THE BEND BULLETIN; BEND, QREGOftf, THURSDAY, FEB. j, 1945 PAGE TEN Youngsters Earn Million Dollars On Oregon Farms Super p., ; r -u Market i nVLl JUJIJflU A Piggly Wiggly manager goes ahead gets things done --he believes that what was good enough for father is not necessarily good enough today. You'll find him awake to new ideas, new methods, and anxious to apply them. SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY AND SAVE MUSTARD 3- 19c PREPARED NALLEY'S KRAFT. BEN HUR OR SCHILLINGS BUTTER lb. 45c MEDO-LAND or CO-OP GRADE A 24 Red Points TANG SALAD DRESSING pint 21c RAISINS 2 ib. Pkg. 23c MARKET DAY. SEEDLESS No Points ZOOM 1V4 lb. Pkg. 19c FISHER'S NEW CEREAL Jell-o 3 pkgs. 23c All Flavors Oats Ige. pkg. 27c Mothers Steak Sauce . .bot. 25c Heinz Tobacco . . 1 lb. can 69c Granger Peanuts lb. 29c Roast (1 Mazda Bulbs ...... .10c 40 !( 0 Tea ......... .1 lb. 23c Black Tree Cocoa ....... 1 lb. 10c Bakers Soya Mix pkg. 19c Vinegar Cider . .pt. 10c IMftSKMMllOWS - 12 29c Ritz Crax pkg. 19c Honey . 5 lb. pail $1.37 ' Siinforil's Kraft Dinner . .pkg. 10c Dog Food ....2 for 25c Red Heart Teps ...pkg. 19c San Nans Pickles, dills ...qt. 33c Raviola jar 23c Chicken Cake Flour. . . .pkg. 25c Swans Down COFFEE lb. 30c ALL BRANDS PRUNES 1 ib. Pkg. 17c FIESTA, MEDIUM SIZE No Points FLOUR 49 ib. sack 1.98 PIGGLY WIGGLY, ALL PURPOSE BLEND Every Sack Guaranteed JUICE Orange no. 2 can 21 C ORANGE No Points Garden Fresh Produce Lettuce . . .2 lbs. 25c Carrots ...2 lbs. 23c Turnips 2 lbs. 27c Celery lb. 12c Onions . . .10 lbs. 25c Roller Poland's market FRESH SMELT Columbia River 2 lbs. 25c Dill Pickles 3 for 10c I.arRi Crisp Minced Ham Ib. 29c Vou Will hike It! Olives 17c California Green Beef Liver . 2 lbs. 23c Voting; Steer Pork Roast Ib.29c Picnic Cuts Pork Steak Ib.35c Approximately 18,000 Oregon boys and girls, who accounted lor 54,791 youth placements in farm lobs made through county farm labor offices In 1944 earned more than a million dollars and picked crops valued at over $10,000,000. Such is the estimate of Russel M. Adams, assistant state farm labor supervisor in- charge of vouth ac tivities in the O.S.C. Extension service, made on the basis of re ports from county farm labor as sistants. While detailed figures are not obtainable on - all youth who helped with Oregon 1944 harvest, reasonably complete figures are available for the 172 organized platoons which are estimated to have accounted for about a fourth of the total youth placements. Boys and girls were placed In harvest jobs by county farm la bor offices In 33 of Oregon's 36 counties last year, Adams reports. Marion county led in placements with 15,150, followed by the city of Portland with 9,582, Lane 8,292, Yamhill 5,146, Linn 3,283, Benton 3,086, and Clackamas 2,923. None of the totals includes the thou sans of youths who went out on picking jobs without registering at farm labor offioes. Aid With Crops Youth platoons worked in 11 different crops, including berries, beans, filberts, cherries, onions, peacnes, prunes, parsnips, flax, hops and tomatoes and in addi tion did weeding and hoeing. The 172 platoons harvested 15,564' tons of crops valued to the grow er at $2,566,000, with a total in come to the youthful Dickers of $239,400. Many platoons went from one crop to another as the season progressed. The highest number of platoons, 154, picked berries, 77 worked in beans and 29 picked filberts. Beans provided the great est total cash return to the young sters with $136,892, an average wage of $3.15 a day per individ ual. Berries ranked second with a total picking income of $75,622. or an individual average of $2.23 j a day. For all crops, the platoon members averaged earnings of $3.63 a day. The average age of those in platoons this year was slightly over 13 years, compared with about 12 years last year. This in dicates a carryover of more ex perienced help from last year, Adams believes. Those in platoons probably are somewhat younger than those working independent ly, Adams adds. I LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of W. J. BAER, Administra tor, with the will annexed of the Estate of Charles Hector, Deceas ed, filed herein, will be held in the Courthouse in the County court room in Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two (2) o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the 16th day of Febru ary, 1945, and all persons inter ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator discharged. