THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 25. 1945 PAGE SEVEN Market Reveals New Advances By Elmer C. Walzer (UniWd Preat Financial Editor) -.,.., Vnrk. Jan. 25 (IP) Thp market advanced in all sections today On mouuraieiy icuurau -vui- ume, aided by restoration of ....iiihrhim in American Tele phone which lost 254 points In the preVlUUS ocas... Telephone regained more than half Its loss of yesterday. The drop was ascribed to selling for an estate but the weakness in this favorite had pulled the market down, principally the industrial average in which It is included. tie issue dropped on the Chicago ' oxehanee today to get into ...ith tho Wdiu York nrire. Today's improvement in the share list was accompanied by a better market for bonds. Rails stood out for strength in both markets. Commodities also dis played a stronger tone. All mar kets were orderly. The better ment was seen as mostly techni cal following a lengthy period of recession. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 25 (IB Livestock: cattle 150, calves 25. Active, steady. Common steers Sll 00-12.25. Common-medium , heifers $9.50-13.00; part load good fed heifers $14.50. Canner-cutter cows $6.00-8.00. Fat dairy type $9.00-10.25. Good beef cows $1200-12.50. Bulis scarce. Good veaiers $13.50-14.50; choice quot able to $15.00. Hogs 150. Active, steady. Few good-choice 170-240 lbs. $15.75; 140-lbU (OS v-uuu Buwa largely $13.75; light weights to S14 25. Good-choice 77-104 lb. feeder pigs $15.00-15.25. Sheep IdU. steaay. uooa-cnoice wooled lambs scarce early; sal able $14.50-15.00. Choice laftibs Wednesday to $15.25. Common grades $10.50. Cull ewes $3.25. Good ewes salable $6.50-7.00. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 25 ilB Prices of eggs today declined an other cent a dozen in all classes but the small sizes. Butter prices remained at OPA ceiling levels. Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 424c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41V&C pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 49c; A large 47c; medium A 44c; small 40c dozen. Pfc Frederick E. Patterson, above, of Milwaukee, Wis., talked back to his German cap tors near Hotton, France, and was made to stand in a road under American artillery fire four different times Most of the Nazis around him were hit, but he was uninjured Later he escaped, was almost caught by a Nazi patrol before he waded , to American lines through walst- deep, near-freezing water. I Buy National War Bonds Now! I i.uiiiigu -wile - W L. - aaaaut I ai.a va: Was- ' JAMESWAY Brooder Stoves Now Available More JAMESWAY brooder stoves ere used in Central Oregon than any other make. If you own a Jamesway you can always get parts when you need them. BRIQUET-OIL-ELECTRIC Here you will find the type and size best suited to your requirements. Check your needs now for Thermostat wafers, waferers, feeders, stove pipe and parts Brooder Supply Headquarters BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188-X For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 15 Words One Time ,S5c 28 Words Three Times 76c 25 Words Six Times. flM All vara ar li add le pr word tlmu DUOlbOT ! bucruant OH Manta run. Ml copj, fc day rat aflnimaai Caarga, 4c LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Cawailiad Ad.irtliint. Cadi in Aaraaca Daily analog Tim 11:1a P. M. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., Jan. 25, 8 p. m. M. M. Degree Vbltlnc Brtthmn Waleama George SlmervUle, Sec'y. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE 40 ACRES with 25 acres C.O.I. water. Four room modern house, large barn and plenty of outbuild ings. $3800 full price. Want $1600 for my equity. Four miles oat on Butler Market road. Inquire Rt. 2, Box 50-A on south highway, turn right at closed Texaco station, third house on left, after 5. 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 50'xlOO' lots in Redmond. Also 24'x30" basement and foundation on property. John Luelling, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. TEAM OF HORSES, age 4 and 6, weight about 1400, gentle and good for all-around work, one broken to ride. Also half set new harness, one set old harness and halters. All for $150.00. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. Phone 10-F-13. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. 