RGESIX Utilities Move To 4-Year High By Elmer C. Waler (United Press Financial Editor) New York. Jan. 30 (tR Utility stocks moved up to a now high since Aug. 3, 1939 today while other sections of the stock market declined fractions to 3 points on large volume. Late In the day the railroad de partment was hard hit. Losses extended to 3 points in Pere Mar quette preferred. Others of the so-called war group were im pressed. Steels had losses ranging to a point in U. S. Steel whose di rectors were scheduled to meet after the close to act on the divi dend and release the 1944 earnings statement. Earlier in the session, selective buying went ahead in numerous secondary groups and in individ ual issues. The packing shares were given another whirl hut they sagged late in the day. Farm equipments gave a similar per formance. Low priced motors made new highs and then receded. Some of the oils, including Socony Vacuum, and Richfield were ac tive. The group turned irrepular near closing time. American Radi ator and Johns-Mansville made new highs in the building section before dipping to around the pre vious closing levels. PORTLAND MVKSTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 30 tlW Livesock: Cattle ISO, calves 35. Steers scarce, quotable steady, ex treme top Monday $16.50. Other classes opening slow, early sales weak, some bids lower. Common medium heifers $10.00-12.50. Can : ner-cutter cows $6.00-8.00. Fat dairy type cows $9.00-10.00. Me dium beef cows $10.0011.50. Medium-good bulls salable $10.00-12. Cood vealers $14.00; choice quot able $15.00. Hogs 200. Steady. Good-choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75; 280-325 lbs., $14.50-15.00. Good sows $13.75 14.25. Feeder pigs salable $15.00 15.50. Sheep 700. Slow, steady to weak. Two doubles good-choice 93 lb. fed wooled lambs $15.25. Good choice truck-Ins salable $14.5015. Good ewes $6.50-7.00. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 30 mi The egg market today continued to have an active tone but prices remained unchanged from last Thursday's one cent decline. An other cent is to be cut from prices next Thursday. Butler prices were unchanged. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42-Vic; 92 score, 42!4c; 90 score 42c; 89 score, 41 Vic pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large, 49c; A, large, 47c; medium A, 44c; small 40c dozen. Lt. George Peal Award Winner A U. S. Troop Carrier Base, European Theater of Operations, Jan. 30 At an nil-strip in newly liberated territory, the bronze star medal was recently presented to First Lt. George F. Peal "for meritorious service in connection with military operations in which his organization was engaged from June 6, 1944, to Sept. 30, 1944. Supply officer In his squadron of C-47 Dakotas, Lt. Peal was graduated from the University of Oregon in 1939. Before entering the service in February, 1912, he was a member of the school sys tem, In Bend, Oregon. The duties of his squadron in clude the transport by air of badly needed gasoline and supplies to landing strips at the front lines, and evacuating wounded by air to hospitals in England and France. FIGHT'S A 'NATURAL' Fort Warren, Wyo. Mi The Fort Warren Sentinel, camp newspaper, reports two heavy weight fighters stationed at the camp between whom a fight would be a natural. There's James Roberts, the post cham pion, the paper says, and then there's James Roberts, a new comer to the camp. UNEUP with BEAR Tires on your car or truck are among your most precious possessions. Once worn out, they may not be replaced. Therefore it behooves you to do somethinq about it. Wheel balancing and alinement is recommended by all car manufacturers. Curbs, holes, ruts are all re sponsible for trouble and only by carefully checking your car can it often be detected. Drive in now for a check-up ... and remember . . . RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood For a Little, Sell a Classified Rafes Local Paid in Advance 2S Words One Time :. Sflc 25 Words Three Times ' 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 AH wnrdf over IS add le per word tlmee namher of Ineertlone On month run, eame copy, 4 day rat Minimum Charge, See LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clanlflrd Adrertlelnir. Caih In Advance Oallr Cloeln Time 12:30 P. M. FOR SALE WOOD COOK STOVE, coll and water tank, $20.00. 