THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News Tl.MVV.HXn UK Miitliilillil ycMlonluy, 17 ilruri'i'K. Minimum Iiint iiIkIiI. ID (li'Krfi'H. TOMAVHMKVi'llKK TiniMriiliii'it: III, 21 tl Kri'i'H; III ll. in., K7 tlritrmn. Vv loclly of wlnil: III i.iu., H milt's; III U.lll., I llllll'N. Tin- Mint l.litlli'I'lill IjiiIIi'H Aid will im-i'l next Tluii Htliiy, I'Vli. I, nl 2:.'MI In tin' eh u n il uujint wllli Ml'N. lllllVIII' Nynlcl'11 (IN llllKtfKN, Id'V. MuitIm A. 'riioiiipNiin Irfl tnilay lo iilli'iul mi All l.iillii'iiin M Miliuir In tin- Mulliiiiiniili linlfl, I h i lim I on Mliliiy. lie will I'i'liirn In fill thn pulpit nil .Sunday. ICnhiTl VV. Siiwycr i'i-luriiril lo Ilcliil luiliiy ullci' iiIIi'IiiIIiik Uriel' lion niiilcicnci'H In St. l.onlH, Mo. Uci'd J. Ilmviirtl, ki'Iiiiiiiii 3 c lavliillnii riitllo until , rcrcnily tiiniluiiicil (rum i: navy ritillu m IkiiiI In Mi'inphlN, 'IVnn., bin .u' i'IHh, Mr. and Mm. .1, II. Howard, l l.ri!i I'liiiiliiTlanil, liuve IcariH-il. Id'i'il. 1H, i-ruiliiuti'd from Hi' ml lillili h IiihiI wllh tint ('Iun (it mid cnllxlcd an u ulr I'l'rw man on July 3. I In KTiuluiilctl from laillo Nchool wllh an (ivt'iumi of W prr rent. Ik1 In now awitlllni! ii!ol)!Mimnt to u nunnery iclinol. Miss I .m y DiivIkiiii mid Miss Kl ma Mulllim, licsi'luiics rounty pulillc liriiHh iitiinc. lolt tixluy lor I'm il.iinl tu iui I Icliiaif In un liiMllulc In nliHi'i value of iiiitlmi' al puhltc hcallh ilny, which la to morrow, 'llii' Instllule U the wc mid of n wiles HponmiriHl Jnliilly by the Ori'iinn stiito Irattlie mini ItiK cdlK'.illnn, the Orciioll statu niiiKrH' us.HiR'lallon and dUliiii 1 lit Ihc On'Kuii Mate oi'Kiinliitton (or pulilli' hcallh nurln. Mr. and Mil. Jay Tlmix, ( Kvriclt, Wash., HIV III Itcml visit lilt: his slslrr, Mis. I". (.'. Tuyl'ir. MIks lU'i tliii Kohai,'i'ii, slulc Nil IMTVIsiir o( hnini' rciinnmlt'S, wan In lU'iid tmlay. coiidTiiliK wllh Itcml hlk'h nchool odlcluls anil In' siiuctois. Miss Kdlhaccn Is lien from Salem. K. J. Wlsi1, Ijiki'Vli'w, was In Itcml today on IiiisIiicsh. J. D. lioiiovan, manager of the I.iinilierman's hospital, rcturiu'd today (nun Cunene whrni he iM'iil M-vcral d.(n vlsllliu; lil lirnther In law, (icoiKe Wlillturinr, w ho has Ih'cii III. J. 1.. I -iii son of I 'oil la rid wa In licnd ycsiciday on business. Mrs. T. W. Viindcvci I of 'I'unia In KhopH'(l In llellll Vl'Slcrday. C. K. fidlich, o( Kail City, Ncli., at. HERE'S A GREAT DOUBLE BILL PLUS 2ND SMASH HIT mimr SMILEY BURNETTE tj -.'&t ' MARY LEE JUNI STORIY WARREN HUH JOI FRISCO PACEMAKERS and Mm. R. It. Franklin, of Den ver, who have liucn vIhHIiik their HlMlei', Ml'N, A. kl. Sluvuns, led llils iiioi'iiIiim to vinll (ili'iuw In oilier NCCtlOIIH III (Jll'tJOll. Mrs. Marino 1,'IiIIhiiii was In Ik nil ycHicriiay (roin III i Jtcti iiiond army air field. Airs. A. L. IUii'I'Ihoii n( KIhIcis shopped In tills city yesterday. Nns. M, li. llltciK'ock was In llend ycKtcrduy I ruin HIsleiH. Nick Milliner Is Hpeiiilliid n few dnys In Itcml from Ins daleway lioiiio iih Nils, Muniicr underwent tin operation at the St. Uiarlcs honpiial yesterday. Mm. J. (,'. Vandeverl, who hud liei.'ii serloUHly 111 this juiNt week, wiih relcaned ychlcriJuy I rum tile St. Cliarles hospllal. It. II. Colli), newly appointed superintendent of tnr wi'fclcm Union