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 11th day of January, 1945. w. j. baek. Administrator. with the will annexed, of the Es tate of Charles Hector, Deceased. . De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bend, Oregon. 31-37-43-49C NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, entered on the 17th day of January, 1945, the undersigned Sheriff will on the 27th day of February, 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Bend, Oregon, sell to the highest bidders for cash or terms as hereinafter stated, the following described real property, located in Des chutes County, Oregon, provided no bid shall be accepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective tract, which is the min imum price fixed in said order: plus costs of sale etc. I'arcei io. i o-siac, scm- " o too PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADDS TO ITS GOODNESS L MORE COMFORT - MILEAGE SipCH SH0E RATION STAMPS WEYENBERG SHOES Men, you get top mileage and comfort by turning in your stamps for Massagic Shoes. The yielding air-cushion absorbs Stocks and jars; the flexible Arch Lift provides support to foil fatigue. You get tops in appearance, too! Air-O-Magic 5.95 Soft as a mattress, just as restful! Air-O-Magic gives you foot comfort, along with long wear and good looks. Compare them with others! the Wau-King 7.95 An up to date, scientifically designed last, gives this shoe neat appearance and assures a perfect fit. Patented grid rubber and cork cushion ihlay, steel arch support, orthopedic rubber heel. Lace-to-Toe LOGGER 9.95 Thorogood lace-to-toe logger of quality oil-tanned leather, 8-inch top, heavy all leather sole, plus added rubber tap sole and 'heel. Plain Toe LOGGER 8.95 , Same Thorogood logger, except that it has the regular capless toe same heavy- leather, ex pert workmanship and weara bility, same tap sole and heel. Other Famous Loggers Priced io ... 11.95 ARCH-SUPPORT 6-INCH WORK SHOE A work shoe that's built to wear well, look good . and feel fine on your feet. Orthopedic rubber heel, arch lift make your work less tiring, keep your feet in good condition. Heavy "T QC oil-tanned leather upper, built for long wear. T 103 Oregon Home of Hart Schaffner & 3Iarx clothes SW'4, Sec. 17, Twp. 20 S., R. 18 E.W.M. $120.00 Cash. Parcel No. 2 Si4, Sec. 5, Twp. 20 S R. 18 E.W.M. $320.00 Cash. Parcel No. 3 NEW, Sec. 29, Twp. 20 S R. 18 E.W.M. $160.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 Lot 3, Block 4, Highland Addition. $150.00 Cash. Parcel No. 5 -Lot 2, Block 54, and Lot 2, Block 49, Laldlaw. $100.00 Cash. Parcel No. 6 SWWNWW, NWWSW54, Sec. 6, Twp. 17 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $1250.00 Cash. (County reserves right to enter premises and take road material.) Parcel No. 7 Lots 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, Block 114, First Addi tion to Bend Park. $240.00 Cash. Such sale shall be subject to the Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. right of any municipal corpora tion claiming an unpaid assess ment lien for local improvements thereon to purchase such prop erty within 20 days after notice of such sale. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff. 37-43-49-55C Former President tnairrr f Previous Pdil ab.) 57 Dazzling brilliance 58 Bone 60 Paid notice 61 Spires 1 Taunt 2 Capable 3 Daybreak at sea 5 Round 6 Arabian gulf HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured former U. S. president 12 Eastbound t-t Hawaiian htnl 62 Barter 14 Notions VERTICAL 15 Indian army (ab.) 16 Shade tree 18 Thoroughfare 20 Make a mistake 21 Peruse ,9aniivins hla helps win the D'"oiiKe war -SLass 24 At liberty Obese 25 Parrot 9 Exists 27 Three times 0 Italian coin (comb, form) 11 Challenge 28 Western cattle 30 Hindu queen 33 Whirlwind 34 Jumbled type 35 Any 36 Sun god 37 Tops ot heads 39 Hinder from normal growth 41 Individual 42 Belongs to him 43 Belongs to us: 43 He was born in 49 Prison room 52 Girl's name 53 Biblical mountain ' 55 Ocean 56 Rhode. Island I H IEEE Ip SEE IE IP E N re h aIpIpE in as g s gl ES U s Hi HELEN XBESllj 1 1 33 2&E T An fags T osT. aom UTE fejP O UQplP I G mIeItIrIoIpioIU i Itiain . 17 Manufacture 43 Boat paddles' 19 Tuberculosis 44 Distinct part (ab.) 45 Verbal - 4 Call for help 22 Makes deeper 47 Angers 24 Distracted 26 Ascend (ab.) 27 Rubbish 60 Conduct 28 Foolish fellow 51 Load 29 Beverage 31 Sea eagle 32 Dine ' 38 Ripped 40 Employs 48 On account ' V 53 Swiss mountain 54 Child 57 To exist J 59 Senior (ab.) I z p H I 15 lb n 18 h I jlo III "I EI!"." Ir ilI5"'! u vtr CkJjsr ' 45 ife jHI H6HT505r !i I53 Ha 1 11 1 1 ' 1 1 l ' .U.j Swt. Spuds, 3 lbs. 25c Apples Ib. 9c Winesap Lean and Tender