V PSGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 29. 1945 Ruling By Court Affects Stocks su- T? . T j j I O II . T , TT7fvl rTi-i1'"''.'';' Si'i a ror a Lime, zeu a lax w im bulletin iJlassWed Ads Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 2 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times 7fic 25 Words Six Times $1.35 AM wnrtU over 3 arid 1c iw ward Mm nnmhcr at IniiFrtloni Ont non'h run. uior enpy, "4 dfty ratr Minimum Chart. 94e LINK RATE Wr CAPITALS 20c Cairuil AffTrt1'(nv. rh In Arlane D.llr Cln.lnr Time UtJO P. M. FOK SALE By Elmer C. Walzer (Unltal Ytifi Financial Editor) New York,. Jan. 29 (tPiA preme court decision that the jitilitv common stocks rnnv oar tlcioate in aws of liauidations under the holding comoanv act today touched off heevv dealings in a lone list of utilities on the; blf? hoard and curb and had n steadvinjj Influence on these rr.-nrkets. The ulilitv average showed n small net gain on contrast with the other rnaior prmiDS. On the curb low-priced utilities nnneared on blocks ranping to 17.000 shaves in Niatrara Hudson Bower. The suoreme court decision was hand ed down in the case of United Jleht and Power Co. Stocks of that comnanv, including (he ore ferred move no on henvv dealings. In the other sections of the market trading was featured bv selective buylne in the nackingj Elgin Ave., Bend issues sum; ' ' I ELECTRIC WASH machine, boil- j.-vv u. u,.. .uw,.... """ier. Ironing board and clothes ba. and a few mils. A number or., ' , u 10o it-... sncc'al stocks rose a point or LATE MODEL small table radio. Last model to come out before the freeze. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. CRAY or Victory Oats, $45.00 per ton. Also 1400 lb. work horse. Alt ranch. 5 miles north on Dalles- California. Box 25. FOR SALE BALED ALFALFA by bale or ton lots. Baled straw, Canadian peet moss. Greenwood Feed Co. Phone 78-J. Greenwood and Division. WANTED A HOME you will love, plus 314 acres, paved street, hardwood floors, furnace, walk-In cooler, at tached parage, sprinkling svstem. $9000. Will take good, small, mod ern house on trade In. Shown by anpointment only. Anne Forbes, ati Oregon, fnone 3ti w. FIR AND CEDAR posts, poles, piling, all sizes. Quote prices f.o.b' shipping point, earliest shipment! Nledermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. MOTOBISTS VEX HIM , Huntington, Ind. HB City Fire Chief Ernest Gr elder was TO BUY an electric refrigerator Write P. O. Box 945, Bend. HELP WANTED MAID WANTED at Cozy Hotel. MEN'S ALL WOOL overcoat size 42, $00 new. Worn onlv few times S15.00. Electric milk shake mixer used onlv short time. Dei-feet con dition. $25.00. Mrs. C. A. Nlckell, 1 mile sotith Pine Forest Grange on Market road. Telephone 22-F-4. SMALL CLEAN trailer house. good tires, priced reasonably. 1255 LARGE. GOOD circulating heat er, $35.00. 1425 Lexington. P'ce. highs. A sizable group made new POUTT.AVI) T.IVT5TnCK Portland. Ore . .Tn. 29 UJ1 I.lvn. F'ock:. cattle 21O0. c-ilves 200. Onenig strong to 25c higher; rath er slow at advan. ?vw loads rood fed steers S15 50.1(1 15: one load good-choice S1K50. Common medium steers SU 00-14 00. l ond choice heifer $15.50; good heif ers .114 00-14.50: common dow" to SSSO. Canner cutter cows $G00 P0O. Medium good beef cows $10.00-1200. Bulls S10 00-12 00. Good-choice vealers $14.00-15 00. Hogs 1 100. Active, steady. Good cholco 1-70.970 lbs. $15.75 : 275-350 lbs. S14 50-15.00. Good sows $13.75 14.00. Feeder dIps $15.00J5.50. Sheen 1 500. Onened steadv but most bids 25c or more lower. Load pood-chn'ee fod wooled lambs $15.25: bidding around S14 50 on eood-cholce tmelc.tn. Good slaugh tered ewes $6.50-7.00. ket. Cheap for cash. 1224 Hart ford. . ENAMFL. WOOD or coal circu lator $15.00, De Laval cream sep arator with attachments for gaso line motor, guaranteed to be okay. Large maple baby crib, also small baby crib. Dresser with large mir ror, bedsteads of all kinds, single cols, round tables, gate leg tables, office chairs, buffet, kitchen cabi net base, bed springs $2 and $3, heavy duty ball and socket trailer hitch for trailer house or stock trailer., pas hot plate griddle, Colonial Jr. kitchen range. We have 3 kitchen ranges we are of fering for $5.00 each, we need the room. Open evenings. 350 Division. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 29 (ID Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter cube 93 score 42&o: 92 score 42 He;. 