The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 01, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Loco News
Maximum yesterday, 35 degrees.
Minimum last night, 15 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p- m-, 21 dt
nees; 10 a. 26 degrees. Veloc
ity of wind: 10 p. nb, 2 miles; 10
a. in, 6 miles., s
Mrs. Ola Denton and VlrgU
Clover were married in the First
Christian church on Sunday, Jan.
21 by Rev. W. 1. Palmer. Attend
ants were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Coffee. Following a wedding trip
to Eugene and Roseburg Mr. and
Mrs. Clover are now residing at
464 East Norton street, Bend.
Herbert H. Greenberg and Wal
ter G. Hill, Jr., stationed at the
Redmond army air field, visited
Bend friends today.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Grainger of
the Redmond army air field, last
night were guests at -the Pilot
Butte inn.
D. C. Whittlesey and S. B. Gor
don were Bend callers last night
from the Redmond army air field.
Lts. A. H. Jones and C. M.
Kilker, stationed at the Redmond
army air field, stayed last night
at the Pilot Butte inn.
Lawrence L. Snyder arrived In
Bend yesterday from Champaign,
Illinois, to join The Bulletin or
ganization as news pressman and
stereotyper. Mrs. Snyder and their
children are remaining in Illinois
until the close of the spring term
of school.
Sgt. L. L. Hirtzel, in command
of state police in Central Oregon,
today returned from official con
ferences at Portland headquar
ters. The Women's association of the
First Presbyterian church will
meet tonight at the church, with
a preliminary dessert buffet at
7:15 o'clock, it was announced by
Mrs. Ralph Graham, president of
jthe group. All women of the con
gregation were urged to attend.
Henry N. Fowler left by bus
this afternoon for Portland,
where he will transact business.
After visiting friends in Bend,
SSgt. Charles M. Jones left for
-' Ft. Lewis yesterday. Jones spent
i- two and one half .years in the
IK1 . W dtoW-.V
.W BltMilVLn
fm M..0
Newt and Novelty
south Pacific with the 41st divi
sion, and has been In this countrv
on a 30-day furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Walk
er, of Route 2, are the parents of
an -pound boy born last night
at the Mayne Nursery home.
George Meyers of Sisters spent
yesterday in Bend.
Cal Sherman was in Bend yes
terday from Crooked river.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton Burdick
of Metoliua shnnrwi in
terday. -;
Earl Lang, who recently re
ceived an honorable discharge at
Camn Van rvw-on Mi
- - " -., .11105,., IS I1UW
employed at a local barber shop.
mil., i. n. Angun returned
from a hnvlno- n n r-.i i
and Seattle last night.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free.
' Adv.
Men. I'm bark frnm tha unriM
doing Barber Work at the Metro
politan Barber Shop. Stop and see
CMTl XtJlg. AQV.
Enrollment Ends
For Adult Classes
Classes for adults in tvnlnor anA
shorthand, which started Jan. 22
hi me nena nign scnooi and will
COntinUA fnr picrht ucolra am nm.
grossing in a highly satisfactory
manner, a. w. xteison, cooraina
tor of trades and industrial rela
tions for the citv aehnnl Rvdum
said today. The adults, who meet
on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri
days, are enthusiastic over the
courses and are anxious to learn
aS' much as nnnalhlp NAlonn aAA.
ed. Enrollment Is now closed as
me classes are nued. . i
The following are studying
shorthand from 5 to 6 p. m. on
those days under the direction of
Miss Mary Bugar:
Betty Ann Brandon, Lois
Brant. Marv T Rrnwn K-IcIa
Chute, Mrs. Loren Cox, Henrietta
uenman, ingrld Uehrman, Gene
vieve Hillgen, Anna May Hogt,
Salvei? Jenspn. Inuisa .Tnncrniiict
Irma Kllnghammer, Anna Kul-
siaau, t ranees Matlcn, Thelma
O'Day, Lillie Shipler, Beatrice
Spencer, Emily Spencer, Vida
Welch, Annette Wells.
The typing class, which meets
from 4 to 5 p. m. three times
WPOkl v is m :i rin nn nf T .nia Rrant
Louise Brogan, Mrs. H. E. Beach,
Mrs. Elsie Chute, Ruth Cook,
Henrietta D e n m a n, Walnah
Francis, Genevieve Hillgen, Anne
Kulstad, Ingrld Gehrman, Mrs.
Carl A. Johnson, Lillian Loggan,
Mrs. D. J. Maudlin, Francis
Matich, Thelma O'Day, Emily
Spencer, Mrs. William Spencer,
Emma Jean Scholl, Lillie Shipler,
Mrs. A. E. Stevens, Annette W.
Wells, Vida Welch, Mar dell
Welch, Louise -Williams.
In Rail Wreck
Mexico City, Feb. 1 (IBThe
National Railways announced that
96 persons were killed and 63 in
jured today when a freight train
collided with a special passenger
train crowded with Mexicans mak
ing the annual pilgrimage to the
shrine of San Juan De Los Lagos
in the state of Jalisco.
