I. PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY,: JAN. 27, 1945 Ward Stocks Lead Rise on Market By Elmer C. Walzcr (United Presa Financial Editor) New York. Jan. 27 (IP) Mont gomery Ward common stock enlivened the stock market today when federal district court In Chi cago ruled that President Roose velt was without authority to take possession of the company's plants and facilities. The stock which had sold as low as 50- shot up to 53 on heavy trading just before closing time. Its strength aided the en tire market. As soon as the court decision was announced.orders to buy the stock came in so rapidly that governors of the stock exchange stopped trading In the issue to permit the securitists to straight en out their books. The Issue sold around 11:40 a. m.. at 51-, a lump of l-'4 points from the sale made just before announcement of the decision. That sale was on a block of 5,000 shares. It rose steadily In the subsequent trad ing. Monteomery Ward rose more than a point on the Chicago stock exchange. The A stock was dull on-the curb exchange, holding at the previous close. For a Utde, Sett a Lot With BiMetin (Jlassified Ads Classified Rates von SALE Local Paid in Advance ACREAGE: Have 20 acres at 25 Words One Time S5c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 WANTED TO BUY an electric refrigerator Write P. O. Box 945, Bend. HELP WANTED All rJ. 9K arid t n wnril llmH number of Imtrtiont . Ont month run. same copy, Mi day raw Minimum Charge, Mc LINE HATE Wc CAPITALS 20e Clarified AdvertUlnf. Cmh in Advanca Dailr Cloalnr Tim. 11:111 P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 218 1. O. O. F, Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miller, Sec, Phone 10(9 W PORTLAND IVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 27 mi Weekly livestock: Cattle 2575, calves 2165. Market active, gen erally steady but good cows and medium to low good steers as much as 25c higher; few loads strictly good fed steers 15.50 16.00; medium-good 13.5015.25. Common down to 11.00, cutters to 9.00; common-medium heifers 9.5013.00. Strictly good fed heif ers up to 14.50-14.75; medium good beef cows 10.00-12.75, fat dairy type cows around 8.50-10.50. Canners-cutters largely 6.00-8.00; medium-good bulls 10.00-11.75, odd head to 12.0012.25; good-1 . choice vealers ia.5U-ls.oo. Hogs 1475. Market unchanged. Supply inadequate to fill existing orders. Good-choice 170-270 lb. barrows and gilts 15.75, 275-300 lbs. 15.00, heavier and lighter weights 14.50; good sows 13.75 14.00 mainly; good-choice feeder pigs 15.00-15.25; good stags large ly 11.0011.50. Sheep, fat lambs generally steady but late top 10c above last, week. Ewes around 50c higher. Good-choice trucked in lambs 14.50-15.00, few head and one car 15.25; two cars fed 94 lb. Ca nadian lambs 15.50," new recent high. Common lambs down to 10.50, culls down to 8.00; good yearlings up to 12.00; good slaughter ewes 6.50-7.00 culls down to 3.25 or below.- FOR SALE 40 ACRES with 25, acres C.O.I, water. Four room modern house, large barn and plenty of outbuild ings. $3800 full price. Want $1600 for my equity. Four miles out on Butler Market mad. Inquire Rl. 2, Box 50-A on south highway, turn right at closed Texaco station, third house on left, after 5. RECONDITIONED VACUUM cleaner, guaranteed. Bond Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Sweet Home for $600. $300 down takes 35 acres on Hiway, build- inns. S1350 down takes 9 acres at r.nn Vftn SnFinrt Inlrpe 5 orrpa east of Bend. $1000 down takes 10 BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of acres In Carroll Acres. 2Vt acres s,ate operators acceptable. Li st Toledo, Oregon. Two houses, cense by reciprocity. Please get in See Walter Daron. Gilberts Real Ioucn l"e beauty Wuest soon Estate. FEEDER PIGS and rye straw stack. William Dahlberg, Route 1, Box 410. Arnold District. as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. - i WOMAN for housework morn ings, 5 days a week. Call 688-W. THREE ROOM modern for $1700. RIVERSIDE: Seven room mod ern, $6500. DUPLEX and furni ture. $3000. We will se'l two pood PIN SETTERS wanted. Apply at Bend Recreation Alleys, after 6 p. m. rentpronerties on RIVERFRONT , WOMAN for general work. Des. cheao. Gilberts Real Estate. Wall Street. 