THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY, JAN. 26. 1945 PAGE SEVEN Market Benefited By Rally in Rails By Elmer C. Walxer (United Pros Financial Editor) . New York, Jan. 26 IP A broad .!, lifted stocks fractions to Lra than 2 points today, extend ing yesterday's rise and leaving the market above the close of last week. Bethlehem Steel set the pace early In the session when it rose more than 2 points on what Wall street construed as a favorable earnings to report. Actually the report showed total earnings un der a year ago. This brought down allowances for taxes and deprecia tion and left the net profit high : it Net was equal to $9.93 a share, against $8.58 in 1943. Directors declared the usual $1.50 dividend on common stock. Bethlehem held Its gain and in spired some buying in other steels. Rails soon took over lead ership and registered gains rang ing to more than 2 points in Union Pacific. Building stocks were ac tive and their- gains ranged to 2'i points in Certain-Teed pre ferred which made a new high. Gold mining stocks joined the rise with Mclntyre Poitupine reaching a new high on a rise of more than a point. Packing issues were ac tive ''n Wilson and Armour pre ferred at new highs. Aircrafts improved along with other so-called war issues. Bendix Aviation made a new high. Oils were firmer with Texas Company at its high. Goodrich and Fire stone had gains of a point or more In a strong rubber department.' Westinghouse Electric, Marshall Field, Continental Can, Anaconda Wire & Cable and Cerro De Pasco had gains of a point or more. 1 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 26 U Livestock:, cattle 25, calves 15. Few cleanup ' sales steady; de mand broad for most classes of cattle. Steers lacking. Week's top S16.00. Common light heifers $9.00. Best fed heifers this week $14.75. Canner-cutter cows $6.50 8.00; Fat dairy type to $10.00. Good beef cows quotable to $12.75. Common bulls $8.50. Good-choice vealers salable $13.50-15.00. Hogs 100. Active, steady. Good choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; few 155 lbs. $14.50. Good sows salable $13.75-14.00. Feeder pigs quotable $15.00-15.25. Sheep 450. Supply Includes two doubles fed Canadian lambs. No early sales of lamhs. Good-choice truck-ins salable $14.50-15.00. Fed lambs held considerably higher. Good heavy wooled ewes $7.00 1 POKTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 26 IIH A fair supply of butter was noted today on the Portland market but it still was insufficient to supply the daily trade. . ' Butter and egg prices were un changed. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42c; 92 score, 42 lie; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 4l'c pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large, 49c; A large, 47c; medium A, 41c; small, 40c dozen. HIS GLORY DIMMED Indianapolis, Ind. 'U' Newly elected Republican State Auditor A. V. Burch was sworn into office without his most important cam paign asset. His all-girl accordion band, which accompanied him during an 11-week tour of Indiana, was left off the inaugural pro gram because state leaders felt the fanfare should be reserved for I lie governor-elect. FOOD LOCKER LAW Olympia, Wash., IP The 433 refrigerated food lockers in Wash ington state now have to toe the line. The state department of ag riculture announced a regulation providing for installation of ther mometers which will record on a chart the temperatures of the lockers each hour. The state law allows a maximum icebox "warmth" of 12 degrees above zero. i 'VOU SEE, MOM . . Houston, Tex. HPi "Now before I tell you this, Mom, you know I can tell by the way you write if you are worrying and please don't 'or my sake," TSgt. Monroe Brookshire wrote to his mother 'rom a hospital in England. He ent on: "You see, Mom, I do nated my right leg to the scrap drivp " Oregon Ltd. Contracting Wiring Pow Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. For a lJtilei Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 26 Words tSU Times . $LSO All wards IS add la par ward tiMta number at lucrtrtna Ooa Moth run, sane copy, 4 day rata MiBjmBra uiargat Me LINK BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Cbuatfiad AdTartuin. Cask 10 Advaaea Daily Cutis Tuaa 11 iM P. M. FOB SALE 40 ACRES with 25 acres C.O.I, water. Four room modern house, large barn and plenty of outbuild ings. $3800 full price. Want $1600 for my equity. Four miles out on Butler Market road. Inquire Rt. 2, Box 50-A on south highway, turn right at closed Texaco station, third house on left, after 5. 