The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 25, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Aid for Innocent Victim
, .A
, (TP ' 4T5M
Big Truck Bills
Given Spotlight
At Legislature
lly Krvlii II. McNeill I'll.. SluM l.'..riM...iilxiill
Knlcni, Ore, .Intl. :.: Ul'i Whir
nlli'iilliin Im hcliiK itlvi'ii t In kii.
culled "hi; limit" hills, now un
del- riiiiNlderitimii In tin- Oti'umi
Ii l'IsI.iIiiic, nnil more limn 'JIM I
pcl'.'KHIS lllli'llilril 11 public- hciiltni' !
(ill tin hills rnudllctcd lien lute
One lit till' lll'W measures, ex
Irllilllli: present ln.'lil wclclll rt'i.
lallnlis, uii:. sli iiii:ly kii 'oi ted liy
ii iitiinlii'i' nl iiii'ii icprcschllhi'
viirliius in UMiil.'.'itlims ii( I lu' Ml it I .
ulm n.'iKril ll'i passage tiuikliie, II
pel 1 1 1 ii i ii ') 1 1 . Piescnl i cculatliuis
mi- wail I nii nnil Icuipiii'iirv
measures. lliiiUi'il lly iriiiii;i
"No iniiiiliy run pinspcr wlih
mil nilri'tiati' liailHpiil'tnlinh," Iv
II. HiiHiks, I'l'pirHi'iilliit' tin Ore
K'im stall t'i'ni!. declined. Hi
mIi that llir wasle nf linn tiiiim
li'i tint: rat Hi I nun small Ii inks In
lilt-' iitii'.s on tin stall hinders un
tin tin oltl law Mas espcnslvc ntiil
iliji'i'llullalili til (lliwrlM till nvrr
Ihi' slali. Hi salil that ditiiiai'c In
lilcliways Ii y IruckM was m-n 1 1 J.; I-lili-,
ami thai II was Imprnillvr lo
tin welfare ul sunt hi W'i-'ltel ll (In
trun tanners that tin law alluw
I In' npri atlull nf I 111' lil.''e- tnlrks
li'iun 1 '.i ll I ii ill ii .
It ('. P.rillihiii'dt. president nl
tin- stall- r.illirr. said that tall
ruail lallun nf livestock
was inailriiiali lur sliipiurnts to
I '.ilifui nla.
Tin' assri Hun l!ia! ( ) criinlaiis
were luslni: Hade Willi Malm anl
tu t 'it It ; i ii nia slilpplir; piilnls by
n asiiii ul (iri'j,'iiii i Mirk law liml'
t Hums, was iiiiuli' hv 1'iank S
lay, I'm ll.ui'l Tiafllr assm latlun.
Motor Official SpraliH
I-'. Hai ry, ul tin cin-eon Motor
Transput I association, ulm snlil IV ht rriit ut tin highway
funds were palil hy Ihusi In rep
icseitls, in, inn, ilni-il that recoil
li-jH-iiilrnt i.n tli,- uvi- of hlt-l'iuiiys j i"''1 sli ki-l In J-'riilu-i. , Harriet I.uppon of Port-
l.i ihr fullest extent Hi- ili-1111-.l ''"l l'' Ti-llr "I Powell P.ul tec, land Is visiting at tin liomi of
laiiil staii-nii-nis thai On-con ! ' vlsltlnis lirf slstrr, Mrs. Kills. Mr. anil Mrs. Maurice Hitchcock, i
Plea for Poland
.JW 'i '
'A -l..
JH. i. rr
. ' . T . .... X
(HEA Trlruhotol
A II. H. Army (tuctor rtinli-r mcdlnil nsnlntunro to ll Klllplnu child, piti
fully wounded by lirnpiu-l durliiK tlm IIkIiIIiik on l.uuiii, while her mi
liUUIird futhrr luuka on. Blifiuil Curpa phulu.