1015 A HOME you will love, plus 3 acres, paved street, hardwood floors, furnace, walk-In cooler, at t.'irhod parage, sprinkling svstem. $9000. Will take good, small, mod: ern house on trade In. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 50'xlOO' lots in Redmond. Also 24'x30' basement and foundation on property. John Luelling, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. MILK GOATS, a few not suitable for milking machine. Sell very cheap. Also young stock for butch ering. Try some of this most de licious meat and give yourself a treat. No points needed.. Groff's Goatery, across track, east of Evans Fly Co. TEAM OF HORSES, age 4 and 6, weight about 1400, gentle and good for all-around work, one broken to ride. Also half set new harness, one set old harness and halters. All for $150.00. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. Phone 10F-13. GRAY or Victory Oats, $45.00 per ton. Also 1400 lb. work horse. Alt ranch, 5 miles north on Dalles California. Box 25. 2 STOVES, circulator and cook stove. May be seen at 1519 E. 8th. ELECTRIC WASH machine, holl er, ironing board and clothes bas ket. Cheap for cash. 1224 Hartford. Housewives Asked To Store Paper Washington, Jan. 27 tillThe war production board's salvage division today appealed to house wives to store their waste paper until weather conditions Improve and paper collections can be re sumed In many areas. "The greatly Increased mllitni v needs have made the salvaging of every scrap of waste paper essen tial to supply packing and ship ping materials," W. Thomas Hoyt, division director, said. "It is vital that collections of waste paper should not be destroyed." Woman Proves Superior To Man in Woods Lore Unitv Plantation, Me. iu- ns fast JVcoming n woman's world even In the great north woods, according to the Maine depart ment of inland fisheries und game. Warden Supervisor Louis M Chute reported that he had two hunters lost about the same time One was a woman, Mrs. Ransom Palmer of Unity Plantation who had to spend a night in the heart of the woods before she was found. wnen rescued, Mrs. Palmer oiiuweu no nun oi panic, but built herself a shelter, had a ruddy tire going and was snug In warm clothing. In another part of the state, a man, also lost over night was found wandering around 'in a daze, shivering and frightened though he was only a mile and a half from camp. Ilo had a com pass but no Idea how to use it LOVELY HOME ON RIVER: Seven room modern. Four bed rooms, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement, new Lennox fur nace.' automatic coal stoker, air conditioning, large lot. Yard ter raced on river. Outside fireplace. Phono or see Waller Daron for appointment. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. 4 ROOM modern house practically new, new chicken house, all on Vj acre city limits. Immediate pos session. Inquire 10th St., corner of B, Redmond, Oregon. LARGE. GOOD circulating heat er, $35.00. 1425 Lexington.- ST. HELENS STRRET: Seven room modern furnished. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, large erounds. garage. Has everythine. Immediate possession. $4800. Terms arranged bv Walter L. Daron, Gilberts Real Estate. chutes Cottage Hospital. Board. room, $60 per month. Apply 236 E. Kearney. SITUATION WANTED CHIMNEY SWEEP ! I specialize in cleaning chimneys, furnaces and fireplaces. 20 years experience. Phone 692. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, middle age, capable of assuming full charge. Write No. 10304 care of Bulletin. USED CARS 1936 V-8 TUDOR in A-l good con dition. '29 model Alti ton truck, car jacks and hub caps of all kinds. Model A parts. 136 Green wood. . 12-DOOR '37 Ford, good'tlres, clean and in good condition. Under ceil ing due to minor defects. 228 Florida. ELECTRIC BROODER, 500 chick size. Call after 4:30 p. m. 213 E. Revere. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, $225.00. Will take good gas con sole range in trade. Also child's bedroom set. Jennie Llnd single bed, box springs and new mat tress, small chest of drawers, table stand In maple, $85.00. 557 10th St., Redmond, Oregon. SHEEP LINED water proof short coat, prewar, never been used, just the thing for truck driver or out door worker, size 48. 