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 SCxlOC lots in Redmond. Also 24'x30' basement and foundation on property. John Luelling, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. TEAM OF HORSES, age 4 and 6, weight about 1400, gentle and good for all-around work, one broken to ride. Also half set new harness, one set old harness and halters. All for $150.00. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. Phone 10-F-13. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle hocses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. 2 STOVES, circulator and cook stove. May be seen at 1519 E. 8th. RUMMAGE SALE Last 2 days Friday and Saturday. Lottie Nel son, across .from the laundry. LOVELY HOME ON RIVER: Seven room modern. Four bed rooms, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement, new Lennox fur nace, automatic coal stoker, air conditioning, large lot. Yard ter raced on river. Outside fireplace. Phone or see Walter Daron for appointment. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. 3 HOUSES on 60 ft. lot, 2, three room semi-modern, furnished, 1 five room modern unfurnished. close in, east side. $3250, $2150 down, balance $2o month. Inquire 164 E. Irving. 2 GENTLE saddle horses, gentle enough for children. Inquire 1519 E. 8th. CHEAP BUY: Five room furnish edTTome. Two room woodshed and workshop with flue. Woodshed and garage. $1130. 3uu down. Low monthly payments. See Wal ter Daron, Realtor. Gilberts Real Estate. 1 BLOCK from Kenwood school, new rustic style 4 room, modern house, large garage, 3 lots. A good buy at $3795, $1100 cash, $40 month. Corner of Ogden and W. 7th. Henry M. Bennett. FURNISHED MODERN houses, close in, 3 bedroom, $1900, $300 down, $30 month. Paved street, 2 bedroom, $3250, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. HAY or victory oats, $25.00 per ton. Also 1400 lb. work horse. 5 miles north on Dalles-Calif, 'high way, Box 25. Alt ranch. HAY, good first and second cut ting alfalfa, $27.00 delivered in load lots. Myers, 225 Miller. WEST SIDE close in, 4 room mod ern house, cement sidewalk, elec tric range wiring, garage, some wood. $1400, $250 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FAT HENS, dressed or live. 1198 Newport. BARGAINS. Immediate posses sion, 2 modern furnished hcnses, paved street, sewer connections, both for $3500, terms. 2 modern furnished houses, both for $2200, $600 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ENAMEL WOOD or coal circu lator $15.00, several real good buys in baby beds, breakfast table with 4 good chairs a real buy, pre war collapsible baby buggy $7.00, dresser base, chest of drawers, leather couch '$5.00, several good heating stoves, extra track for electric train,- stone jars, 5 gal. gas on kerosene cans 25c, pair boat oars 50c, rockers, kitchen cabinet bases, library tables, book shelves, stand tables, ironing board $1.50, $18 worth of house paint for $10. round tables, kitch en table, bedsteads, bed springs, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches. Open evenings. 350 Division. LARGE NORGE oil heater with electric circulating fan. guaran teed to heat 6 rooms. 1973 Awbrey road. West side. 4 TON'S No. 1 threshed oat straw. IJ W. Rarick, 2 miles north of ! Bend, highway 97, Box 20. i SHEEP LINED water proof short Icoat, prewar, never been used, ! Just the thing for truck driver or out dnor worker, size IS. 1330 4th 'St. Also used overcoat. Dr. Grant Skinner - DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Eveningj by Appointment OtflM Phona 73 R- Phona 119-W FOB SALE ACREAGE:' Have 20 acres at Sweet Home for $600. $300 down takes 35 acres on Hiway. build ings. $1350 down takes 9 acres at j ijien visia. iduu lanes a acres east of Bend. $1000 down takes 10 acres In Carroll Acres. 2Vt acres at Toledo, Oregon. Two houses. See Walter Daron. Gilberts Real Estate. FEEDER PIGS and rye straw stack. William Dahlberg, Route 1, Box 410. Arnold District. 1 33 LAYING HENS for sale cheap. Phone 193-Z. Inquire 10th St., cor ner of B, Redmond, Oregon. THREE ROOM modern for $1700. RIVERSIDE: Seven room mod ern, $6500. DUPLEX and furni ture, $3000. We will sell two good rent properties on RIVERFRONT cheap. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. . A HOME you will love, plus 3V4 acres, paved street, hardwood floors, furnace, walk-In cooler, at tached garage, sprinkling system. $9000. Will take good, small, mod ern house on trade in. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 4 ROOM modern house practically new, new chicken house, all on 14 acre city limits. Immediate pos session. Inquire 10th St., corner' of B, Redmond, Oregon. LARGE, GOOD circulating heat er, $35.00. 1425 Lexington. ST. HELENS STREET: Seven room modern furnished. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, large grounds, garage. Has everything. Immediate possession. $4800. Terms arranged by Walter L. Daron, Gilberts Real Estate. ELECTRIC BROODER, 500 chick size. Call after 4:30 p. m. 213 E. Revere. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, $225.00. Will take good gas con sole range in trade. Also child's bedroom set, Jennie Lind single bed, - box springs and new mat tress, small chest of drawers, table stand in maple, $85.00. 557 10th St., Redmond, Oregon. ENGLISH SADDLES, also west ern saddles, children's good, gen tle saddle horses. Can be seen Sat urday and Sunday at Cayalry Stables. S. L. Miles. WE HAVE sold our farm and have nolise for 1934 flat bed truck with a 1939 motor. Dual tires and compound drive. Also 1930 Ford pickup. $700 takes both, which is $105 below ceiling price. 2 heifers fresh about May 15, $65 each. 1000 lbs.-capaclty platform scales, $40. Cole and Deal Farm, 5 miles So. Redmond, old highway. Rt. 1, Box 164. See Friday and Saturday. ELECTRIC THOR mansle. Fine ! condition, $16.00. Tenor banjo and case, 517.00. Electric iron $5. Call at third house from King's Mar ket on south highway. Phone 34-F-3, Mrs. Donahue. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1600 POUND, good honest work horse. Works single or double. Will trade for faster horse. Claud Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. FOR RENT 3 ROOM modern house, close in. Call 358-W. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked . . meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 4 BEDROOM modern furnished house, large yard and garage, close in. Inquire 237 St; Helens. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Close in. 65 Franklin. Phone 1149. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, close in. Inquire at 6 Irving avenue. CLEAN SLEEPING and house-1 keeping room, kitchen and laim-l dry privilege's. Linen and bedding j furnished. Automatic heat. Phone j 493-W. I WANTED WILL PAY CASH for small piano, not too old, in good condi tion. Write Rt. 1, Box 158. , WILL BUY good small modern ! houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, I Bond. I PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy jor rent acreage, with building up 1 to 40. Write No. 10293 in care of the Bulletin. GRAIN DRILL with seeder at tachment. Claud Gant, Rt. 1, Box 430. Phone ll-F-2. BRONCHIAL COUGHS! er Bronchial Irrititioni Due to Cold Buckley's Fimoiit "CANADIOL" Miitare Acts lik a Filth Fnnd a few cent today at any rn'jii drtja; etorft f"r a hnTtln 'f nwklev-a CAVAKIOL Mlxlars (triple aillnul. THke a. roimln - i i .... L II m 1 li att n t ! ' nip m (iiiii . ';; ! tv'wrful ffciive -ttr,n t,rrad llir'l ' . v I 1 In lia It Ftarin At om- to 1ftn'n up thick. rnoKing pniwin. - branr ftni make broathlnic "fislr. Kunrr from thou pT intent. Irritation d" to raMs flnJ Rurk ly brtntr q'ifrk and ffftlvfl re lief Pin t wait KM Hi" kl'-y'a Can ftdiol today. Tou R;t rHef instantly. Owl Pharmary BraudU Thrift Wise Drugs WANTED TO BUY an electric refrigerator. Write P. O. Box 945, Bend. SET OF SCALES, 25 or 50 pounds. Inquire Benson, Bulletin office. USED, RADIOS Will pay top prices lor gooa usea ramus. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO BUY house trailer. Contact Pangburn, Mobil' Service Station, 1273 WaU St. TO BUY shells that will fit a 32 Iver Johnson revolver. Will buy or trade other shells for same. Phone 1156. 350 Division. , TO BUY for man in service, fold ing camera. Phone 1156. 350 Divi sion. - USED CARS 2-DOOR '37 Ford, good tires, clean and in good condition. Under cell ing due to minor delects. a Florida, . 1935 CHEVROLET coupe, 4 6-ply tires, heater and radij. Can be seen at Mission Service Station. HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. ' WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $60 per month. Apply 236 E. Kearney. " WOMAN for housework morn ings, 5 days a week. Call 688-W. BAKERY DRIVER, experience not necessary. Union wages guar anteed. References required. Phone 1027 or apply at 365 E. Greenwood. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN with child wishes house work. Write No. 10219 in care of the Bulletin. 