Qui'l'i-r, Jan. '.'Si dli Tin Human
Calhulir hli r.i.i liy In Canada to
day di'iKiiini'i-il "in.iii-i lalii.tic and
iithi-isllr comiminlsin," rhai;cd It
with Hi-i'l(ln: "Intel national die
Hilui'iililp," mid nppi-alid to the
iillli-d nations "not lo idiandon he
loir Poland to hi-r fate."
"Tlii fouiai;-ons pai l which Hit
Russian poopli iiavi playrd In
1 ill ii I Ji away from the world the
fiittlitful nai duinlnalion must
not blind us ri-cai din.; Ihc world
revolution which Ihi- li-adi-rs of
iiib-i n.-itiunal coiurnunisin nlways
seek." a iiulillc slalc-ini-nt Issued
hy Hie bishops of the Catholic
church in Canada said. The state
ment followed I lie meeting of the
national hoard of the Canadian
hierarchy here .Inn. 17.
"We express the ho- that the
allies vill not abandon heroic Po
land lo her fale," the statement
said, "lor it was the defense of
Poland which first motivated our
entry Into the war, and which was
I he hi cutest Incentive of our val
iant lories.
ur.linal Quoted
"The late Cardinal llinsley,
archbishop of Westminster, said
with reason that the treatment ac
corded Poland would be a touch
stone of the loyalty of the allied
nations In their efforts lo re
establish liberty and Justice in Ihe
"Poland, In effect, In resisting
so eouia(;iously the nazl oppres-
. Admiral Lost J
'i ll Y !
! ri A. l.l TI,MJ,... rAar.n
La pine
Roar Adml. Theodore Edson
Chandler, ubovc, was killed in
action during the Invasion of
Luzon, according to recent Navy
Department announcement.
slon, has earned the right to the
admiration and protection of all
civilized nations. The same mea
sure of sympathetic understand
ing i.s offered to all nations who
have suffered the tyranny of ag
gression," the bishops said.
Parsnips and oyster plants keep
perfectly in the ground during
the winter.
I.apinc, Jan. 2!i (Special) - Mrs.
Maud Katon came to Kaplne from
Sweet Home Monday. She will be
here for several days looking af
ter property.
Mrs. William Miller spont Ihe
week end in Portland with her I
Ron, Bernard, who Is In tht? navy, i
Dan Monroe, (Mrs. Billy James' i
father) Is still critically ill in the
Redmond hospital. Mrs.. JqmeS;
spent Tuesday with him. i
Mrs. Carey Stearns and MrsJ
James Stearns went to The Dalles
Monday to meet Jimmy. They re
turned home Tuesday. Jimmy has
been stationed in Randolph Held,1
Officers elected for the Laplne;
Sunday school for the following
year were Clarence Stell, super-1
Inlendent; Guy Hunter, assistant:
Wanda Kreernan, secretary; Ethel
Storey, assistant and librarian;
Mrs. fJuy Hunter, treasurer. The
teachers will be selected next Sun
day. Melvin Summers. Clarence Stell,
Logan Newton, Floyd Garrison,
Billy James and Mr. and Mrs.
Crockett are taking shop, with
J. C. Johnson as instructor. The'
adult class meets every Tuesday I
and Thursday evening in the
school shop. The projects at pres
ent are desks, toolchests, and !
buillins for their homes. Others j
plan to Join later. I
Guy Hunter bought the old'
Masten trallor house, that stood i
near the school this week andj
moved it onto his property.
Monday evening was the cold-1
est night so far this year in La
pine, registering 4 below zero. j
War Briefs - -
(By IJnltiHl Pri-M)
Eastern Front: Red army
storms Oder river on 10-mile front
on both sides of Breslau; Red Star
says Soviets 124 miles from Ber
lin. Western Front British 2nd
army drives two more miles Into
Germany In Roer-Maas urea; re
ports indicate nazis draining
troops from western front to hurl
at Russians in east.
Pacific Clark field's 11 air
strips, 48 miles north of Manila,
and adjacent Fort Stotsenburg
appear about to fall to advancing
Americans on Luzon; Tokyo re
ports two B-2!) nuisance raids on
Osnkn, naval bombardment of,
Iwo and carrier plane tittiirk on
iPalembang In Dutch Flast Indies.
