NOVO TO )SrWV WASON TRACKS FROf NAVAJOS VOHO -HUfWvi- AFTER WATCH N FOR Wl 6ET: THIS CURIOUS WORLD "'hJllHlsi jsSj mm stores no food ( , 'CJgLfTT JlM.RTC HIS WINTER.. ?. n n '' &CMMVi i HIBERNATION, i ft U M f, , Ja!!lJr BUT LIVES ON THE 1 11 Ay ,ll iiwllki?SU,,lk.Ef::ESS BODVFAT V Mute. kkrtrWL Ass. all railroad freisht CARS THE SAME LENGTH f core, ms by nu semcf. inc. T. M. KEG. U. 8. MT. OFF, ANSWER: No. They vary in With an average of "about 43 feet. Eaker Says Nazis Face Oil Shortage Rome, Feb. 3 IIP) Lt. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, commander of the Medi terranean air forces, said today that Germany has left only half enough oil to fight anything ap proaching a successful defensive battle in the Reich. "Without the crushing work of the RAF and American bombers and fighters, the eastern front probably would be but a little west of the Moscow-Stalingrad line today," Eaker said at a press conference. ' The German offensive against the Ardennes in December prob ably expended any fuel reserve vhlch the enemy had built up, aker said. Loss of the reserve deprives tne Germans or the use ot mucn transport at the moment when it Is greatly needed to shuttle forces between western and eastern fronts, he said. Reserve Built Dp The reserve had been built up, he explained, by hoarding every available drop of oil during the two to three months preceding the Ardennes offensive. . "Almost no gasoline was per mitted civilian users and the Luft waffe was inactive," he said. "The fuel reserve was expended in the offensive and the Germans again were forced to adapt their oil con sumption to current production." - Pin-point bombing of the prin cipal refineries and synthetic plants in Germany by the allied strategic air forces last summer and fall were the "biggest single factor in the plight in which the German machine finds itself to day," Eaker said. Republic of China Honors Bend Boy The grand star of honor of the Republic of China has been con ferred on Pvt. Donald L. Burleigh for outstanding and distinguished service rendered to the Chinese ground forces, according to infor mation received today by the young man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burleigh, route one. Donald, who graduated from Eend high school in 1942, attached to a headquarters company in China, has been training Chinese soldiers in cryptography. The Burleighs have four other sons in the service. Sgt. Van G. Burleigh, Is a tall gunner on a B-25 attached to the widely publicized Burma Bridge Busters bomber group. The sergeant, who has com pleted 50 missions in the Burma area, is expected home soon on furlough. Lt. (jg) Gilbert E. Burleigh, 3 Became a slans term almost a hundred years a&o...durin& the california gold rush, length from about 34 to 75 feet, ." fighter pilot, is now an instructor at the Norman, Okla., naval base. Cpl. Robert E. Burleigh is at Camp Roberts, Calif., with a howitzer outfit attached to an infantry di vision while Darrell W. Burleigh, seaman 2c, is in the south Pacific on landing craft duty. 3 "Fort" Bases Set Up in China (By United Press) Tokyo radio reported Saturday that U. S. Superfortress bases have been established at three points in North China and that American airmen are "ateempt ing" to establish reserve bases that would bring all of Japan within range of the B-29s. Superfort bases have been set up at Sian and Lanchow in addi tion to a base reported earlier at Kwellin In provinces held by Chungking, Tokyo said in a broad cast recorded by United Press in San Francisco. , JUDGE HAS LAST WORD Henderson, Ky. (IM At last a woman was sentenced for talking too much. When the former Mrs. Herman Ivle refused to stop talk ing in court before Judge Fred Crooks, he said she was guilty of contempt and sentenced her to nine hours in jail. WHO'S WHO in BEHD AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY . OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 for a limited time only . Experienced Operators MAY LAURA ARDELLE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Captiol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 624 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Thone 98 French Give Help ! To Maimed Pilot Behind U.S. Lines St. Louis, Mo. UP) A winged silver boot adorns the blouse pocket of a St. Louis lieutenant but he doesn't need the coveted emblem to remind him of the hunted weeks he spent trying to reach American - h e 1 d territory from behind the