15 YR. OLD boy wants work. Call at 45 Lafayette or phone 559-J. USED CARS 1936 V-8 TUDOR In A-l good con dition. '29 model A l'A ton truck car Jacks and hub caps of all kinds. Model A parts. 136 Green wood. LOST SOMEWHERE in Bend, possibly on riunter iiace or close to Bap tist church, coin purse containing large sum of money. Liberal re ward Jor return to The Bulletin. BEAUTIFUL GRAY Persian fe male cat. Belongs to shut-in. Kind ly call 488-WX or write E. J. Losch, Rt. 1, Box 156. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. WILL STILL DO general repair, carpentry, plastering, patching and painting. Do yours now. Phone 504-W. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ' ability and experience. I can get ; you more money tor that live stock. .O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 6(or21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. 1940 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT SEDAN Original Finish! Like New Tires Very Good OPA Warranty Price - $1470 Our Warranty Price -S1 395 BienidCairaciC l bouib ot Postottice Phone 193 I I REDRY"DER By FRED HARMAN f ItfDlArtS KILL. TOU, V0ON1 KILL WeHOOT OJCe.ArW Al f "DROP PISTOL, J r.f-f "f'Sfh1 V " Go avoay j --f anyone, ums s i V thousand NAVCjoe V0H1TE AWN QjtjL-lj A MA J- t-rM sAA WITHOUT rE ! j- I TRlGGE-K THIS JVTEAR. TfOU WART' -t JWSJSp yfimiiirJ With Bulletin THIS CURIOUS WORLD ( WAR ZONES, LLU ViT ?CljViJ ACCORDING TO &lM 'S1ltia2?S i rrrnniiiii 'iinrr- ZT n. CONTINUE TO SWG jA'!!(WM. ( AND SEARCH FOR ( jfra'-U'iiYC J APPARENT CONCERN Ym&M-dl ' ( OFEPIRhN&'6UNS gr" " JzLjL - ar- COm. IMS BY NEA SERVICE, INC VLADIVOSTOK, IN SIBERIA, IS FAerHG SOCW THAN VENICE, ITALY. T. M. HIE. U. I. PAT. 0F MISCELLANEOUS FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. FOR SALE A beautiful new slip has been added to the famous C. & D. line this week. In precious NYLON. Colors white, tea rose, black, sizes 32, to 40, price $4.95. Call Elsie A. Dunn. Phone 615-J. NOTICE Due to the shortage of dry wood we may cut our deliveries to cord lots. Emergency orders filled first. Please phone your order in before you are out. Delivery promised from 3 to 5 days if wea ther stays good. Phone 767. Brook ings Wood Yard. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you liKe. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. HUBBY USES PRIORITY Abilene, Tex. IP A recent let ter from her husband. Lt. George D, Steakley, told Nadel Steakley of Abilene that her head will be painted on the nose of his plane, "The Purple Cow." Mrs. Steakley has been pin-up girl of many a man in the army and navy since she was chosen "Miss Thunder bolt" by "The Fighter," weekly newspaper of Abilene army air field. YAK AT EVANSVIM.E ZOO Evansville, Intl. ill1) Mesker park zoo proudly announced the first birth of a yak at the zoo. At tendant Henry Egll said both mother and baby were contended to remain out of doors. LATIN CLASS SHOWS OFF 'Hammond, Ind. dPi Artistically-Rifted students in Morton Ju nior high school's Latin classes used nothing but Latin phrases on the Christmas cards they made for themselves. I i r D ''OuK OLD PRESIDENT IS OUR, NEW PRESIDENT," Sst HERMAN HENDERSON,' IMYtimsporf; Vennsyinfo. Directors Given Committee Data Reports front four major, com mittees, forum, milk control, fish and game and legislative, were heard by Bend chamber of com merce directors at meir wcemy deceased has filed his final ac meetlng today noon in the Pine count in the office of the County Tavern, with Carl A. Johnson, clerk of Deschutes County, Ore chamber president, p r e s i d i n g. con. and that Mondav. the 5th Further committee appointments were considerea ana it was an- nounced that all committees will be completed before next Friday, B. A. Stover and Frank H. Log- gan were named chamber of com merce representatives on the Ore gon Advertising federation. Special Classes Reported Filled The shorthand and typing clas- day afternoon in the commercial department of Bend high scnool, are filled up, A. W. Nelson co ordinator of trades and industrial relations, reported today.. The typing class, with 30 adults enrolled, is taught by Harold Carllle. Miss Mary Burger teaches the 21 persons in the shorthand class. The classes are held from 4 to 6 p. m. on Mondays, Wed nesdays anil Fridays. At the conclusion or tne cignt- weeks course another series will be started if demand warrants it, Nelson said today. Mrs. Sillaway, 94, Dies in Oklahoma Tumulo, Jan. '26 