Tcli'Ki'uph Co., lu'coiupamud by k.. A. Tjli.'oti, disirlci coiiiiiut rial maniiKer, spent VviHiiii'Siiny In llend coiiiei rlnK wllh L. U. Curler, local manager. HolM i t licnske and VV. It. Cook were In llend ycNlerUay from Mad ran. MiN. C. A. Loop of Itedinoud Hhopped In llend ycHterdiiy. iNuss Ixinnu 1'i'leiHon oi t'ulur visited friends und rvlullveit III lleiul yeslerday. .Mrs. lion Vheeler hail ruttirnud from u visit to Sun Josu and oltier Culilornla dllen. C. 1. U'Uuiry left today for iJu fur where he will visit hln sister In law, Mi'M. T. U. Slusher. l-rom there he pluiu tu no lo the I la lies lor a short visit with hla nlster, Mr. John Conrad. ll'.e '1 ow iiBciKl club 1m iHjusor lu u pulillc card iarty to lie held next but unlay nltchl tit the home of Mm. Alice boderm mm, HTti Uden avenue, It wan announced liHiay. 1'. L). Ijuw of Madras U In llend today on business. l)unce hi iluMlcrn Klur flranei' I hull Suturuuy muni", ladles tree. iUV. Charls Foundation and lilrdles IT.ia tu Jl.'i Uo. lirasaiures i.:0 to JJ.ii.. l'honu lor apixilnlmcnt 4;t M. Inu K. Crum, uutt liroad way. Adv. KAIL TOWN LOST Chungkltitf, Jan. 25 diiJapa neae trtnip Hove occupied the rail town of Vlnulak, 70 nillt-M mirth ol Cunton, und entered another key Junction of Lokchang near the northern Kwuiikiuiis border, u ChlueM! coinnniul(ue said totLiy. lluy National War UonUs Now; STARTS TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SATURDAY ledst't Rintk RletiMo RmKV TmIIi' ttmtafe 7 if yu Tugman Named Jaycee Speaker Wllh William M. Tui;man, cdl tor of the Kuijene IteKlNler fitninl : hooked an piinelpal speaker, mem-1 bcrs of the llend Junior t.iiamiicr of commerce tomorrow nltflit will hold it banquet In the I'lne Tav ern, at which they will make an award to the city' "first Junior citizen." 'Hie bunipiet begins at 7:.'0 o'clock, aecordlriK to Hrucc tilllierf, president of the K'"llP. Ilesldes the award to the out slandlni: Junior eltlen for Hill, keys will be prescnlcd to other members of (he Junior chamber. The awards will be Klven by H. A. Stover, while lon II. I'eopleN, hcc retary of the licnd Chamber of commerce, will act an muster of cercmonlcH. Greetings will be extended by President (lllherl; and Marvey Held, iiccompanlcd by Constance Klcld, will render vocal solos. In u procram Issuetl for the oe-, raslon, the Junior Chamber listed the fnllowlnii members who are In j the armed services: U-Klle Schwab, Kenneth Putt,! Ivan 1'ulmer, Kennel h title, Ry der Hold, Herbert Klley, dale I'd ker, Wayne Met., ThomH. Lar son, Kenneth CrcxK, Itay Leltl.ine, Kessler Cannon and A. E. llrewer. Gleemen to Open Concerts Tonight Itcml Olcemen's male chorus is scheduled to open u nno- nls mscussion is expecieu to siTlea of conivrm In Central Ore-' reveal much of the misery suX Kon, with an appearance at 8 'i'red by victims of the disease. o'clock tonlKht In the ()dcin the-1 atcr In Kedmond. The slnKcm ; inn will make their next public up-' MrS. J. K. I TICG pearancc on Monday, ivin(! u j . . I I I conmt.n the Tower theater In Q Q VeS TOr Ufa h llend. l)n Tuesday they are billed , , , ,. ... . lor 8 o'clock In I'owell butte. I M- J- Pric". 