1929 Plymouth, radio, 1928 Ford taransmission. 549 Roanoke. GRAY or Victory Oats, $15.00 per ton. Also 1400 lb. work horse. Alt ranch, 5 miles north on Dalles California. Box 25. SLIGHTLY USED men's suits $5 to $9. Men's overcoats $2 to $8. i Women's coats $3 to $4.50. Ladles' dresses 50c to $2. 350 Division. SMALL CLEAN trailer house, good tires, priced reasonably. 1255 Elgin Ave., Bend. GOOD 9x12 wool rug and rocking chair. Call at 107 Riverfront. ELECTRIC WASH machine, boil er, Ironing board and clothes bas ket. Cheap for cash. 1224 Hart ford. 2 IN. CENTRIFUGAL pump with new foot valve. Herb Meeks, Brothers, Oregon. APPLES. Another shipment of Spitzenburgs and Newtowns, here Monday. Fresh pure apple cider 55c per gal. Please bring contain ers. Greenwood Feed Co., Green wood and Division. HAY, good first and second cut ting alfalfa, $27.00 delivered in load lots. Myers, 225 Miller. YOU'LL BE WISE to have your radio repaired while I have the tubes and parts, as a report is the tube situation is steadily getting worse and worse. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. 3 JERSEY milk cows ready to freshen. Jackie Dimick, 1560 New port. 7 FT. NORTHLAND skils com plete with binders and poles. 1438 Cumberland. MEN'S ALL WOOL overcoat size 42. $60 new. Worn onlv few times $15.00. Electric milk shake mixer used only short time, perfect con dition, $25.00. Mrs. C. A. Nlckell, 1 mile south Pine Forest Grange on Market road. Telephone 22-F-4. 1 BLOCK from Kenwood school, new rustic style 4-room modern house, large garage attached, 3 lots. A good buy at $3695, $1000 cash, $40 month. Corner Ogden and W. 7th. Henry M. Bennett. I HAVE a few radio consoles In excellent condition. Guaranteed and on sale till Feb. 1st. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. rnone :.itj. 2 WHEEL TRAILER, excellent tires. Battery radio, round oak dining table. 1422 Ithaca. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 UNIT Apt-House, Completely Furnished in Portland, to Ex change for Ranch. Priced at only $75,000.00 and will take half back In Loan, or trade to the full amount. Address 1730 N. E. 40th Ave., Portland, 13 Ore. 2 ACRES. 3 bedroom house, ga rage, large poultry house, wood shed, rabbit hutches, etc. Trade for Bend property. A. E. Peeler, Box 284, Prineville, Oregon. WILKANOWSKI violin. $150.00 value. Take $100.00 ensh or trade for used piano. 1107 Milwaukee Ave. ISO ACRES, 42 shares of Swalley, stock, equipment, for smaller place here or In Willamette valley. Lillian Tusslng, Bend, Oregon. Phone 18 F -l. Our Pledge: To Help You Save Your Precious Tires.. THE FOR BENT 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close In.' 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. LARGE COMFORTABLE modern furnished 2-room cabin with wood, water and lights. Close In. Call at 623 Hill. 2 ROOM modern furnished cabins. Wood, water and lights furnished. Inquire Signal Station So. high way. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 2 ROOM furnished house, $8 per month. Inquire at 375 E. Kearney. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Light clean rooms. Wood, water and light furnished. Hot water heat. Suitable for 2 people. Call Sunday or after 5:30 p. m. 236 i c,. li ving. 15 MODERN furnished cabins, gas cooking. $25.00 and up. Pine Tree Auto Court, south highway. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. NEW OR USED electric heater. Must be In good condition. West ern Union Telegraph Co. URGENTLY NEEDED, 2 piecses of luggage, before Saturday. Phone 834-W. Leave address and price. WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. ' WANT TO BUY 2 bedroom mod ern house. Must be reasonable for cash. Phone 363-M. 146 Jefferson. