THE BEND BULLETIN, BlND. OREGON, FRIDAY. FEB. 2, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Railroad Shares Take Leadership ; By Elmer C Waller (Umud frctt Financial fcditor) New York, Feb. 2 lHRallroad shares assumed leadership of the stock market today wltn gains ranging to 5 points while radio corporation furnished the future volume for an individual issue and made new high, and the utility average reached a new high since August 25, 1937. War and peace stocks vied tor leadership. Rails, considered the top-ranking war group, were ac tive as a group. Allegnaney crop, common featured in turnover. Nor folk & Western at Its high was up 6 points. Gains of a point to 2 points were noted in Union Pa cine, Texas & Pacific, Santa Fe, Nickel Plate preferred, Pere Mar quette preferred, Delaware & hudson, Colorado & Southern is sues, and Chicago & Northwest ern preferred. Demand for the rails hinged on belief the roads will prosper in peace as well as in war time since peace will bring sharply lower taxes for them. . 1 American & Foreign power Is sues were weak for a time but they recovered half of losses that ranged to 4 points in the $7 pre ferred. An'Argentine commission recommended expropriation of some of the company's subsidiari es. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Feb. 2 U'i Live stock: Cattle 15, calves 10. Mostly a clean-up market. Scattered sales fully steady. Steers and heifers scarce. Week's top-fed -steers 16.50. Best fed heifers 15.50. Cut ter cows today 7.00-8.50. Light bulls 8.00. Choice vealers 15.00. Common grades down to 10.00. . Hogs 100. Early supply mostly feeder pigs and sows. Good-choice 170-270 lb. Barrows and gilts lack ing; salable to 15.75; lew good sows 14.00. Large lot good-choice 69 lb. feeder pigs 15.25; heavier weights quotable to 15.50. Sheep 25. Steady but mostly nominal. One lot good-choice 83 lb. wooled lambs 15.00. Fed car loads quotable to 15.25; good choice ewes salable 6.50-7.25. PINE ORDERS GAIN Portland, Ore., Feb. 2 IIP) Western pine lumber orders for the week ended Jan. 27 totaled 65,257,000 board feet, as com pared with 60,661,000 feet for the previous week and 59,660,000 feet lor the corresponding week last year, the Western Pine associa tion announced today. Shipment figures for the past week were 58,429,000 feet, while the previous week, the totals were 61,233,000 leer.-A yeaf"agiir shipments totaled 66,971,000 feet. Production figures for similar periods are: 48,094,000 feet, 49, 094,000 feet, 49,072,000 feet, and 47,538,000 feet. NO SKI-PANTS IN CLASS Burlington, Vt. HPi The Univer sity of Vermont's 600 co-eds can wear ski-pants while skiing to classes, but they have to change to skirts before appearing in classrooms, by order of the Wo men's Student union. A union spokesman explained that when girls go to class in ski-pants they are "gawky." in imiiiii.HV.imi T I , i r J- ' ' SATURDAY and MONDAY. FEB. 3 and S Raisins 4 lb. pkg. 49c Floor Wax quart 69c Half Polishing Salmon tall can 25c ' Alaska Pink Kraut .quart 15c Good Quality, Bulk Chase & Sanborn COFFEE 11b. pkg 29c Laundry Soap 6 for 25c The Big Yellow Bar Beets .2 cans 25c Sliced or Diced Salted Peanuts pound 29c Nestles Cocoa lib. 19c Swert Milk Wax Paper 125 ft. roll 19c Sunkist Oranges ...doz. 39c For d Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance Bo Words One Time S5c 20 Huron Three 'runes 15e SO Words but 'llbwa L30 0m mmUi run, aaaa copy, nay rmu Jcuumunt Chug, lie LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 2Uc CiMsUu4 AdvarUaint. Lma in Advnnea . Unui Clauaa Tut M:H P. ML FOB SALE HAY About 45 tons Vetch and grain hay. Very'heavy with oats and barley, some rye, $18.00 per ton in stack. mile north, Va mile east Alfalfa-store. M. K. Baessler, Route 1, Box 267-A. 28 TONS ALFALFA hay. W. F. Reynolds, Redmond, Oregon. 2 miles west on Northwest Market road. 'Vt mile north on right side of road. 1 BED COMPLETE with Seeley mattress, dresser, draperies, din ing chairs, electric iron, copper wash boiler, wash board, ironing board. Also other miscellaneous items. 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. CHEAP FOR CASIL light weight team of horses, 2 Cows, 50 young hens, 12" plow, 8" plow, 2 horse disk harrow, aluminum potato duster, large electric brooder, gar den drill, garden cultivator, mow ing machine, 2 tons clean oat hay, 2 horse potato digger. 