90 score 42c; 89 score 4114c pound. Eggs price to retailers AA large 49c; A large 47c; medium A 44c; small 40c dozen. Chilling Weather Grips Midstate Bciid today was experiencing some of its chilliest daylight weather of the winter, with the mercury resting at 22 degrees at noon.' Last night's minimum was 18 degrees. At .daylight Sunday morning the temperature was seven above zero. Bend skaters have located some ice-Covered ponds, they reported today. Yesterday, about 50 skaters visited the Mayfleld pond, near the Hoech school, east of Bend. Skating on the Tumalo reser voir is not so good, because of a broken ice surface, winter sports enthusiasts reported. FURNISHED MODERN houses, close in. 3 bedroom, $1900. $300 down, $30 month. Paved street, 2 bedroom. $3250, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. APPLES. Another shipment of Snitzenburgs and Newtowns, here Monday. Fresh pure apple cider 55c per gal. Please bring contain ers. Greenwood Feed Co., Green wood and Division. HAY1, good first and second cut ting alfalfa, $27.00 delivered In load lots. Myers, 225 Miller. YOU'LL BE WISE to have your radio repaired while I have the tubes and parts, as a report is the tube situation is steadily getting worse and worse. Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. Elderly Ex-Editor Suddenly Stricken New York, Jan. 29 m Carr V. Van Anda, 80, former manag ing editor of the New York Times, died In his Park avenue apart ment late last night one hour after learning of his only daught er's death at her New York hotel residence. Van Anda, who had been un well for some time, suffered a heart attack which a member of his family said was Induced by grief over news of the death of Hlaneho Van Anda. WEST SIDE close in. 4 room mod ern house, cement sidewalk, elec tric range wiring, garage, some wood. $1400, $250 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3 JERSEY milk cows ready to freshen. Jackie Dlmick, 1560 New port. FAT HENS, dressed or live. 1498 Newport. 1 BLOCK from Kenwood school, new rustic stylo 4-room modern house, large garage attached. 3 lots. A pood buy at $3G95, $1000 cash. $40 month. Corner Ogden and W. 7th. Henry M. Bennett. LARGE NORGE oil heater with electric circulating fan. guaran teed to heat 6 rooms. 1973 Awbrey road. West side. I HAVE a few radio consoles In excellent condition. Guaranteed and on sale till Feb. 1st. Luckev's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. 4 TONS No. 1 threshed oat straw. J. W. Rarick. 2 miles north of Bend, highway 97, Box 20. 2 WHEEL TRAILER, excellent tires. Battery radio, round oak dining table. 1422 Ithaca. FOR SALE OR TRADE 214 ACRES. 3 bedroom house, ga rage, large poultry house, wood- snea. raDDit hutches, etc. Trade for Bend property. A. E. Peeler. Box 284, Prinevllle, Oregon. 1600 POUND, good honest work horse. Works single or double. Will trade for faster horse. Claud Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. WANT FARMER WITH EQUIP MENT AND IRRIGATION EX PERIENCE TO OPERATE FARM OF 160 ACRES NEAR REDMOND AND BEND ON SHARES. WRITE NO. 10328 IN CARE OF BULLETIN. PIN SETTERS wanted. Apply at Bend Recreation Alleys, after 6 p. m. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care for children in motherless home. Board, room and wages. Phone 815-R after 5 p. m. or write No. 10322 care of the Bulletin. WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $G0 per month. Apply 236 E. Kearney. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED housekeeper, middle age, capable of assuming full charge. Write No. 10304 care of Bulletin. USED CARS WILKANOWSKI violin. $150.00 value. Take $100.00 cash or trade for used piano. 1107 Milwaukee Ave. FOR RENT LARGE COMFORTABLE modern furnished 2-roofn cabin with wood, water and lights. Close in. Call at 623 Hill. . 7 FT. NORTHLAND sklls com plete with binders and poles. 1438 Cumberland. BARGAINS. Immediate posses sion, 2 modern furnished houses, paved street, sewer connections, both for $3500, terms. 2 modern furnished houses, both for $2200, $000 down. $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LATE STYLE all enamel wood range, dark walnut bed with van ity and bench to match complete with inner spring mattress, al most new coll spring, 2 almost new chests of drawers, one large oak chest of drawers, coffee table, Zenith table model electric radio, floor lamp, table lamp, overstuf fed rocker, extra large mirror, also medium sized round mirror. 22 Lake Place. FEEDER PIGS and rye straw stack. William Dahlberg, Route 1, Box 410. Arnold District. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel. Mrs. Mason. Mgr. Phone 31-W. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Light clean rooms. Wood, water and light furnished. Hot water heat. Suitable for 2 people. Call Sunday or after 5:30 p. m. 23614 E. Irving. 1933 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Motor and tires in good condition. 78 Kearney or Standard Stations corner Wall and Greenwood. 1936 V-8 TUDOR In A-l good con dition. '29 model A 114 ton truck, car jacks and hub caps of all kinds. Model A parts. 136 Greenwood. 1935 CHEVROLET! coupe, 4 6-ply tires, heater and radio. Can be seen at Mission Service Station. 