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. SMALL MODERN furnished house for middle aged couple. Good references. Garage desired. Write No. 10327 care of Bulletin. FIR, AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earliest shipment. Nledermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. HELP WANTED GOOD HOME for elderly woman or couple as companion to semi invalid. Call Mrs. Mobely, Rm. 131 at St. Charles Hospital. ' BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touen witn tne ueauty truest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. WANT FARMER WITH EQUIP- MKWT AND IRRIGATION EX PERIENCE TO OPERATE FARM OF 160 ACRES NEAR REDMOND AND BEND ON SHARES. WRITE NO. 10328 IN CARE OF BULLETIN. PIN SETTERS wanted. Apply at Bend Recreation Alleys, after 6 p. m. BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted to work In Redmond. Call Redmond 211. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care for children In motherless home. Board, room and wages. Phone 815-R after 5 p. m. or write No. 10322 care of the Bulletin. WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $60 per month. Apply 236 E. Kearney. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED housekeeper, middle age, capable of assuming full charge. Write No. 10304 care of Bulletin. I'SED CARS 1933 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Motor and tires in good condition. 78 Kearney or Standard Stations corner Wall and Greenwood. 1936 V-8 TUDOR In A l good con dition. '29 model A 1V4 ton truck, car jacks and hub caps of all kinds. Model A parts. 136 Green wood. VALENTINE FLOWERS Fresh Orchid Corsages Red Roses Violets Carnations Gardenias Potted Daffodils Tulips ORDER AHEAD! PICKETT Flower Shop & Gardens Phone 530 629 Quimby We telpfrranh flowers anywhere. BEND BULLETIN,' BEND, -OREGON. TUESDAY, AlAN 30 USED. CARS 1937 TUDOR Ford for sale or trade. Good tires, exeelent motor. Call after 6 or between 1 and 2 p. m. and Sundays. 228 Florida. 1935 CHEVROLET coupe, 4 6-ply tires, heater and radio. Can be seen at Mission Service Station. LOST BLUE BILLFOLD containing navy leave papers, and some money. Return to 20 Roosevelt as soon as possible. Reward. Leave ends tomorrow. LADY'S BULOVA wrist watch with sweep second hand, down town In Bend Thursday. Finder return to 1601 W. Third, Apt. 2. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE while you wait, saws filed, skates hollow ground, knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re paired, soldering, general repair ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines nnrl pIpptHpaI ennllann. es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any cuiiuition. aena wasner Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. LET US FIX your muddy drive way with red or black cinders, hauled and spread where you want them at $7.00 per load, or 3 loads for $18.00. Call 838-R and leave your order or contact me at 1340 Federal St. WILL STILL DO general repair, carpentry, plastering, patching and painting. Do yours now. Phone 504-W. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. ; SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor itiiiiiiure pousn, ine new safe, odorless all-purpose cleaner, and mflnv nthpr hniicohnlH atHo Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 otetui noaa, cena. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merrltt, 202 Thurston. Soviets Strike (Continued from Page One) Not Identified Moscow did not Identify im mediately the point at which the Soviets crossed the Obra, but said they were plunging on to the west toward Frankfurt-on-Oder, 38 miles east southeast of Berlin. The Russian army organ Red Star said staff officers of Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's first White Russian army had been issued maps of the Berlin region, while his tanks and trucks rumbling west were emblazoned with the slogan, "on to Berlin." German reinforcements of in fantry, tanks, and mobile guns were streaming east across the center of Germany for the Im pending battle of Berlin, the Sov iet government newspaper Izves tia reported, but-there remained a question whether they would arrive In time or In sufficient strength to save the capital. Last Reserves Used All available reports, Moscow said, indicated the German com mand was rushing Its last stra tegic reserves Into battle. Moscow said Zhukov's tanks and infantry smashed two pan zer and four infantry divisions on the east bank of the Obra. The