2V4 miles north of Tumalo, on rrver road, Box 138. C. W. Spring. STRONGLY BUILT trailer, good bed and box, well reinforced. Over load springs, one of the best. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold Dist. MONTAG KITCHEN Tange with copper ooils, late model. Call 747-J or o34 Lee Lane. WEST SIDE: Four room, two lots. $900. $300 down. TWO HOUSES: One 5 room modern, one 3 room furnished, $2750. DU PLEX: Near Kenwood. A steal at $3000. MODERN house, $600. TWO APARTMENTS: $2200. $500 down. Gilberts Real Estate. RESTAURANT Ready to go for a small investment In established location on the main street of Prineville. Equipped with large walk-in refrigerator, gas range, steam table, ice cream cabinet, counter and booths, etc. Address: 431 Main St., Prineville Apts., Prineville, Oregon.- ONE MAPLE dinette set, Inner spring mattress, double coll springs, enamel bedstead, enamel trash burner. Call after 5:00. 14 Norton. DRESSED' FRYER rabbits. Will buy your live rabbits, does and young. Call at 111 Jefferson Place. PRICED FOR QUICK sale, 3 room modern house with furni ture. Corner lot, basement and ga rage. Close in, a good buy at $2000. Terms. Gilbert's Real Es tate, 1015 Wall St. FARM! FARM! 320 acres. 145 acres water. Modern 6 room home. 8 farm buildings. $8000, improve ments. 27 head stock. Tractor. 22 farm implements. Real spread. $10,000. $13,000 equipped. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate. PHONE 466 2 lb. pkg 31c Swansdown Cake Flour pkg. 25c m Little, Sell FOB SALE REAL OPPORTUNITY: To pur chase 5 room modern home for $1200. Small -down 'payment ar ranged by Huberts Real Estate. 101a Wall Street ALL' KINDS Of used parts and a trailer house. Also We buy used cars. Open 7 days a week. Carroll Acres Wreckers. SOMEONE IN BEND needs this real estate. PLASTERED COT TAGE: $600. ULTRA-MODERN on Coneress Street. $8000. TWO HOUSES for $600. HOME On Awbrey Road, ! $5000. APART MENT house and home, $6000. GOING 'BUSINESS netting around $7000 a year. FURNISH ED HOTEL : $6000. Gilberts Real Estate. NEW SHIPMENT fluorescent bed lamps, $7.95 each, Houk-Van Allen Home and Auto Supply. SACRIFICE FARM: Going to army. Dandy 80 acres, 56 COX All stocked and equipped. One of best near Bend. I lose, you benefit. Large monthly Income now. $6400. Gilberts. ALL ENAMEL kitchen ranged gooa buy, $17.50. Only 2 more $5.00 kitchen ranges left Several good wood heating stoves $3 to $9.00. Gas hot plate, metal bed steads, bed springs $2.00 and $3.00, baby beds several sizes, prewar collapsible baby buggy $7.00, chest of drawers, dressers, dresser bases, mirrors, kitchen tables, kitchen cabinet bases, built-ins for kitchens ready to set in, a real buy. Vpulleys for electric motors, hand cultivator, breakfast nook tables, ball and socket trailer hitches. Open evenings. 350 Divi sion. NEW 1" and 2" rough lumber, no priority needed. Turn right at 181 mile post, 2 miles to mill. Also jackpine slab wood. Men wanted. J. F. Glanville Sawmill. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 ft ACRES. 3hedroom house, ga rage, large poultry house, wood shed, rabbit hutches, etc. Trade for Bend property. A. E. Peeler, Box 284, Prineville, Oregon. WILL SELL alfalfa hay and vetch straw or trade for horses or machinery. D. H. Zuck, Rt. 2, Box 205, Tumalo. FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. , CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment Hot and cold water and wood furnished. $25 per month. Phone 350 from 8 to 6:30 p. m. or cau at coiumDia t ooa Market. 4 ROOM unfurnished house, not modern. Call 869-J or at 1214 Al bany. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house, clean, good beds, some bedding, dishes, silverware,' and cooking utensils. Suitable for 3 adults. Close to school and mills. Annlv 412 Riverfront. SLEEPING ROOMS or room and board. Close in. 29 Oregon or phone 928-J. FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for a single lady.. Heat and lights included. 715 Lava Road. Apt. 3. Phone 684. CLOSE IN 2 room furnished cab in with bath, also light house keeping room with hot water at basin and access to shower bath. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill. WANTED TO RENT 5 room modern fur nished house with electric or gas ranga and furnace or circulating healer. Contact Mr. Bill Smith at Cozy Hotel. TABLE MODEL cream separator in good shape. Also weaner pigs. i-nync o.'