Italy Fifth and Eighth army
patrols active despite lnul
Galveston, Tex. dli Conges
: Hon of west coast ports will bo
j relieved soon with an Increased
volume of cargo being moved
j through Galveston. Lt. Comdr.
Leo J. Portmun, naval port direc
tor and convoy control officer at
the port of Galveston, says that
with the heavier carpo movement,
Galveston may be made a port of
embarkation and disembarkation
for U. S. troops.
oahuc iAirSkV
Onion Salt
Real onion flavor from
a handy shaker
1 pie and
conducted the evening
After tin evening mtvIit
coffi were served.
Mrs. C. W. Hush and daughter.
Marjoile, s'x'iit the weekend 111
I'm Hand.
Word has been received thai
Pfc. John II. Sill was slightly
I 'Hie SIsIits Townsend club met
the home of Mr. and Mrs. i
I Charles Hrockcti last Saturday
I night. 'Hie next meeting i.s to be
j held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
IV. II. May Saturday, Jan. 21 (it
j K p.m.
lianspoit companies were unduly
violating the law.
inly opposition M tin hill was
expressed by A. H. Sanders, rep
lesiiitlng the iiii;on Coast as
.uclaHon, which Is Interested In
piesi-r tug the scenic value of
I'li-guii highwavs. lie staled that
I lie bill was oliji-i Unliable In that
It would In- the hei'innliig of n
sin-cession of ilem Hid : for greater
loads and welkins He K.iiil that
these pel elilllai ilelllalllK Would
eventually riuigcsl tin highways
.-mil Iw, nun. trade harriers, and
that loading over Hie i-rtn-rgenev
provisions Is prevalent, that light
lines were mi dcli i ii-nt. and that
tiinklng linns had no desire lo
conform lo lln-l.iler.
HriM-kett. Maurice Hitrhcrk and C. G.
G A. Dunn visited nl the home Hitchcock left for Portland Thurs
of Mr. and Mrs. William McGre j ,tay morning where C. G. Hitch
gor Sunday. cock will consult his phvslclan.
Mr, mid Mm. Howell RoIh-iIs Guests at the Kills K'dglngton
and Kv-elyn .uiuwall spent Sun home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
day nl tin- Frank Zumwall home 1 Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Mis P. Huntington spent Ihe Crawford and family, the event
weekend in Portland. , being Kdglngton's birthday.
Mrs. Loyd Heurtt i.s suhstltut ' Helen Campbell left for Port
ing in Ihe grade school for her .land where she will visit her sis
slsler, Mrs. Lucille Mi Kenle, , ter for some time,
who Is In Portland. Klalne Wltcraft has returned to
.l inn s Chandler went to Salem! her home in Kugene where she
on a business trip j
l-'oresi Cafe will open under I
new management Jan. -'I. with L.I
Ij'Iiis as proprietor.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knrleigh re '
law ellher now ori!!1"";'1 "' s';,," u"" l'"i"i"id,
I Sunday evening where Farlelgh 1
visited Ills parents, who are ill.
Mrs. Samuel Moyer formerlyn
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moyer are1
Sisters, Jan. 2.r. I. Sin-elan Word
has been ris-elved that Ijiurence
Mason, nephew of Mrs. Floyd
Dohhins, lias been missing In ac
tion in lli-liiiini si mi- Dee. 'JI.
Hil l. He was an army iinibulance
Guests at the home of Mrs. A.
L. Goodrich Sunday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. I. re Goodrich, of
Mrs. A. L. Goodiicl. ,s spend
ing a few davs at the home of her
son. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich
will work after sending a few
months visiting relatives audi
friends In Sisters.