Germans counterattacked strongly, but were thrown back in retreat. Only yesterday, the first White Russian army was drawn up in force along a 35-mlle front only two to six miles from the Bran denburg frontiers. The Moscow reports Indicated they may have crossed the bonier along the en tire front. Zhukov's northern wing swept 12 to 14 miles across the Pomeran ian border on a 29-mlle front northeast of Berlin yesterday and at one point was within 55 miles of the great Baltic port of Stettin, RED RYDER NO USE OF ANY ONE GOltf' HUNSRY im in' MOD OLD .UNITED 5W1ES' mm ' - " ' ' ' - , ' ....... . ilji WUh B Ads THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJggT ' WITHOUT WHICH ) i&v ''klfy S our farm lands ) 'i WOULD BE ALMOST ) - is Jft n" WORTHLESS, (Kg. .JjLSEa P ARE' THE CHIEF 1 LJ&jrSY'' erosion, C. at X I . WHICH IN THE J r W ) UNITED STATES S ) DOES ANNUAL r ' 7 ) DAMAGE ESTl- ) V. . oO-'Var ff MATED AT ABOUT ) r?5CrV A V' S 3,344 MILLION f .Cy. J m CO PH. 1945 BY NCA SERVICE, INC. SEND Ut AHifoaO TO QUOTE Wafcf,3sSJ:3 SfO STRAI6HTEN A CROOKED - Sl ll ' ?ARD, YOU MUST BEND W,"Sur 771 ; 7r H RAYMOND BISMACH, K$? J L Ww C,Yy, Mc. WNK . T. M. SCO. U. 8. PAT. OFF. ijL 5 whose fall would slice off the northeastern tip of Germany. The Soviets gained as much as 31 miles in 24 hours in their break throughh into Pomeranla. Parents Attend Health Meeting Thirty-five parents of children with defective hearing attended a conference conducted by Miss Luoy Davison, senior public health nurse, in the Deschutes county department of public health of fices here yesterday. The confer ence was the first of a series and constituted a follow-up of chil dren with defective hearing, as re vealed in tests conducted here by Oregon state audiometrists in Oc tober and November. Following a discussion of the audiometer tests and the physiol ogy of hearing organs, conducted by Miss Davison, individual con ferences were held with parents. During the tests last fall 79 children in the Bend area were found to have hearing losses. The matority of these children, health department officials stated today, suffered from minor impairments caused by wax deposits or in fected tonsils. Many of these chil dren have received medical atten tion since their hearing loss was discovered and now have normal hearing. i The cooperation of parents has been splendid, health department officials said today, adding that; many parents have expressed their appreciation of the state au-1 diometer program which revealed hearing losses in their children. LADY LUCK FROWNED ! Smoky Hill Army Air Field, Sallna, Kan. lUi Sgt. "Baldy" i Buehler a rough and tumble ex-, pert completed his judo course, ; including leaps from a jeep bouncing along at 30 miles per hour without a scratch. Then, I he went too far and strained his back while engaged in a friendly i game of cards. Better Equipped In our new offices to help yon with your health problems. Our modern equipment and meth ods Include Hydro-and Tox Eliminator Convenient Termt Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 1?4 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 rBUl KEEP1N' AWAKE FOR NINE DAT3 - yvrMi.nllN inm icrm;.ni 1945 Blood donors HAVE HELPED MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO SAVE 97 OUT OF EVERY IOO WOUNDED AMERICANS. rV5eSO GWAfiG Initiate Invades Gallery of House Salem, Ore., Jan. 30 IP An individual clad in flowing white robes and carrying a -lantern late yesterday appeared in the gallery of the Oregon house of represen tatives, identified himself as Diogenes, and his mission as a search for an honest man. After a brief and lugubrious in spection, he informed the house that he had yet to find one. Puzzled lawmakers, after a laugh discovered that the appari tion was a loser in the Willam ette University "freshman glee" held Sunday, and the trip to the state house was part of the penal ty inflicted upon him. Rep. Carl H. Francis, Yamhill county, did. not, however believe that the joke was in keeping with the dignity of the house and be rated the upstairs doorkeeper for not preventing the demonstration. In the senate another glee loser presented president Howard C. Belton with a chocolate milk shake. Irish potatoes and sweet pota toes are the two most important vegetable crops in the United States, measured in volume of production. U. S. GovemniMif Intptftd and Ttttd Tinstone HOME INSU1ATI0N Roll Save np to 30 In fuel costs. Keeps your homo cooler In summer, too. FHA tarms. Free estimate. 