.i-n or write mrs. K. L Harris, Route 1, Box 469, Bend. WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753-J. co- Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring UgM Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. a WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top prices lor good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, tan Wall St Phone 900. FIR AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest, shipment Nleuermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. PLACE IN convalescent home. Am not bedfast, can 'dress self. Can pay no more than $50.00 month. Call St. Charles Hospital, Mrs. Mob-ley,' Room 131. HELP WANTED WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $60 per montn. Apply 23b K Kearney. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care lor children. In motherless home. Board, room and wages. Phone 815-K after 5 p. m. or write No. 10322 care of tne Bulletin. SALESMAN who has not earned less than $5,000 a year neeueu ior vacancy in the Corvallis to Baker territory. Line estaolished over sixty years. WeeKly advance against commission. Good man can earn $1000 month. World war veteran preferred. S. D. Bonner, 3407 N. K 12 Ave., Portland, Ore gon. MIDDLE-AGED woman lor housework 5 days a week.- Jansen Villa Apt. 21. 1608 W. Fourth. Phone 7Y5 for information. situation Wanted YOUNG MAN desires work, good worker. Contact Gene Logan, Cozy Hotel. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, middle age, capaole ot assuming full charge. Write No. 10304 care of Bulletin. HIGH SCHOOL girl desires housework and care of school age children in exchange for room and board and small wages. Call 328-R after 4:30 p. m. USED CARS 1937 TUDOR Ford for sale or trade. Good tires, excelent motor. Call after 6 or oetween 1 and 2 p. m. and Sundays. 228 Florioa. CHRYSLER SEDAN "66", five good tires, heavy trailer hitch, heater, motor in good condition, 1945 license. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold District. 1934 PONTIAC two-door sedan. Three good tires, good engine. See D. D. Hall at Top Notch Caje. LOST, BROWN BILLFOLD, zipper on 3 sides, near Greenwood Grocery or on road east. Contains identifica tion cards, driver's license, and money. Reward. Return to Bulle tin. FOUND KEY FOUND Tuesday by Hutl-son-Duncan warehouse. Owner may have by calling at Bulletin and paying for ad. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. LET US FIX your muddy drive day with red or black cinders, hauled and spread where you want them at $7.00 per load, or 3 loads for $18.00. Call 838-R and leave your order or contact me at 1340 Federal St. INCOME TAX and business stale ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. tNVfSTMINT CtHTIFICAKS, SHIES OH I Pmttttu m nqml rem Printipal UtUtrvtritir INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Loral RepreHentalivR 2I7 Oregon Phono 32." RED RYDER COME, LITTLE KAiVERf IT TO SECRET TURQUOISE CAVE Lot With Btilletm (3a THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJJT G$PR. 1945 BY NEA. SESVIC6. INC WEAR BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY, IS ONLY 700 FEET U5N&. AND ITS DEPTH IS NOKB THAN HALF ITS LENGTH l-SO ANSWER: MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE: WALTER L. DARON NOW ASSOCIATED WITH JACK ARNOLD REAL ESTATE. For merly real estate man at Gilberts. List your property. See Walter Daron on deals unfinished. Phone 342-J Arnolds 'Real Estate. 126 Minnesota. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 6t8 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. EXPERT LINOLEUM man, car pet work. Phone 753-J. Harrlsop upnoistery. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes Of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for Used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing vou like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. -PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb. 2 U'i In crease in sales of oleomargarine was noted in the Portland butter market today as continued le- K.r II. n m-mnrl fnrnrilt llft the butter supply short of civilian j needs. Butter and egg prices were un changed. Butter Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 score 42 '4 c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 'ic pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 48c; A large 46c; medium A 43c; small 3ilc dozen. RAW FURS WANTED Mink - Muslcrat Lynxcat Skunk Weasel - Domestic Rabbit We Will Continue the Purchase of Deer and Elk Hides. Coyote pelts ... No. I s and No. 2s will run between one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) and four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) with a few exceptional pelts at higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthless. Cecil C. Moore 1132 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore, Phone 643 ilW.'W M ( MlJIWITHpLT)IYl 1 f 1 GOT CHEE-MK RUFFLED M fc. 4J RYccM "ft a Pennsylvania. State Advertising Club Progresses Portland, Ore., Feb. 2 mi De- vclopment of the Oregon advertis ing club Into a state-wide organi zation 1$ making good progress, and already 9 of 14 community committees have been set up, Arden X. Pangborn, president of the club, reported here today. The Oregon advertising club de cided to organize' on a state-wide basis to take an active part in the development of post-war tourist travel in cooperation with cham bers of commerce and other groups throughout the state who are interested In the same prob lem. Those handling formation of the committees in the 9 communities how lined up are 'the following:; W B. Kcnworthy. The Dalles; Lyle Trommlitz, Eugene; 'Ralph Hansen, uranis pass; Frank H. Loggan, Bend; Chet Wheeler, Albany; Ben Stone, Coos Bay; Marshall Pengra, Roseburg; Ed Parsons, Astoria, and Arthur Adler, Medford. Approximately 7,000,000,000 bushels of rice are produced an nually throughout the world. POLONIUM Spark Plugs 59 C ta. In of 4 or more Ouanntocd to start your car quicker and make It run smoother, or your money back! Houk-Van Allen Tirestont Home & Auto Supply M0 Wall St Phone 86(1 DRAWS FINE DISTINCTION , St. Joseph, Mo. UB When a 58-year-old Holden, " Mo., man ap peared before the police Identifi cation bureau here recently -on a charge 'of writing a check on a bank in which he had no account, he explained that he didn't "write" bad checks, he Just "signed" them. . , LEGAL NOTICES I CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County : of Deschutes In the Matter of the Adoption of ALVIN LEE PlIRf.EI.I a -mlnnl- child. -. . ,. The people of the State of Ore gon to Thelma Crawford greet ings: You are hereby cited to be and appear In the County Court Room in the CltV nf Rpnrt Tlncohnlot County, State of Oregon on the iwn aay oi f eDruary, 1H45 at two o'clock P. M. Said day then and there to show cause, If any, why the petition of C. C. Roes and Joanh 'Rees for the adoption of Alvin Lee PUrcell should not be Thorough Workmanship !s our basis for your motoring success export workmen, thoroughly trained, give you careful, conscientious service in every mechanical department. To keep your car running satisfactorily for the duration, let us check it regularly. COMPLETE - AUTOMOBILE SERVICE . Tires - Batteries - Lubrication Towing W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street March of Dimes DANCE TONIGHT Sponsored by Pine Forest Grange and Fraternal Order of Eagles Pine Forest Grange Hall Admission $1.00, Tax $.20 Total $1.20 Entire proceeds go to National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Music by Web Loy and His Night Owls Last City Bus Will Leave Grange Hall at 12:15 granted. . ,. Given under my hand and seal of the County Court of the Des chutes County, State of Oregon this 26th day of January, 1945. (Seel) HELEN DACEY. CoUn. ty Clerk; By Opal Sprague, Depty. . 44.50-56-620 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ' ' ; No. 1146 " Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator ot the estate of Lavona E, Rogers, deceased has filed his final ac count In the office of the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Ore gon, and that Monday, the 5th day of February 1945 at the hour of 2 P. M. in the afternoon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. Dated and first published Jan uary 5th, 1945. Last publication February 2nd, 1945. C. V. SIL VIS, administrator of the estate of Lavona E. Rogers, deceased. H. C. ELLIS, attorney for ad ministrator. 26-32-38-44-50C " Phone 700 ByFREDHARMAN . ' ' ' '." ' i .,.,,. I - , . , . ' - ' I v .r,. . vyv.wwmm.-r-Mij?. i