THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. I. 1945 PSSE SIX Stocks Advance; Utilities Strong By Elmer C. Walzer (Unit! Pr Firtam-ial Kditor) New York. Feb. 1 HP) Stocks Advanced today under the leader ship of the peace issues, notably the utilities which reached a new high in the average since Au gust 31, 1937. Utilities featured not only In strength but also in volume. The whole group turned up. Columbia Gas led in turnover with heavy volume also In American Power, Commonwealth & Southern. Unit ed Corp., American Water Works, Engineers Public Service, Consol idated Edison, LaClidi? Gas, Na tional Power, and Public Service of New Jersey. These had net gains ranging to more than a point. Market experts pointed out that utilities would benefit sub stantially in peace because it would bring lower taxes without reduction in rates. ' Packing issues again were in demand with Armour preferred at a new high. New tops were noted in such peace issues as J. I. Case, Columbia Broadcasting B, Cros ley Radio, Evans Products, Kala mazoo Stove, Gimbel, Goodrich, Hayes Manufacturing, and Reo Motors. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK - Portland, Ore., Feb. I lU'i Live stock: Cattle, salable 280, calves 25; market active, steady to strong, common to medium steers $10.50 14.25; heifers. $9.5013, canner and cutter cows, $6-8.00; fat dairy type cows $9-10.00; good bulls $11.75 12; common bulls. $8.50. Good choice vealers, $13.50-15. Hogs, salable 250, total 500, market active, steady, good to choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75; 205-325 lbs., $14.5015; good sows, $13.75 14; good to choice feeder pigs, quotable at $15-15.50. Sheep, salable 100, market quot able, steady, good to choice, truck-ed-in lambs salable $14.75-15; good to choice ewes salable $7.25. For a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin Classif ied Ads Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Word One Time S5o FOB SALE 25 Words Three Times 25 Words Six Times 75e $1.38 All word. rpr If add le pm nri Uduo fiombtr ( InMrtioiu On Month run. MM copy, H W r" Mlnlmca Chart. 14e LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c CUulfkd Adttrttolnr. Cti In Aoaet D.I1, cloliif TIM 1119 P- BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. HaU W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. tt A. M. Special Communication UJB V C. lleerees Viiltlnr Brethren Wclcom George SlmerviUe, Sec'y. I FOB SALE HAY About 45 tons vetch and grain hay. Very heavy with oats and barley, some rye, $18.00 per inn in atnrlr mile north. lA mile east Alfalfa store. M. K. Baessler, Route 1, Box 267-A. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Feb 1 Ui But ter and egg market : Egg prices came down one cent a down today on the Portland dairy market and there will be another cut next week. It Is the previously announced OPA cut for this week, on all grades. Egg supplies are Increasing a little but laying hens are still scarce. Butter Cube, 93 score, 424 cents; 92 score, 42'4 cents; 90 score, 42 cents;' 89 score, 41 V4 cents a pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large, 49 cents; A, large, 47 cents; medium A, 44 cents; Rmall, 40 cents a dozen. 1 BED COMPLETE with Seeley mattress, dresser, draperies, din ing chairs, electric Iron, copper wash boiler, wash board, Ironing board. Also other miscellaneous items. 743 Harmon. Phone 1135. STRONGLY BUILT trailer, good bed and box, well reinforced. Over load springs, one of the best. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold Dist. WEST SIDE: Four room, two lots. $900. $300 down. TWO HOUSES: One 5 room modern, one 3 room furnished, $2750. DU PLEX: Near Kenwood. A steal at $3000. MODERN house, $600. TWO APARTMENTS: $2200. $500 down. Gilberts Real Estate. 2 IN. CENTRIFUGAL pump with new foot valve. Herb Meeks, Brothers, Oregon. ONE MAPLE dinette set, Inner spring mattress, double coil springs, enamel bedstead, enamel trash burner. Call after 5y00. 