1530 4th St. Also used overcoat. THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJT ( AVERAGE TEMPERATURE ( V.f- : I. k v"f7 ) OF THE EARTH v, C mri ) asa whole V-.'- SMt' OCCURS NEAR THE TIME V-:?.- .-. T7'. 0;7jjL J WHEN OUR GLOBE I X".s.:r.::: :.t--y.-i:(:?T ) IS CpOSSST TO THE !Z&JZiS' SUN ) SfWRK ' j. f WHY 15 THE SEVENTEEN -YEAR 1 ll LOCUST SO NAMED P I 111 I . X 1 . f I 1935 CHEVROLET coupe, A 6-ply tires, heater and radio. Can be seen at Mission Service Station. ' FORD V-8 truck, 1939, new motor, 7 pre war tires, flat rack. Trade for late model sedan or lighter truck or pickup. Can be seen Sat urday or Sunday at the 5 mile post east of Bend on Burns high way. L. N. Elllngson. 1934 CHEV 2 door, good condi tion throughout, Motorola radio and heater. Inquire 1043 Lcxlng ton. ARE THE ONLY NATIVE AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE . PHASAAr FAMILY. 1-18 ANSWER: Because the insect goes into the ground, after hatch ing, to emerge as an adult 17 years later. Jim Byers Seeks Data on Bend '5' One-of the Bend Lava Bears' far-flung fans, Lt. J a m e s F. Byers, wants to know what kind of scores the Bears are running up this season. In a lener re ceived yesterday from the young fighter pilpt In France, Mrs. For rest Ferneau was requested to look up the season's basketball scores and forward them pronto. Mrs. Ferneau promptly searched back copies of The Bulletin and mailed the scores today. Lt. Byers, who graduated from Bend high school in 1941, distin guished himself as a . football player. He and his brother, Lt. Bill Byers, also a fighter pilot, are attached to the same squadron. They each have a distinguished flying cross, an air medal and 11 oak leaf clusters. Bill has already received a silver star but Jim said In the letter received yesterday that , he has been recommended for one. Both young men attended Bend high school with Pfc. Wil lard Ferneau, who became a pris. oner of the Japanese at the fall of Bataan and, at last reports, was in a prison camp at Mukden Manchuria, Mrs. Ferneau said. ' The young men are sons of Mrs. Albert A. Byers, who lived at 309 Tumalo avenue prior to selling her Bend property and moving back to her old home, Myrtle Point, a year ago. ' RIGHT ON HIS DOORSTEP Latrobe, Pa. IP Here Is a man who found the legendary "acres of diamonds" in his own back yard. Charles C. Wedemeyer camei home, from a day of fruitless! hunting, only to find a ringneclc pheasant lying on his back porch. The bird had been killed when it flew into the screen door and ' broke its neck. Grizzly bears are good fisher men; in Alaska they wade into streams and scoop out salmon with wide sweeps of their paws. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you llrie. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1600 POUND, good honest work horse. Works single or double. Will trade for faster horse. Claud Uant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. 1933 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, motor and tires In good condition. 78 Kearney or Standard Stations, corner Wall and Greenwood. LOST BLUE BILLFOLD containing navv leave naDers. and some W1LKANOWSKI violin. $150.00 money. Return to 20 Roosevelt as value. Take $100.00 cash or trade soon as possible. Reward. Leave ior usea piano. uv( Milwaukee enas tomorrow. Ave. FOR RENT 3 ROOM modern house, close in Call 358-W. j LADY'S BULOVA wrist watch with sweep second hand, down town In Bend Thursday. Finder return to 1601 W. Third, Apt. 2. PRE-WAR nAVPNPORT nlnnr. in good condition, $25.00. 532 Og- LARGE COMFORTABLE modern den. I furnished 2-room cabin with wood. wnier nnu iignts. Close In. Call at MISCELLANEOUS 2 GENTLE saddle horses, gentle ! 623 Hill. enougn tor children, inquire 1519 E. 8th. STUDIO COUCH, rust color. L. R. Halligan, Rt. 1, Box 72, So. high way to Texaco Service Station, turn left first house on left. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home eooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel. Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 1-3 n i j ,u-jnvm juniiMieu upanmeni. Five room furnish-1 Light clean rooms. Wood, water CHEAP BUY en nome. iwo room wootisned nnd ana light furnished. Hot water worKsnop witn line, woodshed neat. Suitable for 2 people Call and garage. $1150. $200 down. ' Sunday or after 5:30 n. m 2.n;u, Low monthlv payments. See Wal- E. Irving. ter Daron, Realtor. Gilberts Real, Estate. 