THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEB. I. 1945 PAGE NINt ' JIIWUp lVVIUH III State Blamed on Production Costs Statistics showing the much larger reduction in sheep num bers in Oregon in recent years compared with other western states and with the country as a wnole proved to be sobering tacts when presemea oy a. &. una eren. extension livestock special ist, at the annual meeting ot the Oregon Wool Urowers association in hrineviue. Records going back to 1867 showed that the total of sheep and lambs now is at the lowut point since 1880. The number of sneep and lambs on Oregon farms ' jan. 1, li44. is estimated at 1,217, 000 head, which was 16 per cent fewer than the number a year earlier, and 41 per cent below the 1335-1939 average. Leaders of the association blame high production costs in the range sheep industry and in ability to get enough competent herders at any price for the fact that the reduction in sheep num bers in eastern uregon nas been : 67 per cent, while a 2 per cent In crease was shown in western Ore gon, where farm' flocks under fence predominate. The conclu sion reached from the general dis cussion of the causes for the de- . dine in the eastern Oregon sheep industry was that many factors have combined to Increase the cost of production out of propor tion to increased prices of wool and lambs, thereby making other farm enterprises more profitable. , Total Drops Tn 1QJ0 pnstprn Hrpffim haA 715 . per cent of the total sheep in the state, but four years later the iEKS. P- t0. 65 per the leading county in theate i?J . Blip numbers. Malheur, al a.' Morrow-Md Ikeeoin! - actxv c uur years later, however-, Douglas had m- f,m USm- spared with iJnatilla and Malheur counties' kite's 76,060. au,ww' "M wayae Stewart, Dayville, was elected president of the associa tion; Ira Staggs, Baker, vice-president, and Waitoi.'Uni. ni.-. secretary-treasurer. Mao Hoke, Pendleton, had been president for four years.. Oregon Alumni Hpnor Senator Washington VoK i nui ixrn.. o 1 - w. u -vvajruc Lu MOrSe. newlV elootori rfimiHlinan senator from Oregon, and three of iac uiies iour nouse members were guests of honor last night at thP annual Hlnnar nf tka 1 Int. w. ""X"-! U. U1C Will' versity of Oregon alumni. a pretty wac presented Morse with a laree box nf nts a at ft for the senator's hnrsv I he house members present, all repuDucans, were Harris Ells worth Of Rosphllrir .Innuo W Mott Of Salem and T.nvuoll StnMr. man of Pendleton. Edgar W. Smith, member of the Oregon board of higher education, outlined a XKftmiim tu, vom- school building program planned ior me state alter the war. STOLEN POLICE CAB FOUND Toledo, O. UB Police sought one of their cruisers for 15 hours the other day in the belief that it had been stolen. The car turned up in the city garage, where it was undergoing repairs. The of ficers to whom the cruiser was assigned said the car was taken from a parking lot without their knowledge. Major Leaguers Meet Tomorrow Chicago, Feb.-l ilP The major league baseball meeting in New York tomorrow and Saturday probably will not name a com missioner to succeed the late Ken esaw M. Landis nor create very much news, President William Harridge ot the American league said today. "I'll be very much surprised if we name a commissioner at the meeting," Harridge said as he boarded a New York bound train with his three-man staff. "Consideration of the new ma jor league agreement and discus sion of details of the all-star game are only matters on the agenda although the owners, by unani mous vote, can bring up any other business they want to," he said, adding that one of the first things the American league owners will do is to vote into the league the three-man syndicate which re cently purchased the New York Yankees. Women's league ; hnwlinir last nieht on the Bend! Recreation alleys follow; , I Buiil liMironHnn Boeckli,- 156 135 143434 Lane 118 04 --"-' : Loree .100 95 106301 . ci,k Q9 119 118 329: Rice IZZ.128 170 114412: Handicap ...183 183 lBS-ota, Totals ...