14 Norton. DRESSED FRYER rabbits. Will buy your live rabbits, docs and young. Call at 111 Jefferson Place. FARM! FARM! 320 acres. 145 acres water. Modern 6 room home. 8 farm buildings. $8000, improve ments. 27 head stock. Tractor. 22 farm Implements. Real spread. $10,000. $13,000 equipped. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate. ; WOOD COOK STOVE, coll and water tank, $20.00. 1929 Plymouth, radio, 1928 Ford taransmission. 549 Roanoke. TABLE MODEL Crosley radio, electric heater with fan, kitchen ranges $5 to $15, daveno $15, gas hot plate, hand cultivator, wash boards, several wood heaters, single cots, daybeds, metal bed steads, small baby bed with in ner spring mattress $5, large baby bed almost new $12.50, round din ing table, kitchen tables, dressers, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches, men's used suits, ladies' coats, men's overcoats. Open evenings. 350 Division. HELP WANTED WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board. room, $60 per month. Apply 236 Kearney. REAL OPPORTUNITY: To pur chase 5 room modern home for $1200. Small down payment ar ranged by Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. 1929 PLYMOUTH radiator. 1928 Ford transmission. 549 Roanoke. SOMEONE IN BEND needs this real estate. PLASTERED COT TAGE: $600. ULTRA-MODERN on Congress Street, $8000. TWO HOUSES for $600. HOME on Awbrey Road, $5000. APART MENT house and home, $6000. GOING BUSINESS netting around $7000 a year. FURNISH ED HOTEL: $6000. Gilberts Real Estate. 28 TONS ALFALFA hay. 2 miles west on Northwest Market road. Vi mile north on right side of road. SACRIFICE FARM: Going to army. Dandy 80 acres, 56 C.O.I. All stocked and equipped. One of best near Bend. I lose, you benefit. Large monthly income now. $6400. Gilberts. FOB SALE OB TRADE 2Vi ACRES. 3 bedroom house, ga rage, large poultry house, wood shed, rabbit nutcnes, etc. iraae for Bend property. A. E. Peeler, Box 284, Prlneville, Oregon. WILL SELL alfalfa hay and vetch straw or trade for horses or machinery. D. H. Zuck, Rt. 2, Box 205, Tumalo. 180 ACRES, 42 shares of Swalley, stock, equipment, for smaller place here or in Willamette vaiicy. Lillian Tusslng, Bend, Oregon. Phone 18-F-4. FOB BENT 15 MODERN furnished cabins, gas cooking. $25.00 and up. Pine Tree Auto Court, south highway. FOOD MARKET and FEED STORE North Highway Free Deliver Phone 776 "The Store of Personal Service" 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close In. 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. 2 ROOM modern furnished cabins. Wood, water and lights furnished. Inquire Signal Station So. highway. GOOD HOME for elderly woman or couple as companion to semi invalid. Call Mrs. Mobely, Rm, 131 at St. Charles Hospital. BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted to work in Redmond. Call Redmond 211. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care for children in motherless home. Board, room and wages. Phone 815-R after 5 p. m. or write No. 10322 care of the Bulletin. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework 5 days a week. Jansen Villa Apt. 21. 1508 W. Fourth. Phone 775 for information. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN desires work, good worker. Contact Gene Logan, Cozy Hotel EXPERIENCED housekeeper, mlrtllA d OA nil ,vi hi i nf anoiiminn full r-hnrue' Write Nn 10304 ran of Bulletin. USED CARS 1937 TUDOR Ford for sale or trade. Good tires, excelent motor. Call after 6 or between 1 and 2 p. m. and Sundays. 228 Florida. CHRYSLER SEDAN "66", five good tires, heavy trailer hitch, heater, motor in good condition, 1945 license. Ed Duffy, Rt. 1, Box 412, Arnold District. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steldl Road, Bend. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared In my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. LET US FIX your muddy drive way with red or black cinders, hauled and spread where you want them at $7.00 per load, or 3 loads for $18.00. Call 838-R and leave vour order or contact me at 1340 Federal St. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPENCERi SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Sisters feTTiwtor ft) CORN II FLAKES 15 I I 1 Corn Flakes Kcllogg's 18 oz. pkg. 13c Corn Whole Kernel, Vacuum Pack can 13c Blended Juice No. 5 can 47c 11 1) Corn Meal 9 lb. baa 49c Yellow or White Peas can 10c Klondike No. 2 Baked Beans ..jar 19c BM No. 2 She Duz Ige. pkg. 23c Milk Coffee v3l ,b,31c Any Brand U : I 3 cans 29c tk) Matches carton 21c Nestles Cocoa i lb. 19c Instant Tomato Pickles No. 2i .... 29c Hamburger lb. 27c Fresh Ground Pork Steak lb. 33c C noire Cuts Swiss Steak . .lb. 37c NO. I StMT Short Ribs lb. 21c BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 2 ROOM furnished house, $8 per month. Inquire at J75 E. Kearney. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Hot and cold water and wood furnished. $25 per month. Phone 350 from 8 to o:3u p. m. or call at Columbia Food Market. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house, clean, good beds, some bedding, dishes, silverware, and cooking utensils. Suitable for 3 adults. Close to school and mills. Apply 412 Riverfront. WANTED TO RENT 5 room modern fur nished house with electric or gas range and furnace or circulating heater. Contact Mr. Bill Smith at Cozy Hotel. THE REMOUNT Area has prom ised to furnish the Kim kock Riders of Bend a thorougrbred Stallion for the purpose of im proving the saddle stock of this locality. All persons having typy mares and Interested In the Rim Rock Riders standing this horse in Bend, contact Glen Gregg, President, or Ken Gulick, Secre tary or any Rim Rock Riders member within this next week. Sisters, Feb. 1 (Special) W.' A. Coburn, father of Mrs. Floyd Dobklns, spent the weekend In Bend. Earl Lyman spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dobklns. In the evening they all attended a show at Bend, after which Mr. Coburn, Norma En score and June Dobkins accom panied them home. SSgt. Claude L. Lewis, station ed In Burma, wrote to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dobkins telling of a boy on a 15 day furlough who had gone deer hunting there and bagged a deer weighing 650 pounds. Ileans McKenzie, daughter of Mrs. Buster McKenzie, is home from the Doernbecher hospital in Portland. Mrs. Buster McKenzie has re sumed her duties as teacher In Sisters grade school. Clifford Nelson, formerly of Sisters, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L; Fisher on his way to Portland where he is employed in a garage. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and sons, Jack and Pat, were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mrs. L. B. Naff and two chil dren of Portland are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. D. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aitken and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alli son of Bend were Sunday dinner guesths or Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mc Loughlin. Bill Alley, brother of Mrs. Guy McLoughlin. stationed with Hodg es' First army in Belgium, has oeen promoted to private first class. Mrs. Marvin Sharo is in Port land receiving medical attention. Mrs. David Zumwalt has return ed from Oakland, Calif., where sne met her husband and pur chased a home. Mrs. Zumwalt will move to Oakland about Feb. 10. Julia Telfer and Margaret Ad ams were initiated into the Re bekas lodge No. 251 Jan. 17. Sisters Townsend club held its regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. May Saturday. Plans for a play were discussed. Regular meetings will be held every Saturday night at the Cope land building, located on the high way in iSsters. Judy Telfer and Lane Widmark who have been on the sick list are slowly improving at this writ ing. Edna Demaris has been trans ferred from New York City to San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dunn spent Sunday at the William McGregor home. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will move to their ranch in Terre bonne in the near future. G. M. Elkins from -Bingin, Wash., Is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. and- Mrs. Milo Elkins. Rev. J. M. Chandler, who has been In New Mexico, spent the weekend at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. James Chandler, en route to his home in Salem. . - Machinist Mate Scott Barron whose mother died recently, has been given a 30 day leave in order to take care of necessary busi ness affairs. He is stationed in the South Pacific. Anthony Roach has been re leased from the hospital in Port land and is now staying at the Im perial hotel. His condition is some what improved. Mrs. Orville Hanson and Mrs. W. N. Perry went to Portland by bus Sunday. Mrs. Jack Nunnellee left for Portland Friday. Mrs. V. H. May received word that her mother, Henrietta Spaeth of Minneapolis, died Monday. She was 89 years old. Eight children and 15 grandchildren of which five grandsons are in the service; and one great grandchild also sur vive. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Scott will move onto their ranch in Tumalo Saturday, weather permitting. Mrs. Scott will drive to and from school daily. Millard Chapin, private first class, who was a resident of Sis ters for a long time, was seriously wounded on Leyte, on Dec. 8. ijlionsto Pay Past Due Taxes Washington, Feb. 1 dPt-Some 4,000,000 Americans were being reminded today that they owe in come taxes for 1942 or 1943 which must be paid up on or before March 15. These are the persons who choose the instalment plan to meet the unforgiven portion of their 1942 or 1943 income tax bill. The bureau of internal revenue reports that mailing of statements "duns" is being completed by the various collectors' offices. In 1943, congress decided that in connection with inauguration of the withholding tax system, taxpayers would be exempt from payment of 75 per cent of their 1942 or 1943 tax, whichever was smaller. In most cases the 1942 ob ligation was the smaller. Half of the unforgiven portion was due and payable last March 15, and the remainder on March 15, 1945. Statement Is Made Provision for payment of the final instalment was not made on the 1944 tax forms. This was principally because relatively few of the 50,000,000 taxpayers are af fected. The bureau said It wanted to keep its new simplified form as simple as possible and that to add to it would have caused too much confusion. So separate re minders statements of amounts due were sent to all who still owe. Persons receiving the. state ments must pay, even though thev may be entitled to refunds on their 1944 tax bill which would more than offset the amount shown on the separate statement They may. claim their refunds as provided on the 1944 form, but they may not credit them againsv what they owe as the "unforl given" obligation. For the great majority of tax payers there will be but one form to file on or before March 15 the annual return. For others there will be the payment of the deferred tax bill and the filing of a declaration of estimated 1945 Income. CHARIS FOUNDATION and gir dles $7.25 to $13.95. Brassieres $1.50 to $2.95. Phone for appoint ment 451-M. Ina F. Cram, , 608 Broadway. . EXPERT LINOLEUM man, car pet work. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery. WRINGER ROLLS.! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. Better Equipped In our new offices to help you with your health problems. Our modern equipment and meth ods include Hydro end Tox Eliminator Convenient Terms Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks or phone 78 J, Redmond, Oregon. FIR AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes, tjuote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding I Bldg., Portland, Ore. TABLE MODEL cream separator i in good slmpe. Also weaner pigs. 1 flume 3H-K or write Mrs. K. L. ; Harris, Route 1, Box 469, Bend. ! CLAMP-ON electric heating belt for water tank. Call 623-W, 8-13 Harmon Blvd. WE DO mattress renovating and rebuilding. Work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. 