The wreck occurred between
Polotltlan and Cazadero, about
100 miles from here, the railway
The National Railways traffic
manager said that the freight
crashed heavily into the rear of
the passenger train.
Doctors, nurses and ambulances
were rushed to the scene from
Queretaro, nearest big city, while
rejief trains left Mexico City for
the wreck site.
Reds Near Berlin
(Continued from Page One)
the encirclement of Konigsberg,
captured five sixths of East Prus
sia, spread out through the Polish
corridor toward Danzig and ex
panded positions north and south
of Breslau preparatory to a full
scale assault on the Silesian city.
"The doom oi Hitler's 1,000
year relch remains a matter of
weeks, not months," jubilantly
proclaimed the Russian army or
gan Red Star. "The whirlwind
Soviet offensive does not give the
vrTorcliy Valentine
r v v & i1
All snazzy pin-ups for service
men are not Hollywood glamor
gals, as witness black-haired,
brown-eyed Elaine Torch, above,
a secretary at the Ohio Tool
Company, Cleveland. She was
selected as the Valentine Pin
Up for 600 of the plant's men
now in service.
enemy a chance really to prepare
effective counter-blows In the
eastern areas of Germany."
The ocean is less than 600 feet
deep over a fairly large area be
tween Australia and Asia.
Two Brothers
Meet in States
For First Time
Forest Lake, Minn., UT Ole
Lee, 76, and Ole Lee, 55, are full
brothers, which Isn't the only re
markable fact concerning them.
They never had seen each other
until they got together for a
Christmas vacation at the farm
of the younger Ole two miles
northwest of here.
The circumstance of their hav
ing the same name resulted from
the belief of the parents that the
older son had died after leaving
his home in Trondheim, Norway,
to go to sea in 1888, when he was
Two years later the younger
Ole was born, and named in hon
or of his older and supposedly de
ceased brother.
Young Ole came to the United
States in 1910, lived at Fargo,
N. D., for a time, homesteaded in
Montana and eventually took up
his present acre farm here. While
living in Montana he met a man
who said he knew another Ole
Lee, in Spokane, Wash., and that
there was a striking resemblance
between the two. A series of let
ters resulted in the meeting here.
Ole the elder had come to the
United States in the '90's, lived at I
Albany, N. Y., and Minneapolis,
before going on to Spokane in
1905 to learn the watchmaker's
The brothers found that there
had been still another parallel in i
tneir lives. Each named his oldest
son Arnold.
Grizzly bears have been known
to kill bison.
Guiney Visitor
With Niskanen
Salem, Feb. 1 OP Con Guiney,
Central Oregon stockman with
holdings in the country east of
Bend, was a guest of Rep. Wil
liam Niskanen, Deschutes county,
in the house of representatives
here today.
Visitors yesterday included Mr.
and Mrs. Ward H. Coble and Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. O. Schueler, of
Arizona leads the "United States
in copper production and has
done so for 34 years.
MM MMMT MVM fiptf Mt Mr MM
AMfl J J-l 1-J 1
Shellhort's SPECIALS FRI. and SAT.
Ranch Eggs
Grade A Urge
doz. 41c
ftP piBt
Chase &
lb. pkg.
Ige. pkg. gSpjf
27c ifP
Matches 6 box carton 22c
Tomato Sauce, 3 cans 19c
Sliced Beets . . .2 cans 25c
Diced Carrots . . ..jar 13c
Grated Tuna can 25c
Oval Sardines . . . .can 15c
Tomato or Mustard Sauce
Junket Freez Mix, 3 for 29c
Royal Gelatine, 3 pkgs. 19c
Or PuddiiiR
Nestle's Cocoa ..pkg. 19c
Ginger Bread Mix, pkg. 22c
Syrup 5 lb. jar 39c
lack 'n .till, Dark
50 H. bag 2.29
ffij 35c
2 cans
B 29c
5 lb. pail 1.29
Floor Wax .qt. 69c
Old English, Self Polishlnir
Sunbrite Cleanser, can 5c
Borene .. . . .giant pkg. 59c
Tissue ....4 rolls 25c
Fabrik Soft Soft Quality Tissue
Kotex pkg. 85c
54 Napkins
Wax Paper.. 125 ft.roll 19c
w&rwrDnDn ...... . if rr
&Jprajjy$ Medium Size, Sweet and Juicy
WitZ&tSi Wcliiious
k' M W mm
Kuraoagas i lbs. 25c
Grapefruit 4 for 27c
Marsh Seedless, Larec Size
Radishes 2 bunches 15c
Shellhart's Grocery
Irgf', Ori'ul Northern
3 lbs. 25c
?29 Wall
Free Delivery
Phone 24
Klhow Cut
3 lbs. 25c
I Si
Coft-Mtmlmm I
All our store' a stage for just about the prettiest picture of savings
in town ... a FOUR-STAR hit show of values featuring nationally
famous home drugs, toiletries and accessories at the lowest possible
prices. Performance is continuous daily 'til 8 P. M. Come in at any
time and see how much you can save on daily needs at BRANDIS
the "buy-word" for dependable economy!