192 Wpst St"0' f ni ii,,ia,i,w Im,.i,,r ( i mid street, accompanied by her the lileenien, and the accomiiun 1st Is Beverly Wennerstrom. In discussing the oniunriatlon, Robblns said loday that it Is u non-profit croup, und that 1I)t I member meet one evenlne each we-k simply for the pleasure of participating In ornanucd sinf," Uill IK limiHIK 111 UlUaillM-'U BUIK ing. "Membership Is oK'n to men with a love (or Kood choral sing- w. w.a..ih , miii'Ii imil n honest rics ,-n 10 keen regular attendance," Hobblns '""? time in Ogden, U.. visiting added, I Mi's. Kthid liroadfoot, who is a Mcmliers of the Gleemen are: sister of Mrs. Price's, first tenors. Charles Corkctt and Mrs. Price ,-lans to continue on ICulph Bailey: second tenors, Carl to Kmlnence. Mo., to visit her par Llndh, Hay Yiirnes, Stanley Scott I cnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kan and Wayne Hamilton; baritones, dolph. Her father Is 91 and her i 'ml fovner. Vcrn Ijirson. Ted mother Is 80 years of age. Sexton and H. U. Moore; second buss, Al Erikscn, Kloyd Burden, Al Nelson, John Cuffln, Paul Smith and Bill Barton. IIADIO TALK PLANNED Marlon Cady, past president of the Bend Junior chamber of com merce, at 7 o clock tonight will KjH'ak over radio station KBND in behalf o( the campaign to raise funds for the Foundation of In fantile Paralysis, It was announc ed toduy. Nighllji members of the CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY & BREATH-TAKING m ... vi -w. i r film r wrn w.W js"l Down to Last Chop I 'fJfmmmmJL,mt mm urn .tiiiii i u Mmjjmmm)WM Uulchcr Eugfiio Arnold unnopplly displays the last ol his meat supply t lonely chop to disappointed Mrs. Uiulae Evans and her granddaughter. Jennifer Leppo. Three-lourths o( Ban Tanclsco's markets were without meat to sell with many closing entirely and others curtailing sales hours as shortage continued unabaltfL Junior chamber talk on the need '"r raislnn funds to combat polio. dauKhler, Mrs. Kred Aufforth, and ', 'rce: Bob Blakely, graduate; small grandson. Dwaine, left last: J,)Vce Armstrong and Sally Schil night for Utah to visit her son, ! seniors; Leonard Peoples, Set. Harvey J. Price, his wife and : Howan Brick, Ann Segerstrom year-old son, Jerry. The sergeant. who sullerea a loot iniecllon while serving with the army air fni-.f. in the Knnih Pncifir. r.-inrn. ' led to the states two months ago i ;'n1 ""w an army hospital at ! UriKhnm. Utah. Mm. Auf forth plans to spend 111171. 1 l ice i it'iiu.y ii'im lieu from the Mare Island, Calif., naval base where she visited her sgn, Ilayden G. Price, carpenter's mate 3 c. A third son, Pfc. Glenn D. Price, is now stationed at the Portland army air base. WATER DATA COMIMLED measurement of waters In reservoirs yesterday showed that: Crane prairie contains 22,.tOO acre- leel, K'Klup contains iz.juu acre-1 feet while there is 31,000 acre-feet ! 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT ADVENTURE! SATURDAY kvkxi: JOHN WAYNE ELLA RAINES GABBY" HAYES PLUS NEWS o CARTOON o NOVELTY tftkA I etepnuto , In Crescent lake, 'Aubrey E. Perry. ucscnutes county watermaster, stated today. Youth Club Notes Barney O'Doherty, head of the Bend Youth club's police force and clean up committee, has an nounced the following as the po- nu Jat'K AlKen, Juniors with Jean """"""" ""n ' ;"C3, 1 sophomores. Their duties are to i see that rules and regulations are ffriitrl i,t K all t A-.. ?" P) 1 volunteers who wish to help on i he clean-up committee are asked I to eet in touch with Barney. All members are asked to have their dues paid to Shirley Blakely, treasurer, by the 10th of every month. Permanent hours for the club are set for Friday, 3:40 to 5:30 and 7 to 11:30; Saturday, 1 to 5:30 and 7 to 11:30; Sunday, 1 to 5:30, Monday. 