1 4 BEDROOM modern furnished . , : ; house, large yard nnd garage, 1 BLOCK from henwootl school, ' close In. Inquire 237 St. Helens. iii w mam- styie 4 room, modern WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. WILL STILL DO general repair, carpentry, plastering, patching and painting. Do yours now. Phone 504-W. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. O DIPNTnt'Il CIT-Ilf-nrn n house, lareo garage. 3 lots. A good J ROOM unfurnished modern and surgical men's nnd women's buy at 8OT!5. SHOO cash. $-10 house kitchen range furnished. c""vml its repXd nommTcost' month. Corner of Ogden and W. i Available February 1. Call P. N. pZmSS m, 'S 7th. Henry M. Bennett. r'UKNISHED MODERN houses. I -close in. 3 bedroom. Sionn Sim 3 down, S30 month. Paved street, 2 bedroom. S.'IffiO, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. -Armstrong. 1506 Harmon. Phone . 950-W. HAY, good first and second cut ting alfalfa, $27.00 delivered in load lots. Myers, 225 Miller. ROOM furnished nu.ntment. Close in. 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. 2-ROOM semi modern house, base ment. Close to mills. Inquire Riv erside Service and Grocery. u inne uidg., or liox 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Llovd Wheadon. 1714 i Steldl Road, Bend. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen nnd laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. WEST SIDE close In, 4 room mod ern house, cement sidewalk, elec tric range wiring, garage, some wood. SHOO. $250 down. $25 ' M n n F r n i , PL-, m.-nth. Anne Forbes 36 Oregon I? RN,3 ,00m fl,rnlstl,(l Phono 36-W -'"egon. apartment. Close to city center. .i.,u. wiiuT, iigms nirnished FOR SALE A beautiful new slip has been added to the famous C. & D. line this week. In precious NYLON. Colors white, tea rose, black, sizes 32 to 40, price $4.95. Call Elsie A. Dunn. Phone 615-J. Russian Front (Continued from Page One) been checked on the river Obra 45 miles west of Poznan," a Ber lin broadcast said.' That is the river's nearpsr nnint tn Pnmnn and it elbows sharply westward . C0.ui!?rymP, with no other natural barrier short of Schwerin. A' few miles to the northeast, other Russion forces were re ported by Berlin to have crossed to the north bank of the Netz river east of Schneidelmuhl, 50 miles north of Poznan and 90 miles northeast of Stettin. The Transocean news agency said the First Ukrainian army in Silesia apparently was trying to envelop Breslau, and was trying to cross the Oder on a broad front northwest of the city. ' A Moscow broadcast said the entire eastern front from the Carpathians to the Baltic had col lapsed, laying open the relcii to the red army. It called on the Germans to rise up against Adolf Hitler. Lines Are Cut The Oder river, Germany's pri mary defense line in the east, has been crossed at "several points and communications cut between the industrial area ot upper Silesia and the rest of the reich, the Moscow broadcast said. The broadcast came as the Sov iets sealed off all East Prussia and the garrison of 200.000 nazi troops with a breakthrough to the Baltic, stormed the last de fenses of Konigsberg, Danzig, Breslau and Poznan, and pushed to within an official 136 and an unconfirmed 93 miles of Berlin. The Breslau, Danzig and Ko nigsberg radios went off the air, indicating that the fall of those fortress cities may be imminent. The Moscow broadcast pro claiming the "complete collapse" of the eastern front was made by a spokesman for the Soviet-sponsored free German national com mittee, BBC and American FCC monitors reported. Country Told "The communication line be tween the industrial area of up per Silesia and the reich one of the decisive factors in Hitler's conduct of the war is already cut," Mai. Gen. Martin Lattman, ; the German spokesman, told his. The military situation demands that a decision should be taken in order to put an end to this crimin al madness," he said. "A patrio tic and national-minded officer must lead the fight' of the army and the people against Hitler." He told the German people they must choose between "perishing" with Hitler or saving their nation by turning against him. To secure best results In quick- freezing sausage meat and ground beef, salt