2 STOVES, circulator and cook stove. May be seen at 1519 E. 8th. RUMMAGE SALE Last 2 days Friday and Saturday. Lottie Nel son, across from the laundry. , LOVELY HOME ON RIVER: Seven room modern. Four bed rooms, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement, new Lennox fur nace, automatic coal stoker, air conditioning, large lot. Yard ter raced on river. Outside fireplace. Phone or see Walter Daron for appointment. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. 3 HOUSES on 60 ft. lot, 2, three room semi-modern, furnished, 1 flvo room modern unfurnished, close In, east side. $3250, $2150 down, balance $25 month, inquire 164 E. Irvipg. 2 GENTLE saddle horses, gentle enough for children. Inquire 1519 . E. Sth. LADY'S WHITE shoe roller ; skates, almost new. Wooden bear- j ing rollers. Size 8. Call 131-R. CHEAP BUY: Five room furnish-1 ed home. Two room woodshed and workshop with flue. Woodshed and garage. $1150. $200 down., Low monthly payments. See Wal-' ter Daron Realtor. Gilberts Real Lstate. GAS RANGE, baby bed, rocking chairs, electric iron, hot plate, ironing board, dinette set, chest, Hollywood bed, book case, garden tools, cooking utensils. A. C. Jean quenat, 184 E. Kearney, corner E. 2nd. 1 BLOCK from Kenwood school, new rustic style 4 room, modern house, large garage, 3 lots. A good buy at $3795, $1100 cash, $40 month. Corner of Ogden and W. 7th. Henry M. Bennett I HAVE a small portable and 5 guaranteed radio consoles. Lib eral discount sale to February 1st. Phone 536, Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. Redmond, Ore. ' FOB SALE ACREAGE: Have 20 acres at Sweet Home for $600. $300 down takes 35 acres on Hiway, build ings. $1350 down takes 9 acres at Glen Vista. $1500 takes 5 acres east of Bend. $1000 down takes 10 acres in Carroll Acres. 2V4 acres at Toledo, Oregon. Two houses. See Walter Daron. Gilberts Real Estate. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT, $25.00. 532 Ogden. 33 LAYING HENS for sale cheap. Phone 193-Z. Inquire 10th St., cor ner of B, Redmond, Oregon. WOOD - OR COAL circulating heater in A-l condition, $35.00. Medium size cook stove In good condition, $35.00. South City Lim its Motel office. THREE ROOM modern for $1700. RIVERSIDE: Seven room mod ern, $6500. DUPLEX and furni ture, $3000. We will sell two good rent properties on RIVERFRONT cheap. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. GOOD MAJESTIC range, $25.00 cash. 14?) East First. 4 ROOM modern house practically new, new chicken house, all on acre city limits. Immediate pos session. Inquire 10th St., corner of B, Redmond, Oregon. YOU WILL be agreeably surpris ed at the improvement of your radio's performance if you will take it to your favorite repair shop, and ask for a tune-up and alignment job. Luckey's Radio Re pair, 117 Lafayette. ST. HELENS STREET: Seven room modern furnished. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, large grounds, garage. Has everything. Immediate possession. $4800. Terms arranged by Walter L. Daron, Gilberts Real Estate. MODERN HOUSES: 4 room com pletely furnished, paved street, $3250, $1500 down, $35 month. West side, 2 bedroom. $3500, $1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ELECTRIC BROODER, 500 chick size. Call after 4:30 p. m. 213 E. Revere. ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX stucco apartments, 3 rooms in each unit, one completely furnished, gas, hardwood floors. Only $3200, $1000 down. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, $225.00. Will take good gas con sole range in trade. Also child's bedroom set, Jennie Lind single bed, box springs and new mat tress, small chest of drawers, table stand in maple, $85.00. 557 10th St., Redmond, Oregon. WEST SIDE, 3 bedroom house, 2 baths, electric range wiring, gas. Reduced from S4500 to $3S00. Some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. ENGLISH SADDLES, also west ern saddles, children's good, gen tle saddle horses. Can be seen Sat urday and Sunday at Cavalry Stables. S. L. Miles. YOU WILLike this one: Neat 4 room modern house. Separate 1 room cabin. Garage, woodshed, 2 stoves. $3250, $500 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WE HAVE sold our farm ajid have no use for 1934 flat bed truck with a 1939 motor. Dual tires and compound drive. Also 1930 Ford pickup. $700 takes both, which is $105 below ceiling price. 2 heifers fresh about May 15, $65 each. 1000 lbs. capacity platform scales, $40. Cole and Deal Farm, 5 miles So. Redmond, old highway. Rt. 1, Box 164. See Friday and Saturday. ELECTRIC THOU mangle. Fine condition, $16.00. Tenor banjo and case, $17.00. Electric iron $5. Call at third house from King's Mar ket on south highway. Phone 31-F-3, Mrs. Donahue. 