3:40 to 5:30 and 7 lo 9:4j; Tuesday, Wednesday, and j Inursday from 3:40 to 5:30. The council members meet every Tuesday night at 7:30. The club would like to express Its appreciation to Mrs. Robert il. Beck lor her Hrtnntinn rtf a b,ree oil naintlmr nnri mninn. and to the Bend Dairy for the desk lamp. All members are asked to at tend an important mass meeting and get-together before the bas ketball team goes on its Wasco trip. The meeting will begin at 7:30 sharp, Thursday evening. j Anyone interested In participat ing in a ping pong tournament to begin Saturday afternoon, sign up on the bulletin board bv Fri day night. The winner will' hold the championship every month until challenged and defeated by another player. There will also be championships in doubles. Some of the expenditures en-countei-ed by the Bend Youth club since moving from the L'SO build ing, in fixing up the new quarters j on Oregon avenue, follow: Signs, $11.23; carpentry,! $276.25; paint, $5-1.36; electric, wiring, $100.98: piano, $125; desk, $25; tables and chairs, $84.1-1; I linoleum, $31.20; lumber, $64.70; 1 other materials, $11.13. Monthly1 expenditures Include payment for a leiepnone, sou Bunding rent, S(0 for snack bar and $20 miscellane ous. The only monthly income Is de rived from dues which amounts to about $170. Youth club mem bers axe working on various plans to provide some additional funds. Official Records Pet It ion Filed Guardianship petition: Mrs. Al bert L. Jones petitioned to be ap pointed guardian of John Wesley Jones, 5, and Linda Joe Jones, 2. Marriage license: Alfred Grino and Ella J. Collins, both of Bend, both legal age. Honorable discharge: U. S. army to Leo H. Drew. More Roosevelt Animals Moved Fort Worth, Tes., Jan. 25 tP Some more of Col. Elliott Roose velt's animals moved to the west coast today but this time as com mon freight. Travelling lit an ordinary rail- Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST ' 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phona 73 Red. Phone 810-W m ) tt turt CHILD'S 6 Jtirate-1 TOOTH BRUSH 1 ) MULTI-VITAMINS II sun MINERALS WHEATAMDi TABLET! Johnson Baby Oil Special qt. $1.69 Baby Blankets 39c to $4.19 50c Pablum Baby Food 39c Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggage road stock car, without benefit of priority, eight head of Roosevelt's pure bred Arabian horses from his Dutch Branch ranch near here were en route to his wife in California. The horses' new home will be a punch Roosevelt plans to buy for his movie actress wife. Faye Emerson, in Caalifornia, It was 'Carteria' forj Cafeterias Is Woman's Idea Gary, Ind. iui Mrs. Faye Flyn'h Benhow has patented a combina tion article of furniture under the name "carteria," to be used par ticulerly in cafeterias. With the invention, Mrs. Benbow believes "some objectionable features" about cafeteria eating will be eliminated. , The "carteria" is a combination metal table and chair, and on one end of the table are wheels and on the other, casters. The