Mrs. Nettle Reed of Lebanon,
sister of the former W. T. E. Wil
son of Sisters passed away Sat
urday, Jan. 20. She was nearly W
years of age and Is survived by
three children.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craiu and
the parents of a son horn on Jan-' children are visiting at the home
uniy !l. Mrs. Moyer Is the former
Geneva Hewitt. Her husband Is
overseas with the the armed
The 7th and Kill grade pupils
are smiiisui ing a paper ill Ive. Any
one having waste paper are asked
to lie it In bundles and bring it
to the grade school by Friday
afternoon. Anyone having a large
amount of waste paper are asked
to notify the school and someone
will call for il
of Mr. and Mrs. William Craig
Hill Craig leaves for the service
Thursday and Mrs. Craig and chil
dren will reside in Bend.
Wayne and Earl King, sons of
; Mr. and Mrs. Kmerson King, are
. stationed on the Hawaiian islands
taking up radar, and Bill King has
been Injured and awarded the
; purple heart and Is sending ll to
the home of his parents.
I Art l.ewin of Stayton Is stay-
I Itig at Hotel Sisters. He will hold
L. A. Denison, who Is very 111, a sale 8 miles northeast of Bend
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Van Tassel taken to Ihe Redmond Den-1 on the Fitzgerald and Cupe ranch
of Terrebonne, spent Sunday at 11,1 hospital Sunday. I Tuesday.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles!
Stanley Brockelt, who look his!
medical examination In the mer
chant marines, Is home Indefl-1
nltely. i
Liton Mellon, who Is In the Sen-i
bee;' and was Iransfer.-ed from
Portland to Southern California,
visited nt the home of Mr. and
Mis. William Harkdoll Inst Sun
day evening. i
Mr. and Mis. Orvllle Hanson,
Mrs. .1. I!. Gaiiimon and Hobby
Nnnniilcc went lo Porlland for
a few days. I
Mrs. Carl Woods became III!
Saturday afler in living In Hend, ;
so she stayed Willi her daughter
Joe NiinncUee, father, of Jack
Nnnniilcc, who was employed at
Spoon mill in Mitchell, went to
Texas where he hec.ime suddenly
ill and died nf a heart attack.
Mr. and Mrs. Slnnlcy Day mo
lored lo Porlland over the week
end. Mrs. Dick Day anil daughter,
Sharron, returned with them Sun
day evening.
Rev. L. I Itirl conducted the serv
ices nl the Church of Christ Sun
day miiming and Rev. Penlinllow
Better Equipped
In our new offices to help yon
vvllli your iM'iillh problems. Our
modern equipment und meth
ods Include
Hydro and
Dr. R. D. Ketchum
Chiropractic. Physician
121 Minnesota Ave. Phono 791
riqht--you can't
with that
' If your car's on ifs "last logs" don't dospair!
Wo can bring it around to health and vitality
again with our export service. Brakes need
rolining? Tiros nood recapping? Motor neod
overhauling? Exterior noed a new paint surface?
We'll do the job well fast so your car can be
back on the road driving "safe" through a
rigorous winter.
Complete Auto Service
Tires-Batteries-Anti Freeze-Towing
W. B. Anderson Nash Co.
1173 Wall Street
Phone 700
First the Covered Wagon and the Pony
Express. Then the Golden Spike ol the
first transcontinental railroads, the billowing- sails of full rigged schooners, and the
churning oi stem-wheelers in bays and rivers. . . . Now what was once the 'Tat
West" Is linked to remote comers of the world by the miracle of modem trans
portation. Hard-surfaced highways, fleet trucks, and superb motor coach systems
covet the nation and make next door neighbors of city and farm. Stream-lined
railway transportation dwarfs a continent and giant air .transports circle the world
with the speed oi the sun. Today these marvels of transportation, many of them
western-produced, are the arteries oi the nation's war effort. When peace returns
they will put the markets oi the world at the very door step of our glorious West.
3h bemand
Proud to b among th fanoiu
Oregon Trade-Mario U Slcki' S
loct Boor.
I if"""" " - " " "" rifr" -s r " " w-. ----.. fr i f- 1-
frit tu m . - , "-- - - - - -- i.iii.l.A..Jju.t.. .4,t f-.y.., .... ' M i,j,8 ii... '