1934 CHEV 2 door, good condi tion throughout, Motorola radio and heater. Inquire 1043 Lexington. LOST BLUE BILLFOLD containing navy leave papers, and some money. Return to 20 Roosevelt as soon' as possible. Reward. Leave ends tomorrow. LADY'S BULOVA wrist watch with sweep second hand, down town In Bend Thursday. Finder return to 1601 W. Third, Apt. 2. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close In. 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. WANTED NEW OR USED electric heater. Must bo in good condition. West ern Union Telegraph Co. WILL BUY good smll modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy or rent acreage, with building up to 40. Write No. 10293 in care of the Bulletin. GRAIN DRILL with seeder at tachment. Claud Cant. Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios George's Radio Service. New loca-1 OOO 111.11 V nnn ' nun, ooo vvuii oc. f none yuu. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE while you wait, saws filed, skates hollow ground, knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re paired, soldering, general repair ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. WILL STILL DO general repair, carpentry, plastering, patching and painting. Do yours now. Phone 504-W. SMALL MODERN furnished house for middle aged couple. Good references. Garage desired. Write No. 10327 enre of Bulletin. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 for a limited time only Experienced 0Hrator MAY I.AlltV AICDKI.I.K Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs ami lint Blocking Capfiol Cleaners 837 Wall Plume 5'JI ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC" Contract Wiring Appliance Repair l liitrlinl Kttpplic Fluorescent Lights OK Mazda letups Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 08 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement MONUMENTS ' R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1533 Awbrey Kd. Tel. 629-M Refrigerator Service All Type, of Mechanical Service) On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond & Minnesota Phone 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vj! Beo lllvo Trucks and Trailer may lie used anywhere In the U.S.A. without nil tnic or spe cial license when traasiyorlliiir your own (roods. I,,, trip,,, short trim anywhere. Seo your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond A Franklin Phone 810 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Sen-lee Every Da Of the Year Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset Letterpress file Bend Bulletin Phone 56 TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 6G8 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson,' O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Whcadon,' 1714 Steldl Road, Bend. FOR SALE A beautiful new slip has been added to the famous C. & D. line this week. In precious NYLON. Colors white, tea rose, black, sizes 32 to 40, price $4.95. Call Elsie A. Dunn. Phone 615-J. INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared In my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. H. T. Merritt, 202 Thurston. amazed by the necessity to issue a notice requiring Drivate auto mobile drivers to wait or detour Chief Ernest G r e I d e r was I . ... ' I MONTH-END SSff 00sV!Vv,aVcoW...-------S -Jv reduce rt l Sheep lined, duck shell, a J' Mf, when they find their way blocked truck and let me through." by fire equipment. City firemen ' twice were asked to "move that Buy National War Bonds Now! Prices Effective Last 2 Days of January Tuesday and Wednesday WOMEN'S DRESSES to clear out few very pretty street dresses, one-and two-piece, in rayon jerseys, twills, etc. Many attractive patterns, to close out at only 6.00 each. Try them on! More, Higher Quality DRESSES g.00 And here is our biggest value, if they fit you. Some of our finest dresses plain colors in light and dark shades, not all sites, but bar gains at 8.00! was Break for Baby Buntings -Snow Suits 2.00 Slightly soiled fleece buntings and twill snow suits with feet, flannel lined, infants sizes only 6 at this price. Boys' All-Wool Fingertip Coats 7.90 Fine coats for 20 boys, all wool fingertip models, flannel lined, in choice of brown or navy, reduced to clear. Maternity Slack Suits Rayon Work Slack Suits 2.00 Maternity slack suits of quality rayon in brown tones work slack suits in navy blue were much more than this clearance price. Boys' Pile Lined Coat 8.00 Fine pile lined coat, warm! Heavy duck shell, brown pile collar, size 16. One only! V7; RED RYDER f ML PROMISE NO HARrt COrtE 10 CHE.E -NEZ W0RD)(1hErJ 1 LL VATOOSE' UTILE BEAViRiF HlrASW FO JPLEMTf uOOD.rTnWIE HEN ARC By FRED HARMAN "l CAN DtPtNO VV. Otf CHE.E- rW-FDRLEDS THAT iS goLiTrLrP So, Thunder HANS AROUND LITTLE T3EAXER UNTIL TH" TEl IS over.' , WE'LL JUST 1 TO SEE THAT I I 15 AFT S BI-CHI I