753-J. WANT TO BUY 2 bedroom mod ern house. Must be reasonable for cash. Phone 363-M. 146 Jefferson. USED H ADIOS Will pay" top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. Now loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. ffS I HI bT found that tlme-tsttd Stuart Tablet brio quick. happy nun to aievp-robblog jnnptoina m acta indtjettion, Milam, ami pt Horn ch. Tait daUcioua, to : oo mixing, no bottlo. Try a hT a good nlfht'a alcp wafca op la tta mornlnf feeling i a f.tjOOO.000, Oat ftaoln Stuart Tablata at your druggist zs, mm, or l.o under mu poaltlTo Moaay-back guarantta. Finest Quality snd Styling! Super Imperial SEAT COVERS AttraetlT, wear riltnt fabric with htndioms simulated Jeatbtr trim. 9.95 to 21.95, for Coupe Ruled St to 38 Chevrokt 31 to J ( hrT.lcr 34 to 3 DSolo 3 to 3S l)ndf 31 to 3 J Ford 31 to 42 lludion 33 to 39 Nanh 34 to 3A -'ytttr 34. 3S, ?. 38 OhUmoblk 34 to 38 Plymouth 34. 3( to 31 fontlor 34 to 38 L Coach lllulrk St, 37. 43 ij('hroUt .11 to 39 I IVSoto 3 to 3.1. 41. 41 Dodrt 3 ;o j, 41, 41 t hr y.lf r 3( to 41 Ford 17, 3. 41, 43 ttudion 37 to 39 Mirrurjr 41, 41 OldimoblU 13 to 37, 4. Pirkord 37. 18 Pontile 3, 17. 31. 40 Plrmoath. So to 41 Studtbokor 11 to 41 Sedan f Buiek 14. 13. 17, 41. 41 ; rhoorolrt 31 to 39. 41. 41 Chrrolrr 34, 33. St. 41. 41 nrSoto 34 to 36, 39. 49 Dodio 34 to 3. 39. 41. 41 Ford 34. 37. 38, 41 Hud-n 31, 33. 33, 3C to 41 39, Nuh-Larfcrotto 14 to 38. 49 to 43 Oldimokllo 34 to 41 Plymouth 14 to St. 49, 41 Pontloc 14 to 17, 41 Pockord 19 Studrbokor 39 I. 41 Tcrroplono 14 to 39 Willy. 14 to It HOUK - VAN ALLEN Tirtotie HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Wall t Minnesota Phone 860 MEASURE TO DIE Salem, Ore., Feb. 1 (til The bill which would levy a five cent tax on aviation gasoline will die in committee, it appeared today after a hearing on the bill yesterday which brought out the fact that funds derived from this source, and spent on airports would not receive matching federal funds. m a. a. fir J. a. 9 9,( a.i EVERYDAY NEEDS FOR THIS KIND OF WEATHER Very Heavyweight. Oxford Gray Whipcord Work Pants 1.98 r As tough as these pants are, they're not so tough they can't be handled In the washrubs! All the dirt and grime you get on them comes off In washing, and shrinkage isn't more than 1. They wear like Iron in the fabric In the seams in the tubs! For Work, Men's Covert Pants 2.39 Extra heavy dark gray covert cloth work pants, fully sanfor ized, built for hard wear. Pert Wool Work Sox 25c . Sturdy Blue Work Shirt 1J9 Heavy sanforized work shirt of superior quality blue shirting, well reinforced, sanforized for permanent fit, men's sizes. Outdoor Cap 1.14 Choice of navy melton cloth or gray fleece, fur lined ear flaps. MEN'S 4-BUCKLE OVERSHOES Defy the snow! Men's sizes ifj chpjpg of all rubber or AQ cloth top 4-buckle arctics. w Men's All Wool Slipover Sweaters 4.98 All wool V-neck slipovers in fine gauge knitting, luggage, 'blue, camel and other colors. 36 to 46. ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE COAT Heavy all wool jacket in red-black lumbermen's plaid, reverses to natural color poplin, wind and water repellent. Men's iQ Boys' 2 to 1 6 All Wool Sweater 3.98 All wool dress sweaters for boys 2 to 16, two tone effects in choice of popular 'colors. j 'ill f Women's Medium Heel Galoshes, pr. 1.39 Dressy all rubber galoshes to wear with medium heel shoes. Gay Prints, Colorful Designs!, Rayon Prints yd. 69c YouH find dozens of things you'll want to sew when you see this soft, lovely material that makes such attractive aprons, dresses, and children's things. White Outing Flannel yd. 25c Heavy 36-Inch outing flannel in white only a great Penney value at this low price. Gaymode Rayon Hose pr. 80c Gaymode rayon hosiery, full fashioned, in service weight neat and long wearing, popular colors, all women's sizes. 42 gauge.