18 LEGHORN HENS, Kwix Shave electric razor, banjo, oil heater. 22 Lake Place. FOK KENT 3 ROOM modern house, close in. Call 358-W. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 4 BEDROOM modern furnished house, large yard and garage, ciose in. Inquire 237 St. Helens. Relieve COLDS' miseries... At bedtime rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRub toeasecoughing, loosen up the phlegm, help relieve con gestion in upper bronchial tubes, invite restful sleep. Relief comes as VapoRub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with iuspccial medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back sur faces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the mis cry of the cold is gone I Remember ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this spe- cial double action. It's timc-tcsted, home-proved ... the best-known home remedy for rehev- m m m a a ing miseries of C jjjj children's cokU, vaporus FOB BENT 3-ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Refrigerator and washing facilities, $20 per month. Inquire Museum of Wonders, north high way. 3 ROOM unfurnished modern house, kitchen range furnished. Available February 1. Call P. N. Armstrong, 1506 Harmon. Phone 950-W. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, close in. Inquire at 6 Irving avenue. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. 2 3-ROOM modern apartments, nicely furnished. Large electric ranges and refrigerators, auto matic furnace heat. No children or pets. Phone 416. WANTED WILL PAY CASH for small piano, not too old, in good condi tion. Write Rt. 1, Box 158. WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. TO BUY 2 good used suit cases. 164 12. Irving. SET OF SCALES, 25 or 50 pounds. Inquire Benson, Bulletin office. USED RADIOS Will pay 'top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. TO BUY office or home desk with several drawers. Also 9x12 rug or smaller. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. TO GET in touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Thomas. 81 Oregon. Telephone 170. TO BUY house trailer. Contact Pangburn, Mobil Service Station, 1273 Wall St. I WILL PAY good price for gas ranon In irnnfl mniliUnn nnrl if nov ! essary will sacrifice electric re ffrigerator in. trade. Call 623-W. :843 Harmon. iTO RENT 2-bedroom modern house on or about February lirst. , Ralph McNeely, Hq. 317 Wing, I Reamond Air Base. TO BUY shells that will fit a 32 Ivor-Johnson revolver Will buy or trade other shells for same. Phone 1156. 350 Division. TO BUY for man in service, fold ing camera. Phone 1156. 350 Divi sion. USED CARS 2 DOOR '37 Ford, good tires, clean and in good condition. Under ceil ing due to minor defects. 228 Florida. 1935 CHEVROLET coupe, 4 6 ply tires, heater and radio. Can be seen at Mission Service Station. HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operatois acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $60 per month. Apply 236 E. Kearney. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN with child wishes house work. Write No. 10219 in care of the Bulletin. 15 YR. OLD boy wants work. Call at 45 Lafayette or phone 559-J. LOST TAYLOR-TOT baby walker some where near 303 Riverfront. He turi to Mrs. Student, 303 River front. . FOUND STRAYED to my place, one red brindle cow, right ear cropped. One long yearling Jersey steer with horns, split in both ears. Emil Anderson ranch, Tumalo. - MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid tor used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phono 583. RED RYDER WILE PEASIER, I'VE COnE ' TAKE fOU With BuRetin THIS CURIOUS WORLD A i "OEERS.r.. 1 WS.VJr DEEP BEING THE ') 5rr ( NAME 0CEANC6RAPHERS 'fSTnivn - -'VETO PLACES AAORB ( nT? J ,11 ' ) THAN ff,000wr ErCi. ofliH'iaj. t ao the Atlantic fJrihs --i-a cora. iwi bv ne service, inc. FW&ttO7lS2Sl. T. M. REG ii. a. PAT. OFF, ' Which of these is a bird 9M (n esm , l cP& cwMMy swe&ofx . , JSfci, browm cffAF my, iIm ANSWER: Brown Creeper. MISCELLANEOUS TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 2.3-J or call at 1015 Wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steldl Road, Bend. NOTICE Due to the shortage of dry wood we may cut our deliveries to '.a cord lots. Emergency orders filled first. Please phone your order in before you are out. Delivery I ; iMuimsuu umn o to o uays n wea- trier stays good. Phone 767. Brook, lngs Wood Yard. FOR SALE finest quality Hoover iiiniforms, 6 styles now.i available 'Including one stylo nurse's uni form, long sleeves, ranging In price from $2.98 to $5.50, sizes 12 j to 44. Also professional Jackets, i j office coats. Call Elsie A. Dunn, representative ot Hoover Mfg. & Sales Co., nationally advertised. ; Phone 615-J. No. 7 Westonia Apts. ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN LaThes I are having a rummage sale In the ! i Burlch Building on Wall Street I Jan. 26th and 27th. I KEYS MADE while you wait, saws filed, skates hollow ground, ! knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re paired, soldering, general repair. I Ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. j SPENCEf SUPPORTS Dress ' and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 60S or 21-F-4. Mrs. -Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you lie. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. F. S. Besson, Jr., Named General Mcliin.rl.,.. I j u,,l,,,.,II, u. Urtll, ' I President Roosevelt today tiomi- I -i.i,n.l fV.I,. ..! .- I. ft... rr UJ'i son, Jr., whose permanent rank is captain in the corps of engineers, to be a temporary brigadier gen- 'eral in the army of the United ; States. Colonel Frank Shafler Besson, Jr., is the son .of Colonel I". S. Besson, who headed Camp Abbot during its occupancy by the the army engineers. Col. Besson, Sr., a veteran of two wars, and up to the first of the year head oj the engineers' training division at Fort Lewis, recently announced his retirement. Colonel Kiank S. Besson, Jr., is commander of the Iranian mili tary railroad. Another son of the .FH3$5';anou eCrturVV this is ackedI r voni-re r&N nwo m 1 i wi Sr'TO OVR LINE OF 5IGHT- IS A& WE GAZE AT THE HORIZON ... HENCE THE NAME, WHICH WAS GIVEN IT BY THE GREEKS. former Abbot commander, Mnj. Robert Besson, is a prisoner of the Jupanese. A BIG JOB OR A SLIGHT ADJUSTMENT Both receive our best We are specialists in car care but though we are equipped and staffed to practically rebuild a car, we are equally glad to receive your confidence in correcting the least auto defect. Our chief concern at this time, is to help keep every essential car on the road to help every car weather the severe cold and sleet of this time of year and to make it possible for wartime car own ers to make their autos last until new ones can be pur chased. Rely on us when it comes to your car! And you'll be better able to rely on your car for safe driving. BEND GARAGE COMPANY South of Post Office Classified Ads Conscription Act Opposed in Salem By Erie W. Allen, Jr. (United PraM Staff gorraapondant) Salem, Ore., Jan. 25 IPi The Oregon house of representatives today voted 42 to 16 against a memorial urging the congress of the United States to enact a "to tal conscription" act. The memorial originally pro posed as urging "limited national service" by Rep. Warren Erwin, Portland, was later amended to read "total conscription" by Rep. Vernon Bull, La Grande. Debate Is Violent The measure failed to pass af ter more than an hour of violent debate and technical delays. Rep., Erwin, charging that op ponents of the memorial are "in surrectionists" against the war effort and the national leadership, said that the representatives of the people of Oregon should "back up MacArthut, Elsenhower, Mar shall and King, and say to them 'Go to it.' " The memorial was strongly op posed by several members of the house, in particular Rep. Phil Brady, Portland leader, who said that such a proposal was an "in sult" to the men and women of Oregon. The memorial survived an at (empt to table it, by Rep. William Niskanen, Deschutes county, and a motion to re-refer it to com mittee for revision, by Rep. Chlnd gren. A "burning spring" in lands ' owned by George Washington was mentioned by him in his will; 0, iH TO Frees Warsaw " f , t Marshal Gregory Zhukov, above, led his First White Rus sian Army into Watsaw, liberat ing the long-besieged Polish capital in the Reds great win ter offensive. the burning spring was seepage of oil and gas from underground pe troleum deposits. r iWw.,,, J : ,i I yr r fir, I 0 Is, More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Bora la a plaasant way to ovarooma looae plato dUcomlort KASTBETH. an Improved powder, aprlnkled oa upper and lower platea taolda them flrmar ao that thay feel more oomfortabla. No gummy, Kooey, paity taate or feel I nr. Checka "plato odor" (dantura breath). Oat PASTEETH today at any drus atora. Phone 193 By FRED HARMAN