-.777 796 - 749 2322 i SUlweU's Luneh ! Fields ...,139 91- 111341 ; Zimmerman ....101 79 90 270 j Werner 110 97 120327; Garlington 131 155 na : Alt ...........150 194 132476 HandlcaD ....195 195 13 dot Totals ...826 811 767 2404, War Briefs-- (By United Pros) Eastern Front Red army reaches Oder river 40 miles from Berlin. . Western Front Americans push into outer belt of Siegfried fortifications on 40-mile front. Italy Fifth army patrols fight five-hour skirmish with Germans. Air American planes attack Germany by daylight after night raid on Ruhr by British Mosquito bombers: Superfortresses raid Singapore. Philippines U. S. columns cross Pampangas river in drive within 20 miles of Manila. Buy National War Bonds Now! Bowling Notes J phone 82 J GROCER TfL 917 Wall Bisquick Large 40 Oz. ' Package pkg. 33c Wheaties For Your Breakfast For Friday Saturday pkg. 10c Free Delivery O Courteous Service 6 Hi Ho Crackers pkg. 19c 0k rr- Mm wneez-ir Largest Selling CheeM Crackers i r . pkg.11e COFFEE Ground for Drip or Percoliitor lb. pkg. 23c Peas ...... ...........3 cans 29c Overlook Corn 2 cans 25c Dundee Popcorn . .....2 bs. 29c Tomato Juice . . . .12 oz. bottle 10c Sacramento ' Tomato Soup ........ .3 cans 29c Heinz Hot Sauce .... A .... .3 cans 21c Hunt's Beans 3 lbs. 29c Red Mexican , Granulated Soap . . . .Ige. pkg. 25c I Pcets Super Suds pkg. 23c ICrystal White 6 bars 25c RAISINS Thompsons Seedless 4 lb- Pk9- 49c (REAMED HONEY cup 31c Toilet Paper 4 rolls 29c ' Fabrlk-Soft Brooms .each 85c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh Tomatoes lb. 15c Hubbard Squash lb. 8c Boiling Onions ..... .10 lb. bag 27c Turnips 2 lbs. 19c Rhubarb .............. .2 lbs. 25c Grapefruit, Texas pink . . .each 10c Juice Oranges 2 doz. 55c Sunkihl BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS Cake Flour Swans Down pkg. 25c Marmalade Troplc-al 2 lb. jar 29c Salad Dressina ljS. Mir. Whip ffiCJS? 25c Coca Cols vuh iaa ia5 Ififi 382 Webster "!I"!Il07 145 115367 Lewerenz 123 ill so ooo Judy as 11,6 no w Anderson 150 137 119406 HandicaD ....216 216 216 648 Totals ....! 828 873 767 2468 Gregg Banner Bread Ferguson ........95 122 154371 McCann L 85 104 121310 Stirnes ...116 113 in Roats 132 118 209459 Uanriinnn OOK MK 90S B15 Totals Z.162 760 962 2484 The Elks Applegate 161 105 Grino ...103 131 Brant 86 97 Scholl 95 94 Sanders ...133 148 Handicap ... 228 228 Totals -806 .803 Oasis' Monical 129 109 Myers 131 124 Ellison 132 119 Christy 132 94 Rqberts 163 148 Handicap ....199 199 Totals ..886 793 127 393 99333 128 311 123312 86367 228 684 791 2400 119357 17(5431 129 380 107333 120431 j 199 597 850 2529 Dempsey Asserts Sports Essential Miami, Fla., Feb. 1 (IP) CMDR. Jack Demosev. ' former heavy- i weigh champion of the world and one of the greatest punchers the ring ever has known, did a little punching for sports in general ' today in an interview with Guy Butler, sports editor of the Miami i daily news. J Dempsey, chief of the coast ! guard's physical fitness program, 1 told Butler that "sports must go on, no matter what happens." "We've got to have them," he said. "Of course, nobody expects big, strong, healthy athletes to be anywhere but in a fighting uni form. But we'll have enough 4-F's, dischargees, older men and , those 17-year-old kids to continue the various sports. j Within five years 100 television , stations, costing $60,000,000 prob ably will be constructed. NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach l3?1 