24 Doll! Kequired for the Avtrege Size Houia Houk-Van Allen Tirtstone Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St, Phone 860 Vtt GETTlM' Out for wcivwi ti-iy HERE S i .-v Eagles, Grange Set Polio Dance The Bend Eagles lodge and the Pine Forest grange will sponsor a "march of dimes" dance Friday evening at the Pine Forest grange hall, it was announced here today. Funds raised at the event will be given to the Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis to combat the dis ease, according to W. M. Loy, president of the lodge. A. feature of the dance will be an auction of a large cake by Auctioneer C. W. Mobley, and a $25 war bond will be placed on "the block?' Fred Hollenbeck, chairman of the Eagles committee, and Mazie Smead, head of the grange com mittee, said today that ticket sales already have been started, and that they anticipated a large gath ering. The ladies auxiliary of he lodge and their drill team are aid ing grange women in selling the tickets. ' .To Donate Fares . Not to be outdone, Dalton Her shey, owner of the City Bus lines, said today that he would donate all the fares collected after sched ule hours to the polio fund. He said that the, last trip from the hall would be at 12:15 a. m. Members of the committee as sisting Hollenbeck and Miss Smead are Hazel Bowden, Jacob Sigmund, George Roberts, Jacob Dalhan, George Murphy and L. H. Gless. Music for the dance will be furnished by Web Loy and his "Night Owls."- Mrs. J. F. Arnold, chairman of the county's polio fund drive, said today that money continues to come in from the ticket sale-for the president's annual ball, held last Saturday night. Members of the Women's Junior Civic league have turned in an additional $19.50. Americans eat less potato than they did 30 years ago, but twice the amount of other vegetables. JUST PHONE 101 V'&m folk ( SmM Bend Dairy Quality Products BUTTER CREAM EGGS MILK BUTTERMILK ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE MILK COTTAGE CHEESE FOR OVER 25 YEARS HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY LOCKER PATRONS Are you using your locker? A half-filled locker is a poor investment when you can fill to your diet. Ask us for locker our services include 51 Greenwood Ave. HUNGRY little beaver r SOME SQUAvO watchinO 1 V They'll go good with Officiaj Records County Clerk Honorable discharges: U. s. army to Gordon W. George and Robert S. Anderson. . Marriage license: Amos M Stucky, i legal age, Parma, Ida and Wilma M. Ellingson, legal age, Parma, Ida. I LEGAL NOTICES 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEl that I have been appointed admiui i .. . - e .i t- . . . . isumuj- uj. me juutie 01 J. L. Nickel, Deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly verified, at the office of my attorneys, De Armond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the lirst publication of this notice. ARTHUR G. NICKEL, Admin istrator of the Estate of J. , Nickel, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 29-35-41-470 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac count of John A. Periman, admin istrator of the estate of William M. Henson, deceased, filed herein, will be held in the Courthouse in the County courtroom In Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. on Thursday, the 1st day of March, 1945, and all persons inter- ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator dis charged. DATED at Bend, Oregon, this 30th day of January, 1945. JOHN A. PERIMAN. Adm. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attys. 47-53-59-65C For regular delivery service to your home for all of your dairy products telephone 101. A driver will leave your order and you'll be saved shopping wor ries and lugging pack ages it with the MEAT so essential information on meats for your cutting, wrapping and curing. Phone 101 By FRED HARMAN J TV-r 1 rW25ECUED RBVT.'a&fl ' Z .