should be omit-, ted because it seems to simulate oxidation; sage, pepper, mace, ginger and other common spices aid in the preservation. COMPLETE. CAR SERVICE JUST LIKE OLD TIMES - Listen to that PURR-R-r-r-r- How we love to hear our customers' enthusiasm! How they love to hear the pretty purr of their motors, restored to smooth running order by our excellent service. Nothing that earns our workshop's OK can fall to please the most critical car owner) or to prove satisfactory for safe driving, even through winter hardships. Complete Auto Service Tires-Batteries-'Anti Freeze-Towing W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street Phane 700 WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS SPECIAL! 7.50 Judee Machineless Now 6.50 . for a limited time oidy Experienced Operators SIAY LAl'KA ARDELLE NOTICE Due to the shortage of dry wood FAT HENS, dressed or livr. i .ins 1 S25.00. Adults only. Annlv ni )4Slwe om- deliveries to M u t. . E. Second. "" e-mcrgenc Oregon Ltd. Contracting Wiring Power Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Servico Phone 159 614 Franklin Bend, Ore. Newport BARGAINS. Immediate posses sion, 2 modern furnished houses, paved street, sower connections both for S3500. tonus .,i,., I furnished houses, both for SL2i)n SC0O down, S3") month. Anne Forbes, 3(i Oregon. Phone 3G-W. WANTED LARGE NORGE oil heater eieetric clreu at nir f:m with WILL PAY CASH for small 1 piano, not too old. in good condl j tion. Write Rt. 1. Box 158. WILL BUY good small modern ! houses on west side. P. O. Box 733, I Bend. V orders filled first. Please uhone vour order in before you are out. Delivery promised from 3 to 5 davs if wen- ther stays good. Phone 707. Brook-1 ings Wood Yard. cum-nn. ! PHIV ATP I'.UH'V I !.';"!,!"'a1t G. "ms-1973 Awbrey j or rent acreage, with 'building up -a 1 : Vr- ',0- u' rite No. 10;93 in care of ITONSN., i .... -!"H' Muneim. unburn u.ti hi r.aru-k ':n'icK, a miles north of . GRAIN DRILL with seeder at Bend,h,gl,wy 97, Box 20. taehment. Claud Gam. IU . 1 Box ENT.LISI I SAWLEsTnlso west-1 .Ph.one1i?- ern saddles. eliililriMi'a nmui Ito cmr -.. r,' . r: i ! JTS-F ' Pup.ril black? half SX" hTf ' """'' nt cavalry , lemer. One mile south. nlH -'""a- ii 0S-(nlirm-ni htehwnv m urday and Stables. S. L. 33 LAYING HENS tor sale cheap Phone KI3-Z. Inquire lmt, st cor ner of B, Redmond, Oregon. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Ottlc. Ph,,. 7, Raa. Phcna SU-W 1 I ivu. mono zo-r-j. I', r- . Kioilel. i SET OF SCAI.Es725o750 I pounds. Inquire Benson, Bulletin I of rice, us e STad i o swiirjvvT" t op prices for good used ra'dios George's Radio Service. NPW ioca; tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900 INCOME TAX and business state ments prepared in my home. Also open evenings and Sundays for your convenienye. II. T. Merrill, 202 Thurston. Place Your Order Now for QUALITY POULTS Baker Feed Co. Redmond, Oregon Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Captiol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 034 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights HE Mazda Ijimps Smith's Electric 1183 Wal! Phone 98 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 15S5 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M - Refrigerator Service All Types ot Mechenical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Minnesota Phone 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVEVa! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or so cial license when transporting your own goods. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone 310 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service F.very Dav Of the Vear Phone 544 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY Photographic Offset , Letterpress The Bend Bulletin RED RYDER Bv FRCP HARLAN TO BUY house trailer. Contact PnnRhurn. Mobil Service Station 1273 Wall St. oiauon. W DO tOOl -&HOOT T f tiUI ALL NAVA.JOS VlD'CNT CCVE fOhl f CHEE-NEZ LOOtsl afaRlED RYDER.' Wt l ANGRY NLL HI X YOUR SACRED I LONG TlttE FOR SiHhLOrtG TirAE FRlNPlJ BEFORE HE WW 1E.I-3I-CHI .jGjH LITTLE ffEAVEJ ) SiWk OF LITTLE CURSE ON OURV CEREMONY.' MISE WANT Hlf IF 1 LEAVE TILL AFTER TH' YEI-PI-CWU WILL YOU PROMISE yVO HARA WILL GONE TO LITTLE" . &EAVEfe? I n f XuSr promise on M t