1 When you need ; sWJr quickrelioffrom pain, do you, hesitate to taKe ; aspirin because! it leaves you; with an upset, stomach? If so, ; 4 Mo wtnrli- I . Jt g2 viiio ; SUPERIN, .3 "just what the doc- i I tor ordered" for you. j I Superln It osplrln plui contains : j the same pure, sala aupirin you , have long known but developed j ; hv dnntors in a sncciul way for ! nary form. This naw kind ci aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and docs not ir ritate or upset stomach even after ' repeat doses. Teor this oui to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., etriko. See how quickly it relieves pain how jsrsrssr fine you feel after y,, taKine.Aiyouraruc- vi"rf. gist's, lot and 391. Erickson's for Fri.-Sat. PEACHES STRAWBERRIES ASPARAGUS SPEARS BAKED BEANS LIMA BEANS GREEN BEANS SWEET PEAS PEA PUREE SPINACH SWEET CORN BROCCOLI BRUSSEL SPROUTS Nucoa Oleo 2 lbs. 49c Wheaties 8 Oz. Size pkg. 10c m Hi Ho CRACKERS Ige. pkg. 19c Tang SALAD DRESSING quart 39c CHEESE Full Crecm ..... . .lb. 30c GRADE A LARGE EGGS... doz. 41c Durkees Mayonnaise ................. .pt. jar 31c Assorted Cream Cookies .... . . ....... . . . lb. 33c Fig Bar Cookies, freshly baked . . V. . .. . .. . .lb. 29c Kreamed Honey . ........... ...... 1 lb. pkg. 33c Hoody Peanut Butter . . . ... . . . .... . . .2 lb. jar 47c RED MEXICAN BEANS ... .3 lbs. 29c CALO DOG FOOD . . . . .5 pkgs.25c (Case 48 Pkgs. $1.75) Cranberry Sauce, Ocean Spray ....... ..' .can 24c Dundee Unpeeled Apricots ........ No. 21 can 25c Sliced Peaches, Cock o" the Walk . . . . .can 25c Bartlett Pears, Silver Grille ....... No. 21 can 25c Concord Grape Preserves, Libby's . .211 oz. jar 29c GOLDEN SYRUP . ... 24 oz. glass 15c MINCE MEAT 2 lbs. 29c Whole Kernel Corn Niblets. H-D 2 cans 29c Solid Pack Tomatoes, Standby 21 can 19c Diced or Sliced Beets, No. 2 . . . . . .... .2 cans 25c Blue Lake String Beans, No. 2 ........2 cans 35c Sweet Peas, Lavoras, 303 3 cans 29c Pumpkin No. 21 can 15c BROWN SUGAR 2 lbs. 15c Libby's Apple Butter .No. 21 glass 29c Clabber Girl Baking Powder ...... .25 oz. can 19c Bango Pop Corn, white or yellow pkg. 15c Jell Dessert Powder, assorted flavors . .2 pkgs. 11c Rinso Duz Oxydol large pkg. 23c Purex or Clorox 1 gal. 25c Gem Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 14c 31C 1 lb. pkg. 23c 4 lb. Sack Grapenut Flakes or . " Grapenutt 2 pkgs. 25c . Sperry's DRIFTED SNOTV FLOUR 49 lb. sack 2.29 Upton's , ' Chicken Noodle Soup 3 pkgs. 23c Round Steak lb. 39c Juicy cuts of prime steer hv.e.t Ring Bologna.... lb. 25c Something delicioiiHly different 1 point . Pork 34c iMln CuU New York Steak.. lb. 52c Boneles,cat u thick as you Ilka Polish Sausage... lb. 29c Finest quality 1 point Herring Filets Spiced... 8 oz. jar 41 e Spiced Fresh Sea Foods, Poultry m ' Fresh Tomatoes.... lb. 15c; 2 lbs 25c Arhtona Grapefruit.... crate $1.59 Delicious Apples box $2.35 Oranges ...t doz. 39c Medium Size Suiiklxt Winesap Apples .box $2.45 Lettuce 2 for 13c Crisp, Solid Heads Radishes .2 for 15c Large Original Bunches California Broccoli large bunch 25c Bulk Beets 3 lbs. 10c 1 1 1 1 I w9mfmm rJi if ALLEY OOP HAMLIN TH" MOCV1AM MINISTER NOW HAS TH FLOOR. OKAV, GRAMO WIZER WHAT o TH 5CORt 7 ( GEMTLEMEN...THI5 IS A 0UE5TIOM OH NATIONAL KKtOI IVOU. L.VULV H Uf I I . MATIOM'5 RIGHT TO CROWN lfcWEL5 OF GREATER SPLENDOR THAN THA'S THOSE IN) TH' TREASURY OF TELL1N' NATION'S RIGHT TO CROWN JfcWEL5- sfl 3v V T fSKUNK TALK. VOUR ACTION ON X IT IS MY OPINION THAT WITH A THA5 WHAT! BAD TASTE DOES UTTLE. COOPERATION FROM TH' I WHERE'S HE BORDER1. SHUDOUP LEMIAN DELEGATION. AN GET THAT AN' SIDOOWN, VOO'RE AMICABLE SETTLEMENT 'LESSER ) OUT OF ORDER! XCfi REAOILY .REACHED Jm-JM NATION C Cjfia. fflftl h co tM4 wf Ht invKt we t . .tc rr. off.