Mrs. J. W. Sillaway, 94, mother of Mrs. S. L. Hall of Tumalo, who (lieu Jan. 23 in Miami, Okla., survived five generations, lt was revealed here today. Mrs. Hall, who Wednes day received word of her mother's death, will be unaoie to auena the funeral. Mrs. Sillaway was the mother of six children, and Mis. Hall is the only survivor of the family. Mrs. Sillaway had 21 grand child- Place Your Order Now for QUALITY POULTS Baker Feed Co. Redmond, Oregon Classified Ads ren, 25 great grand children, and six great, great grandchildren. She made her home with iter grandson. Fred, whom she raised from infancy. Mrs. SlUaway's mother, was also 94 years of age at the time of her death. BEND PILOT FEATURED The name of Lt. Robert W. Hendershott. U. S. N. R-, of Bend, appears In a full-page advertise ment in the January 15 issue of American Aviation. The Edo Air craft corporation. In its advertise ment, told the story of how Lt. Hendershott,. In an engagement near Iwo Jima, vanquished three Japanese Zero planes after he had gone aloft to direct naval gunfire. LEGAL NOTICES I CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes In the Matter of the Adoption of ALVIN LEE PURCELL, a minor child. The people of the State of Ore gon to Thelma Crawford greet ings: . You are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court Room In the City of Bend, Deschutes County, State of Oregon on the 26th day of February, 1945 at two o'clock P. M.' Said day then and there to show cause, if any, why the petition of C. C. Rees and Joann Rees for the adoption of Alvln Lee Purcell should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of the County Court of the Des chutes County, State of Oregon this 26th day of January, 1945. (Seal) HELEN DACEY, Coun ty Clerk. By Opal Sprague, Depty. 44-50-56-62C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 1148 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Lavona E. Rogers, day of February 1945 at the hour or 2 V. M. In the alternoon ol said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. Dated and first published Jan uary 5th, 1945. Last publication February 2nd, 1945. C. V. SILVIS, administrator of the estate of Lavona E. Rogers, deceased. i H. C. ELLIS, attorney for ad- , ministrator, e-aMa-44-5uc National Forest Timber for Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Fnrnst Silnprvisnr Rfnrl. Orpcnn. iun In and not later thnn 2 n.m.. February 5, 1945, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embrac ing about 860 acres within Sec tions 28 and 29, T. 12 S., R. 9 E., W.M., Jack Creek area, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon, estimat ed to De 3.(JUu,txiu reet H.M., more or less, of pondcrosa pine timber and an unestimated amount of '. western larch and other species of ; saw timber. No Old or less than $6.10 per M feet for ponderosa pine and $2.75 per M feet for the western larch and other species will bo considered. In addition to the price hid for the stumpago, a cooperative deposit of $.40 per M feet B.M., to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal, and a cooperative deposit of $.10 per M feet B.M., to You won'f pay a lot for a good job at The Bulletin. THE BEND BULLETIN ' Telephone 56 cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing, and timber stand im provement work on the area cut over for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. Bids with rates in excess of those permissible un der M.P.R. 460 will be reduced to the allowable maximum in mak ing the award. $10,000.00 must accompany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full Informa tion concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submis sion of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon. 44-48o Every Funeral Detail attended to for you. Our services cover every phase of purling a loved one to rest. No matter what the cost, we strive to give the same sin cere attentions. ; & FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118 ' ... Niswonger and Winslow Morticians fir c$1 one POLONIUM Spark Plugs Itfl of mor Guaranteed to atari your car quicker and make lt run smoother, or your monoy back! Houk-Van Allen Tfc$ione Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 1 r Especially designed Business Cards V. . Wou will be remembered long after you have gone if you left behind a smart looking business card. We can give you an attractive layout, neat, clear cut im pression on a business card that's sure to leave a last ing impression.