German lines. Lt. Eugene Sydlowski, 22, was listed as missing in action when his Flying Fortress failed to re turn from a combat mission. Meanwhile, the lieutenant was not missing any action; in fact, he said, he was getting too much of it. Sydlowski, a bombardier, was on his second mission over Ger hany when two engines were knocked out by flak. The bombef dropped out of formation and limped for home, escorted by Mustane fiehters. As It reached the Rhine river, the No. 1 engine quit and the crew, balled out In hired on Landing Landing on a mountainside nearBelfort.Sydlowsklsuffereda krnbon n onH hrnisps. He hid a few hours In a wood but was captured by Germans. Just how he escaped from his captors, along with other details of the homeward hike, are curtained by military secrecy. Svdlowski made his way to members of the French under ground who helped him to hide and gave him clothing and a forged passport. From there the escape route lay through moun tain foxholes lined with snow, and food that was mostly potatoes' and raw bacon. Once Svdlowski and a com panion hid between American and German lines, dodging shells from ' both sides until they were able to slip through to the American ; troops. French Glad to Help Touching the embroidered boot ! unofficial award to men of the Eighth air force who return to : their own lines after being shot j down in enemy territory Lt. i Sydlowski said, "Every French man is a soldier, from five years old on up. They were very happy j to see the Americans come. They were glad to do what they could , to help us." I Sydlowski said a nurse work-i ing. with the underground tended his foot and taught him a few I French phrases, using a book I given her by an American soldier in 1918. ! In addition to the winged boot, Lt. Sydlowski wears the purple: heart and the presidential unit! citation. I The 100-year-old iron mines at Iron Mountain, Met, are now again in operation, giving the St. Louis area steel industries a sup ply of pig Iron produced locally. Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia ' Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement . MONUMENTS R. C.CARYL "The Monument Man" 153S Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M Refrigerator Service All Types ol Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond A Minnesota Phone 888 f t P.I 1 1 Japanese Plan Fight to Finish (By United Prcu) Japan "will defend the Philip, pines until the last" and will fight on to final victory "even though Tokyo should be reduced to ash es," General Iwano Matsui, presi dent of the Asia development headquarters of the Imperial Rule Assistance association told a To kyo rally Saturday.. Matsui's speech, broadcast by Tokvo radio and recorded by Unit, ed Press in San Francisco, em phasized Japan's east Asia policy and declared the Nipponese would not "abandon the Philippines to Anglo-American aggression." Potatoes 'Frozen' In Deschutes Area Redmond, Feb. 3 All potatoes in this area, with the exception of No. 2's and culls, have been frozen .by the war food adminis tration1, It was revealed in a tele gram received by Ben Davidson, federal-state shipping inspector, who is dispatcher in this district. The "freeze," according to Dav idson, is for the purpose of giv ing the armed forces first choice to buy the better grades of po- tatoes. The WFA also restricted ! the shipment of seed potatoes ! without first obtaining a permit from Davidson. Silver-lead-indium alloys in ma chine bearings have a low coeffi cient of friction, sometimes as low as 0.001. Heater Thermostats Control the temperature of your motor, save your gasoline on short trips, makes your hot water heater function quickly and efficiently. Available for Ford V-8 Mercury Buiclc Chevrolet LaSalle Oldsmobile Packard Pontiae Studebalter Champion 1937 to 1942 1939 to 1942 Chrysler DeSoto Dodge Plymouth Hudson Nash Lafayette Terraplane Houk-Van Allen Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 TRUCKING SERVICE. TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 12! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere In the U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own goods. Long trips, short trirs anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond ft Franklin Phone 840 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Dav Of the Year Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress fhe Bend Bulletin Phone 5A By FRED HARMAN CDT Al I MlrSUT jLir nil iiivjiii I