chair like wise has casters on it, and a brake mechanism is fixed lo hold it In one spot. A condiment receptacle is on top and a parcel shell under neath. A cafeteria patron comes . In, drops her parcels on the shelf, pushes the combination table chair along the food counter to se lect her meal and then chooses a MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many vufffrere relieve BAging bnr1iht Illicitly, rare mey discover trial tnereal oiam f their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys ere Nnture'e ohief war of tk Inn tlieexrrn naiile end WMteoutoj ttiablootl. 1 liry help tuonL people vm abotitj pint e de v W Yien disorder ot kidney (uootioD permits Txnsonous matter to remain ia your blood, it may muse nagging buckuche, rhetinutir, pains, leg pains, logs of pep end energy, get ting un nights, swelling, putfinosa under tin ryes, heatfaobee and diiilneoa. Frequent or scanty pnssagoa with euiartin,! tnd burning eometimes howe there la uuietUiog errwig ith your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Auk your drusgMt for Doan'i iPillft, ued successfully by millions for over J) years. l'bey give hatinv relief end will hnln thn 1& milee of kidney tubes Uusb out poisonous vests Iron your wood. Clot Duans i'die. Our Nurtary Nook it the center for baby's daily requisites . . . for thoie products that aid in keeping your child healthier, happier, more comfortable- more lovely and leviable. They're the preparations your own doctor roinmends the quality brands known for dependability. At our low prices, they're the INFANTRY'S favorite pin-up values! 100 Vitamin A 25,000 Units $1.89 250 Vitamin B Complex $2.?8 100 A B G C D Capsules $1.49 100 Super D Peries $2.55 Hi Potency Cod Liver Oil pint $1.19 One-o-Day Multiple Capsules..:., $1.96 jl.CO Ironized Yeasf (l-Y) 79c .00 Unicgp Vitamins $2.96 Rubber Gloves .47c Breclt Shampoo.... 50c Arr.d Deodorant... 39c Wildwood Cream Oil 79c Fitch Ideal Tank... 44c Xoiorbak $1.19 Jroce Hair Tonic... 39c fj'i"in.miH'i n 75c Pond's Cream.. 59c $1.38 Lady Esther Cream ........ 98c 89c 39c 43c 43c 59c '39ci $1 Albolene Cream, 50c Chamis Cream, 50c Woodbury Powder ........ 50c Pond's Powder, 75c Djer Kiss Talc. 50 Mavis Talc... spot to anchor it. Whm she fin Mrs. Benbow believes the "car ishes, a bus boy would wheel the teria" Idea will be used In hotels, "carteria" away after pushing the offices, homes, hospitals and chair against the table and fasten- schools, for portable desks, tele ins it. phone tables, etc. SELECTED FOR QUALITY A tfrinf qt beauty it a joy forever . . . keep your wardrobe beautiful with regular Sanitono dryclean ing. We dryclean fresh vigor and a glow of newness into limp, soiled garments. Please call us early on your clothing needs; quality service takes time;. 4l uiTy uiecners 1032 Wall Phone 246 Marlon Cady SKILL It' SKILL three-way skill that makea your medicine. The skill of the doctor in dlagnmlni; and prescribing . . . the skill of our pharma cist In com pou tiding . . . the skill of the makers of the quality drugs that go into the medicine. Together, thrae three skills mean re liable prescription work' each one participating to the fullent In efficacy of your medeclne. Your doctor knows best and he knows our prescription service, too. A I.. .."" & uyers Sam Scott I