Gloves & Mitts, 23c to 2.59
50 Book Matches . . . . . 12c
100 Vitamin B-l
Tablets, 3 mg 69c
250 Brewers Yeast tab. 59c
100 Squibb Vigran
Capsules .......
100 Upjohn Unicaps, '
100 Abbotts Vita.
100 A&D Tablets...
60 Bax Multiple Cap. '.
100 B Complex Cap.
60 Di Calcium Phos
phate Wafers....
100 Bexel Capsules,
100 Wheatamin
Monogards .....
100 Wheat germ OH
Capsules .......
MIL 70
low .10
Your doctor's knowledge . . .
quality drugs . . . the phar
macist's skill that is the
vital circle around which re
covery revolves when you
are ill. Choose your pharma
cist as wisely as you select
your doctor and then you
can have every confidence
that the pharmacist will se
lect AND USE the exact
druirs specified by the doc
tor . . . pure, fresh drugs of
standard hi renin n.
Multi-Vitamin t 10
And Mineral I "T
60c Yodora Deodorant .49c
50c ArrSd Deodorant V; .vJv ;;3c
35c Quest Powder .31c
$1.00 Zonite Antiseptic . ...... .79c
Lanteen Douche Powder ...... .98c
$1.50 Takara Douche Powder . .$1.19
. 59c J
$198 Y TAMP AX l
' . 'J
f . ' J9 " POND'S
Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry
MrM)ag IB
Official Records
( fiunly Court
Petition ior guardianship: In
the matter of Bruce Graham, a
minor, a petition was filed by his
i mother, Mrs. Le Nave Graham.
County Clerk
Honorable discharge: U. S. ar
my to Lester C. Kramer.
Power of attorney: J. Ray
Schwartz to Laurie E. Schwartz.
Marriage license: Edwin N.
Clark, Bogue, Kan., lrgal age, and Evelyn Snyder, Redmond, le
gal age.
.lust Ice Court
No operator's license: Lorene
Wells, Sisters, Jan. 17, $10; Henry
R. Reed, iVU Georgia, Bend, Jan.
18, $10; Howard K. Royce, 1619
West 12th, Bend. Jan. 26, $10.
Passing car on crest of hill:
Arlene E. Gilpin, Route 1, Jan. 18,
Overload on truck: Floyd
Strode, driver for Western Heavy
Hauling company, Portland, Jan.
22, $54.50, Including costs.
Non-stop on entering highway:
Alfred L. Howard, Colonial inn,
Jan. 22, $2.50.
No tail light: Alva E. Hammer,
13.')4 Union, Jan. 29, $2.50.
Drunk driving on highway: R.
E. Smilley, Los Angeles, Jan. 27,
five days in the Deschutes county
Graveside services were held
here Monday for the infant daugh
ter of Pfc. and Mrs. A. F. Juras.
Mrs. Juras, the former Margaret
DeBoer, is a patient at the St.
Symptom of Distress Arising from
FrM BookTells of HonwTreatiiwntthat
Must Htp .r It WIN Cnt Voa NstMng
Otn two million botlliwof ttH-WTLLARIJ
TRF.ATMKNT hlil mid for rllf nf
ym pt mn of A IM rm .rtnn fmm Stomach
and tiMMmal Utewt dn. to Add
Nw DIvMtlM, mnm or UpMt Stonwch,
OmtnM, m.wIbumi. SJmoImmmm. mti-,
du to Ex cot. Acid. Hold on lAd.ri trUlt
A.k for Willwd' Mnuia" whlcb fuUjr
uptaloa thli tr.atnjenfc fr -i
Charles hospital, where the baby
was born Sunday. Her husbajid re
cently returned to the states from
New Guinea and is now stationed
In Virginia.
Bellalrc, O. mi Brief, reports
have become well known in this
war. And one written by Sgt.
Angelo DeLuca Is no exception.
From somewhere in Germany to
his wife In Bellalre, Sgt. DeLuca
wrote: "It looks like Christmas
here, but It sounds like the Fourth
of July."
We nip trouble in the bud
And we save money for you while
we do it becauM under our
C-Y-C seryic. w catch thoM
little troubles before they turn
into major repair jobs. .
Meanwhile, we Conserve Your
Car keep it running as it should
by taking care of all periodic
adjustments which so many car
owners seem to forget about.
All you bsv. to do is driv. it In
regularly. Tomorrow's a good day
for your first FREE inspection.
Let's see if we find toy buds that
need nipping!
The. Keys to C-Y-C fervh.
car's voodiuoa sad octets,
seeded eric oporsuotu.
X-PERT ADVICE on proper
car handling and opcrsuoa.
South of Postoffics
Phone 193