THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JAN. 27.: 1 945 PAGE SEVEN Of f ice Equipment FILING CABINETS We've a good stock In inexpensive to top quality filing cabinet handy byilt right for use and good lookingJ . DESKS Doki to meet your most critical require ments. Large onej, small ones, all hand somelv finished. Typewriter Repairs Carbons Papers Personal Stationery Greeting Cards Mimeograph Equipment- Pendaflex Files Office Supplies ERIKSEH'S STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES Next to Chamber of Commerce Phone I4I Highest Type of Auto Machine Work BRAKE DRUM GRINDING CYLINDER REBORING (Up to 7' in. bore) PISTON REFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING DItAKE'S AUTO SHOP Behind Stage Depot I058 Bond Phone 795-J Put youi advertising met- , sage on a blotter and it will be remembered. .... Your business' needs BLOTTERS . . A blotter will keep your. " name before your cus . tomers constantly. Blot ters are an inexpensive way of getting results. Try them. THE BEND BULLETIN t Telephone 56 OUR STOCK BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES PARTS COMPLETE Carl Austin REPAIR SHOP 220 GREENWOOD We FIX 'em! i - Complete Auto Repair To keep your car giving peak performance, bring it to us for attention while your troubles are still small. Motor, battery, radiator, transmission, tires, or fust lubrication, we can do the job right. GATES TIRES - AUTOLITE BATTERIES Central Oregon Garage WALT NELSON EARL ZEEK Greenwood I Harriman Phone 240 I I t ' ysky1 fa I IpiD THE DELIVERY TRUCK FROM NO--WHY -I I 'Wf A.H. BUT? I Qh) ,k V I r, ' 1 T THE BIG. STORE J- SHOULD IT f y X DID' ' '; ' ? 7 ' ' 1 nTV V K jS-7 STOP HERE JlDIDN'T BUY V V 1 If ' flv s I f$ V TODAY ? vf ANYTHING P P . fS$?wk mBX XXmej&ii ' - t- - - . . .:, PO YOU REMEMBER HOW DISAPPOIUTED WM I ABSOLUTELY THEY GOT A , W' MY GOOD- I I WHERE'S WILLIS NOW? X OH, I IMAGINE I WILLIS WAS WHEW I COULDN'T FIND t- FEW INJ TODAY AND 1,G12A.BBEP NESS , I HOPE THE TRUCK J IT WILL "HE WAS TA HIM A NEW BIKE FOR. CHRISTMAS f VES, I . ONE INi A HURRY J HE'LL CER- GETS HERE BEFORE T GOINJG TO STOP AT A? ) mMMEF REMEM" 1 TO GIVE TO TAIULY BE jyyyyyMA HE GETS THE LIBRARy ANP . iMWtmA ( BER NOW DON'T , Jv&l HIM FOR HIS ) SURPRISED 'T HOME J. HE'S SURE TO LE B rBA 1' I I! IS2 BACK THERE IM THE COR- "J 5) t ,SET YOUR END DOWN), BUDDY J W0. YOU THIMK. VOU'RE ) GOSH, NO.' I JUST ,V Tl com 1945 tVWiA StRVCt, IWC J.WlLLIAM i 1 0tfB'